Articles by Helen

Managing Mental Health at IMSA

If any of you have seen this triangle that depicts the “big three” to maintain in high school, then you’d know that according to the internet, you can only pick…

Emmali-President of Student Council | Source: Emmali

Wait…Who’s the new StudCo president?

Person 1: Emmali…Emmali…where have I heard that name? Person 2: You silly goose! That’s our StudCo president! Person 1: Oh right! That’s where I know her from! With the new…

Poster session during IMSAloquium | Source: Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

In-Person IMSAloquium

As the weather gets warmer, and the days of school begin to dwindle, the date of IMSAloquium draws nearer and nearer. April 17, 2024, the first time in five years…