2023 Underclassmen Wills Pt. 2

Underclassmen Wills 2024 | Source: Dhruv Patel
Welcome to the 2023 Underclassmen Wills!
Although the seniors have been on this campus for less time than the juniors, they have undoubtedly made their mark on this school and our lives. So, as we spend the last few days with the people who have always extended a helping hand, The Acronym would like to introduce the fifth installment of Underclassmen Wills! Six weeks, 90,000+ words, and 127 individuals went into this project to show just how much we love the Class of 2023. So grab your tissue box, your friend within arm’s reach, and your reading glasses as we look into what is in store.
All of the wills from Kate DeGreve to Zuyu Liu are on this page, and all of the wills from Aadi Desai to Karla Sanchez can be found here.

Kate DeGreve
Katherine Ge
Kavin Venkat
Kavya Uppal
Kaylee Hwang
Kohl Vonder Haar
Kyra Rinkel
Laasya Nagumalli
Laya Gopalakrishnan
Lily Zhang
Logan Nelson
Maggie DiMarco
Maitreyi Pandey
Manu Mamillapalli
Manya Davis
Max Chen
Maya Kannan
Meera Mutharasan
Melinda Yuan
Michael Zyskowski
Myra Mensah
Nandini Budithi
Nate Landig
Nathaniel Huang
Nethra Shanbhag
Netra Rameshbabu
Nikhil Kodali
Pranet Swain
Raghav Sinha
Raymond Schumacher
Rhea Shah
Riya Gumidyala
Ryan Li
Sabriya Attia
Sadkrith Malladi
Sahil Veeravalli
Sarah Kumar
Shatakshi Chatterjee
Shivani Chirumamilla
Shridhar Mehendale
Shrikar Dulam
Sindhu Chalasani
Sophia Ait Boucherbil
Sree Atyam
Sreehaas Chinnala
Srihari Gurugubelli
Stella Ristic
Stephen Walsh
Sydney Hunter
Tate Schneider
Tia Rice
Tommy Blough
Victoria Nalepka
Vidyoot Senthilvenkatesh
Vignesh Tiruvannamalai
William Guo
William Mason Hellrung
Yicole Ng
Zhuoer Cai
Zuyu Liu

Kate DeGreve

To the 02D-Wing Seniors (all five of you: Irene Park, Megan Sia, Noor Azhar, Sophia Syed, and Shreeya Avadhanula), I will you all an amazing life after IMSA. Thank you all for all of the work you’ve done on campus in your different activities. Even though D-Wing was a little short on seniors, I’m so proud of you all and the work that you all did as Clash Heads/participants and as Wing War winners. You all left a great impact on the IMSA campus, and I’m confident you will all do the same wherever you go after graduation!

To Irene Liu, I will you people at whatever super amazing college you attend that are also minors, so that your relationships aren’t #illegal. (I’m joking.) In all seriousness, I will you an amazing college experience. Even if you’re a super genius who will do the most incredible intellectual things, I will you all the laughs and great life experiences college has to offer you. Scientific Illustrations was so fun with you, even if the four of us were the loudest ones in the room. You’re going to do amazing things and I can’t wait to see where you end up.

To Megan Sia, I will you upperclassmen and peers at your college that are as sweet, funny, and accepting as you are to everyone at IMSA. From being my semester one LEAD facilitator, to being the only upperclassman in 02D wing that we had for two years (and two years of Wing War wins, both carried by you), you were such a positive influence on all of us. You are such an amazing person to have as an upperclassman, and you light up every person you’re around. I hope that college is amazing for you, and I’m really glad I got to live near you.

To Peyton Gutting, I will you a fun time at Purdue and maybe (hopefully) a memorable Semester at Sea (if you go, I want pictures). I am so glad you were my neighbor sophomore year and that we got to make those memories. I hope that college is everything you need it to be. Say hi to Manaal for me!

To Shreya Chakraborty, I will you a future where you’re able to help as many people as you can using the things you’re passionate about. Thank you for being such an amazing leader during Engineering. I hope that you are able to carry the project on and positively impact those around you. You’re such a sweet person, and I know that you will do great things.

To Sophia Syed, I will give you a college experience that is as fun and positive as you are. I really admire your ability to welcome new people into your life and also the way you embrace new experiences. You were a really fun person to have at the back table of our Scientific Illustrations class. You’re going to go so far, and I hope you enjoy everything after IMSA.

Katherine Ge

To all the 02 B wing seniors, I will you all a great time in college. You guys are what made B wing the best wing this year! Our wing is always so lively after 10 check, and we’ve always been so close to each other.

To Aaliyah and Nandana, my fav iconic roomie duo, I will you a lifetime supply of sriracha bagels and ranch. Thank you so much for your endless advice and homework help. I’ll forever remember the Valentine’s Day sugar rush incident.

To Sridevi Krothapalli, I will you an endless supply of snacks and opportunities. I hope that Missouri treats you well. I’ll always remember your funny TikToks and Virginia rants. Life won’t be the same without you offering me sweets at ungodly hours.

To Edward Ning, I will you replacements for all the fans we broke during CTrad and super swaggy dance moves. Thanks for being such an amazing choreo. You are truly a star!

To all the seniors on the cross country and track and field team, I will you all super speed and a free breakfast from Grant. Week of failure and the pencil run were so fun (I’ll never forget when the senior girls got a free tablet). I hope that you all continue to be passionate about running and have time to continue doing what you love throughout college.

To Michelle, Grace, and Shreya, I will you all a future full of fun runs in good weather. Thank you for always pushing and encouraging me to pick up the pace. I’ll keep thinking about you during the next xc season, and I hope that I can be as inspiring and welcoming to the incoming sophs as you guys were to me.

Kavin Venkat

To Zander, Amrut, and Jeff, I will you the chance to dance whenever and wherever you may be, even if it’s in a college classroom. Thank you for making my first COTH Drill fun, and at the same time very memorable. I really appreciate all you guys have done. I know I’ll never ever be able to match your guys’ energy and dedication to dance, but I can try. Maybe teach me how to choreo? Just text me a time and place.

To my volleyball seniors, Dean, Alan, Miles, Mauricio, and Bryce, I will you many more chances to play volleyball. I thank you guys for tolerating me and how much I suck at volleyball, even though I absolutely love to play. I’ve made so many memories with you guys and I will cherish them forever. Miles and Bryce, I hope you guys get to try out beach volleyball if you haven’t already. It’s definitely quite the change. I hope by some miracle, we can all meet in the future and get to play like we do now.

To my LEAD facilitators, Jason and Saamiyah, I will you the chance to help new students once you guys become the top dogs at whatever college you’ve decided on. Thank you for making LEAD fun and memorable, and teaching us valuable lessons. Saamiyah, you and Jerrick had the most exquisite music taste. You know you’re in a good LEAD class if the facilitators play good music. Jason, you and Jaz have taught me to embrace my silly side, even though it may be too silly sometimes.

To my 04A up quad, Faisal, Braedan, Akshat, and Dean, I will you many more cooking utensils and food. Whenever I walk into a wing, I always see one of you guys cooking. Jokes aside, thanks for good memories in the wing and letting me hang out with you guys in your room, even though I was annoying sometimes.

To my two seniors on the 1st floor, Ilan and Clay, I will you the chance to do whatever it is you want to do in life. Ilan, jump roping with you during Clash was very fun and memorable. I also got out of my room for once and did something active with a friend, so thank you. It’s a shame we never got to show it off during talent show. We would have easily won :). Clay, thank you for being my main donor of cardboard boxes for my box wall. I promise you I will make it bigger regardless of where I am. Thank you for hanging out and watching movies with me whenever I was the only one in the wing on weekends.

To James Anterola, I will you my volleyball and many opportunities to show off your amazing jumping skills. Thank you for playing with me whenever and wherever. You have such a high jump. Maybe you can try sharing some of your jump with me? Clash was so fun with you, and I hope you don’t hurt yourself even more when you do stunts. Try not to break anything.

To Kevin Huang, I will you more successful study nights and opportunities to show off your coding skills. Thank you for helping me, whether it was math or directing me to the right people who could help me. Thanks man, I appreciate it.

To my Origami Board, Mridhul and Jason, I will you many more free packs of origami paper. It’s a shame we’ve done practically nothing for this club. I’ll try my best to make it a bigger club and show people the true beauty of Origami.

To Shaan, I will you the opportunity to play more volleyball. I think you’re a good player, you just have to trust yourself. Tryout at whatever college you’ve decided on. Speaking of college, I also will you a successful path in whatever career you’ve chosen. I believe Kevin’s your roommate so hopefully both of you are successful in your chosen fields.

To every senior I’ve had the pleasure of meeting (regardless of whether or not you’re in this will), I will you a long, healthy, and successful life. I know that each and every one of you has worked tirelessly to try and achieve certain goals and standards that you may have set for yourself. It’s good to have such high goals, it helps you improve and become a better person. But all I’m saying is don’t forget to slow down, take a break, and enjoy life with the people you care about. Time is your worst enemy. Before you know it, you’ll be done with college and going your own way. Enjoy the journey, not the destination.

Kavya Uppal

To Irene Park and Noor Azhar, I will you all the number ones you can get in your lifetimes, and hopefully no more number sixes. You guys have been great speech captains, and I would like to thank you guys for everything you have done for me this year while I was on speech team. You guys are extremely talented, and I hope that you use your amazing speeching skills at Yale and UW Madison and during the rest of your lives. ;)

To Michelle Li, I will you the best time at UChicago and beyond. You have been a great Mock Trial Co-Prez and Speech Team captain. You are incredible at your events, especially Radio. I swear, every time I hear you say a radio script, I’m mesmerized. You are so hardworking and deserve so much. You demonstrate your brilliance time and time again – for example, how you lowkey annihilated me at math facts during the jackbox game last Wednesday and place at all your speech comps. I hope we can keep in touch, and I’m def going to miss your speech wisdom!

To Val Castellanos and Rashmi Alawani, I will you guys the expansion of the GIS program. You were both so courageous to take up this program and completely redesign it. I have loved this program ever since I was a mentee, and it has been an amazing part of my IMSA experience this year and I hope to help expand it even more next year. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this program, and I hope we can keep in touch!

To Megan Sia and Franklin A. Rangel, I will you guys the coolest leadership positions. You guys have been amazing LEAD facilitators this year and have given me such a wonderful and memorable experience. Megan, from my crazy stories to us finishing LEAD 30 minutes early, and Franklin, from my aMaziNg KaraOKe sKiLLs to me making up my entire SLX mock presentation on the spot, I think I have helped to give you guys an interesting LEAD experience, and I’m going to really miss you guys!

To Ella Slinn, I will you the whole entire world. ILYSM ELLA! I’m so glad that I met you at the Little 10 Choir Conference, because you are such an amazing person. I have looked up to you ever since you told me the IMSA chant and I forced all of us to say it in front of the other schools. :) You have helped me get through so much this year and have been my mom on campus. Thanks for always being there for me, and I hope you have an amazing time at IIT and that we can keep in touch. I am going to miss you more than I can say, but I look forward to seeing you at choir concerts and drama club plays during the next 2 years. :))

Kaylee Hwang

To Alex Orantia, I will you an infinite supply of waffles and dice rolls. I’m so sad to see you go, but I know you will always be successful. Thanks for being such a good role model and one that I could always look to for guidance. You have been with me for both my happy and sad moments, and I’m so glad that it was you. From the 12 AM talks to waffle study nights to simultaneously jumping when we have the same thought, you are the reason I am where I am today. You are the sweetest, most talented person, and gfriend is so much fun with you! I hope you can keep dancing, because everyone needs to see you on stage. Please come back to visit!! I will miss your head bops and every interaction with you. Good luck with everything, love!

To Eddie Ning, I will you the ability to be in two places at once, because I don’t know what I will do without you here! Our friendship was definitely not an immediate one, but I’m so thankful for it. The first time I saw you, you introduced yourself to my Mandarin 2 class as our TA (what happened to that??). We literally never talked, but you were there to collect our red pens! Then you were my ctrad fans choreo, and you yelled at me for breaking a fan during the first practice (it’s “I’m a star” by the way!). Even though your yelling traumatized me, and I was scared of you for a while, I’m so grateful for that experience, because it gave us our friendship! I miss you complaining about those that didn’t come to practice, crawling on the ground to find the lost screws, and changing the choreo every practice. Somehow you became one of my best friends after everything, and I’m so glad to have you to jump hug every time I see you, and that I can talk to you and Jack when I’m sobbing or bored at night. You are one of the most amazing people at IMSA, and I am sad that you are leaving, but I know the world will take you to great places. Keep your fun and loving personality, and stay in touch!

To my 03D seniors, Alex Orantia, Elaina Xiao, Jackie Zhang, Irene Liu, Sachleen Tuteja, Himani Kamineni, Ella Voyles, Peyton Gutting, I will you successful careers and no regrets! You were all the most amazing role models, and all of 03D was lucky to have you guys to look up to. Thank you for being so welcoming to us sophomores and creating a loving environment. To Elaina and Irene, I will you many carbonara ramens with half a packet and mozzarella cheese. Elaina, your energy is always so positive, and I loved having you in the wing! Irene, of course, I have to mention our shared gbn → imsa path! We still have yet to go back to gbn to visit… Your smile instantly lifts anyone’s mood, and I was so lucky to have you live across from me! To Sachleen, I will you teleportation skills so you can go home every night! Himani, I will you more happy tears. You both were such great neighbors! D wing would not be the same without you and your positive energy. To Ella and Peyton, I will you more Taylor Swift blasting sessions, gym bro quotes, and “skinny” mirrors. You are both so talented and have such a fun energy that you bring to the wing. Ella, I will you more social media accounts (I will watch your room tours!).

To our 03 drill heads (and choreos for many other dances) Alex, Jackie, and Halimat, I will you many more 1st place finishes in whatever you do. I also will you many dancers who all come to practice on time (keep making them do pushups Jackie). You were all the best to work with. Thank you for leading us to victory!

To our 03 talent show heads, Elaina and Kenith, I will you immunity against point deductions. You guys were the most amazing talent show heads, and we definitely would not have won without your guidance. Thank you for everything, Jimmy Fallon and James Corden!

To Irene Park, my big sib, I will you tickets to all the kpop concerts! Thank you for being an amazing big sib and family friend!

To Shiqi Cheng, I will you an uninjurable wrist so you can play viola forever! Thanks for being the best stand partner, and I miss the side eyes you give when I play a wrong note. Keep sending out emails during orchestra class! Jokes aside, congrats on all your success, and I know you will continue to be successful. Come back to watch orchestra concerts with more quirks!

To Nikita Rudrapati, my amazing LEAD facilitator, I will you the moon, because you are the sun! Your smile is so contagious, and your sweet personality is unmatched. You truly light up the mood anywhere you are, and I hope you continue to do so for the rest of your life.

To every other senior, I will you success and happiness!

Kohl Vonder Haar

To Jesse Park, I will you the ability to use your rizz on women. Our conversations in AdChem were certainly interesting, and your desire to chase the financial aid bag is unlike any other person that I know. Whatever you do, I know you will pursue it with unparalleled dedication, Roll Tide!

To Braeden, I will you your own supply of Vita Coco and even more beanies. You’re one of the most driven people I know, even if it may not seem that way externally, and your sense of humor is interesting. You’re bound for great things, and I know you’ll kill it at Yale, best of luck!

To Julius, I will you the ability to continue to dominate in everything that you do. Whether be it soccer, the gym, or track, you’re an absolute athletic freak of nature. I hope that you continue to pursue all of your endeavors thoroughly, stay in touch.

To Christian Cantu, I will you an even greater supply of creatine and the determination necessary to prioritize anything but the gym. Your dedication to the gym and bettering your physique is admirable, especially how you always manage to find time for it. You’re one of the funniest people I know, and your consistently positive outlook still amazes me, even in the worst of times. The memories I shared with you during sophomore year have defined my IMSA experience, and I better see you at our baseball games next year, if we even have a team. You’ll do great things!

To Freddie, I will you more trips to Yodieland and another underclassman who can motivate you to do your work. Your room has housed some of my most interesting D-Wing events and memories. Keep being the personable, accepting leader that I know. Stay vigilant in going to the gym with Christian, and you’ll be yoked, I know it. Best of luck!

To Mridhul, I will you a new IMSA sweatshirt. You’re quite the character, never stop being who you are. Don’t allow yourself to be reduced to a stereotype. Stay true to yourself, you’re a driven, hilarious person. Stay in touch.

To Dhruv, I will you even more creative nicknames to bestow upon your peers. Our mutual hatred of Ashwin brightens an otherwise dull French class, though your obsession with him is questionable. Btw he got into Harvard. Best of luck on harnessing your rizz!

To Piere, I will you the resources necessary to serve the base. I swear, you’re one of the only people I can discuss my music taste with, and I will never forget your amazing recommendations. Our decisive victories in the NWF and our collective appreciation for some of the most out-of-pocket memes I have ever seen are fond memories of mine. Continue to spread your humor with others, you constantly brighten my day. Best of luck, Piere, and I better see you back at IMSA sometime next year.

To Nachi, I will you the ability to continue your outlandish adventures. Continue having fun, but don’t forget your priorities. I know you won’t. Stay in touch!

To Akshat, I will you the ability to never stop being your relentlessly personable self. Make sure to reach out.

Kyra Rinkel

To all the drama club seniors, I will you good luck in all your future endeavors. I’m sad we only got to know each other for a semester, but it has been one of the best semesters of my life. I had fun every minute of the way, and I’m always only a message away. :]

To Liam Indigo, my boothie buddy, I will you everything good. I’m on the search for a new booth buddy, but you might always be my favorite. My first two tech weeks were certainly something, and I’m glad I got to experience my first shows with you!

To Ella Slinn, I will you better jokes. The apple soda in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is not mini. The bad jokes are still very entertaining, though, and I can’t work miracles, so work with what you’ve got and keep being you, because no matter how bad the jokes get, you’re very cool!

To Ella Barnett, I will you Shakespeare. It’s truly a tragedy you never got to perform one, but PRC with you was fun!

To Fiona Kriner, I will you more drama shows. I only got to do one with you, but I hope you get the chance to do more!

To Kaitlyn Drew, I will you stress free days! I only got to experience one show with you, but it was fun! I hope to see you at future shows!

To Karina (The Beast) Byers, I will you a bright future as an actor and a techie. Whether or not you continue to be involved in drama, this semester was fun, and I’m glad I got to know you!

Laasya Nagumalli

To GEA Senior Board (Shanan Riley, Sajal Shukla, Megan Sia, and Yareli Marinez), I will you cake pops and matcha tea forever! I’m eternally grateful for all of the work you’ve put into GEA, as you’ve left us with such a strong foundation that I am excited to carry on through next year. You were always available to support those of us who were new to board through training us, helping us if we were ever overwhelmed, and helping us create a successful year of events. And Megan, be ready for me to spam you with all of the cool things we do with Tales next year—I’m very excited, and you’re gonna be hearing all about it. :)

To Psych Club Senior Board (Yina Wang, Eddie Ning, Christian Delgado, and Grace Daum), I will you a What Would You Do episode of your own! I hope John Quiñones finds you all someday and you are able to live out all of our dreams.

To Michelle Li, I will you all the cats in the entire universe!! I am so touched that you remembered the bunny facts I taught you in LEAD and in Speech, and it will be invaluable information for the rest of your life. You love cats, and I love bunnies, so naturally, I hope you remember the most important bunny facts I taught you about how cats and bunnies act around each other when they are friends. :)

To Megan Sia (again, lol), I will you a picture of a baby animal on every meeting notes document you ever encounter. You were the best co-Tales director I could’ve asked for! I’m so happy with how Tales went, and I couldn’t have done it without you. You made the whole experience, especially the most stressful parts, so much fun, and I’m so happy we grew closer during the whole process. You are such an amazing and rewarding person to work with, and I am so excited to send you pictures of the final set of Tales next year. :)

To George Bayliss, I will you the ability to recognize who’s TRULY the weird one out of the two of us. I hope you forever develop your skills in walking backwards down hallways and stop people that are walking past you to show them random math problems you had for homework. I also fully forgot that limit you showed me, so you should show it to me again. It was cool. I hope I get the opportunity to chase you down a hallway while threatening to touch your eyeballs at some point again (remember, you’re still the weird one).

To Steve Dziamentsyeu, I will you baking and bunnies, with a very intentional comma in between the two items whenever written in a list.

To James Anterola, I will you a mushroom.
“can you feel your heart burning? can you feel the struggle within? the fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make. you cannot kill me in a way that matters.” -a random tumblr post, as promised.
p.s. decay exists as an extant form of life!

To Nomar Martin, I will you the ability to not be so threatening. In all seriousness, your presence is so innately comforting, and you’re one of the coolest people I’ve ever met. You give the BEST hugs, and I’m expecting another hug before you graduate that beats our previous record of seven minutes.

To Ella Slinn, I will you an eternal supply of our matching Starbucks orders! Well, matching except for the fact that you like extra whipped cream. I think it’s beautiful that you like extra whipped cream on yours and I like no whipped cream on mine. We complement each other perfectly! Remind me, I owe you another cookie as a return favor for grabbing me that rag from the RC office. You’re a lifesaver and I’m very anemic, so it checks out! I’ll miss DigLit with you, and our time in the wing commons together. I hope I’m able to get you another Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino™ someday soon. :)

To Kaitlyn Drew, I will you great-grandchildren. Penny loves her grandmother, and you’re never allowed to forget it. She and Ruby have exciting news for you! Whenever these wills come out, send me a message or knock on my door and I will show you. Get excited! In all seriousness, you’re one of my best friends in the world, Kaitlyn. I don’t know what I would do without you and all your French glory. I am beyond touched that you honored my native French heritage at my totally completely real birthday party, and the baguette pen you gave me still rests in a pink lamp on my desk. I love that pen with all my heart. That pen is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life. Every other happiness in the world pales in comparison to the joy that pen brings into my life. I love you and I love that pen, but mostly I love that pen you got me (/j). Tell the Little Lady that I love her, and remember that Penny and I are in your corner forever. :)

To Karina Byers, I will you a never-ending supply of Penny pictures. My beloved HDC!!! You’ve been the best person to work with all year, and I’m so glad that we grew closer over these past two years. We didn’t talk a lot at the beginning of last year, and I’ll always cherish the conversation we had that marked our friendship: you were sitting on the floor of the RC office and you, Mars, and I were talking about psychology. It was a seemingly small moment, and I don’t know if you even remember it, but it was one of the first conversations we had had casually, and it opened the door for a wonderful, long-lasting friendship. Be ready for all of the 02 updates you’re going to get from me next year!

To Alyssa Ryan, I will you a better memory. You still haven’t told me why you’ve decided I’m your wife! I hope you’ll remember one day why you’ve started. Regardless, I’m grateful for all of the time we have spent with each other. From cramming in last minute OOP assignments together to you emailing random college admissions staff on my behalf, I’m so grateful for the friendship we’ve fostered and all of the time we have shared. Keep in touch with me when you’re at Grinnell!! Penny needs constant communication from you (her stepmom, I guess?), no excuses.

To Jazmyne Germo, I will you a make-up solo and ensemble contest together. We never got to play Spring, and I’m so sad about ittt, but it’s okay! Because we are going to have our own concert performance of it. Henry and Penny and Mr. Moo and everyone will be our lovely audience! If you can’t do it now, that’s why Acapella exists. We can take advantage of its free trial. I love you so much, Jazzy Jazmyne, and we need to make sure we arrange times for Penny and Henry to catch up. Expect constant nagging from me next year, Jaz (I might have an ulterior motive for arranging Penny and Henry times). There’s no escaping it. Cheez-It.

