“03 Clash was one of the first times I really had a place I belonged and had an amazing group of friends akin to family. Drill Team was a huge learning curve as well as my mini-solo was something I wont forget. Above all, I was a part of something bigger.”
“Founding ‘element’ has probably been an experience that has changed me in unimaginable ways. The whole process of founding it and being able to create something of that caliber would have never been possible where I was back home. IMSA helped expose me to entrepreneurship and leadership via the LEAD SocEnt program and that really jump-started my passion along with the Silicon Valley intersession.”
Anything about IMSA you would change?
“Geese poop, the feeling of needing to do everything and be everything (social stigmas), mental health rules… acceptance of different interests other than science and math.”
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