The Acronym follows the SPJ Code of Ethics to the best of our ability. As the code states, we “strive to ensure the free exchange of information that is accurate, fair and thorough.” The code that we intend to uphold is as follows:
We will take responsibility for our actions and our accuracy. We will verify information before releasing it.
We will release articles only when articles are prepared to be released.
We will provide enough depth for each article to be understood by the general public.
We will update articles as issues are brought to our attention, whether that means deleting them or issuing corrections.
We will cite all sources.
We will provide anonymity only when the source may face danger, retribution, or harm.
We will allow subjects of news coverage to respond to any criticisms or any other statements.
We will give voice to the voiceless.
We will support the exchange of views.
We will gather information through traditional and public methods.
We will attempt to control our biases when needed.
We will never deliberately alter information.
We will never plagiarize.
All rules listed above have been taken directly from the SPJ Code of Ethics. Please notify the Editors in Chief when any of these rules have been violated, and uphold them to the best of your ability as well if you intend to submit an article to The Acronym.