To Jai Sutaria, I WILL YOU SO MANY BUNNIES!!!!!! You have no idea how happy I was when Venus told me you love bunnies. I hope you know, THIS AUTOMATICALLY MAKES YOU THE COOLEST PERSON IN THE WORLD!!!!! I must write you that essay about bunnies sometime soon—it will be long, and it will be thorough! I’m very excited, and you should be too!!

To Venus Obazuaye, I will you lots of rest and pipe cleaner flowers! Making pipe cleaner crafts at safe space is one of my most cherished memories, and you deserve lots of joy. I will you all of the best simple pleasures in life. Perfect weather, very refreshing water, and time to make a full pipe cleaner cherry blossom branch. I will you to be able to travel the world!! I want you to see every corner of the globe your heart desires, and I think you are destined to immerse yourself in so many amazing places. Your earrings and your sense of style are so cool, and I’m so grateful for all of the guidance you have provided me and all of your underclassmen. You’re one of the most supportive people in the world, and your selflessness and work ethic are beyond admirable. You’re such a good person, and you’re so smart and thoughtful and fun to be around, and I hope that you are able to spend a lot of your time being able to rest, sleep, and make fun pipe cleaner crafts. :)

To Aarya Khapre, I will you better water bottle-aiming abilities. I’m writing this while I’m literally sitting in front of you, and I am flooded with affection for all that you are and pride for all that you will one day become. From bonding over beloved Holland Lops to you freaking out about you-know-what the day before your SAT last year to our movie nights in the one-on-one room, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened in my IMSA career. You’re like a big sister to me, and you know I don’t throw that title around lightly. You know you’re never getting out of this friendship, and you’re not allowed to go a single day without talking to me, or fulfilling your commitment to send me a bunny video daily, or without hearing about the latest IMSA news once you’ve graduated. Remember, I possess the video of the aftermath of the water bottle incident, and if I have to go a day without an Aarya life update or bunny video, nothing is stopping me from posting it…

Laya Gopalakrishnan

To Nikita Rudrapati, I will you a very stylish (and very very expensive) set of acrylic nails (that don’t come off when you eat… or maybe they’re detachable?!). Thank you so much for taking me in as your honorary little sib last year! You helped me so much with getting used to being at IMSA and you give such great advice. Our random conversations always cheer me up, you have such a bubbly personality! Best of luck in college and beyond. You are truly an amazing role model.

To Ella Lind, I will you many more signed drum sticks from extremely famous bands (maybe even an excessive collection, who knows. Wow, so wild I’m getting chills). Your peer tutoring got me through mi 3/4 and si chem last year. You are so talented at chemistry and I am honored to have seen you apply your vast expertise during engineering last semester. Not to mention your very helpful mentorship for how to survi- I mean enjoy IMSA band concerts :D. Oh and thank you for introducing me to Against the Current. Your music taste is amazing!!!!!

To Aarya Khapre, I will a very successful career being a very successful woman in stem. B) You were such a great friend to have on SWE board, and you give amazing advice. Thank you for helping me plan events, talking with me about aerospace engineering, and being a fun person to be around!

Lily Zhang

To Lily Song (the Harvard 🤓 Lily, the REAL Lily #1), I will you an amazing college life and beyond. The first time I heard about you was during orientation, and from then on I wanted to get to know you! I’ve admired and looked up to you since the first day at Swim Team and ASIA. You are so cool and so, so smart and very relatable. I am so glad to have met you this year, and I already know that you’ll do great at life. You were the only person at the beginning of ASIA that I knew and wasn’t scared to talk to, and you are always very (kind of) composed at ASIA meetings, and even though you sometimes look confused at the meetings, I can tell that your very smart (Harvard) brain is working furiously! But to be serious, I just look up to you a lot, and you are a very big role model to me, and I am very sad that you are leaving. However, I have learned a lot from you, like how to be an amazing swimmer/leader/person/student… the list goes on. I think you have done so many great things here at IMSA, including but not limited to inspiring me. :))

To Eddie Ning, I will you more random K-pop dancing during meetings, K-pop shirts, and skipping out on meetings and dance practice. You are such an interesting person, Eddie! But you make ASIA very fun, with your random questions and breaking out into K-pop dance/song every 5 minutes! I really enjoyed getting to know you, and I cannot imagine just what is waiting for you outside of IMSA, and I think you should leave IMSA (end the sentence here… bye Eddie!) with the pride that you have achieved so much. Anyways, thanks for always being a mood-uplifter and making me laugh… I’ll miss you a lot!

To Sridevi Krothapalli, I will you success in your life, and of course an amazing college life and much, much more! You were one of the first seniors that I talked to, and your very interesting and dramatic online encounters in Instagram DMs made you so funny and likable. You are a humble queen and an inspiration to me! I love our random encounters at Lexington and B-wing late night talks, and I have no doubt that you will go on to achieve big amazing things, and I will miss you tremendously.

To Nandana Varma, I will you so, so many hugs and the most adorable smiles. You are the most positive and sweet person I have ever met, and I loved getting to know you over State. You are so incredible. I especially look up to your energy and personality, and I wish you many more smiles and hugs in the future!

To all the ASIA seniors, Lily Song, Eddie Ning, and Jeff Duan, I want to thank you for making ASIA always so interesting and one of my favorite parts of my sophomore year here. You all are so amazing and incredible, and I am so sad that you all will be gone next year, but you guys have set the future of ASIA so well, and I am incredibly excited for your college life and beyond.

To Shiqi Cheng, I will you more years of viola-ing and being a very, very cool human being. From being a math and viola (the list goes on) god to always using the most specific words to convey something (I very clearly remember you saying “this general area of human beings” in a meeting), I look up to you a lot, and you made MAO very fun and always very interesting. Don’t forget to have fun, and I’m sure you’ll do just great in virtually everything you do…!

Logan Nelson

To Gautham Anne, I will you zero hit points. I know that you are going into cs, but keep going to the gym man, you’re making a ton of progress. Promise me that you will go to as many parties as you can. You got this.

To Dean Barrow, I will you nothing, because I can give you nothing that you don’t have. I know you don’t need to be motivated because you’re a disciplined person. The person that goes to the gym every day regardless of how they feel will always beat the person who goes to the gym when they feel like going to the gym. As far as I’ve seen, you go every day. Grab your goals and destroy them with ease.

To Piere Joyner, thanks for being a gym bro. Also, I’d like to see you in the wrestling league again.

To Saul Juarez, having you as a roommate has been nice. Thank you for not being like my last one who covered the shower in hair. I hope you find success in college as you pursue your goals.

To Ramzi Daki, thank you for making 07 B wing bearable. It’s been fun. Keep being that guy.

To Clay Miner, I respect you for making an effort to go to the gym every day. Continue going at it, and don’t stop.

To Dean Cianciolo, good luck in college, man. Thank you for not disclosing information about my [REDACTED]. You’re the man for that.

Maggie DiMarco

To Alex Orantia, I will you an ever-working waffle machine and a million squishmallow children, all with unique names and personalities. You’ve been a perennial inspiration to me throughout my time here at IMSA, an advocate of balance, STELLAR FITS (I mean you’re rockin’), and good-girl-gone bad dancing. You’ve left an indelible mark on my life and the life of so many others, and that makes you a unique person! Maybe if you do decide to do quant trading or something that others deem problematic, it will balance out. I lubs you <33

To my 2-years in a row D-wing upperclassmen: Alex, Elaina, Jackie, Irene, and Himani: Thank you for two years worth of homework help, waffle nights, karaoke, random ranting, procrastinating work, being super bored throughout profusely long Tuesday night programmings. You all welcomed me from day 1, and it’s been a joy seeing us all learn and grow up together. Alex, Elaina, Jackie, Irene, you will live on in IMSA history as the SINGLE most iconic quad of all time. Alex= best RSL of all time; you are a natural creator of community. Elaina, you are the biggest light, even in the rough times; remember that with each flop, we rise. Jackie, may your chess skills be ever-increasing. Irene, I hope that you are eventually able to discover a single boba drink you like; this is tragic. Himani, I admire your gentle genius each day. I will you all upperclassmen as lovely as you <33

To Yina Wang, my chomp, muse, inspiration, and commander-in-chief, I will you a fishing rod, as it will come in handy on our DIY-waste-not-want-not Chicago StudCo trip and will be handy for reeling in your screams as I force you to ride Goliath this summer. You have one of the most eclectic yet put-together, reserved yet boisterous personalities I’ve ever seen, and it’s extremely inviting. Actually, wait, I lied. When I met you at the StudCo simulation, I was absolutely terrified, and that fear has actually not yet abated. But getting to see some of the behind the scenes of THE YINA WANG has been an experience both insightful (yea I’m stealing your organization skills) and inspirational, and I’ve been proud to work by your side this past year. I expect consistent updates on the two mice in the trenchcoat’s perceptions of Boston, as well as all of your goose-chasing, amygdala-stealing, totally-ROCKing escapades. And please, let me know if you’re able to overcome your irrational fear of roads and cars. And since you’re mathy, my love for you as x→0+ is equal to (1/your mom) → INFINITY <33

To Pietro Stabile, my fellow mob boss and favorite bfriend partner, I will you better pasta than the bland, watery, and vaguely mess that is Lexington pasta, as well as a good barber to maintain your iconic cut. You are going to absolutely mangia in Hyde Park next year, and I hope you can drive back for the opening of the Stabile memorial parking lot behind 1505! Your work ethic, pragmatism, and off-kilter humor never cease to be aju nice! Please stop opping, don’t let your friends walk all over you and have… fun… in college!

To Keerthi Panchagnula, my lovely fellow first soprano, it has been such a joy getting to know you through Mod, choir, and this year, g-friend. Your dedication to all that you do and impenetrable kindness makes surviving everything possible, even Golab yelling at us in AdChem. And please, let me know how the “fishing” goes at LUC! :)

To Nandana Varma, my dearest love, SIR sleeping/Chipotle buddy, confidante, CAB cutie, and the very first upperclassman I met at IMSA– thank you for these past two (I wish I could say lovely) years. Thank you for every hallway hug, music recommendation (you listen to more “white music” than me tbh), lehenga lend, for convincing me to leave my lab for an hour to grab lunch at SIR, and of course, your advice on all things [redacted]. You make me feel seen and loved more than anyone, and each moment together is a happy one (even if it isn’t). I treasure you, and I hope that you continue to embody the sunflower in all that you do.

To Aaliyah Ali, my brainy, eloquent, best-laugh-ever, and ridiculously distracting love, I will you some perfectly ripe, juicy mangos (idk, I feel like you’re a mango girly) and unlimited cash at Trader Joe’s. Your dynamic personality and ridiculous work ethic (especially with math, omg you have gotten me out of SO MANY sticky situations) are an utter inspiration to me, and we must keep in touch (VISIT VISIT VISIT) <33

To the “girlbosses” Peyton Gutting and Ella Voyles, I will you front row seats to see Taylor, whether it’s now, tomorrow or in an alternate reality. Thank you for taking me in, despite, as Lee Eysturlid pointed out, I don’t play volleyball, and creating the wonderful QFB culture; I greatly treasure all of the good (movie nights first sem where I ended up missing SIR, oops), bad, and ugly mems (i.e. THE phone call). PLEASEPLEASE visit me and Viki next year; if we get your room, we will uphold the legacy of the bigggg quad. Oh, and I am expecting calls to our dorm room phone unpacking all of your latest adventures or honestly even just to scream some cathartic T.Swift.

To Sridevi Krothapalli(aka bad gal Rivi), I will you a kind, hot, Missourian (or Texan, or New Jersey, or Ohio, idk) man and all the makeup in the world to accessorize yourself with. It was a joy getting into 03 hall commons shenanigans last year with Vikky, and I’m so grateful for how welcomed you made me feel here. ALSO POST ON YOUR INSTA U LOOK AMAZING <33

To Nachi(ket) Rajinikanth, I will you an endless supply of chalk (rock climbing chalk… get your head out of the gutter!!) and a better poker face than your current sheepish/guilty smirk. Oh, and some new friends to borrow Indian clothes from for special events at school, because I just don’t see you remembering them on your own. Trust that Faizaan and I will do our best to defund CAB next year and that I will continue to experiment in the hot sauce realm! BCII, MedChem and SIR bus banter with you never failed to make things… interesting. I hope your odd fascination with fish never ceases, and that you can continue to *investigate the cuisine of Chicago* this summer.

To Luis Hernandez Aguirre, the king of the arched backs and a valid contributor to the ISP team, I will you non-ugly sections of life. I’m not guaranteeing you comfort or consistency, even as you strive toward such things as an engineer, but your smile and charisma are infectious, and I hope many others in your future get to experience them. While I regret that we didn’t get to know each other during the hellscape of BCI, I appreciate our spontaneous conversations in Lexington and the IRC more than you’ll ever know, and I admire your outlook on academics and life in general… as well as the *guidance* you gave me in 20cent. Thank you for being like an IMSA older brother and one of the most genuine people I know (a rarer and rarer find) :)

To Vikram Karra, I will you some dedicated rest time. You embody the grindset (toxic or not, it’s true) more than anyone I’ve ever known, and I hope that simply being in your surroundings has allowed some of that dedication and organization to reverse osmosize (yep, making it a word) onto me. I especially admire your eloquence, particularly during negotiations, and a little bird told me that it the new student council pres would greatly appreciate and benefit from some tips and tricks in that department. Rest easy knowing that your legacy here of leader, reformer, beloved by **** ****** and senior who actually showed up for medchem >¾ of the time (just not amazing bowler, unfortunately) will remain for years to come.

To Evan Kuzukas, I will you a cape, a magical purple cape that powers you through all walks of life: the strange and downright sickening like some of the odd plays we read in modern theater and those wretched AdChem and BCIII tests, and also the harmonious like choir (pun intended). Thank you for being a fabulous friend and confidante; always have confidence in your abilities, and you will crush every dragon (or gelatinous cube, I don’t judge).

To Michelle Li, my speech captain and humanities queen (#womeninstemtohumanitiestrajectory) with the most soothing voice on planet earth, I will you better breakfasts than SIR. I so enjoyed all of the conversations I had with you and Aaliyah in the Feinberg atrium, and I am eager to see what you do over the next four!! (And also will likely be asking you about the outside IMSA bubble when it comes to humanities :))

To my 2022-23 StudCo seniors, Yina, Irene, Shiqi, Vikram, Avery, Rohan, Pietro, Vidhi, and Bhavyaa: Thank you for all of your dedication, through trippy Wednesday meetings post-SIR, some tense showdowns, and always a myriad of my texts haphazardly flooding the group chat. We accomplished some great work, built up lasting bridges between us and admin, and definitely did not make fun of Zuyu enough. If you feel so inclined, a certain newly-acting president and cabinet would greatly appreciate all of your wisdom, advice, and ideas. <33

To the Class of 2023, you should all be incredibly proud for making it all the way here; IMSA is a trying institution, even when you start sophomore year ON campus, and your persistence and fortitude are inspiring. Thank you for myriad laughs, questionable lunch conversations, late nights swapping problem set answers, practices where we all were preoccupied with other work, breathless runs on access, and for making IMSA a place where I feel at home. I can’t wait to see what passions you go on to explore and to say “omg, I knew them in high school.”

Maitreyi Pandey

To Yina, I will you an old rat 🐀 that is vaguely reminiscent of you! I hope it has a head as squishable as yours and shares your love of chomps. Most importantly, I hope this rat has a brain filled to the brim with all of your wisdom and other brain things. You have taught me so much over the past two years, and I don’t know what I would do without your guidance. I am constantly inspired by your accomplishments and the level-headed way you deal with everything. Thank you for listening to my constant rants about StudCo and IMSA in general. Please keep texting me and Ryan and keep our family gc alive. I wish you the best of luck in Connecticut, Yina Wang D’amelio!!

To Venus, I will you an upperclassman who is as mind-bogglingly magnificent as you! Genuinely, you are so cool, and I’m very happy I decided to text you random CCE-related thoughts at the start of the year. Thank you for listening to all of my half-baked ideas and helping me with the orgo packets this semester. I am so grateful for you and all of your help. <33

To Nooriyah, I will you the best year possible in Germany. I have thoroughly enjoyed our treks across campus after CCE meetings, and I think you’re so smart and passionate. You and Venus were amazing co-liaisons, and I hope you continue sharing your ideas and doing all the great work you’ve done here!

To Yareli, I will you an endless supply of passion for all of the things you love. You are such a great leader and a hard worker, and you put so much effort into everything you do. Also, you’re ridiculously funny, and hearing you talk about Rodrigo always makes me laugh. I promise we will actually have the Chasing Equity Conference this year (hopefully), and that Cecy will be taken care of. Have fun in college!!

To Jai, I will you an endless supply of boba and ramen. I’m actually not sure where you went during the Evanston lunch trips because I missed most of them, but you were a wonderful guide on the ones I went on! I’m very glad I got to work on CCE projects with you, because you are so coolsies!!

To Michelle Sun, I will you an easy math class. From surviving BC3 to persisting through MVC, you have valiantly put up with all my dumb comments and complaints. I hope you have a thrilling coding experience in college! Have funsies!!

To Michelle Li, I will you another class of pure confusion (seriously, what is going on in French). You are genuinely so smart and cool and one of my favorite 07 residents, and I cannot wait to hear about all the things you do in the future!

To Megan, I will you a wonderful time at college! Thank you for being a wonderful co-facilitator, even though our class was rather haphazard at times. It was so much fun, and I’m very grateful for all of your LEADership skills. :)

Manu Mamillapalli

To Alexandra Orantia, I will you the ability to stay one of the kindest and most genuine people I’ve ever known. I remember first meeting you at martial arts in second grade, and ever since then you’ve been a great friend. You’ve been such a support for me, and having you here made me feel like I had a piece of home. I can’t wait to see everything that you accomplish, because you are truly one of the most talented people I’ve met. ILYSM and thanks for being my day one!

To Bhavya Vegesna, I will you a stress-free college experience, a huge Indian wedding, and new Converse! I can’t believe that we first met 11 years ago and we only realized after coming to IMSA. I still think it was fate that we’re connected like this. Thank you for being like a big sister to me. I loved having off mods with you every day and watching you study for orgo while I sat there and rambled on about my life. You have such a big heart, and your presence always made my day better. There are no words for how glad I am to have met you and how excited I am for you! You are so hardworking, and I can’t believe your dedication. I hope college allows you the break you need, and you better live it up. You are so capable, and please take it easy on yourself these next few years. So sorry for getting you sick that one time! COME VISIT ME!!!

To Kenith Taukolo, I will you better match-making skills. I still can’t believe you thought you found the one for me. Anyways, I can’t wait to keep you updated on all the congress adventures that we’re going to have. You made debate a lot of fun! Thanks for being our biggest supporter. :)

To Saketh Dontaraju, I will you endless venti iced white mochas with vanilla cold foam, an elite sleep schedule, and an infinite amount of time for creative work. Even though we only recently got to know each other, I’m really grateful we did. I hope you keep doing graphics because graphic design IS your passion (where’s our ISA merch though?)! Here’s to many more long conversations and many less spilled drinks in the IRC!

To Shreya Chakraborty, I will you the confidence to always speak up for yourself. Thank you for making ISA inclusive. You are so talented, and I really look up to you. I hope college treats you well. :)

To Sridevi Krothapalli, I will you endless lunchtime conversations with your college friends. I loved talking to you and Carissa at lunch, and I learned a lot from that conversation. Lots of love. :)

To Saamiyah Khan, I will you no more math. I am so glad that you were in my wing this year. I don’t know what my life would be like without you because there really is no one like Saamiyah Khan. Your influence on us is actually insane! Manifesting that 5 on my AP tests and forever putting eyeliner on my waterline. Thank you for all the life updates! The world is not ready for you!

To Keerthi Panchagnula, thank you for Clash! Drill was genuinely such a fun experience, and thank you for all that you did for 06. You are probably the best dancer I’ve ever seen, and your voice is literally out of this world. I can’t wait to see everything you do. <3

Manya Davis

To Divya Choudhary, I will you the happiness of never having to take another math class again (even though you’re a genius in math and carried me through Dif Equ this semester). I’ll miss you next year when I’m inevitably struggling in MVC, but you’ll probably be getting texts about it anyway, so you won’t miss out too much. I cannot explain in words how much you’ve helped me this semester, not just in math, but in life. I’ve grown as a person because of you. I know how to be a little easier on myself in times of stress, and I want to thank you for that. Don’t forget me when you’re at UIUC. Text me whenever, whether it’s to tell me about your life or to test out more bad jokes (I’m just kidding, I love your jokes), I’ll always want to hear from you.

To Sara Kashyap, I will you the strength to go through four more years of engineering at UIUC. Even though I won’t be around to hear you complain about having either physics or engineering next mod, I’ll think of you when I’m taking Calc-Based Mechanics next year. In this past semester you’ve truly become one of my most trusted friends and seniors. From swapping horror stories in BC-3 to being endlessly confused in Mandarin, no matter what we’re doing, you always manage to have a smile on your face. You bring me so much joy even when things are going terribly wrong. Thank you for all your positive encouragement, and please stay in touch. I want to know how things are going at UIUC, and although you may want to leave IMSA behind, I’ll keep you updated on how things are going here.

To Aditi Kumar, I will you years of expanding your knowledge of other languages. You’ve shown me what it’s like to be a true polyglot. But on a more serious note, you truly amaze me with how invested you are in CS. I feel like I’ve seen you enough during the hours of the night when you go crazy, so I can confidently say that when it comes to the things you love, you have some sort of laser-sharp focus that I admire so much. You put so much passion and effort into your goals, and I hope to one day be like that. I’ll miss you when you go to UIUC, but I know that you’re going to have an amazing journey while you’re there. Don’t forget to text me about how your life is going, and I’ll make sure to do the same.

To Keerthi Panchagnula, I will you a lifetime of energy to devote to your many talents. To this day, I don’t know how you got to be as talented as you are. From your dancing to your singing and even the fact that you know as many languages as you do (I still don’t understand how that’s possible), you’ve been the person here who has inspired me the most. Before coming to IMSA, I was not a dancer or musician. I remember trying to participate as a dancer in the first culture show when I got here. However, I wasn’t convinced that dancing was meant for me until I saw you perform. I still remember it to this day, seeing you perform as a part of the South Indian Fusion act and thinking to myself, “I want to be as good as her.” From that day I’ve grown as a dancer, choreographer, and musician. You’ve shown me that there’s room for multiple passions in one’s life. Thank you for being there for me at my highest and lowest. You’ve truly made such an impact on my life that I’ll never forget. I’ll miss you so much when you’re off at Loyola. Please stay in touch and update me on your creative adventures in college.

To Nikita Rudrapati, I will you years of suffering through CS classes with a smile on your face. On a more serious note, though, I know that you’re going to do so well in college. You’re so determined and energetic, and you’ve changed me for the better both as a student and a person. Ad Pro was a trip, and without you, there would have been many more sleepless nights. I want to thank you for being my friend. From first being my LEAD facilitator (I’ll never forget these Wednesday nights) to growing closer through BC-3 and Ad Pro, you’ve become one of my most trusted friends. I want to hear about how things are going when you’re off at UIUC, so please text me whenever you have time, and come visit IMSA once in a while. I’ll miss you, and good luck!

