Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) is a significant part of sophomore year at IMSA. It is a student-facilitated course that takes place from 8:30 to 9:30 PM on Wednesdays. We…
Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) is a significant part of sophomore year at IMSA. It is a student-facilitated course that takes place from 8:30 to 9:30 PM on Wednesdays. We…
Some people may have been fretting over their math tests on Thursday, May 2nd, 2024, but not Student Council President EmmaLi Isham and the executive board who went on trip…
Introduction IMSA’s Student Council (StudCo) has brought the Secretary role back into its ranks for the 2024-25 school year. The Acronym has compiled a list of questions to introduce the…
Person 1: Emmali…Emmali…where have I heard that name? Person 2: You silly goose! That’s our StudCo president! Person 1: Oh right! That’s where I know her from! With the new…
In the exciting 2024-25 school year, we have a new set of determined StudCo representatives! This brief article introduces our Senior at Large for this school year: William Guo. In…
Entering the 2024-25 school year, we have a refreshed StudCo with enthusiastic new class leaders! This brief article introduces our Junior at Large for this school year: Sumaer Gupta. In…