November 2013

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IMSA Welcomes New Teachers

By: Haneesha Paruchuri, Jo-Jo Feng, David Lisk, Rebecca Geiger, Heidi Dong For this academic year, IMSA replaced a significant number of faculty members. And over the remainder of this semester,…

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Preview Day – An Eye-Opening Look at IMSA

On Saturday, November 9, 2013, over a thousand people surged through IMSA’s front doors for the spectacle of Preview Day. The crowd contained prospective students and their families, guided throughout…

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A Grade By Any Other Letter

A grade by any other letter would be just as sweet…not really because colleges want to see A’s. But that’s how it should be. What is a grade, but the…

IN FOCUS: Diwali and Swim Take IMSA by Storm

Diwali, A Show to “Light Up” Your Night For the past month, IMSA’s Indian Students’ Association (ISA) has been preparing for their annual and highly-anticipated event of the year, Diwali….

Microsoft vs. Apple: The Big Two

Ever since Steve Jobs and Bill Gates went their separate ways to create their respective brainchild companies, fanboys of both companies have been warring with each other. While Apple and…