To 1506 B Wing Down Quad, I will you years of lasting friendship between the four of you. I love you all so much, and you have no idea how much of an impact you have left on my life. I’ve realized that you are some of the only people that I will forgo sleep for. Staying up and talking to you all has been some of the best nights of my time here at IMSA. Even though they usually start as BC-3 or Dif Equ study sessions, they always turn into something more chaotic, and I can’t thank you enough for that. I’m grateful that you four have been the ones to guide me through this disaster of a Junior year. You give me strength, and for that reason, I expect you all to come back to visit next year (this is only slightly a threat). Thank you for being the seniors that I can wholeheartedly trust and look up to. I’ll miss you all so much next year. Good luck in college!

Max Chen

To Kevin Zhang, I will you more physics knowledge. Thanks for always answering my endless stream of dumb physics questions and for introducing me to USAPhO. Even though I did pretty badly on it, I don’t think I would have understood nearly as much about mechanics without you. Make sure to live it up in CMU. I have no doubt you’ll do great things with that big brain of yours.

To Rohan Jain, I will you more rizz (if that’s even possible). Even though we were both on MAO and collectively didn’t pay attention in Mod Econ, I wish we could have talked more throughout the semester. I think I was, and probably still am, a bit too timid, so my bad on that one. Thanks for being an awesome upperclassman and always giving me advice on random questions. Also, try to actually pay attention in class once you’re in college, lol.

To the 01 D-wing seniors (Nachiket Rajinikanth, Julius Wardlow, Freddie Rodriguez, and Christian Cantu), I will you less chaotic days in college. Thanks for always putting up with our wing antics and for making 01 D-wing such an awesome place. You guys have always been super inviting, and D-wing wouldn’t be what it is without you guys. We’ll try our best to win CLASH again for you guys next year!

Maya Kannan

To Nandana Varma, I will you to keep your smile. I came to this school without knowing many people and seeing your smiling, bright personality encouraged me to go up to you and feel free to talk about the most random stuff. I will miss seeing you around the hallways, our out of the blue conversations, and just having you there. Thank you for being there for me this year. I know you will go places and I wish you nothing but the best.

To Megan Sia, I will you amazing college memories. I loved getting to know you this year through our random conversations and LEAD. I will never forget me microwaving food at 11pm, you walking in, and us talking automatically starting a five minute conversation. You have played a big role in my time at IMSA and I will never forget that. Thank you for being there for me this year. I know your future will take you places and I cannot wait to see where that goes.

To Nat Gao, I will you to keep your upbeat personality. I enjoyed getting to know you this year. Your upbeat personality always made me smile, even if my day was not that great. Our talks were very fun and I hope you continue to be like that. I wish you nothing but the best in where life takes you.

To Vikram Karra, I will you a supportive new friend. Since the beginning of my sophomore year you were always someone I could rely on for advice. You have helped me figure out this school this year and even though I do not usually take the most reasonable path when it comes to stuff like APs, you still supported me through all that and I appreciate it. Thank you for being there for me this year. I wish you the most for your last few weeks of high school and your future.

To Vidhi Shah, I will you infinite Maggie packets and Starbucks drinks. I remember when I first met you in person on Move-In Day and you had the biggest smile on your face. I watched you combat all the hardships that came your way and how you pushed through all those college apps. I loved our amazing Starbucks trip as well as the fun times in our room with you and your obsession with Maggie. I know you will slay at college and wherever your life takes you. Thank you for being there for me this year and I wish you the best.

To Saketh Dontaraju, I will you infinite random conversations. I remember when Nandana introduced us and the first thing we talked about was Biriyani. I always enjoy our talks in 02 hall commons, whether it’s about school, food, weather, or life in general. I hope you keep smiling and I know life will take you far. I wish you nothing but the best.

To Aarya Kharpe, I will you infinite earrings. I remember you to be one of the first people I met this year and I love hanging out with you. I enjoy seeing you in the hallways and always waving hi. I also loved hearing about your earring obsession cause believe me I can relate. Thank you for being an amazing hall-mate this year (I don’t know if that’s a word – if it isn’t well I made a new one). I will you the best for your future.

To Aaliyah Ali, I will you amazing running weather. I am so glad I met you this year. I love walking outside 02 and seeing you run outside with a smile on your face. I definitely enjoyed our talks this year and especially our times hanging out with Nandana during programming. I wish you nothing but the best.

Meera Mutharasan

To Lily Miks, I will you an amazing upperclassman who’ll sit next to you in your classes and make your days a little bit better, just like how you did for me. I will forever cherish our time in Chamber Strings together, and placing in the 1st division for the Solo & Ensemble Competition is proof that we can do anything we put our minds to. Thank you for always knowing where we are in the music, and although there won’t be anyone to call me Deep Dish in the hallways and I’ll miss you so much, I wish you the best of luck for the future.

To Sumedha Surubhotla, (I triple-checked to make sure I spelled that right), I will you an upperclassman who keeps you entertained and makes you feel welcome in all your classes. Playing a quartet with you, Lily and Julia was the highlight of my Chamber Strings experience. Building cranes out of balsa wood and staying after school to program robots was definitely an interesting, and at times traumatic, experience, but I’m so glad I got to share them with you. Wherever your future takes you, I know you’ll face it with the strength of our best crane and the efficiency of our best robot. Good luck at college!

To Franklin Rangel, I will you our Mr. Worldwide Fan Club. Even before we created Mr. Worldwide or even our first crane together, we were filming videos on my phone of you looking very contemplative in engineering. From the miracle that got us a 26-second robot run to the creation of Mr. Worldwide, I had an absolute blast with you, and I’m so glad I had the chance to end every A and C day by spending two mods being an engineer with you.

To Julia Tran, I will you an upperclassman who makes you feel right at home, and always has a sweet thing to say every morning. From making your trio into a quarter for me, sharing your donut holes, and just always being a sweet person, I’m so glad I met you this semester and I hope wherever your future takes you, you never lose your spark or your incredible outfits.

To Michelle Sun, I will you a sweet upperclassman who’s fun to be around, just like you. You were an amazing GWC co-pres, and doing drill with you last year made my Clash experience so memorable. I knew if I was ever lost in the formations, I could just look to you and figure out where I was supposed to be. You are such a sweet person, and I wish you the best of luck at college!

To Jacie Cox, I will you people with whom you can make carrying cardboard a three-person job. I remember doing a music project with you in String Orchestra last year, which seems like forever ago now, and coming up with the idea to do a daycare-themed music piece and watching you draw people expertly on the poster. I’m so glad we’ve gotten so much closer since then, and that I’ve seen you extend that creativity over to our DIY nightlights in engineering. I never thought I’d be painting cardboard and listening to throwbacks with the Maker Space co-pres, but I can say for sure that engineering was so much more enjoyable when we were doing projects together, and I wish you the best of luck wherever your future takes you.

To Nikita Rudrapati, I will you a constant beam of sunshine shining over your life. You lit up every room you were in, and even though Titan Crew might have been what brought us together, I’m so glad we got to know each other. Living in 06 with you last year was so much fun, and even though you lived in 03 this year, talking to you in the hallways always made my day. I knew I could always talk to you about anything, and I hope you find people who are as amazing and as sweet as you are. Best of luck for the future!

To Megan Sia, I will you an amazing upperclassman who will show you the ropes as expertly as you did for me. Being in TEDx with you was so much fun, and I’m so glad we got to do speaker coaching together this year. I promise I’ll do everything I can to carry on your legacy of head speaker coaching.

Melinda Yuan

To Rohan Jain, I will you the best haircuts that Pennsylvania has to offer and a higher hourly wage than McDonald’s. I’m glad that we met during my freshman year as it has created some of my most interesting memories. Hanuri and I still laugh every time we think about her reaction when you pulled out the **** hat and anytime I come across the bobblehead picture I am reminded of the many atrocious games of paranoia. Just like the length of your hair, you have grown so much in the past few years and I’m so proud of everything that you have overcome & accomplished. I hope that you continue to take care of yourself: get adequate sleep, don’t overwork yourself, and surround yourself with people that make you feel loved. You are so smart and hardworking and I know that you are going to thrive wherever you are.

To Nachiket Raj, I will you a safe college experience and a brain. Please be safe and don’t make any stupid decisions. While you are adventuring, please use protection (a helmet, kneepads, elbow pads) and tie your shoelaces extra tight (so you don’t trip). Thank you for always answering my random questions and for making 01 more enjoyable. I wish you the best of luck in college!

To Avery Hedican, I will you an amazing college experience. You have an amazing sense of humor and I loved hanging out with you in the wing. You are going to have an amazing time at college and will be so successful. I’ll miss having in you in a wing. <3

Michael Zyskowski

To Theo Schreiber, I will you the ability to do whatever makes you happy in life. Theo, you were probably my first real friend at IMSA. I remember two years back when we first met in 05B, and right then and there, when you showed me a photo of your laptop inside your minifridge, did I know that I wanted to hang around someone like you. From the multitude of interesting little gadgets in your dorm to the endless shenanigans we faced after ten check, I will never forget those days.

To Zander Tamez, I will you a lifetime’s worth of prosperity. Zander, 05B was simply elite. I remember vibing in your room hanging out late, just for the fun of it. Those were the underrated nights that I didn’t realize at the time meant so much to me. Thanks for reigniting my love for skating and for being such a chill friend.

To Jack Morby, I will you ultimate tenor sax playing power. Jack, I first want to thank you for essentially taking me under your wing and helping me be more confident with my clarinet solos/ jazz playing in general. These past two years with you in 1505 have been amazing, and yes, watching you dry scoop Gatorade powder post-homecoming night is something I will never forget.

To Kevin Johnson, I will you some ice cream. Kevin, though I’ve only gotten to know you this past year, I feel as though we have known each other for many years. Your bright personality and humor make living in 05C that much better. Thank you for being my friend, and good luck with any endeavors the future has in store for you.

To Samuel Go, I will you protection IV diamond armor so you can confidently walk past any goose that comes your way. Sam, you are probably the most mature person I know. I can also say with confidence that I know no other oboe player as skilled as you are. I truly cherish our friendship and I am very glad that we had our little encounter in the library’s printing room.

Myra Mensah

To Maame Afua Poku, my Ghanian older sister, I will you strength and confidence. You are the older sister I never had, and I look up to you constantly through all you do. From forcing me to attend IMSA events to encouraging my insane behavior, you have made my life at IMSA so much more enjoyable and memorable. I will really miss seeing you in the hallways, taking 0.5s of you every chance I get, and talking about things with you in twi so that no one else understands. You are going to do so many amazing things in the future, college and beyond. With your power you’ll be unstoppable. Just please don’t forget me and come visit or else I will expose all the 0.5s to the world. ;)

To Kevin Johnson, my Kenai, I will you happiness and everything you’ve ever wanted. I remember not knowing you very much my sophomore year, but I am so glad I got to talk to you more and get to know you. You are genuinely one of the realest, funniest, greatest people I know. I will miss you so much, especially when you pronounce my name wrong or call me kenai in the hallways or you constantly sing an ice spice song at me. You are such a great role model and you are honestly so passionate and reliable I really really want to be like you. Now go do amazing things in college and beyond, BUT DON’T FORGET YOUR KENAI!!!! COME VISIT OR ELSE…

Nandini Budithi

To Nikita Rudrapati, I will you a completed bucket list. By that, I mean that prom date and access walk ;). Anyway, thank you so much for being such a wonderful senior and a sweet person. South Indian Fusion was so much fun with you. You never fail to brighten my day with your kindness and humor. While an access walk with a guy may be harder to achieve in the future, I know you’ll have what it takes to succeed in whatever goals you have in life. Good luck!

To Kelly Cruz, I will you Viktor Krum’s epic rizz. You did absolutely amazing in PUFFS, especially for it being your first time acting in a show. I’m so glad I got to know a genuine, hilarious, and caring person like you. Choreographing your intro as Viktor was so fun, and as MY protege, ofc, you absolutely slayed. Thank you for being such a cool senior and making PUFFS a wonderful experience. Good luck in college!

To Yina Wang, I will you a piece of the collective brain of PSYCH club. Thank you for being such an amazing co-president and an even more amazing person! You have contributed so much to the club, even through the craziness of our meeting times. I hope you’ll continue to find interest and meaning in psychology as you go on to do magnificent things. Good luck!

To Karina Byers, I will you the Jones legacy. You have been a fantastic techie, actor, and a cool person in general. You put a lot of dedication into drama club and I will not let your legacy as “The Beast” and as my fabulous daughter be forgotten. Thank you for making PUFFS and MI-4 better places to be. Good luck with college and make Xavia proud!

To Ella Slinn, I will you my babies (the sardines, obviously). You are a wonderful person that I’m so glad to have met. You absolutely slay at everything from choir to tech and being a prop master, and I have no doubt you will slay in the future. Thank you for being an amazing senior and awesome friend. Good luck with college and remember the sardines whenever you think of me or Noises Off!

Nate Landig

To Theo Schreiber, I will you the spacemouse I borrowed from your dad at the beginning of the year. Having you as a friend and mentor has been a blast, and I’ll cherish all the shenanigans forever (like the “art” on last year’s robot)! I know you’ll do amazing things with whatever path you choose to follow, and I wish you a thousand cool airplanes along the way!

To Cole Plepel, I will you all the respect I can express. I am continuously blown away by the way you carry yourself. Your genius hasn’t made you any less humble or tainted the subtle practical humor that I’ve come to associate with you. Thank you for being at my side at FRC competitions; I know that your future is brighter than our limelight!

To Caroline Kowal, I will you some kind of ceremonial gesture meant to represent a transfer of power (passing of a torch, perhaps?). Your leadership as electrical head and team captain has given me a challenging bar to meet, along with the inspiration to meet it. Thank you for whipping our team spirit into shape at the 2022 CIR, and for just being an all-around kind person!

To Jai Sutaria, I will you a nap! You are one of the most driven, passionate people I have ever met. Don’t ever let the world break your stride that has already elevated the lives of countless people, myself included.

To Ilan Lunken, I will you more random maker projects! Getting to know you over these two years has been awesome. Every time we had to haul the robot out onto the field, I got to appreciate the friendship that was driving our efforts. Thanks for all the laughs and memories!

To Kenith Taukolo, I will you my gratitude for keeping me honest last year. You were the first upperclassman that I spoke to as a soph, and I still feel bad for forgetting your name a few days later! Whether you’re clowning in a talent show or owning it up in A-wing, you always carry a lightheartedness that I admire. I know you’ll go on to do amazing things… just be sure not to talk like James Corden!

To Ella Lind, I will you some bionic arms for carrying a drum set! I can’t thank you enough for being a part of the band this year. As emo as it sounds, I’ve really broken out of my shell as a result of Ten Check, and your encouragement and super talent made it possible! I’ll always admire your humility and confidence, and continuously fail to comprehend how you manage to make sense out of the drum beat of Never Meant. Keep on rockin’!

Nathaniel Huang

To Jason Qin, I will you a contemporary composer, a new YOASOBI song, and infinitely many RADWIMPS songs. I am glad that we met again after seeing each other at a Unity Point vs Carterville match-up (why are Unity Point so smart?). While it is indeed a mystery how I know several of the Carbondale friends, I am glad I formed that connection and found a community of fellow southern Illinois people at IMSA. I will definitely make sure to contact some of the incoming Carbondale sophomores when I find out who they are, yes, yes. Jason, I am very grateful for all of your help in everything, from sophomore year assignments to inspiring me to continue Quiz Bowl by studying fine arts, to starting a Fitness Center routine, or going on an impromptu adventure to the Fox Valley mall for the first time (Round 1 was worth it). I am delighted to find out that you have been listening to more Japanese music, I have much more that I can recommend you (listen to LiSA, TUYU, Eve, DAZBEE and ZUTOMAYO!!). Jason, please transfuse your fine arts and literature knowledge and some Smago daily insights to me. I wish you the best in life (Chubby Wubby will be in good hands).

To Samuel Go, I will you a new newspaper, a night sky full of shining stars, and someone who can actually beat you in arm wrestling. You were one of the first upperclassmen (why are you younger than me…) that I actually started talking to and forming a connection with. You are one of the first people I really started opening up to, so for that, I am grateful. All of the blunt, yet helpful advice you have given me from that fateful conversation to now has been so impactful to me as I enter senior year. I do not know where I would be without those advices, whether it’s over choosing a major, discussing competitive Quiz Bowl schools, or finding an external SIR. For all of that, I thank you. I will cherish the memories that we have, from continuously beating me in arm wrestling, to discussing your larger-than-normal hands, to our life stories. May you continue your geo domination and find inner peace in the mountains. Your linguistic knowledge is amazing, and you are one of my first friends that I met who can speak a Chinese dialect fluently. Sam, my Cantonese friend, thank you for everything :):).

To Alex Orantia, I will you a welcoming community like that you gave me and everlasting energy. ALEX!!! My CORE facilitator turned co-pair, you are a ball of energy that never dies out. Keep that personality in the future as it always lights up the room wherever you go. I am so grateful to have had you as my first co-pair as a junior facilitator and that you have been able to see me grow from that timid and introverted sophomore who entered the first official LEAD module to the well-adjusted and connected facilitator who is now on a co-chair position. You and Michelle were amazing CORE facilitators and I am so appreciative of you guys inspiring me to become a facilitator myself (sorry for joining SocEnt though haha :P). All of your hallway greetings and your bubbly personality are contagious and always light up my day. Alex, thank you for being such an impactful (IMPACT get it? haha) upperclassman on my life and for letting me sit in Diff Eq with you (and yes, I will make sure that my college essays will be sent to you, the promise is still remembered and will stay strong) :):).

To Michelle Li, I will you infinite hand waves. You and Alex were awesome CORE facilitators, and I thank you and her for giving me the inspiration to become a LEAD facilitator. Thank you for being one of the first upperclassmen I began talking to, due to LEAD and Titan Crew, it truly helped me to become more comfortable at IMSA and be more social from that quiet peep that you may have seen enter the LEAD class for the first time in the beginning. While Titan Crew was switched for me, and it is no longer a thing this year, I am appreciative of all of the hand waves and writing help for the variety of essays I took on, in addition to our interactions being on the C-Trad ribbons. Thank you for everything, and I wish you the best :):).

To Sachleen Tuteja, I will you a completed Spec Fic reading and the continued love of Orgo. I am so glad to have met you in Biochemistry that day after I add/dropped it into my schedule. That table with Natalia and Shaan made that class one of my highlights of the week with all of the insightful conversations, and the issues with my sleep schedule. I am glad that we have continued our talks since we have the same Spec Fic class (pardon the continuous issue of me sleeping in class haha, I will get adequate sleep one day). Sachleen, I am glad to have met you this year, and I look forward to taking Orgo next year, and maybe joining you in the same university in the future as well. I wish you the best! :):)

To Sarah Wheeler, I will you wrist protection from a stray C-Trad ribbon. SARAH!! You are one of the sweetest people I have met at IMSA. Your smile and personality always lights up the room and removes initial nerves in the environment. Your dedication to LEAD has made my junior facilitator experience amazing as I look forward to LEAD next year. I am glad to have you as an IMPACT student (sorry for joining SocEnt :P) and then as a fellow facilitator. Sorry for the C-Trad ribbon incident haha oops, I hope your wrist was not badly affected. It seems that my ribbon was always the one getting tangled haha. I am glad to have gotten to know you even better because of our interactions in the dance. I wish you the best in the future, I know you will do great things :):).

To Sarah Wheeler and Vikram Karra, I will you both great leadership. You guys were amazing LEAD co-coordinators, and I admire you guys for all the work you put into making this year of LEAD something to remember and cherish. Vikram, we may have not talked as much, but from our small interactions with each other, you are a cool person, and I hope that your college experience goes well. I admire your work ethic as you take on your many commitments within and outside of LEAD. Sarah, your sweet personality always makes everyone feel at home and always brightens my day. Your dedication to LEAD has made this team amazing. To both of you, thank you for making my first year on the LEAD team memorable and something that I look forward to continuing next year.

To Megan Sia and Elaina Xiao, I will you both lots of money from your future SEVs and boats made from ideation and prototyping. You guys are awesome SocEnt Co-Chairs. Thank you for being so welcoming and open to helping everyone get ready for the next year (as a facilitator who did IMPACT last year, I really appreciate the welcoming nature and openness to providing experience to share). Elaina, we may not have talked with each other as much as fellow Southern Illinois students, but I hope that your college experience will be bright. Megan, we also may not have talked with each other as much, but your kind personality and amicable nature is something that has helped me to become more comfortable on the team. I hope you had fun in Taiwan! (As a Taiwanese peep, I feel so delighted to hear about someone knowing about and visiting Taiwan.) To both, your contributions to SocEnt will be forever cherished, such as getting Networking Fair in person for the first time in two years. I hope Dash and I will be able to fill in your shoes as the next SocEnt co-chairs. Thank you for everything :):).

To Himani Kamineni, I will you a bio-filled future. I know that we have not really talked that much, but I am grateful for your help in studying for USABO. Thinking back, I am glad that we began talking with the dinner-date plans (sorry for that not working out). While I have stopped doing swimming at IMSA, I do hope to continue that in the future, in addition to already planning to participate in the USABO next year (please help). I wish you the best in the future! :):)

To the IMSA Quiz Bowl seniors, I will you powers that do not result in 8 negs per game (please, our luck will run out at that point). It has been an honor to see you guys dominate the Quiz Bowl scene in northern Illinois. I can only aspire to reach your strength, please transfuse all of your knowledge to the future team so that we can stand up to Stevenson, Barrington, Waubonsie Valley, Buffalo Grove, and Uni Lab please. I hope that you all pursue college Quiz Bowl, I know that you guys will be strong players in the collegiate level of competition.

Nethra Shanbhag

To Sachleen Tuteja, I will you a Spanish movie night. LPDC was so much fun with you this year and I’m lucky to have had you as someone to look up to even though you’re a couple weeks younger than me. You carry LPDC on your shoulders and I can only imagine to be half as good of a president as you are. You are wise beyond your years and I am genuinely confused how one person can be so sweet and I love you. Thank you for all the laughs we shared during meetings, events, and in class. You’re going to do amazing at Northwestern and I can’t wait to hear all about your college experience <3.

To Kennedy Bray, I will you a big sib who will guide you next year. I still remember that big sib night during the first week at IMSA, and I’ll never forget that. I had so much fun and don’t even remember the other people who we sang karaoke with, but I remember just having such a great time with you. I can’t wait to talk more with you and get closer because I love seeing your funny side in LPDC that one time slicing pizza which is another thing I’ll never forget. Thank you for the times in volleyball and for being the best big sib :).

To Dean Ekimov, I will you another Ellie Goulding album. Thank you for being there for me. I appreciate you so much and for all the times you were patient enough to listen to me talk about absolutely anything. Your music taste is not the best, but some of the songs you’ve introduced me to have become my favorites so thank you for that. I really admire your passion and dedication to volleyball and I think that drive is one of your greatest qualities. I look forward to continuing to grow our friendship.

To Sophia Syed and Irene Liu, I will you better illustration skills and the power to turn in SciIlli drawings on time. Art was hilarious with you two and I will always cherish the giggling everyday after lunch that semester. Sophia, you are by far my favorite stalker (kidding) and I loved talking to you and seeing you smile everyday. Irene, you give great advice (except on a certain topic because you’re not credible, iykyk) and I want to learn a lot from you. Keep your dorm rooms open next year because I’ll definitely come visit.

Netra Rameshbabu

To Nandana Varma, I will you all the smiles in the world and prosperity in life. I love you so so much, thank you so much for all your support throughout my sophomore year, I couldn’t have made it here without you. I always looked forward to your presence at 10-check and contiguous laughs that would make my days so much better. I’d always think of how lucky I was to have you at my wing and I am so grateful for your support (and those sriracha bagels). I still cherish our late night conversations and look up to you as a big sister. I can’t imagine 2 more years of this school without you, but I look forward to meeting you at college anytime I come over. You are my biggest inspiration, keep smiling and spreading love all across campus :). I love you so much and I wish you all the best at uiuc.

To Shreya Chakraborty, I will you prosperity in your future endeavors and all the most delicious sweets and foods at college. Shreya, it’s been amazing to get to know you. The first time I met you, I was amazed to see your strong-willed and passionate eyes talking about how much you loved comp sci and business. Those eyes and that smile will take you all across the world and your bold and fierce dedication will lead you to successful places. Eat and sleep well and don’t stress yourself out too much, I wish you all the best at college and friendships.

To Umika Arora and Bhavya Vegesna, I will you both more sleep and a wonderful college experience. I am so glad to have gotten to know you guys this year, I loved our late night grind sessions which almost always failed and talks after ten check. Thank you so much for all your support, I really wish all the best for you guys at college and the future. Your smiles and laughs are so contagious every night. Please get tons of sleep and have tons of fun at college :).

To Aaliyah Ali, I will you an infinite amount of the best honey sriracha bagels, running shoes, and a great college life :). You made IMSA feel like a home and less like a prison with our late-night talks when you heat your food, return from a run, or after ten checks. I look up to your confident and strong-willed personality and your crazy accents that keep me up at night. I will forever cherish your presence and wish you a wonderful future with all your talent. And don’t worry, I will take great care of your sister next year, Aaliyah :).

To GIS Seniors, Valerina Castellanos and Rashmi Alawani, I will you great prosperity and happiness in your future, and a great GIS program :). Thank you so much for all your help and dedication for this program, you guys really paved the way for several middle school students to experiment with their passion and connect with IMSA mentors. I really loved working with you guys this semester, it helped me develop a wider skill set and helped me spread knowledge to different middle schoolers. I look forward to connecting with you guys and helping shape GIS to its maximum potential and making your visions come true. I wish all the best for your future endeavors. Good luck :).

To TAS Seniors, Clay Miner, Sarah Wheeler, and Christian Cline, I will you each the best telescope in the entire world and another planetarium trip :). Thank you so much for all your assistance to a great year at TAS. I loved the environment you guys fostered and it was great working with you throughout the year. I enjoyed all our events and I really look forward to making TAS even better and bigger next year. Your passions and envisions paved the way for us and I look up to you guys to flourish the campus with more activities and events. Stay spacey :) and I wish all you all the best for college!

Nikhil Kodali

To Jason Qin, I will you all the shiny legendaries and raid luck because you made pokemon go (an already fun game) that much more fun. Since most colleges actually allow pokemon spawns unlike IMSA -_- you should definitely keep playing and sending me gifts (best friend goal will become lucky friend goal?). Make sure to keep being you and keep being cool! (Also maybe refrain from the ditto stories…)

To Alexandra Orantia, I will you the ability to complete animes. Blue lock, Record of Rangnarok, etc. to name a few. Just kidding of course, you were a wonderful senior to be around, and your post 10-check energy was a joy. Continue to be a great dancer and overall person even in college.

To Braeden Cullen, I will you a fit to match my green sweater, which will continue to stay with me throughout my IMSA career. Mad respect for your notes and neat handwriting in math. Sitting with you in DiffEQ is quite the fond memory, and I hope you will continue to be a joy to others around you in the future.

To Gautham Anne, I will you a place full of smashers for college. Coming into A-wing and seeing you smashing almost always has become a natural occurrence. I hope you continue to stick with it, as well as continue to be brilliant at math.

To Jared Dong, I will you a continuation of your skills. Seeing a good chess player be actually physically active was kind of crazy. You have a W personality and the undershirts are a tradition to be continued (not by me though). I will forever miss your Wendy’s rizz after chess meets, but I know you will go places.

To Kenith Taukolo, I will you more leadership positions because having you as a captain for debate is actually really cool. Admittedly, I like to push your buttons here and there, but our interactions are a joy to have, especially when discussing some of the good-looking congress debaters. As a captain, you started out scary, but you became much more of a joy to be around after getting to know you. (Your body rolls are scary good though ;).)

To Piere Joyner, I will you an underclassman just as cool as me who you can follow. Just kidding, but having our accidental meetups and conversations are truly a way to not only brighten up my time at the gym, but my whole day as well. Continue to be who you are because you are a truly fun person to be around.

To Zander Tamez, I will you a friend who can truly dab you up. Unfortunately we may not link up in that, but our chemical reactions in soccer are unmatched. You are a joy to be around, and even if our first interaction was me asking you if you watched blue lock and you screaming blue lock, I enjoyed all the times I have spent with you, and I hope you continue to stick to who you are.

To Nihar Cheruku, I will you a most outrageous vernacular moving forward. You truly brighten up the math class with your random comments and actions. Your skills in sports like soccer and basketball are to be admired, and your ability to connect with random people over random things is also incredible. Keep being who you are and you’ll do great.

Pranet Swain

To Daniel Park, I will you all of the thanks in the world, because if there’s one word to describe my time with you here, “It’s been educational” (Marty McFly, Back to the Future). Whether it was stealing my belt or getting JJ riled up again over his missing mouse or whatnot, you have never ceased to remind me of all the things we take for granted in life. I don’t mean just cheap belts and even cheaper mouses, but the time we have while we are young. The time we shouldn’t be spending worrying about that score or decision, but the time we should be spending screwing around, pulling stupid crap, and riling up the people we love for giggles. You taught me that sometimes, you just gotta say “What the ****” and trust the process (Tom Cruise, Risky Business). Because of you, I learned that life’s a little too fast to not stop and look around every once in a while (Ferris Bueller). Because of you, I learned that the time we waste just because we have time to waste is always and “totally” worth it (Cartman, Casa Bonita). I quote all of these movies when I discuss the lessons you have passed on to me because, as much as I idolize the transcendent proverbs they bestow upon us, you’re the one person that has really made me reflect over them. You happen to be the only person on campus that shares my love of cinema, but you’ve actually lived your life like it was a movie. It’s hard for me to think of another person Ferris Bueller or Marty McFly would have killed to hang out with. In the words of Ralph Macchio from The Outsiders, “Stay gold, Ponyboy.”

To Nihar Cheruku, I will you a steering wheel. In the words of the iconoclast Charles “Chuck” Barkley, “You either a bus driver or a bus passenger.” I know a lot of bus passengers and I can assure you that you’re unequivocally, unquestionably one of the bus drivers of this world. I know what it feels like when it seems like you’re 52 feet deep and the walls are closing in on you, but I’m here to tell you that the mud is a whole lot shallower than you would ever believe. It’s just that, as it is for all of the greatest bus drivers of our generation, you need a little direction. Sometimes, a fresh new steering wheel is all you need. You’re, without a doubt, an underdog story in the making. Prove ’em wrong, driver.

To Revanth Poondru, I will you the 2022 Warriors championship mixtape because that’s the last time Golden State’s winning a chip for a long time. On a more serious note, it’s going to suck seeing you go. When I got into IMSA, the last thing I was expecting from an institution of such prestige was my big sibling, the first senior I became acquainted with, to be the biggest troll I have ever seen. You’ve poured red chili into Park’s Chipotle bowl. You’ve literally rearranged the entire layout of my room. I’m proud to have you as my Big Sibling. Never ever change man.

To Daniel Ma, I will you SEC.gov’s “Guide to Identifying and Avoiding Securities Fraud”. I’m going to level with you for a second: you’re going to be an incredibly smart man and you’re going to be an incredibly successful individual. Now, I don’t know if that success is going to be in the form of a $10M acquisition from Stripe or being responsible for the next crypto market crash. But in the case the latter becomes reality (not completely off the table), that book was the best I could find for you. You’re destined for incredible things – just stay on the SEC’s good side.

To Rohan Jain, I will you a wet towel for all of the zest you give off on a daily basis. With that being said, you’re by far one of the smartest people I know and you deserve every bit of success that’s coming your way. I also will you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTNhRffu9vQ&ab_channel=VincaniTV.

Raghav Sinha

To Michelle Li, I will you relief from any stress that you face in your lifetime. Thank you for everything. I have had really bad days, but just seeing you has made them feel better. Your smile is contagious. I hope that you continue to do great things and you feel as happy as much as you have made those around you. Have fun in college!

To Lily Song, I will you an exciting college experience. I have enjoyed making puns with you in sound and light. Thank you for so many memories. Your motivation and kindness will not go unnoticed. You are a genuinely good person, and I hope that you meet people that are as amazing as you.

To Sridevi Krothapalli, I will you a strong focus on med school. I enjoyed talking to you, and you are really fun. I know you will do a lot of great things in the future.

To Yina Wang, I will you a fun college experience at Yale. I know you don’t always like my puns, but it’s been really “pun” hanging out with you in sound and light. I am glad we got to know each other and thank you for everything.

To Valeria Castellanos, hii val, I will you a valuable career in business! You are a really kind person, and I am glad I got to know you. FBLA and Summer@IMSA would not be the same without you. You have helped me get through a lot of difficult times, and I hope you enjoy college.

To Ramzi Daki, to the better Daki, I will you a very eventful experience outside of IMSA. You have single-handedly made my Junior Year better. Thank you for showing me what true fun looks like.

To Breena Bulthuis, I will you that warm feeling in my heart I get when you talk. You are a genuinely nice person, and I hope college treats you the same way you treat others. Thank you for all the memories.

To Kenith Taukolo, HII Kenith, I will you a professional-level spot on a National Rugby team. You are a really fun person to be around, and I have become a better person thanks to you. You have inspired me to come out of my comfort zone and I know you will do great things in any field (get it, like, rugby, lol) you choose. Please continue to try new things, because I know you will get very good at them very quickly.

To Lily Powell, I will you more kind people to meet in college. I know that you will make a lot of friends and every day that you are happy, I am happy.

To Elle Brittin, hi Elle, I will you all the pictures I took of you. Thanks for letting me take so many of them. You are really photogenic, so they all turned out really well. Also, I hope that your fits always stay this good. Enjoy college, and thank you for making my day so much better.

To Adelyn Kobayashi, I will you money that be adelyn, thanks for letting me make fun of your height. Enjoy college. Hopefully you meet someone who likes hedge funds, as much as I do. Also, call me sometime, I want constant updates on how college is going.

To Elaina Xiao, hii elaine, I will you a lot of friends in college. Thank you for so many memories. I am so glad I got to meet with you. I know that you will go on to do great things at UIUC and I hope you have lots of fun.

To Irene Liu, hi Irene, my favorite shmen, I will you lots of cool computer science classes in the future, I enjoyed talking to you sophomore year and you bring lots of great vibes. Enjoy college!

To Piere Joyner, I will you a chill college experience, yo pierre you wanna come out here? Do me a favor and play more carti. Thanks for all the memories, I am glad I got to know you.

To Ela Gadi, I will you more drip, Ela you have the best fits on campus, you should start a fashion business. That’s all.

Raymond Schumacher

To Zander, I will you soccer and parties, thank you for the memories on the team, as a friend, and as temporary roommates. All the pale women you can handle are waiting for you in Alabama. Go absolutely insane, love you zank.

To Elle, I will you a pet cow, to keep on a potato farm. It will be a fuzzy brown cow to keep monk company (occupied) so he’s no longer a delinquent. I’ll come play tennis with you at ASU and we’ll go eat in-n-out! Thanks for being one of my favorite people at IMSA, who can make me smile on the worst day, always happy to point and wave at you.

To Julius, I will my soccer skill. You and me are absolute menaces on the field, RDJ will be etched in IMSA history forever. Thank you for the memories, letting me enjoy half of my high school career, and don’t ever stop grinding. You’ll do great in college, stay chill my guy.

To Nachi, I will you safety, thank you for being there to take care of me, the covid violations were worth the memories. We’ll take an aquarium trip sometime, and I still have to come meet Chewie. Be safe, be careful, love you Nachi.

To Freddie, I will you something wild. Go crazy in college, become the best manipulator version of yourself. Don’t forget what me and dw taught you, and you’ll do great things. Thank you for all the memories, destroying me at smash, and randomly becoming one of my favorite people <3.

To Dammy, I will you hugs and men. You’re a queen in a sea of followers, never forget it. Thank you for everything, much love.

To Will, thank you for being my best friend, all the deep late night conversations, crazy goofy memories, days of wallowing in mental illness, and being a goated human being. We’ll be messing up the west coast in a few years, trust me. Can’t wait to pull up to the new Heidi Healy crib. Love you willyum, never change.

To Dheeran, I will you successful transfers. An unstoppable tennis team (formerly undefeated) with personal water breaks, tights, and minor issues regarding latin women. All the mint gum you can have is waiting for you in college, you’re one of the most interesting people I know, all the best.

To Alex Guo, GUOSKIDA, go insane during your fake major, I’m glad we became friends this last year. You’re going to get absolutely huge in Boston, try talking to someone irl sometime. Wake up for once, get off overwatch and go touch grass.

To Conor, I will you great hair. I’ll miss your random hugs and I actually already miss you right now, where you at? You’ll do great things, only sleep can hold you back. All love to you.

To Breena, I will you gains. All of them. They’re yours to take, and you’re one of the most motivated people I know. You’ll do great things.

To Addie, I will you instability. We both know you can’t handle anything else, so thrive in chaos. Thank you for going through this crazy year with me and introducing me to the Barbie cinematic universe. Thanks for the memories, and to making more. Go crazy, be safe.

To Diego, I will you Liverpool, they are exceedingly bad but it’s okay. You’re impossible to confuse with me, and a huge part of two record breaking seasons in a row. Sorry for that one red card that was definitely probably my fault, do great things at Navy, you’re the GOAT.

To the Dean Barrow, I will you the legacy of RDJ. I’m very proud to be part of a legendary top three, and all-conference was locked from the lineup tbh. I’m happy to witness the legend of Dean Barrow, continue your relentless positivity on your way to whatever you want to achieve. I know you can do it, because you’re the Dean Barrow.

To Daniel Ma, I will you Bach. You’re a better composer than me but like start the cut. From questionable music theory activity to legendary gym status I’m glad we got closer this year. BPA went absolutely insane. 04 won’t be the same without the quad. Go crazy in college, thanks for the memories.

To Poondru, Jain, and Park, thanks for the memories, randomly showing up in B wing won’t be the same next year, we’ll definitely miss you guys. From walking to Fogo de Chao, late night Shake Shack, and missing BPA check ins. You’ll all be too successful for your own good, don’t get canceled.

Rhea Shah

To Bhavya V (I still don’t know the rest of your last name), I will you another Bhavya, my right airpod permanently, a comfy bed to always fall asleep in, an arm day in the gym, and all my love. Throughout my time thinking about what I was going to write in this will, I slowly started remembering more and more memories that we shared together. From me being petrified to quad with seniors, to me accidentally stalking you on Instagram, to me meeting you while I was snapping my old friend Jessica, to the random brunch, to meeting your friends, to us having a backstabber listening session, to our friendship now, I always knew that you were the right person for me. This past year has been a pleasure to spend with you, and I would do it all over again with no hesitation. You are the lalala to my okokok, and I will always need your mistimed laughs, random sleepiness, and your morning alarms to keep me going. I hope that as you progress through life you consistently find yourself in other people, although I must admit, it’s pretty hard finding another Bhavya, and I’m very lucky to have found you. No one will ever have the ability to fall asleep during a tea session, go into lexington with you even though they already ate, somehow find ways to hangout with you regardless of their packed schedule, send you an unlimited amount of tiktoks, psychoanalyze EVERYONE (no one is safe), and just be Bhavya (yes, you are an adjective). I can go on forever listing out what you’ve done to make my life better, but I hope that deep down you know how great of a person you are and the impact you have made on my life, and I hope you know that you don’t need anyone else’s validation to know how great of a person you are. I know you’ve been through so much, but it has all made you a better person, and I cannot express my gratitude enough for letting me be your friend. I will never forget how we bonded talking about our old friends, Nancy, Kurtis, Bella, Jessica, and more, and I knew at that moment that you and I were supposed to be friends. Now I know that I don’t show my appreciation for you that often, and that’s something I’ve grown to regret, but I hope you know that you are my Sophomore year. Looking back in the future on this year, I’m going to remember you. I’m going to remember our endless laughs, our endless gossip, and our endless memories. As you move on to another chapter in your life, I wish you an endless amount of success, happiness, and memories along with all of the other things I mentioned at the beginning. You deserve so much more than anything I can will you. When you become the next hotshot, don’t forget me. I love you more than words can describe, please keep in touch, even through your disassociating phases. I am going to miss you so much, and I will make the drive up to you eventually. Believe it or not, there’s so much more I want to say, but this is available for the public to view, so just wait. Don’t hesitate to reach out for anything and everything, even if it’s for my right airpod which is reserved for you and only you <3 .

To Umi Arora, I will you an infinite amount of oberweis trips (Now let this sink in so you get what I’m saying, you got it? Good!), and adopting the SSS mindset for the rest of your life. Okay seriously, where do I even start? I’m so glad we started actually talking to each other rather than randomly pretending we don’t know each other. No matter what mood I’m in (which I’m sure you can hear through the very revealing quad door), you always manage to get me laughing. Your sense of humor is peak, the outdated and ironic references you make are iconic, and your smile is literally contagious. I love our nightly debriefs and our random heart-to-hearts, but we really have to broaden our horizons beyond the same 3-4 topics, but people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. I know that regardless of what happens in the future you’ll always find a way to make other people laugh. Now this may sound very cliche, but I mean this from the bottom of my heart, do not change for anyone or anything. You are literally one of the best people I’ve met at this school, and I don’t know what I would’ve done without you (and your morning alarms waking me up). Now you may not realize this, but throughout the course of the school year, I’ve seen you grow into a better and funnier person. Especially in this last semester, you’ve really adopted the yolo/sss mindset, and I hope you continue this mindset for the rest of your life. I know usually we spend our time laughing while screaming in my room, but I wanted to take this moment and show the impact you have on my life. Don’t hesitate to ever reach out to me, even over the dumb things, I’m going to miss you so much, and remember that I’m always here for you <3.

To Luis Hernandez Aguirre, I will you complete and total rights to the iconic, and totally original, catchphrase “boi what the h*** boi”. Where do I even start with this catchphrase? It was first coined on our first-day meeting, which was my first week on campus. I remember you received a package with a dress in it (which you claimed was the wrong package, but who knows?) and you walked around posing with it on. From that moment, I knew that you are an amazing person, and this opinion has just remained throughout my time knowing you. You enhance a group setting in ways that are indescribable, and your jokes are always on point. You are one of the most dependable people I’ve ever met. I also want to take this moment to thank you for our endless memories together, especially at that carnival in the beginning of the school year. You are one of my day ones, and I cannot thank you enough for making my sophomore year memorable. You are a joy to talk to and study with in the IRC (I promise I’ll work on my table selection). Genuinely, I wish you the best of luck, I know you’re going to do amazing things for the world and you can tackle anything life will throw at you. I hope you have many more skirt-wearing bfriend-like performances, and remember to keep in touch :)).

To Alex Orantia, I will you an endless amount of giggles for the rest of your life, a silly goose, an unlimited number of people to talk to, and a walking buddy. I remember the first time we met, I just could not stop laughing. All day long we were just laughing. You are one of the funniest people I’ve met, and our senses of humor just blend to create some of the funniest moments that I will cherish forever. I know this past year became stressful at times, but somehow you always found a way to smile and giggle through it. I hope that you continue this for the rest of your life no matter what life throws at you. Ok, I think now it’s time to move on to the silly goose, well I think you already know what I meant by that, so now on to the unlimited number of people to talk to. I’m sure you’ve heard this hundreds of times before, but you literally know everyone and your socializing skills are immaculate. Without hesitation, you spark up a conversation with everyone regardless of circumstances, and honestly, it’s admirable to watch. As a result, I will you an unlimited amount of people to meet and talk to for the rest of your life. I know that in the future you are bound to become the next hotshot and successful person because of your wonderful attitude. You know how to think on the fly and come up with solutions that I wouldn’t even think of, and you can make the best of any situation, and you do it all with that little smile on your face. Now, in my opinion, you’re going to need another walking partner for the next chapter of your life. So I will you another person that you can bump into (literally) whenever you cross paths in the hallway and walk to class. I’m going to miss you so much Alex, but please keep in touch with me if you ever need some comedic relief or if you just want to be dumb with me. I love you so much, and I’m going to miss our daily walks to random classes <3.

To Sridevi, my dedicated floor screamer, my one and only Plainfield girly (even though you’re from Plainfield North) and the realest “Palli” here, I will you the ability to find an in-state guy. I know that in the course of your chaotic life, you are going to find yourself 2 things no matter what life throws at you, success, and a significant other. You’re going to be traveling from city to city, state to state, but you will always have this grudge against guys from your state, so I will you the ability to find the most perfect man you can ever have, but the catch is he has to be from your state! No, but on a more serious note, I know that you are going to do great things, no matter what happens in the future, keep on being your chaotic and unfiltered self. And remember, everything happens for a reason, and everything will work itself out in the end. You can’t escape me because I live so close to you, so don’t even try ghosting me after graduation. Keep in touch, I love you Sridevi!

To Pranit Guntupalli, I will you the ability to know who blocked Drake, not to be dry 24/7, and to be a lifelong (bandwagon) Celtics fan. Those texts to Drake did turn green, but with your sherlock holmes skills, I have faith that you will find out who blocked Drake! Now, I will you the ability to not be dry, which is one of my biggest pet peeves. Just don’t be dry, it’s really simple, but I wouldn’t want your back to hurt from carrying the conversation, oh wait, mine does because you are so dry. C’mon now, you didn’t think I would take it easy on you just because it’s an underclassman will. Okay last joke, what do you call someone who loves the Celtics just because of their playoff performance? You call them Pranit. Okay, okay, I’m done now. I hope that you become a lifelong fan of the Celtics, and we do have to watch a game together. I hope that as you watch more and more basketball, you are able to truly recognize how great the Celtics are (and maybe then I’ll call you a real fan). Seriously though, thank you so much for making my sophomore year memorable, the memories we created together will stay with me forever. From your legendary tea-making skills to your “wonderful” Michael Jordan-level skills on the basketball court, I will remember it all. Thank you for hanging out with me, even though sometimes (as one would say…) I can be a [fill in the blank] soph! As you graduate and move on to the next era of your life, I hope that you always make meaningful memories with everyone around you, and you spend your time with people you genuinely enjoy. Don’t hesitate to ever reach out to me, even if it’s to talk about the Celtics game. Thank you for everything :)).

To Keerthi Panchagnula, I will you the ability to ignore the noise, and do work in a group setting. Now this may seem ironic at first, and I know what you’re thinking “ugh – omg rhea you’re the one who doesn’t do any work when we’re together!” but you get so (jokingly?) frustrated that you end up not doing any work. So for the well-being of your grades, I will you the ability to ignore any noise and just do work (it’s simple really). No, but really, you are one of the most helpful people I have ever met at this school. I remember at the beginning of the year, you never even knew me that well, but you would help me out with my problem sets without ever complaining about anything that you have to do, so for that I thank you. I also thank you for making my sophomore year memorable with our giggles. I wish you the best of luck with your future, remember to keep in touch! I’m going to miss you, I love you Keerthi <33.

To Divya Choudhary, my one and (hopefully) only stalker, I will you the ability to get scared. There’s nothing more to be said: be scared. I will scare you again.

Riya Gumidyala

To Shreeya, I will you a trip to Europe (with me ofc!) I can’t believe you’re already graduating. I still remember when I was in 4th grade and you were in 6th and we were planning out our gifts for each other for future birthdays and events. Graduation seemed so far away then. From late-night Julie Annes runs to saving me at family friend parties, you have always been by my side and I am so thankful that you practically forced me to come to IMSA. You’re like my sister and I’m so happy that we go to the same school, even though we still have separation anxiety and hang out over the weekends. At this point, I’m convinced my parents consider you a third child, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. I love you sooo much and I can’t wait to visit you in Boston :)).

To Eddie, I will you the ability to do our South Indian dance with ease. Eddie, I am beyond thankful that I met you this year. South Indian and Reggaeton were so so much fun with you. Your chaotic energy and crazy stories always cheer me up. I am going to miss you more than I can imagine and GOOD LUCK in college! Make sure you visit me plsss I love you :)

To Keerthi, I will you a good night’s rest and a walking trip (hopefully by the time you read this we’ve gone on one). Keerthi, I genuinely don’t know what I would do without your amazing pep talks in choir, 1 am math crash courses, and mary poppins bag with much-needed lotion. I am so so unbelievably grateful to have met you this year; you made me feel so comfortable during my first few weeks at IMSA. I still remember watching you dance and hearing you sing for the first time with my jaw on the floor. Your talent and hard work are so admirable and I ASPIRE to be like you. I wish you the best of luck in your future and I know for a fact that you are going to accomplish amazing things in life. Keep in touch!!

To Saketh, I will you new headphones and a never-ending loop of Ainvayi Ainvayi. We haven’t known each other for long, but somehow you managed to get me to use all your vocab. Maybe I’m a mini you. Jk, we can’t let that happen. But all jokes aside, you’re the goat. You’re always there to give me the best advice, support me when I flop on tests, and FaceTime Manu and I for 5 hours. Although our Starbucks walking trip might be lost, I’m so glad we became friends this semester. Good luck at NYU, and make sure to keep in touch with the goated ISA board. Maybe one day I’ll let you meet ****** :).

To Shreya, I will you a pair of scissors and a ruler to measure streamers (tbt to dosa night). Thank you so so much for making my transition to ISA seamless, and for always speaking on behalf of soph board to get our ideas heard. I still remember on day 1 you told Anjali, Manu, and I to speak up, advocate for our ideas, don’t let anyone overpower what we say, and for that, I am forever grateful. I can’t wait to hear about all the amazing things you do in the future, and hope you come back for our next culture show!

To Divya, I will you upperclassmen who help you when you complain about your toilet being broken (but hopefully it doesn’t happen as much as 4 times in a semester). It feels like girls’ dance was just yesterday, and I am so beyond happy that I met you this year. You are so supportive and are always checking in on me (esp during AP week)! Living in B-wing with you was so much fun and I hope you keep in touch!!

Ryan Li

To Yina Wang, I will you the meaning of life. Well, I don’t know if I can actually will you that if I don’t really know it myself. But Yina, you’ve truly transformed not just my experience at IMSA, but my life as a whole. I’ve pushed myself so much harder, taken opportunities I never would’ve considered prior to your endless encouragement, and put myself out there in a new world where I was scared to just be myself (RE: IMSA is not, in fact, scary to me anymore—it is quite the opposite). Never would I have thought that a single email sent on move-in day would lead to our IMSA family (you, me, and RAT), a cacophonous spiral of hot-dogging on 02 Slabs, late-night strolls, Naperville Public Library academic weapon grind sessions, Pacifica Square Asian night markets and ramen-drowned lanterns, insanely foul +4s in Crazy Eight, a wild Goliath-free extravaganza at Six Flags, and hopefully many more experiences this upcoming summer and in the far future. Yina, you’ve achieved so much academically (as the IMSA Instagram page so dearly loves to boast), but perhaps more specially, you’ve impacted everyone around you in the best way possible. Not to brag or anything, but I feel like you’ve impacted me the most—again, I’m the person I am today because of all our experiences together and all the life advice you’ve so graciously delivered to me. Sure, I don’t really know the meaning of life. Who does? But maybe the fact that you can positively change the world around you so effortlessly, the fact that you light up any room you walk in, or the fact that you, *Yina Wang*, are going to save the world as an Applied Math major (jk—or am I?), all factor into our own understanding of the meaning of life. Or maybe this complex, unsolvable meaning of life that you chase with never-ending inquiry is exclusively yours. Please visit Naperville frequently, for I will surely combust otherwise.

To Halimat Sanusi, I will you better knees and an improved immune system. Halimat, you are genuinely one of the greatest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. From your INSANEEEE dancing abilities to our late-night door talks, to your annoyingly-always-right life advice, to our often-clashing K-Pop opinions and our rare (yet fulfilling!) agreements, to our scarily similar insecurities and life issues, I feel like we are connected on a spiritual level the same way I feel like I’m connected to Kai. Just kidding. But your invincible work ethic (from formation-building to essay-writing) and your amazing personality shine so much more than you think, and despite our aforementioned shared insecurities, you are genuinely a shooting star. I cannot imagine IMSA without you, and when you leave, I’m sure as hell going to feel the cavity in IMSA’s dance culture, music taste, and overall coolness. Thank you for being one of my biggest role models at this God-forsaken school, but no matter how much I question His existence while grinding on homework before our ten-check door talks, I ask you this one question: DID YOU PRAY TODAY? (Also, we devoured at prom. Fr.) But, no matter your greatness, I hope you can overcome your weaknesses of Mother Nature’s allergens and her homeostatic vices on your kneecaps after dancing, for those are the only two things holding you back. When they’re gone, a true alpha shall be unleashed.

To Sarah Wheeler, I will you rest. No, actually. Please take a break. I know you told me to do this in your will, but you need it so much more. I’m going to let you in on a secret: I stalk your Google Calendar over your shoulder when I’m bored in Creative Writing. And Sarah, that’s not normal. Nevertheless, despite your grossly obvious overcommitment, you’ve still managed to do incredible things with the things you’ve chosen to involve yourself in. Thank you for building the LEAD family that I will always cherish dearly. Thank you for your advice and your willingness to just hear me out sometimes when I have something to say. And thank you so much for trusting me as a close friend despite all the times I’ve wronged you. You’ve truly helped me so much as a person, and I don’t think I’d be able to experience this level of closure without our friendship. I appreciate everything you’ve ever done for me, and I will forever be grateful that I don’t just know you from a random Instagram account Nathan Felix DMed me during my 2021 summer IMSA waitlist era. You are genuinely one of the most hardworking people I know, and much like you said in my will, I see you doing amazing things, as long as you take a break once in a while. And fun fact, I’m clairvoyant (jk).

To Venus Obazuaye, I will you an amazing time. What kind of amazing time? I don’t know. But I do know that you don’t have a lot of time for yourself, and I just hope that with the time you do allocate for self-care and fun activities, you find something amazing to do, at least in your own terms. You have been an amazing upperclassman, and I will forever cherish the advice you’ve given me over the past two years. I hope you’ll still find time to crochet a bucket hat, learn something new, or watch a new TV show. You deserve everything that you’ve worked so hard for, and I know one day, I’m going to see you in the news absolutely demolishing everyone around you in your profession of choice.

To Elaina Xiao, I will you a freshman fling. I hope that we’ll find our flings at the same time, and we’ll be able to text about them over the three-hour drive that separates us, and we’ll be able to gush 24/7 as if we were both still at IMSA. Elaina, YOU GET IT. You get it so much that it hurts. I think you’re the only person who gets it as much as I do. You are the light of our Machine Learning table, the foil to the insane Akshat Gupta who sits there like a broken record (jk Akshat if you’re reading this I’ll redeem you later ig). From the Shawarma Chicken homemade tahini sauce to all the times you’ve heard me out, you are genuinely one of the best friends I’ve ever had and I cherish you so, so much. You are an awesome singer, you have an amazing work ethic, and I can’t wait to see you succeed as the Google girly I’ve been manifesting for you because of your clean girl gym girl hydrated glass skin aesthetic. And, in response to your will, I LOVE YOU BACK! (x10!)

To Alexandra Orantia, I will you our shared OOP Notes Sheet. I took extra notes for you when you were out of class, so hopefully it will be useful if you’re trying to prime your brain for your girl boss data-sciencing in Ithaca. You have helped me so much as an upperclassman, and I’m so glad that you’ve always been there for me, even as a shoulder to cry on. From that girl I only knew as the one everyone had an ISMA Crush on, to my French queen (ma reine française?), to my Material Girl dancing queen, and to so much more, I love you so, so much, and I hope you stay in touch.

To Irene Liu, I will you better advice-giving skills. Just kidding. You, Irene, are an amazing person who’s going to do amazing things as a piece of cloth *cough* Tartan. I believe in you to change the world using your girl boss USACO Java AP CSA skills, and I know you’re going to be on the news someday with your metaphorical fairy wings carrying you through the sky as all of us mere mortals have our jaws gaped in wonder at your fantastical flight. I don’t know what I’m writing right now. In all seriousness Irene, you’ve done so much for me (for better or for worse) and I’m genuinely not ready to see you go. From our many walks to our numerous discussions over our mutual stupidity, to me walking past you having a mental breakdown over Calc-Based in Old Cafe, to our random conversations on Messenger about deciphering Chinese semantics, I’ll always wonder where that 小苹果 is next year and why she’s on the news with her metaphorical fairy wings.

To Jackie Zhang, I will you Mingyu or Jeonghan or both. I genuinely mix them up. Anyhow, you are such an effortlessly amazing person, Jackie. I know you’re going to eat up life in general, and your contributions in the world are going to transcend any of your K-Pop boys, no matter how hot they are. As my chronically online Persona5 queen with the velvet backpack, I cannot believe you can be such an academic weapon and succeed so much in everything you do. Go you. I hope that in uni, you’ll find somewhere to fill up your fishbowl (or “humidifier”), and maybe there, you’ll finally find grass to touch.

To Himani Kamineni, I will you the ability to find someone right for you. Himani, there is no reason someone as awesome and smart as you should be distraught over the pitfalls of humanity (the male-identifying population). Despite your troubles over patriarchs, I’m glad you’re able to have a good time and practice self-love no matter what. Your biology and bassooning skills are second to none, and you’ll definitely be cited as an author by IMSA MSI kids in the future (if you decide to study soil microbes—idk). Thank you for slow dancing with me and thank you for always being super real, no matter the circumstances. Love u! (Please don’t cry in a bathroom over your wills.)

To Jeff Duan, I will you a life. Jeff, wtf. How are you sleeping at 5 am and taking CompuSci and ModPhys and being emo and still surviving?? You’re actually kinda built different, as much as I hate to admit that. Your big-waving and BFriend choreo are truly some of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen come to life, and all BFriend taught me was how your passions truly translate to real life. You’re going to do great things (probably) and I hope you can find the secret to achieving God Mode 24/7 in college.

To Michelle Li, I will you a stick of butter. Why? Because your voice is smooth as butter. Michelle, thank you for carrying the intro to all the SCRJ podcasts. Your radio voice is truly legendary and shall be immortalized on our Spotify account. From our frantic MUN runs (prior to my quitting, oops) and our chance encounters (which may end in me dying of laughter because I’m ticklish and I can’t put on clip-on earrings), you are so hilarious and your humor shines everywhere you go. But other than that, you are such an amazing human being and I am so, so lucky to have gotten to know you. Even though we haven’t talked that much, I know you are super capable and hard-working, and you’re going to be the best historian in the world (jk). I hope you eat up all your court cases, your LSATs, and any other schooling you have to do to pursue your professions (including if you decide to change career paths). Your voice and your passion are going to carry you through the raging rapids of life.

To Lily Song, I will you closure to know that I will indeed make BFriend really, really good, and perhaps a plane ticket to next year’s Lunar Show. Trust me: the mix, the choreo, and the people will all be impeccable and held to a high standard. Pull up!

To Nandana Varma, I will you better driving capabilities. While I haven’t fallen victim to your passenger princess tendencies, I hope you’ll be able to tear up the roads with your mom’s minivan and not have to fear retribution because of your…”absence” of a license. Nandana, you’ve helped me become a brighter, more grateful, and happier person in general. Your smile is permanently ingrained in my mind, almost like a mantra that I live by. Your passion for research inspires me so, so much, and I hope that one day, we’ll cross paths again in the field of academia and PhDs. Also, thank you for introducing me to People Watching and Mirrorball, the only two songs that make me cry. To a summer of fun and to succeed in the amorphous world of academia! Love you, Nandana :).

To Aaliyah Ali, I will you amazing success in all of your future endeavors. And Taylor Swift tickets. Aaliyah, you were the first person I talked to during Move-In back to last August. And from that talk, I gathered so much about you as a person. I fully believe in your success in all your future endeavors in the ever-changing world of data science, because I learned that you pursue all your goals to the fullest. Your voice dominates the room, and your genuine passion shimmers iridescently. Thank you for being super funny and a great person to lean on.
To Nat Gao, I will you better flings. I don’t know who they are, but I know you could do better with your caliber.

To Pietro Stabile and Akshat Gupta, I will you both gua shas. Pietro, I know you don’t really care about gua shas, but I implore you to take a chance with Akshat’s expertise in ancient Chinese medicine—perhaps you too will obtain Elaina and Akshat’s glass skin and sharp jawlines. Akshat, I know you’re already receiving a gua sha soon. But I know for a fact that it’s not real jade. You can’t get real jade for less than $20. You deserve that jawline, and you deserve that single at Presby Hall, and most of all, you deserve that beef tallow. Thank you both for making Machine Learning a class I look forward to. I’m going to miss you guys a lot next year.

To Sachleen Tuteja, I will you so much success and fun, and happiness in Evanston. Even though I only knew you for like 6 months, you truly hold a special place in my heart. You believe in me and my capabilities so much, and that’s really crazy because you know what? I share the exact same sentiments with you. Sachleen, you are so smart and talented, and passionate, and I know you’re going to do great things in the field of medicine. You’re genuinely one of the funniest and kindest people I know, and in addition to that, I truly believe in your inevitable impact on the world.

To Yareli Marinez, I will you an invite for when I get BFriend choreo next year. You’re going to get your socks knocked off (real). But other than that, I also will you a soft and cozy plush with a butt! I don’t care how obscene it is, my Pusheen plush has the cutest butt and I will stand by that. Yareli, you are truly so hardworking and I’m so excited to see the accomplishments you’ll inevitably make in the future. I’ll miss you so much, so make sure to stay in touch <3.

To Ara Macaulay, I will you freedom from Monsieur. Actually, you’ll already have that soon enough. But, the sooner, the better.

To the LEAD seniors, I will you freedom. From what or who, I shall not elaborate. To everyone I may have forgotten or could not include in this year’s wills, just know that I cherish you as much as everyone else, and the only thing that is keeping me from expressing that is the Acronym’s will limit. I love all of you endlessly, and I’ll make all my effort to keep the IMSA community amazing next year.

Sabriya Attia

To the 06 B wing downquad (Divya, Keerthi, Aditi, Sara), I will you an everlasting strong bond. For the past two years, you all have been the best downquad anyone could have possibly asked for, and the four of you helped make our wing feel like a community :).

To the seniors of the Model UN board (Michelle, Kenith, Ella), I will you an amazing experience in college MUN, if you choose to do it. Thank you for making board an amazing and fun experience, and I know that the three of you are truly going places <3.

To Ara Macaulay, I will you good cell service. Being frank, I never thought that we’d get close— I just knew you as Sophia’s quiet, chill friend. But, I quickly realized that you’re anything but quiet and chill. Ara, you bring out some weird, insane side of me and match my energy in the best way possible, and I feel like I can let my guard down around you. From messing around and spilling the tea during French (perhaps this is why Marshall has it out for us!) to late-night access walks, you’ve shared so many experiences with me that I know I’ll remember for years to come. And, despite all the insane things that come out of your mouth, I’m really, really grateful that we got close. We’ve bonded over so much; our French <3 experience <3, our mutual psycho-obsessions, and my instigations of your actions. Please do not stop texting me your crazy nonsense next year, and I’ll miss you lots :(. Bisous!

To Sophia Syed, I will you a toaster. Sophia, you’re my oldest friend, and even though I like the rest of your family better than you (Aydin is my fav), I’ll still miss seeing you on campus. In college, don’t forget about me too quickly, and make sure to text and call me lots. Make sure to not lose a toaster for the third time! <3

Sadkrith Malladi

To the chess team veterans(Jared, Ramzi, Miles), I will you the higher rating you deserve. It was truly an honor to play with you guys on the team this year and hopefully, we will play in some titled tournament someday.

To Jared Dong, I will you a pristine new chess set. I will never forget all those late nights spent playing blitz with your old mismatched set, procrastinating Spanish homework in the process. Thank you for being such a good captain, teammate, and friend, and I have big shoes to fill on the team next year. I can proudly say that State was the highlight of my sophomore year. I hope you find somebody in college who helps you the same way you help me. Thank you for all you have done for me and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

To Dhruv Patel, for obvious reasons, I will you a newspaper. As Acronym Editor-In-Chief and LD debate co-captain, you have helped me produce my best quality work in these extracurriculars. You have been someone I could approach this year to talk about anythi

g, from politics to small talk. Congrats on getting into Harvard and I wish you the best of luck in your studies there.

To Saketh Dontaraju, I will you the tricolour. Need I say more? You are one of the most charismatic people I have met at IMSA, and although I haven’t spoken to you that much this year, your enthusiasm is infectious. Good luck at NYU! Vande Mataram.

To all the seniors whom I have not had the good fortune of knowing well this year, I will you my best wishes and good luck in your future pursuits.

Sahil Veeravalli

To Dhruv Patel, I will you some good humor. Hopefully, your remarks in the future won’t result in awkward silence. Anyways, I didn’t know you that well at the beginning of the year, but now we are like this: *insert weird hand symbol*. You have been a “DOUBLE U MANS” and I hope you’ll have “DOUBLE U RIZZ” in college, although that will definitely be a byproduct of your Boston Temu Jacket. Before you leave, I’ll leave you with some respect.

To Luis Hernandez Aguirre, I will you some time to relax. You are one of the most hard-working people I know, from being a proactive HCC and hyping up clash, you definitely made living in 05 a better experience for me. Hopefully, our next HCC will be able to handle your role.

To Shaan Doshi, I will you an among us win. I’m glad that I was able to meet you this year. You’re one of the smartest people I know (how are you so good at math), and I know that you’ll pop off in college.
To Vikram Karra, I don’t know what to will you. I just thought I’d write you a will because I willed the rest of your quad. My bad. Respect this will bruh.

To Sam Go, I will you an eternal train ticket downtown. I met you this year on the SIR bus, and it has been fun talking to you in the morning and after SIR about your *journeys*. I still don’t know how you are so cracked at geography, and you seem to know everything about Chicago down to each street. Anyways, I hope you have a good time at college and definitely come visit sometime.

To Pranit Guntupalli, I will you some plants. I’m so glad I met you this year through orgo. I respect your takes (most of the time) and you made my time at IMSA more enjoyable this year. You are one of the few people that I can open up to, and complaining to you about life in our secret spot in the IRC has been enjoyable. I hope that you plant some trees in UIUC, and you better talk to me next year.

To Jared Dong, I will you more emcee-ing. When I first moved into 05B, I heard that you were going to be a senior here, but I haven’t met you at that point. You’re one of the most chill and funny seniors I know and nice to chat with in the wing.

To Saketh Dontaraju, I will you a red nose (get it). I didn’t know you that well last year, but this year we have gotten a lot closer. I know we haven’t talked much (other than your occasional “AY CHANDRAMUKHI”), but I still respect you. And come up with better nicknames.

To Nachiket Rajinikanth, I will you the Hanuman Chalisa. I didn’t know you that well last year other than the fact that you were from Dunlap, but this year we’ve gotten to know each other and you’re the most laid-back person that I know. It’s nice talking to you in engineering, and I respect you for sticking with Balavihar. Keep on praying and you’ll definitely become a doctor.

To Saul, Nachi, and Diego, I will you guys and myself some brain cells. Honestly, how does Hawker deal with us in his class? I’ve learned more about Diego’s shenanigans than engineering. I always look forward to coming to engineering because of you guys, and you’ll definitely be missed next year.

To Pietro Stabile, I will you a coat. Acting in movie this year was fun with you, and I got to know you a lot from filming. I know that you’ll keep rizzing in college like you always do, but maybe sometimes you gotta chill. Anyways, I better see you be an alumni feature in next year’s movie.

Sarah Kumar

To Halimat Sanusi, I will you all the dancing skills in the world (even though ur already so good) and more nct concerts to go to! Ur such an amazing dancer, choreo, and friend and I really wish we could spend more time together :( pls pls pls come back to see the next culture shows and keep in touch! Make sure to tell me all about your college experiences and all the things u encounter <3.

To Saamiyah Khan, I will you your Paris man back and more grey hoodies. You’re such a joy to be around and I’m so happy I was able to be in the same wing as you this year! I really wish we had more time together but trust, you’ll be out of this place for good now <3 luv u so so much and never stop being you.

To Alexandra Orantia, I will you all the starbucks in the world <3 you are genuinely one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met and I’m so glad I was able to be a part of modern and gfriend with you! Having you as Casa modern choreo was such an amazing experience and I’m glad I was able to experience my very first modern with you as our choreo. Don’t ever stop being the sweet girl you are.

To Sreekeerthi Panchagnula, I will you a stress-free schedule and more sleep. I’m glad we started talking to each other on the bus ride to our ichsa competition, but I really wish we had gotten to know each other sooner :((. you’re such a funny and outgoing person and working with you in mod, clash drill, gfriend, and modern has been such an amazing experience! Have fun in college and pls come back to see a culture show at least once <3.

Shatakshi Chatterjee

To Vikram Karra, I will you the best unofficial big sib at WashU. I cannot thank you enough for being the best big sib and best role model for me this year. I remember filling out the pairing form not expecting anything out of the Big Sib-Little Sib program, but I’m not lying when I say that you’ve had such a positive impact on my sophomore year here at IMSA, and I genuinely appreciate everything you’ve done for me so much. All the times you’d find 30 minutes in your crazy schedule for me, all the times you’d push back your meetings for me, all the 8th mods you’ve spent with me, all the math homework and interviews and board apps you’ve helped me with, all the IMSA and life advice you’ve given me, and really ALL the time you’ve made for me this year has meant so much to me. You’re always so passionate about all the stuff you do around campus, and your ability to balance so many clubs and schoolwork so well is just crazy to me. In my remaining two years at IMSA, I hope to become as good of a public speaker as you are and develop a work ethic as insane as yours, but through it all, I hope to stay as humble as you’ve always been. You’ve truly been the best CAB director, LEAD co-coordinator, unofficial mi3, mi4, and bc1 tutor, and most importantly big sib this year, and I hope to have a little sib who’ll look up to me in the same way that I look up to you. I hope I haven’t been too annoying as a little sib this year with my stupid and sometimes *very* out-of-pocket questions. Please please please let’s keep in contact because these next two years are gonna be very sad without your waves in the hallway every day. I wish you the best of luck at WashU and then med school and then residency and beyond, and I know you’re gonna be the BEST neurosurgeon and EMT one day. I hope you find a role model in college who’s equally as awesome as you’ve been to me. Also, come back to visit sometime before I graduate pleaseeeee.

To Nandana Varma, I will you many warm hugs. I’m so glad I got to know you this year because you really are the sweetest and friendliest person ever! All our short conversations next to the water fountain in 02 hall commons were so random but always so so so enjoyable. You’re such a great person to be around and talk to because you make everyone feel welcome and appreciated and included, and you’re so relatable for us sophs. You’re always willing to help others and listen to them. And of course, you also give the BEST hugs :) good luck in college and life ANDDD your dream job in cancer research!! <3

To Nomar Martin, I will you the 2024 FRC Robotics Merch because it’s probably gonna be super swaggy like this year’s. It was SO FUN getting to know you this year through Robotics and especially during comps! You’re so funny and friendly and easy to talk to and you made robotics really enjoyable whenever you were in the lab–even if we were doing more talking than building but that’s okay because, in the end, we got a *barely* functioning robot! I wish you good luck in whatever you choose to pursue after IMSA and don’t forget to always measure once, cut twice.

To Vidhi Shah, I will you an easy breezy first year in college :) Thank you for being the first upperclassman to reach out to me when I was a baby soph, and thank you for making 02 a bit more welcoming during Welcome Week (which was not very welcoming) when I was stressing about literally anything and everything. And of course, thank you for all the pep talks and rant sessions and for always making time to listen to me. I wish we could have hung out and talked more in second semester, but let’s definitely keep in touch so I can update you on all the IMSA tea and *other* tea. For now though, good luck with everything after IMSA <3.

To Saketh Dontaraju, I will you an NYC Bagel because you’re gonna spend your next few years at NYU (congratulations!!) and because- bagel party? Anyway, thank you for being such an amazing LEAD facilitator in Core. I genuinely looked forward to LEAD every Wednesday night and my amazing initial experience with LEAD during Core was definitely the biggest reason why I applied to be a facilitator myself. As a facilitator, I’m gonna try to recreate the chill and laid-back classroom environment that you and Srihari created for us in first semester, and I’m making it my goal to make co26 actually enjoy LEAD as much as I did. It’s been really cool getting to know you this year both through LEAD and outside, and I must say your music taste is definitely top-tier. I finally listened to Reminder but it lowkey sounds the same as Starboy? Anyway, good luck at NYU and whatever you decide to pursue after!

Shivani Chirumamilla

To Nikita Rudrapati I will you another person to make fun of and someone to eat lunch with. I still have such vivid memories of our first encounter last school year. Despite your petite stature, your enthusiasm and self-assuredness exuded a senior’s confidence. Your effervescence was infectious, and it was impossible not to feel uplifted in your presence. What I admire most about you is your boundless laughter and capacity to love unconditionally. I will forever cherish the long walks we took at night, our silly conversations in class, complaining about SIR in the morning, and the time I saw you eat cheeseless pizza with pineapple pieces on top. As you move forward, I hope you remain the same charming Nikita that I hold so dear, who embraces her Madrasi heritage, fake Telugu, that loves idli. Even though you choose to drive the two hours home every weekend, I hope that you’ll look back on your time here with fond memories to treasure. You will always hold a special place in my heart, and I’m eager to see all the amazing things you’ll achieve with your brilliant mind. And, as always, I hope you steer clear of unworthy men.

To Pranit Guntupalli I will you a chance at true happiness. I don’t even know where to begin, or how I can even express how much you have impacted my life. I know this year was challenging for you after co22 left, but watching you adapt and grow into the person you are today was so inspiring. Lowkey, you’re so lucky I add/dropped into your class or else you wouldn’t have had someone to distract Yoanna all the time. From the very beginning, we clicked instantly. Our humor was the same, we had the same interests, we hated the same people, upon so much more. From those hour-long study sessions to our shared tears while watching Your Name, every moment spent with you has been a cherished memory. Even little things like going on walks with Yoanna, and shivering in the cold while laughing about the silliest things, will remain dear to me forever. You are a truly exceptional person, and I hope someone tells you that every day. You made my junior year tolerable, and if nothing else, you gave me a reason to look forward to one class each day. So with that being said, thank you for being the source of my laughter and for keeping me engaged in diff-eq. I will miss you endlessly after you leave, but I hope that despite the bittersweet moments you experienced during your time here, you will still have happy memories to reflect upon. As you begin this new chapter of your life, party it up in college, big man, because you truly deserve all the happiness that comes your way.

To Aubrey Hall I will you a better diff-eq table. It’s incredible to think about how quickly I’ve come to adore you, despite only having known you for a few months. Your joyful energy is infectious, and it brings me so much happiness to see you every day. I’m a little worried about Pranit’s obsession with your man though… Anywayyy I always look forward to sharing a laugh with you in class, and I cherish the times when I spot you in public, and I can’t help but shout your name to get your attention. Your playful spirit made our scavenger hunts in class so much more exciting, and thank you for being a co-conspirator in hiding our table member’s belongings. Getting to know you has been an absolute pleasure, and I know that you’re destined to achieve amazing things in college and beyond. Please promise me that you’ll never lose your loveable personality, Please give me your mascara. I need to know your eyelash secrets. NOW!

To Kevin Kirby I will you the limitless life you deeply desire. Although we’ve only known each other for a short while, it feels like you’ve become such an important presence in my life. I know I’ll miss you dearly once you’re gone. Your energetic personality always adds a touch of craziness to our diff-eq conversations, and you’re a big part of what makes our table so enjoyable. Thank you for approaching me in the gym and sharing your goofy comments with me, as well as for confiding in me with your secrets. And thank you for always answering my calls no matter what. You have a good heart, and I hope that you know that, despite any negativity that may come your way. As you move on to college, I wish you all the best and hope that you’ll find a sense of freedom and joy that you may have been missing here. Please take care of yourself, and refrain from starting your homework at 3 am from now on. Resist any urge to join a frat or buy a crusty car on a whim. Remember that you’re an amazing person, and don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise.

To Pietro Stabile, I will you infinite pickup lines to use in college. Oh man, who am I going to bully when you graduate?! Classes are going to be so boring without you to pick on. But seriously, I’m going to miss you a lot. I will never forget the time you sat next to me in Lexington and saved me from an embarrassing moment. Despite being a fake vegetarian you are a cool person sometimes. You’re one-of-a-kind with more rizz than any guy on campus, and that’s saying something. So go ahead and live it up in college, and don’t forget to stay swaggy, my friend.

To Nandana Varma I will you a TEDx event that isn’t infiltrated by a bitter old lady. What happened at the event was so unfortunate, but you and Pranit still turned it around and made it amazing. We did have a couple of set backs, but I promise next year me and Arjun will have the most amazing Tedx event that IMSA has ever seen. Till then, forget about this awful place and have a wonderful time in college. We will make you guys proud I promise :))).

To Alex Orantia and Michelle Li, I will you the brightest of futures. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the impact you had on me during the LEAD program last year. Though we may not be close, your kindness, humor, and positivity made the program so much more enjoyable for me. You both have such a beautiful spirit that radiates whenever you smile or wave at me in the hallway. I appreciate all the hard work and dedication you put into the program, and I hope you know that it did not go unnoticed. Your passion for helping others and making a positive difference in the world is truly inspiring. You both have so much potential to accomplish amazing things, and I have no doubt that you will do so. Thank you for being such amazing role models and for making such a positive impact on my life. I hope you leave this place with countless wonderful memories to cherish, and I wish you all the happiness and success in the world :))).

To 06A Wing Seniors I will you friendships that last throughout college. I am touched by the beautiful bond you guys share, and how you radiate joy whenever you’re together. Your positivity and kindness have made a profound impact on those around you, and I feel so fortunate to have witnessed it. The way you all lead by example is truly inspiring, and I know that you have touched many lives during your time here at IMSA. Your energy and passion have made this wing such a wonderful and welcoming place, and I’m sure that the underclassmen will carry that spirit forward. As you move on to new chapters in your lives, I hope you look back on your time here with fondness and pride. Thank you for all the memories and for being such amazing role models.

Shridhar Mehendale

To all 1501-D wing seniors, I will you all the power to succeed in college and your future endeavors. The energy you all brought to 1501-D wing made my sophomore year one to remember and made us the best wing in the hall. I will miss hearing your wisdom and warning about classes and teachers and playing poker after 10-check. Your legacy will always liv with us in 1501-D. My best wishes.

To Nachiket, don’t party too hard in college. We will miss hearing your stories about IMSA at 2 am in Prabhav’s room. You were a great HCC and role model for me. I will you the power to become famous one day, but once you do, don’t forget about us.

To Christian Cantu, I will you the power to inspire other gym bros. Watching your leg press six plates, you have inspired many of us to train hard in the gym. Hopefully next year we will be allowed to bring a bench into the D-wing study room. I will especially miss you when playing dodgeball during Tuesday night programs and who am I going to throw to when we play football now? To Julius, I will you the power to continue being a great engineer and photographer. I am so glad you were there during welcome week and you really helped us ease into the IMSA atmosphere. I never understood how you liked the vanilla protein powder. Also, Zain will always be the best Lego Ninjago character. To Freddy, I will you the power to continue having the drippiest shoe game on campus. I still can’t believe that you slept in during digital photography every day and ended with an A. I’m sad to say that I won’t be able to see you spawn at 2 am in the wing commons anymore.

To Jared Dong, you were a great chess team captain and one of the funniest people I knew. I will miss seeing you at chess and in the gym. Continue to hit PRs on bench. Wish you the best in college.

To Nikita Rudrapati, I wish you the best in college and beyond. You were a great LEAD facilitator and you made IMPACT fun for all of us. Continue to spread your positive attitude to the people around you, it truly makes an “IMPACT”.

Shrikar Dulam

To Renaldo Venegas, I will you an unbreakable monitor so you can stop worrying about the chaos in your room! You are one of the best seniors I have ever met, and I am so glad to have met you! Hanging out in down quad was a blast, with lots of interesting stuff happening. You have also helped me so much with your amazing senior knowledge, from giving me life advice to telling me Smash Bros strats (I maybe learned how to stop falling off the map). I hope you have a great time being a tree at Stanford, and may you accomplish great things in life, or at the very least, you get a chance to relax…

To Jason Qin, I will you infinite inspirational discord statuses! You are one of the first seniors I got to meet at IMSA, and you are definitely one of the coolest! You are a goated quiz bowl player, w drill dancer, and there is always something interesting to talk to you about, whether it be about how a guy died in a room of 53 bicycles or gay chaps at a bar. I wish you the best at Columbia, where you can be… Roar-ee the Lion? You will do amazing stuff and hopefully, you can amass an infinite amount of blahaj to take over the world!!!

To Samuel Go, I will you la ratatouille! It’s crazy how we are almost the same age, but you have been an amazing senior and helped me out so much! You are very wise and have lots of brilliant advice, and you’re also cracked at French, quiz bowl, and history!! One day I’ll read that one Trump book and the Communist Manifesto and begin my world domination arc 😈. Have fun at Williams, and hopefully, you can become an economist and make lots of money as you control the stock market!!!

To Zander, Jeff, and Amrut, I will you the best drill heads award! I know that doesn’t exist, but honestly, you guys made Clash so much better and special to me. I never thought I could dance well, but you guys had some crazy choreos, from all the stunts, technique, and swag all combined into one amazing drill!!! I hope you guys do well in the future and keep dancing with style!!

To Dean, Alan, and Mauricio, I will you guys all of the kills and aces you will ever want! You guys are some of the coolest and best volleyball players I have ever seen!! All of you have crazy hits and serves, and y’all inspire me to strive to become as good as you guys one day.

To James Anterola, I will you some boba and gains. You are a very chill and fun senior to be around, and I wish I had gotten to know you better. You were amazing at drill, with some of the craziest stunts I have seen, and you are also hella buff 💪💪💪. You also make some amazing boba!!! (you should really make some more yk) I hope you have a great time ahead of you, wherever your future takes you!

Sindhu Chalasani

To Rashmi Alawani, I will you the life of being a rich quant living in a huge mansion with [REDACTED], drinking real Erewhon smoothies every day (not homemade). Thank you for bringing me into your circle in LinAlg, because I honestly don’t know what I would be doing right now if I hadn’t met you and the rest of our group that first day. While I was admittedly a bit scared at first, I loved being able to have a class where I could just relax and hang out at our table. Though LinAlg was so so difficult (thinking back to all of the late-night texts sending worksheets back and forth), it was so worth it because I got to meet you :) Have lots and lots of fun at college in the fall, and please come visit me whenever you have time!!

To Rebecca Liu, my lovely grandpa, I will you many more hours of gaming! Honestly, I think every time I’ve come to you and Rashmi’s room, you were in there playing video games (Overwatch?). You’re really fun to be around, and I’m so glad I got to meet you this year. I hope you have lots of fun at Northwestern! (P.S. If you ever decide to play Minecraft, lmk!)

To Eddie Ning, I will you many fun adventures in St. Louis! Though we may never take another eventful trip on the Amtrak together, I really hope we can still hang out a lot (if I can ever convince my mom that I’m old enough to ride a train on my own ;-;) Regardless, please come back to IMSA and visit me next year!! I’ll never forget all of the adventures we’ve had, from HOSA to IJAS, and I hope you never do either. I’m so happy I met you in LinAlg and that you didn’t ditch me and MVC for DiffEq, and I’m especially glad we were able to become such good friends this year. Have lots and lots of fun at WashU, you deserve it!

To Shreeya Avadhanula, I will you many new additions to your vinyl collection. I’ll never forget all of those sleepovers where we never got any work done because those were some of the highlights of my junior year. I promise you I will someday get a CD player and buy the Midnights deluxe CD, so we can have our dance party and listen to the original “Hits Different” audio! I’m so happy we were able to become so close this year, and I hope we can continue to hang out even when you’re off living your exciting college life :D.

To Keerthi Panchagnula, I will you the ability to keep singing and dancing as often as possible during college. I’m so glad I was able to meet you and get closer to you this year through the endless hours of culture show dance practices and choir/Mod21 rehearsals. You’re so supportive and encouraging, and I hope you keep that positive attitude forever :) If I ever get to go out in Chicago next year, I really hope we can hang out!

To Divya Choudhary, I will you an amazing trip to France so you can put all of your impeccable French skills to use! Thank you for being such a fun French tablemate and WIDI partner. I, too, had a hard time believing we won that medal on our first try, but I guess that just goes to show how good of a pair we were! I hope you have an amazing time in college and that I get to visit you in Champaign during SciOly state next year :).

To my ALLIES Board seniors (Jason, Sachleen, and Kevin), I will you all an exciting college experience because you so deserve it. Jason, you were such a big help with the Fun with Fractals Saturday STEM. I wasn’t really sure what to expect with the program at first, but you made it make much more sense and we were able to run it so well! Sachleen, thank you so much for being such a reassuring person in my life, and I love all of our random talks in Old Caf. Even though we weren’t able to make the relay collab happen, I really enjoyed working with and being on board with you! Kevin, thank you for bringing so much energy to every single ALLIES board and general meeting. You really livened things up and made being in ALLIES even more enjoyable :) Finally, thank you to all of you for showing us underclassmen on board the ropes and helping make ALLIES the incredible environment that it is. I hope you all have an amazing time in college!

To my Boba Buddies and Hot Squad seniors (Aarya, Jazmyne, Ella Slinn, Kaitlyn, Vidhi, and Karina), I will each and every one of you the most amazing college experiences one can imagine. You have all been so supportive of our entire 02 friend group and I really hope we’re all able to stay connected even beyond next year :) Aarya, I love listening to you talk about books and your passions, and I hope you find plenty of people in college who share your love of ACOTAR. Jazmyne, I loved tutoring for SEAMS with you last summer, and I hope you find (indoctrinate) more Mr. Moo followers in college. Ella, I love being in choir with you, and I hope you’re able to continue being in theatre in college. Kaitlyn, I adore fangirling over Taylor Swift with you, and I hope you’re able to get endless amounts of her merch (and Eras Tour tickets!) in the future. Vidhi, you were an amazing hall senator this year, and I hope you are able to create the type of community that you helped shape in 02 in college. Karina, I had so much fun working on the heart model project with you in Pathophys, and clearly, we made a great team! I hope you continue to put your all into everything you do, as I’m sure you will.

Sophia Ait Boucherbil

To Jackie Zhang, I will you all the BTS concerts and clever comebacks possible! You are such a witty and amazing person, I wish we could have more time on board together! I hope I randomly encounter you in front of a Target after a BTS concert again!! 😋⭐

To Rylie Bozarth, I will you an absolute L because I’m simply better than you 🔫 💥! Watch your back, because maybe one day, I might be showing up at your campus 😳😳. In sincerity, thank you Rylie for putting up with me and gifting me your spicy ramen and eggs on demand lmao! You’re such a kind soul, and you and Muffin deserve the best in life! ilysm! ❤️✨

To Aarya Khapre, I will you more amazing novels and happy memories! Genuinely, you have been such a spectacular friend and mentor. I’m so glad I met you, because you have made my IMSA experience amazing. I appreciate you more than words can express ❤️❤️. Now, go be amazing at college ig you little physics nerd. Btw, GOATed writing center tutor fr fr.

To JT, I will you an upperclassman just as cool as you. Thank you for helping me out this year—you have definitely made a big impact on my life, and I will be forever grateful. I wish I got to know you way earlier in the school year. 😭❤️ Don’t forget me when you are making six figures at some big computer science corporation. I think at some point in Machine Learning (thanks for the carry tbh) you said I could get 50% of your salary.
To Sarah Wheeler, I will you the future position of president of the United States of America 😋😋 Stop telling me you aren’t trying to hold the highest government office—I def know what’s best for you 🙄🙄. Don’t forget to invite me to the White House once you get the keys for it! Okay time to be serious: You are one of the coolest and most admirable people I have ever had the honor of meeting. I wanna be like you so badly!!! Keep being your amazing self and college will be as easy as ABC! ⭐

To Karina Byers, I will you more cute outfits and amazing dance moves. You kinda ate up Clash ngl! You were such an amazing RSL, and I admire you for how outgoing and brave you are! I hope and wish I could be more like you! Thank you for singlehandedly carrying 02 this year 😋😋. You’re going to eat up college!! gg ez.
To Kaitlyn Drew, I will you a college friend just as amazing as me, because I think everyone could use one of those 😘. I know you will miss me so much, but definitely not as much as I will miss you. You have been such a large source of joy in my life, and I will miss sitting in the RC office with you and talking about random things. Thank you so much for being my friend—honestly, I don’t think you should graduate this year. Wait for me pretty please. 😭😭

To Nathaniel Gao, I will you a continued amazing sense of fashion! I love your outfits and your vibes. You’re definitely the best member of Spectrum fr fr. In all seriousness, thank you for being a source of laughter and joy for the members of Spectrum! Thank you so much, and I wish your years after IMSA to be amazing! Tbh u 4+4’d!!! ❤️❤️

Sree Atyam

To Aaliyah Ali, I will you sanity in college. You’ve been a wonderful big sister at IMSA, putting aside all of the questionable things you and your diabolical f(r)iends have said about [redacted]. I will truly miss you, but I will not at all miss you ignoring my 25 text messages telling you to send me math worksheets. You also quite honestly have no drip, and also you copy my fits, so I hope you become somewhat original in college! Our conversations after 8th mod have been eye-opening, to say the least, oh and also, your father is a funny guy. Wishing you nothing but success and happiness! (Taylor Swift is mid, I am lying, or am I?)

To Shreya Chakraborty, I will you rizz, because you have none. You have been one of the most down-to-earth, and unfunniest individuals that I have had the displeasure of speaking to at this wonderful institution. Jokes aside (I love IMSA!!), our rants and shared love for EMPR fitness have been some of the highlights of my year, and I will definitely be calling you, out of the blue, to give me calc-based answers, because I need an excuse to ask for life advice. But anyways, I thank you so much for always being there (even though you consistently leave me on delivered, granted due to my compusci difficulties), and I wish you nothing but contentment.

To Nandana Varma, I will you… nothing, because in all honesty, you are genuinely one of the kindest individuals that I have met at IMSA (mostly factual). I don’t know when we met, but since then, you have been one of the most reliable and trustworthy friends that I have had here, and for that, I am grateful. Thank you for fueling my love of pizza hut breadsticks, even though you did not buy me any, and also for that one time you gave me pizza. Our conversations are always wonderful, and I hope we stay in touch. Wishing you nothing but w vibes!!

To my horrendous, and devastatingly abhorrent downquad, Pietro, Dheeran, Jayant, and Atharva, I will you Raphael Talusan’s medicine ball, because exercise is very important and you guys are getting really strong!! you have been terrible influences, but very good sources of clothing, and for that, Hagen and I are very thankful. You guys should open your windows more often though, because there’s always a funny conglomeration of odors (vapors?) present in your room. Jayant should be more cognizant of his search history. Atharva is the only good one in your quad. Dheeran and Pietro are not good people. I am mostly lying.

To Pietro Stabile, I will you my lamp so you can see in the dark. If you understand this reference, I will genuinely be astounded. You are one of the most annoyingly intelligent people I know at this school, but somehow also one of the most humble. Though we did not rizz up 2021, look at us now!!(that sentence hurt). Your fits have not changed whatsoever (I hope you change that at UChicago) but your hair definitely has for the better. Our conversations after I supply you with a priceless amount of rice and curry will be sorely missed. I will not stop pestering you for compusci and next year for essays, and I wish you nothing but the best. I’ll miss you, man.

To Dheeran Wiggins, I will you a breath of fresh air because… you love the outdoors! I have genuinely never met such a wonderful and rule-following young man like you!! We should all truly look up to you for your never-bending moral compass. Great guy. Putting the equestrianism on hold, our mostly untimely conversations have been wonderful, and you give pretty good academic advice. You also watch basketball and have decent takes so good job. Greatest physics column founder may I add. However, you actually have no real fashion. You wear carpets. You are in a simulation. Wake up. Wake up. You’re actually a decent guy, and you are ok at physics. Have fun at UIUC.

To the very wonderful Jayant Kumar, my hero, meri jaan, I will you a haircare routine because you are not a horse. That could be a lie. You were the most robotics captain that I could’ve ever asked for! Our robots were cracked! So cracked lol !!! You’re actually so goddamn jacked I am actually in awe of the spectacle that you are. You are intelligent, handsome, and over 6 feet? बहुत अच्छा!! You will do good in life. Thanks, man.

To Atharva Gawde, I will you shoes, because every time I walk in your room, your dogs are out and they are really noticeable. Even through your socks. I am very grateful for you non-existent modern physics assistance. You have no basketball awareness and your NBA takes are atrocious. You have some nice monochrome fits though so W. Thank you for laughing at nearly everything I say, really following in the footsteps of my equestrianism there aren’t you? You’re a good guy and I wish you nothing but success in the future.

To Kelly Cruz, I will you a filter, because I think that you might be more out of pocket than I am. But honestly, you are one of the most dedicated individuals that I have had the pleasure of knowing here at IMSA, and I respect the grind. (that hurt to say as well.). We need to stop saying very atrocious things, especially with regard to expo marker drawings in speculative fiction studies. You are a wonderful friend and I wish you all the success in the world.

To Kennedy Bray, I will you a time limit on any social media application, because your references to actual brain-loss-inducing content are very bad for my grip on the world. But genuinely, our friendship was one of the more wonderful things about IMSA, even though it was one of the more unexpected things as well. Our conversations in math and spanish were interesting, to say the least, but as I say “live life interestingly !!” (I do not say that). I am very sure that your “rizz” will most definitely fail in a college setting, but fear not, because I am very ell versed in that subject area. Our Spanish project was actually really bad. On the other hand, you have some of the better takes here, and that’s pretty valid in my book. Good luck in college ig. I’ll miss you fam.

To Nachiket Rajinikanth, I will you a book on political science, because you actually possess no skill whatsoever in this field and you should stop talking when it comes to anything related to this subject, for your sake. Aaliyah might end your career. Our escapades in engineering with Sahil never fail to make my day and we need to go fishing to test our contraption. Stop doing that weird ass face in pictures, you are not that guy, so keep that crap limited to Snapchat. You have been a wonderful brother, and I will miss you. All love.

To Kevin Johnson, I will you my rice cooker, because you love my cooking so very much. I love our conversations but not so much your mathematical prowess. Please watch more math videos or something, it hurts to see you do math. I think you’re cool, even though I yell at you a lot. But I will in fact miss you.

To Diego Montes, I will you Mridhul moments. You are appreciated Mridhul.

To Jack Morby, I will you back the Deathstick, because I do not know what that is, and I would like to keep it that way.

To A-wing down quad, Shaan, Vikram, Luis, and Dhruv, I will you a real sense of humor, because none of you are funny.

To Jared Dong, I will you peace of mind. Although we seemingly always have something absolutely trivial to argue about every single day, I have truly enjoyed your stay in the up quad. You are effortlessly funny, but you kind of smell, so you should probably fix that. Nvm I will you my Calvin Klein Obsession, For Men Edt Spray 4 Oz By Calvin Klein. Since that one time we talked in Spanish, our friendship has only gotten stronger, and for that I am thankful. Stop talking about your rizz, work hard in college, and I have no doubt that success will follow you wherever you go. Call me at Purdue.

Sreehaas Chinnala

To Alexander Gengler, I will you more racing stuff. Your love for racing has always confused me, even though I’ve never said anything about it (it’s just cars; you see them every single day on the roads), but the fact that you have a ton of video game racing gear (and also flight simulation stuff) astonished me. Outside of all of this, it’s been amazing talking to you in and outside of the wing, and I hope that you will be able to talk with other students just as well in college.

To Amogh Shetty, I will you more students who just want to talk to you when they get the chance to, like I have. From talking about HOSA (which I didn’t even do) to talking about SIR to just talking in the hallways, you’ve been an amazing role model to me. Even though we both are from the same area and school, you are so much smarter and much wiser than I am, more than the two-year age difference would suggest. By the end of my senior year, I hope to have a fraction of the intelligence and success at IMSA that you’ve had. One thing that I regret this year is not being in the same clubs as you were, which would allow me to develop a stronger relationship with you and learn more about IMSA, but also about other random things, like your experiences at Metea and also more about what STEM school is about. I still have no idea what that was like…

To Dean Cianciolo, I will you more handshakes in school hallways and with other students that yell “DEAN!” randomly. Those times don’t come often, but slapping your hand and yelling your name always puts a smile on my face when I do it. It’s been an amazing experience meeting you through Epoch and Quiz Bowl, and an even more fun experience talking with you in general about random stuff in the hallways or at lunch or right before Quiz Bowl practice. In addition, like George, I will you more procrastination time. HOW HAVE YOU NOT FINISHED UP THE DRONE!!!!! In reality, I know that you were probably focusing more on school work and other stuff, but, in college, I bet that you will be able to work on more projects like this and develop your interests even further. But, are you going to do Quiz Bowl in college still?

To Gautham Anne, I will you another curious student who would love to ask you millions of questions and try to talk to you during lunch, in the hallways, or even on Messenger, even when you clearly don’t want to be bothered. I don’t even know how annoying I’ve been when asking you about ML help, Epoch work, or other random business, but you’ve definitely dealt with my annoyance and my stupid questions really well, and even when I apologize for asking too many questions, you just shrug it off and tell me that it’s fine. You’ve been a great mentor and I’ve looked up to you a lot this past year, whether it was your Epoch projects, your computer science knowledge, the fact that you wrote a book, or even the other random stuff you do (I’m yet to attend one of your comedy shows). You’ve been a great inspiration to me and I hope you can teach and help others in college like you have with me. Also, you should have pulled up to Quiz Bowl more often. But to be fair, I should have too, so…

To George Bayliss, I will you more short people you are required to talk to next year. I’ve been really lucky to have a big sib who actually talks with their little sib, even though I can be quite annoying, so thank you so much for actually deciding to talk to me throughout the year, and thank you for teaching me about different clubs (like Epoch) and helping me navigate IMSA at the beginning of the year. Talking to you at the beginning of the year really helped me not be as shy and gave me the confidence to talk to other seniors, who I have also learned a lot from. In addition to this, like Dean, I will you more procrastination time on your projects and school work (hopefully you guys will let me work on that drone after you both are gone). College is going to be such a fun and interesting journey, and I hope that you will be able to do so much with physics and math (and possibly ML projects if you still care about that). Again, thank you so much for being my big sib this year, and I really hope that you are able to go give others the same enjoyable experiences that you have given me!

To Jason Qin, I will you more history tossups (and hopefully a ton of powers), but also a great CS experience in college. Cooper Roh seems like a great guy to be around, and you guys will probably dominate the nearby schools. I also will you a hundred more math and computer science classes in college because it seems like 4 during this semester is not going to be enough at all for you. It’s been an amazing experience talking with you in the hallways, during, and even right before quiz bowl. Also, did you see my cello image?

To Kevin Zhang, I will you so much more physics and computer science knowledge to pass on to others. I met you around the end of the first semester, but talking and learning with you has been an amazing experience, and I hope that you will be able to do the same for others in college. Working with you on the Code Society project has been a blast (speaking of which, I still need a dataset), even though there were some difficulties and delays, which you have thankfully been lenient with me about. In addition, being able to learn from you during F=ma physics sessions and on Messenger has taught me a lot about physics but also problem-solving, which is a skill that I still need to develop unfortunately. Also, stop playing random .io games in classes.

To any other senior that I’ve talked to, I’ve had an amazing time learning from you and absorbing the wisdom that you have had for me this past year, but outside of that, it’s been a great experience talking to you all. Being able to reach out to you all is something that I am really proud of and my interactions with you all are a highlight of my sophomore year. You all have made my IMSA experience what it is, and I cannot thank you enough for helping me get through this year and just making my life much more enjoyable here. This year, I’ve been extremely nervous about making the best decisions, and even though I haven’t made many great decisions this year, especially regarding schoolwork, I will (hopefully) use the insight you have given me in my junior and senior years to make the best of the rest of my IMSA career. I really hope that you all will be able to help others in college as you have been able to help me this year. Also, pls gimme ur discord/phone number (actually you probably don’t wanna give me that) so I can ask you more questions over the summer and during next year pls.

Srihari Gurugubelli

To Saketh Dontaraju, I will you a new and improved wardrobe. It’s been getting a little better lately after some donations from C26 but you still got a ways to go to top me. I also will you some more time in the gym and a harder bulk because I smacked you up a little too easily last time. But putting all that aside, you have no idea how much I’ve enjoyed every moment spent with you in the last few months, and I’ll miss you way too much. I’ll miss teaching the best LEAD core class with you, making literally some of my favorite IMSA experiences together on ISA, bumping elite tunes 24/7, temple trips (and return trips), all the times you’ve slept over, and every time we’ve shared a laugh. I honestly just can’t express how much you’ve done for me in the last little while but just know that you’ve made me a better person whether you know it or not. People have said that you can be accurately measured by the people you spend time with, and I have no regrets about having spent so much time with you. As you move on to the next stages of your life, please keep working so hard to take care of those you care about, because it shows. Chase your goals hard, because you’ve got them in the bag. And finally, whatever comes your way, keep your head up and take it on, because it’s always light. I’ll catch you later.

To Kevin Johnson, I will as much Indian food and boiled eggs as your heart desires. I still don’t know if your grandma is Indian but I hope you find another source of fresh daal. You’ve been a much-appreciated presence in our room this last year, even if I haven’t always shown it. I’ll miss your humor and hope you have a great time with everything you take on in the future. Put your mind to what you do, because you’re a more than capable individual, and yeah, dance too. Stay cool big man.

To Diego Montes, I will some Hello Kitty decals. I’m actually not quite sure how the Naval Academy would react to those but have fun finding out I guess. You’ve been a great person to be around in math this last semester, and a role model on the field from the very first day I met you. I’ll always have the image of you staring the one kid down after dropping him with me when I play, and I’ll revel in the fact that I got to play with an absolute GOAT. Keep having fun with everything you do, and never stop being Diego Montes.

To Shreya Chakraborty, I will you someone to always make you smile. I don’t think there’s been a single time that I’ve spoken to you and you haven’t smiled sometime in our conversation. You’ve been a contagiously joyous person since I’ve known you, and I thank you for always making that a part of you. You also work so so hard and have such a true character, and you’re very admired for it. I hope life treats you well because you deserve it. Thanks for everything.

To Vikram Karra, Shaan Doshi, Dhruv Patel, and Luis Hernandez Aguirre, I will you endless laughs. I didn’t spend too much time with you guys this year but the little time I have spent has been very memorable, to say the least. You guys taught me what it means to let loose and enjoy my friends, and I hope every one of you always keeps your lighthearted personality. Also, to Dhruv Patel, I will you some tight-lippedness around figures of authority, for your sake and everyone else’s as well.

To Nihar, Marko, Dean, Braeden, Julius, Aidan, Zander, and Will, I will more competitive spirit. Thank you all for a memorable season, and I hope you guys appreciate the impacts you make on younger players. Stay chill and I hope you guys find a way to keep playing one way or another.

To Ayati Lala, I will more naps. I kinda met you by chance but I’m glad I did and you’ve been a fun person to know since. I remember a lot of nights during the winter of my sophomore year when I felt kinda by myself but you helped pick me up and enjoy IMSA more. I also probably would not have done the Bachata this year if you hadn’t brought it up, so I’m glad for that as well. Have a wonderful experience with everything you do, and always remember two things: you can do anything you put your mind to, and relax!

To Saamiyah Khan, I will many more listeners for your stories. You’ve been one of the most outgoing and captivating people since I met you on that first day of MI-4. I gave you a Frooti on your birthday and have received so many memories in exchange. I doubt there’s anyone else quite like you out there, so keep being you and never back down. Have the best time with everything you do!

To Freddie Rodriguez, I will some real ones, because you’ve been one from the very first day of classes last year. I know we haven’t spent too much time together since that semester, but I appreciate you for being so chill. It’s great to see you in the gym and I hope the next stages of your life bring you good times. Take care brodie.

To Dapo, I will some more of whatever makes you smell so good dawg. You’ve given me a reason to smile and reminded me to take things easy, and I appreciate it. Stay chill and keep smelling mad nice.

To Jared Dong, I will you, well, I don’t really know what to will you. You’ve been there since the beginning, all the way from the scholastic bowl days, although you’ve had quite the glow since then. You’ve been a solid friend to turn to, and I don’t really have much else to say. Best of luck with everything, and stay solid.

To Bhavya Vegesna, I will you a new IRC to study in. I won’t lie I actually don’t remember the first time I met you or when or how or anything like that really but you’ve been a funny person to be around. I will also say that I think you’re a very admirable person and am glad to know you. Take care of yourself and have a wonderful experience with your next stages.

To Megan Sia, I will you, well, I’m not really sure what to will. I really just want to say thank you for a wonderful semester facilitating SoCENTtogether. I had a great time teaching with you, and appreciate how much you did for our class. I hope you have a terrific time wherever you go next!

To Aaliyah Ali, I will you something where everything does in fact work out and you can skip the yucky stuff. I remember that one conversation very distinctly, maybe because I never really sat down and talked to you before that. You’re pretty cool, and I hope you have a good time with the next parts of your life. Also, please ease up on the nicknames. Uncool dawg.

To Avery, Breena, and Elle, I will you endless smiles. I’ve barely talked to you guys but your smiles picked me up so well when I really needed them and I’ll always be grateful for people like you. Stay happy.

And last, but absolutely not least, to Alex Orantia, I will you Hello Pandas, and many words of affirmation. It feels really weird to be writing this as the final acceptance of the fact that you really are a grade older than me now and it hasn’t been a joke all along somehow. Middle school and quarantine times wouldn’t have been the same without you, and look at where you are now. All along, you’ve been the same selfless, caring, person, and all those other IB traits too. You’ve never failed to support others where you go, and I hope you know that you are the bright light in so many people’s lives. Never change who you are. With that being said, congratulations for everything you’ve accomplished, hold your head high as you enter a new stage, and be confident, because you’ve got this.

Stella Ristic

To Ryleigh Joliff, I will you lots of fun and memories at SLU. That’s what you gave me at IMSA and C wing will not be the same without you. I can’t even begin to say how much you mean to me and how you have impacted my life for the better. I will you Trader Joe’s orange peach mango juice because it all started with you so please take it back (please)!! Thanks for taking me in and always encouraging me to drink more water and walk faster. So many nights in the TR that I’ll never forget. Thanks for being my personal chef and all of the advice that you are always right about no matter what. I’m going to miss you so much next year but I know that you’re moving on to bigger and better things and I couldn’t be more happy for you. You helped me fall in love with life again and you will forever hold a special place in my heart. I love you forever and always brat (I could add the cute addition you added to mine but I’m still kinda mad you’re leaving me so nvm).

To Peyton Gutting, I will you the absence of tan lines and the best parties at Purdue. I’ll miss playing volleyball with you and our cute pre-game routine. I know you will be living your best life in college. I’ll never forget all the nights we’ve spent together and I’m so sad that you’re leaving, because now who is going to carry the average height of IMSA students with me. Volleyball really won’t be the same without you and I’m always wishing you all the best. I love you so much girl and I can’t wait to see you succeed.

To Dean Ekimov, I will you endless concert tickets to Ellie Goulding and Imagine Dragons concerts!! You’re kinda weird but you’re alright I guess. Sorry I take 3-4 business days to respond to your texts (my bad). Maybe when you’re in college you can learn Bulgarian so I can stop calling you a fake balkan? You made my IMSA volleyball experience just a little bit better, so thanks for that. Our friendship has grown so much this year and you have become someone I’m proud to call my friend. After all the hours in West Gym, I found out that you actually do have humor so try not to lose it in college. I know you will do amazing things in your future and undoubtedly have an amazing time in college. And remember Dean.. keep calm and play on.

To Madilyn Bulfer, I will you endless life for your plants. I don’t know what I’m going to do next year without the chicken (and you). Thanks for always being the person that just listens to me vent without judging me. You are truly so sweet and I’m always laughing when we’re together. Keep writing in your journal and going to flower fields because.. well you know why. I love you and I will always remember all of our amazing memories together.

To Ayati Lala, I will you success and the amazing friends I know you will find in college. You are so unintentionally funny and I seriously can’t stop laughing when I’m with you. Volleyball season was so fun with you and I really hope you keep playing because you’re so talented. Thanks for teaching me that I need to order a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at tournaments and for the endless life advice. And especially thanks for always talking me out of bad decisions and saving me from some not so great choices!!

To Ella Voyles, I will you fulfillment of all your dreams. I hope you can help people the way you helped me during volleyball season. You’re so sweet and I’ll miss your cute laugh.

To George Bayliss, I will you many different types of soda and juice to mix at UIUC. I’ll miss seeing your shocked reactions to seeing me in the hallway. Best wishes to you always.

To Dammy Tab, I will you my language speaking skills. Let me know when you learn Serbian!!

To The Trap Babies (Ryleigh Joliff, Peyton Gutting, and Madilyn Bulfer), I will you guys a TR in college. You guys made IMSA worth it and we’ve been through so much together. I cant believe I have to go through 2 whole years without you guys here with me but I’m so so so proud of all of you. I hope you guys can find a TR and make even better memories than before. Thanks for adopting me and you guys better come back to visit. Love you guys always :).

To the IMSA girl’s volleyball senior managers (Dean Ekimov, Alan Hernandez, and Mauricio Ortiz), I will you an everlasting friendship. I hope you guys always stay in contact because you guys have so much fun with each other even if you don’t admit it. Thanks for always aiming at us and shagging our balls!! You guys helped make the season fun and next year won’t be the same without you guys. Hopefully you guys learn how to downball correctly so that people can actually pepper with you guys!! Have fun in your future, I know you guys will :).

To the seniors in 06, I will you guys lots of laughs! Clash really would not have happened without you guys and I promise I’ll be more involved next year (maybe). Have so much fun in all your endeavors!!

Stephen Walsh

Well, here goes nothin’. I’ll try my best not to cry, because this old lady just pepper-sprayed me. She thought I was gonna take her purse, and then… well, it’s a long story. With that aside, here’s to the class of ‘23!

Salut, Samuel! To Samuel Go, I will you the same determination, work ethic, and crazy personality I’ve seen in you at IMSA, for the rest of your life, because really, that’s all you need (besides money and my help on AEPs.) It’s crazy to think that you’re a year younger than me, because you’re the most mature, hardworking, intelligent, and driven human being I’ve ever met. I’m so glad we got to know each other more this year, and that we’ve had the ability to nerd out over such important topics as Quebecois français, (tabarnak!) public transit and urban planning, (I still think the OG Illinois Central Highliners are top tier) guitar solos, Google Earth flight simulator, and, of course, quizbowl. I also will you more trains, because, as you would say, more trains equals more gains, although you have ample gains as is, even if you “cheat” at arm wrestling. Lastly, I hope we get to stay in touch over the years, because I’m sure that you’ll never run out of interesting(ly strange) things to talk about. As a final farewell for when you depart to the next stage of your life’s journey, 早上好中国 现在我有冰淇淋 我很喜欢冰淇淋.

To Saketh “it’s in the cards!!” Dontaraju, I will you as much success in life as you’ve had with your illustrious quizbowl career and more, and an upperclassman at NYU who’ll be as much of a mentor to you as you were to me. You’ve led IMSA quizbowl through thick and thin, with rallying cries of “IMSA on 3!”, “BLAHAJ!!!”, and “sum slight,” we could not have gotten to where we are today without your determination and hard work these past few years. Being captain next year and training the next generation of quiz ballers (patent pending) is no simple task, but I’ll always have your example to look back on. I hope to get the team to at least #15 on Groger ranks to make you proud. From one history player to another, I also hope I can one day first-line BritHist tossups à la Saketh, but I suppose practice makes perfect.

To Jason Qin aka Jason Quiche aka Jason Queen aka Jason Shein aka Jason Chrsyler aka Jason Kin (I did actually hear that one once), I will you some real-world applications for your seemingly-endless fine arts knowledge. I also will you the tartar sauce you gave me that one time, because I think it’s starting to attract ants to my room. For real though, It’s been great playing quizbowl and COTSP together (Touching grass at DONUT is a memory I will take to the grave), cramming number theory homework and studying for tests the day of, and hanging out in 04. Keep being the genuinely kind, funny, big brain, and goofy ahh person you are and I know you’ll go on to do great things. Oh, I also will you Fogel fudge, because we finally got it!! I promise to listen to more Shostakovich than Waltz no. 2 in your memory.

To Kevin Zhang and Amogh Shetty, I will you a break from room invasions once you get to college and more hilarious room phone calls (I WILL make it happen). You’re both extreme mega brains with stem cells and USAPHO, but you’re super humble about it and down to earth in general. I’ll always remember watching the weirdest things on Amogh’s computer, from ‘“One in a Krillion” to caption-less Tamil comedies. Kevin, I also will you the ability to stop gaslighting for one minute. (Or did I?)

To the [BEST] Acronym EICs ever, Dhruv Patel and Kelly Cruz, I will you future careers as [SUCCESSFUL] as your leadership of The Acronym. This year has been the [BEST] I could possibly hope for, and I hope the new, more [IN]competent EICs [ARE JUST AS EXCELLENT AS YOU ARE.] Thanks for “hiring” me and encouraging me to keep writing, and putting up with my unorthodox submission schedule and writing style. Your encouragement inspired me to grind out all those satire articles, and even some actual news here and there. You guys make French and E&M [VERY FUN.] Also, thank you to Michelle Sun for being a great SE and making sure that the public wasn’t exposed to the full insanity of my brain. [Slightly edited by EICs for clarity.]

To Surya, Dean C., Gautham, and all the other seniors I played quizbowl with, I will you more insider knowledge on Morbius, straight outta Compton scattering, and bridges in Mumbai. To Surya especially, I’m proud of how you’ve stepped up so much these past few months and managed to fill in most of the lit void left by the one and only Hunding. I’ve had so many fun memories with you all and I hope that you have even more fun in the future. Quiz ballers (and BLAHAJ) for life!

To Dean B., Daniel, Rohan, Jeff, Kevin, Faisal, and even top-notch ball catchers Revanth and Akshat, thank you all for making Talent Show happen! I will you more great experiences with bench pressing underclassmen, golf, and the one chip challenge and stuff.

To Jesus Fileto, I will you even more big-brainness (if that’s possible,) and a chill upperclassman at *gasp* Yale who can give you the same inspiration you gave to me. From 07 B wing (Happy Birthday Bhargav!) and encouraging me to take BC fast, to 04 and calc-based and Number Theory this year, it’s always been great getting to talk to you. Also, don’t ever shave your mustache (that’s a warning).

To сцяпан дзяменцыеў, (aka Steve) I will you more great conversations, math knowledge, and an excellent college experience. Our convos at A wing couches (bring them back admin) while I played minecraft and grinded BC while you grinded MVC lowkey carried my soph year, and got me through my toughest times at IMSA. To the best Steve on campus, from the third best Steve on campus, адвайте пашупати поехали!

To Nandana Varma, thank you for being the kindest human being to ever grace the earth, and taking the time to learn my name and talk to me during Acronym meetings when I was new to the group and just getting started. I will you even more rizz than you had at talent show. Not even me powering Richard Nixon tossups can rizz Saketh like that, so yours is truly an exceptional talent.

To Jack Morbyn time, I will you another table as great as ours in E&M. You are without a doubt the most chill and easygoing upperclassman I met at IMSA. Our table was so much fun, with pencil shooting and Albert’s “guess what” jokes, we probably didn’t listen to the lessons. But we should, because they’re not just about electricity and magnetism, but a personal statement about the universe itself! Hey, Jack… enjoy your time in college and beyond! P.S. try getting a reservation at Dorsia now, you great upperclassman!

To Michael Yudovich, I will you the self-restraint to not hurl profanities out an open window at 11 PM. Please, for the love of god, PLEASE take it. I also will you an end to your Genshin addiction :).

To Amrut Pennaka and Alex Guo, I will you more time to relax and play Tetris during class (Alex especially, you’re the Tetris GOAT). It was great having BC and French with you guys last semester, and even though we don’t have any classes together now, I’ll always have fond memories of our misadventures with Taylor series and l’imparfait.

To Jazmyne Germo, I will you insane tidbits of info and cursed stories to add to your already extensive knowledge. You, Jason, Sam and Vignesh always manage to come up with the most “interesting” things when you talk, and it was great helping to plan your promposal to Jason, even if you almost fell over while running from behind the 07 hill with the shark head. (My bad for not planning it out better!)

To the rest of the class of 2023, I will you the relief of no longer having to deal with Titan Crew, math homework, admin, COVID testing, and pileups by door 1. More than that, I will you amazing futures, and I can’t wait to see how you all will put the skills you developed at IMSA into good use. Godspeed!

Sydney Hunter

To Venus Obazuaye, I will you a break for once. Like your Google calendar scares me, are you ok? But you’ve done so much for this school and the people in it. I hope that you continue to promote equity and justice wherever you go in life. You are such a kind and passionate person and I sincerely hope that things go well for you in the future. You’ve had an immutable impact on the person that I will grow to become, and I speak for both myself and others (who couldn’t be bothered to write wills smh) when I say that my IMSA experience thus far would not have been the same without you. I will do my best to preserve your legacy and keep your work alive.

To Sarah Wheeler, I will you a future of democratically elected leaders with common sense. I know you’ve said time and time again how hard it is to run an activism-based organization at a STEM school, but you’ve done such an impressive job despite all of the adversity the ACLU has faced. I hope all of your work pays off and you go on to thrive! Good luck out there, and remember your rights!

To CCE Exec Board Seniors, I will you all a full recovery from the psychological warfare inflicted upon us by admin. It is incredibly impressive how CCE has managed to effectively hold equity in this entire school together with duct tape and google forms. Being a member of CCE is effectively the epitome of sowing seeds you shall not reap, and every day you all have done exemplary work which I am excited to see the benefits of. You all are incredible people who have done incredible work and I am honored to follow in your footsteps. You all seem to be such great friends and great people, and I hope you all keep in touch with each other.

To ACLU Seniors, I will you all a continued relationship with activism. You all have done so much exemplary work. Despite difficulty getting event attendance and advisor stress, you all have done so much to further the goals of the ACLU, and I am incredibly impressed with all that you’ve done and I am honored to go on to fill your shoes. You are all incredibly intelligent and passionate people and I just know you will all go on to do incredible things. Special regards to Franklin, the ACLU media team is in good hands, I promise.

To MUN Seniors, I will you relief from trying to work with Moment and if you plan to continue MUN in college. I will you good positions, zero ops, and competent dias’. And Kenith, I will you the ability to go an entire conference without falling in love with someone in your conference, I promise its possible. This year’s MUN was incredibly successful (<3 Frenchie <3) and you all have worked so hard for MUN to be what it is now, and I for one will be sure to preserve and grow all that we have achieved in spite of all of the adversity MUN goes through. If we somehow manage to miraculously pull together IMSAMUN 2025, I will be sure to personally extend an invitation to all of you. You are all so talented and you will be dearly missed.

To all of the other seniors that I’m definitely forgetting right now I’m sorry I’m writing this at the very last minute but you all have had such an impact on me I am so proud of and impressed by each and every one of you. I will you all a future ripe with peace and success and I thank you all for the impact that you’ve had on me and others. You are all incredible people and I am truly honored to have known you all. <3

Tate Schneider

To Irene Liu, Irene you always kept it real. I know you want out of IMSA so bad, so congrats you’re almost done! (But, be at the studco meeting 4:30 :).) I will you some juicy gossip at college and hopefully some meetings that don’t make you want to quit the organization!! <33

To Elaina Xiao, ELAINA I CANT BELIEVE YOUR GRADUATING. I hope it was all worth it and you find another amazing group of friends at your college. I will you all the juicy college gossip you could ever want. I’ll make sure we continue your talent show legacy and will ALWAYS defend talent show when they try to cancel us again.

To Kenith Taukolo, Kenith you finally made it, all those clubs were worth it. You got really real this year and always had some juicy gossip which you know I appreciate. I will you success to all your clubs for this upcoming year and I will you a better ratio because I know you recently took an L but maybe you can make it higher at Harvard.

To Nathaniel Gao, what a full circle moment it is – from the first junior I talked to, to the first senior I’m writing a will to. Nat Gao you are the craziest person I know at this school, but even though you go through your moments of being fake you’ve always kept it real and authentic (such opposite statements ik). Don’t ever let anyone put you down and you keep being you. I will you some more action in college that you won’t be embarrassed to say out loud and some better kpop dancing skills. <33

To Miles Massey, Miles matthew massey. Tbh I don’t know if that’s your middle name but I feel like it fits. Thank you for keeping it real this year and always having C wing in your heart. You’ve genuinely improved so much at volleyball this year and I’m glad that you’ve gotten the chance to be a starter because tbh you deserve it. I will you a snapple bottle for college:)).

To Ella Voyles, I genuinely don’t know what I’m going to do without an Ella Voyles in my life next year. Who am I going to pepper with at volleyball? Who am I going to sit with on the bus? Scary, scary thoughts. It’s okay you’re moving on to better things in life. I will you some very very hot boys at UIUC and the ability to stay away from the underclassmen as you get older at college.

To Peyton Gutting, I am losing one of my best gossip outlets this year :((. Peyton, I hope you party it the frick up Purdue and I expect absolutely nothing less. I will you the absolute juiciest drama in your future endeavors and some more short people to share it with.

To Alex Orantia, Alex thanking you for being a great HCC this year whether it was dealing with c wing during key game or all your hard work during clash, I’m proud that i get to continue on your legacy for next year. I wish you all the best in college.

To Yina Wang, thank you for being such an inspiration and such a good leader for student council. I’m so glad that your college plans worked out for you and you get to go to the college of your dreams. I will you so many college parties where you can be the rebellious teenager of your dreams!

To Bryce Sharp, I will you the ability to continue volleyball at college or somewhere else in life because, not gonna lie, you are genuinely so good. I can’t believe that the freshman is graduating! Nobody is ever going to be able to replace your crazy kills, crazier jumps, or massive grin on the team..The #1 setter and libero. Hopefully you will never have to do another group punishment there either.

To Michelle Li, I’m so proud of you for getting into UChicago, Michelle I hope you eat it up. I will you one tub of frosting, and I hope you learn to love the taste and the science experiment that comes with it. Being a lead facilitator with you was very, very fun and I think our class loved it too. I might have a new facilitator next year, but I’ll still remember my roots as professor mate lieder.

To Avery Hedican, I literally have no clue who I’m going to mess around with at student council meetings now that you’re gone. We had some interesting times exploring the depths of TEMU and even more laughs. So sorry you will never get to experience the 01 renovation though, I wish you a very nice and clean dorm at your college.

To Hamilat Sanusi, Halimat-san…. 03 is literally gonna be fighting for our lives at drill without your coreo next year. I will forever respect you so much not only for your dancing skills but for you pulling off LIMBO coreo during our drill (it went crazy btw). I will you as many opportunities to dance and improve your skills at UIC that you had here at IMSA and some better taste in kpop boys. Also I am expecting your you know what Instagram @ in my dms after you read this. UwU one last time :((.

To Kelly Cruz, Wee woop beep bah boo puh poo yee hoo lee WEE WOO. Kelly you were kind of an NPC this year but you know you were the good type of npc, you’d make me laugh every single time you popped down in the hall commons and it always made my night that much better. Also you are so freaking hot. I will you a future college dorm doesn’t have a water station in the common area so you can stay away from common dwellers like me. I also will you some more Tadashi edits because I know you’re into that .

To Nikita Rudrapati, Nikita! You are the sweetest person I know on campus. Thank you for always being so kind to me even when you were in your 03 hater era. On that note I’m glad you found some use out 03 and ended up happy to be a part of the community during clash. I hope 03 didn’t ruin your senior year! I will you infinite good karma for your niceness and a bigger room to do your workouts in at college so you don’t have to do them in the back stairwell.

To Dammy Tabiti, Dammy I swear every single time I go on a weekend trip you are always on that bus with me and it makes the trip that much better every single time. I hope all those club applications you submitted last year were worth it and you’re at the college of your dreams. I will you lots of fun in college. Also thank you for telling me that I was getting scammed at chiptole because now my order is less than 10 dollars and I literally eat there so much more.

To Yareli Marinez, Yareli!!!! Thank you for helping me work through the ridiculous task of convincing admins that combining all the culture shows into one event was horrible idea and everything you did to help me work through those calendars. Even though the administrators canceled me, I think we still made some good progress. I will you a world where everyone stops thinking your last name is Martinez <33.

To Dorothy Peters, Dorothy peters you are genuinely the funniest person I think I’ve ever met. You never ceased to make me laugh and I hope that I can be as funny as you one day. You’re the best hype man anyone could ever ask for and I know I can come to you if I ever need to film a TikTok. I will you someone at Wellesley who will appreciate Mildred just as much as I do.

To Simon Hoffmans, Conor Craddock, and Matthew Svatora, Such an interesting group of people to exist. Thank y’all for all the fun times in c wing last year and I hope 07 panned out well for yall. Simon, it always amused me how much you procrastinated all of your homework, I must say though, your 27 minute naps never did work out for me :((. It was all worth it though, and I hope you have fun at Case Western. Matt, you were always so real. Thank you for taking my laundry out of the dryer that one time. I hope one day you chose to look at your you know what. Connor, thank you for always keeping the vibes up. Your loud laugh used to piss me off last year when i was trying to sleep but i miss it now </3. Finally, thank all of you for that finals study session in your quad last year. That night was so much fun and I don’t even think I finished one of my review packets. I will y’all loads of fun in college.

Tia Rice

To Madilyn Bulfer, I will you more awesomeness. I wish I could be a better fielder for you and the team lol, but thank you for always helping me and making me feel like part of the team. Have a great time at university, I aspire to catch like you!

To Rylie Bozarth, I will you good food in college. Thank you for always being someone I could talk to at lunch or play volleyball with. I’m going to miss our conversations and seeing you in the hallway!

To Kelly Cruz and Valeria Castellanos, I will you exciting adventures! Thank you for always giving me someone to look up to so I could know I could make something of myself at IMSA. Have a great time outside of the IMSA bubble lol!

To Evan Kuzukas, I will you great teachers to talk about history in college. Our talks on the train were always something I enjoyed. Glad you found your phone lol. Now it’s time to conquer college!

Tommy Blough

To Alexandra “AJ” Orantia, I will you unlimited pandesal. I swear, you act like my mom every time you bring it out. On a real note, how in the world did all of this spark from slamming full speed into you during Talent Show practice? That’s just crazy to me. Ok, so I’m really struggling to come up with words to explain how I feel so screw it. Imma just start and see what comes out, here goes nothing. You know, even after all of the dumb hangouts in the 03 hall commons, broken water cups, and threats to throw me, you’ve helped me more than you could ever know. Whether you’ve seen it or not, you gave me dance, an opportunity to express myself that I never saw possible. You opened up a whole new world for me. I can’t ever thank you enough for that. It’s not even just dance though. You brought me closer to so many amazing people. Whether it was through dance, shenanigans after 10, or even just hanging around you, I always seemed to meet someone new, for better or worse. Ok, I’m starting to tear up so I’ll finish this quick. Honestly, idek what to say anymore. I can’t believe this year is almost over and, tbh, idk if I’m ready yet. I’m not ready to lose all you seniors yet and I don’t think I ever will be. It’s really hard to imagine an IMSA without you. I get it, I really do. There’s a time when we all have to say our goodbyes and I guess I’ll just need to face it. I know you’ll do so well at Cornell, but if you’re ever feeling stressed or just wanna talk, I’m always here. That said, promise me one thing, if nothing else. Promise me that you’ll never stop dancing. You had no idea how much you inspired me, and I don’t think you’ll ever know the next person that’ll feel the same way.

To Sachleen Tuteja, I will you many more random high-fives. I haven’t talked all that much with you and I regret that, I really do. You seem like such a genuine person whenever we do end up in a conversation. I love your energy. Even in the middle of the day when I’m just done with everything, I just get so excited to hear “JOHNNY!” when I’m not paying attention. You were some of the biggest inspiration for me during Clash and that inspiration just grew as I got to know you. It makes me so happy that you let me call you “Schleen” now. I’m really gonna miss you. I’ll find my own sophie to talk to next year, I promise.

To Zander Tamez, I will you unlimited energy for all your dancing needs. I know you won’t sleep well enough so this is the best I can do. You know, there are very few people at this school that I genuinely enjoy hanging out with as much as you. Whether we’re hanging out at a dance practice or in 03 at an unreasonably close-to-ten-check time, you’re always up for just one more dap. That’s something that I really like about you. All the times that I’ve been around you, you make sure that you’re not the only one enjoying what we’re doing. Even when it’s me, you, and your good friends, you take the time to ensure that I’m included. On another note, you dance so enthusiastically that it’s almost infectious. You are a big reason that I wanted to learn to dance and I am so happy that I did. You changed my life and I can only hope that I changed yours as well.

To Yareli Marinez, I will you less bullying from Halimat. To be fair, it’s really funny and it can be kinda hard to take you seriously sometimes. On a real note though, I had a lot of fun during Clash with all of the chaotic hall dec worktimes. I know we didn’t rank high, but I had too much fun to really care about that. I do wish I got to know you a little better, but I guess I can’t do much about that now. Thank you so much for doing all of the planning for hall decs and just being a really good person in general.

To all the 03 A Wing Seniors, please stay unpredictable. I love that everytime I walk into the wing, there’s always something going on, whether it’s Smash Bros or tea talks with Kenith. I can’t imagine a group of seniors that would make a more interesting wing. Gautham, you’re such a nice person and I’m really glad that I met you this year, but how much Smash can a person play in one night? You too Dean and Raph. How do you never get bored of it after playing all day? Liam and Surya, I wish I talked to you two more. You seem like very nice people and I’m sorry that we weren’t very close. Kenith, how much tea can a person be able to share. You are so “bffr” and I loved hearing about all of your college visits. I’m going to miss all of you so much, so thank you so much for all of the memories.

To my 03 Clash Drill Choreos (Alex, Halimat, and Jackie), I will you less chaos on the day of Pep Rally. It’s kinda crazy that we learned so much of After LIKE during those last few days, especially stunts. Thank you guys so much for how much fun you all were to have as choreos. I don’t know a better trio to make such an amazing performance out of such a crazy group. You three were the most important pieces of the puzzle that made up my clash experience and I can never thank you enough for that. Alex, you put so much time and effort into all of the drill practices and weekend makeups that taught me the dances that I still do parts of from time to time. You threatened to throw me so many times, and I’m so happy that the “TOMMY THROW” actually happened. Halimat, how are your dances so much fun to do? Like, I never understood how such a simple dance like streets could be so exciting. To be honest, you intimidated me so much for the first couple of weeks prepping for Clash. Why do you seem so scary? I don’t get it. Jackie, your energy throughout every practice was unmatched, but your dances seem so hard. Since Ma City was the first song we learned, I honestly was kinda scared I wouldn’t be able to learn all of the songs before Pep Rally. That shuffle was really fun to learn though. You three made my Clash season and I never would have had so much fun with any other choreos.

To all 03 Seniors, since I missed quite a few, I will you so many more memories like Clash and late nights in hall commons. Without all of you seniors, I wouldn’t have had nearly as much fun as I did. I made so many friends and memories, all thanks to the atmosphere that we made as a hall. You all led Clash to become everything I ever wanted it to be and I will thank you forever for that. I love all of you seniors so much and I know I’m not ready to lose you yet, but sometimes letting go is the only option. I hope you all go on to successful lives, whatever your definition of successful is, but please never forget 03.

To all the dancing seniors that I’ve met so recently (Bhavya, Eddie, Keerthi, Shreeya), I will you all the best dancing cultures anywhere you end up. I have had so much fun talking to all of you over the past couple of weeks. Bhavya, I haven’t talked with you all that much, but you have such a fun personality. You are a bit intimidating though. I wish I met you long before I actually did and I hope you keep your energy as you push through life. Eddie, how are you always so late to everything, even your own practices? I’m so glad that you decided to add me to Bfriend. Please be a little earlier to practice though. Keerthi, you’re so nice every time I talk to you. Thanks for all the hyping up you gave me before I was added to Bfriend. Shreeya, thanks for keeping Eddie in line. Honestly, you seemed kinda scary before I actually met you, but I’m really happy that I did. To all of you, I don’t know what my semester would have been like if I didn’t meet you four and I don’t really want to. Thank all of you for making my experience at IMSA so much fun!

Victoria Nalepka

To Ella Voyles, I will you a million more Taylor Swift karaoke nights, Kinga (but not fully), a working FaceTime, and an amazing first year at UIUC. We talk about it more often than we should (for our mental health), but I cannot imagine my life at IMSA without you by my side. We always think the same thoughts, we say the same things, and let’s be honest, we are practically the same person. The fact that we cannot really even remember when and where we got so close proves that we have acted as each other’s person since we first became friends. You are my best friend and I cannot explain to you how much relief it brings me that I can talk to you for hours and not get bored of our conversation. Plz fall in love at UIUC with a tall volleyball man (and tell him you have a really epic best friend who needs a boyfriend). If you do not call me at least 2 times a week (once during the week, once on the weekend), I will show up at your dorm. This is a warning. I cannot wait to spend my summer with you and I cannot wait to see you graduate after all the hard work you have put into IMSA. Thank you for being my best friend.

To Shaan Doshi, I will you my mother’s love and a lower college tuition (do not know if I can do this but I am). I want to thank you for being my first real friend on campus, for helping me with the hell that is SI Physics, and for being the person I can always call whenever I need advice and a person to lean on. I will forever cherish our long walk talks and playing beach volleyball for far too long after school. I promise to get better at spike ball and to not play it like I am playing volleyball so we can actually dominate the game. You are going to do absolutely amazing things at UIUC and beyond. You always figure everything out and (I do not know how) you do it with a huge smile on your face. You are one of the most hardworking people I have ever met and I will miss your presence on campus more than you will ever know. We have to stay in touch, and I promise to give you my (maybe not always amazing) advice. Thank you for being your amazing self and one of my closest friends.

To Peyton Gutting, I will you an absolutely slay four years at Purdue, a roommate that is not an education major, and my list of “things said in the quad of _ _”. I thank you for always being the one to set me straight when I am about to lose my mind and make a bad decision, and for never failing to put a smile on my face when I need it most. I thank you for always being there for me, especially last year. I know I can count on you always. I know for a fact that you will do amazing things and travel the world and have crazy stories that I will be dying to hear. I cannot wait to see you slay walking across the graduation stage. I will miss you more than you know, but I know that we will always stay in touch. Thank you for being you.

Vidyoot Senthilvenkatesh

To Pranit Guntupalli, I will you less time with your airpods in. But, talking to you is always calming, and I feel like I can always be comfortable around you (especially in the rare scenarios where you don’t have your airpods in). Starting with the talent show grind, the time we spent together was so much fun. I was able to learn so much by just being around you. If we forget the fact that I studied 3 hours for Macro compared to your ghastly 2 months and still did better on the practice questions, you are extremely smart, and you will pop off at UIUC.

To Dhruv Patel, I will you more temu credit. You are one of the smartest people I know and I know you will do big things in college. From all the debate convos to the random temu links that you kept sending me (yes, I already used your link), I had so much fun talking to you throughout the year and all the gym sessions were so memorable. I’m sure that you leaving is sure to bring IMSA average debate speaker points down by 10. You’re so cracked at debate and you need to teach me some of your ways. Have a great time and don’t forget to hit me up every now and then.

To Sam Guo, I will you unlimited uber trips. I cannot imagine riding the SIR bus without you next year. Every conversation was so much fun, and I just grew amazed by how much you managed to explore in the 2 hours we had free. I will you unlimited uber trips, this way you don’t have to run to the SIR bus or wait for the trains. Also, thank you for all the random history and city facts (going to miss hearing this from you next year).

To Jared Dong, I will you painting skills. Although your painting of Saturn was pretty good (second to mine of course), you could still do better. Thank you for being a senior that we can talk to and actually keeps the wing alive. Watching all the chess matches between you and Sadkrith was very entertaining (contrary to what others would normally think). As part of the B-wing juniors, we will miss you and all the past 10-check chess matches.

To Rashmi Alawani, I will you a working debugger. Having someone to talk to during FTC was so helpful and I could not imagine being the only software member on the team (and being forced to debug and deal with Christian myself). Thank you for all the random convos and the FTC grind sessions. You are cracked at coding (only to be shut down later by Mr. Meyer of course). Have a great time and don’t forget to hit me up every now and then.

To Shaan Doshi, I will you a working canvas class. The thermometer project from OOP still has me shaken (the debugging was atrocious). Talking to you during OOP, especially during my first semester at IMSA, helped me so much and the table never seemed to die down. Through all the OOP quizzes, fire alarms, and the random convos in your quad, it was great getting to know you. You will do great at UIUC without doubt.

To Nachiket Rajinikanth, I will you unlimited taco bell to keep you satiated throughout the day. Although we never had a class together, I really appreciate the adchem advice and for actually convincing me to apply to IMSA. I never thought that you coming over to my house on a sunday afternoon, a month before applying to IMSA, would change the course of my next 3 years. Good luck at Case Western and come over to my house more often.

To Jayant Kumar, I will you a drill set. Maybe this time, the night before state, we don’t have to borrow a drill set from Grayson again. Thank you for being an awesome FTC captain and putting in countless hours into the team. Despite the fact that the mechanical team did seem to mess up quite often, you are extremely good at what you do (yes, that also includes gaslighting the software team into believing that they always messed up). You will definitely strive in your career and in whatever is to come.

To Steve Dziamentsyeu, I will you a better Decs Cohead. Thank you for carrying on Andy’s legacy and carrying the hall into a 1st place finish for Hall Decs. Although I was not able to contribute as much time as I hoped to this year, I really appreciate all the work you put into hall decs and the never-ending grind (keep racking up those volunteer hours). You are one of the most dedicated and hardworking people I know, and I really hope that doesn’t stop with just IMSA.

To the MAO and JHMC seniors (Rohan, Shiqi, Yina, and Kevin), I will you fewer sleepless nights. The amount of work put into JHMC this year was crazy (which is just an understatement). Maybe in college, when you don’t have JHMC, you can get more sleep and maybe even have a lower resting heart rate in February and March.

Vignesh Tiruvannamalai

To Jason Qin, I will you a Bugcat plushie. Thank you for all the Lexington meals together and the jokes, LEAD classes, Bugcat gifs, long strings of text messages, nighttime visits to your room (and I suppose the boot accident as well). Oh, and the chaos that night when you threw your roommate’s keys into the giant pine tree outside 04. You have been one of my close friends at IMSA and one of my role models since sophomore year (mostly), and I know you will do great things. I look forward to hearing about your life in New York!

To Samuel Go, I will you a CTA bus and computer with 10 terabytes so you can crunch all the data you would need to for a long time (if it doesn’t exist, hopefully someone will manufacture it). Thank you for all of the Lexington meals, random conversations in random places about random things, and simply for being Sam. You have done some of the most interesting things that I’ve seen from IMSA students (without breaking rules that much) and you’ve provided me with a lot of useful information (and some not so useful information) along the way. I still can’t believe you’re younger than me, but anyways, have fun in college and keep being the one and only Sam Go. Keep on being a quiz bowl wizard, shredding bad books, and playing with Google Earth flight simulator!

To George Bayliss, I will you a large window and some more weird colored drink mixtures. No more context. Thanks for the math help in 04B last year!

To Jazmyne Germo, I will you a giant wheel of cheese. Thanks for the fun, and for being involved in some rather harmless yet fun activities. Have fun in college!

To Cole Plepel, I will you a marimba in your dorm room at college. You’re such a talented percussionist and I also enjoyed having you at my table in AdChem. Thanks for the occasional chem help, Lexington meals, and conversations as well!

To Amogh Shetty, I will you a clock that is set to the correct time. Thanks for being a wonderful HOSA Board President and wing mate! I’m glad that I got to know you better, and I enjoyed all the jokes, room phone calls, and time down in 4C11.

To Kevin Zhang, I will you a skateboard park, some black lentil cereal, and some more French attire. I enjoyed the AdChem grind and whatever random things we did together. Go do great things at CMU!

To the five seniors of 1504 C Wing (Amogh Shetty, Kevin Zhang, Michael Yudovich, Edgar Carlos, and Derick Meents), I will you a great residence hall community in college. Thank you for a great year. I’m glad to say that (as of the day I’m writing this) our wing still stands intact. And even though some of us didn’t talk as much, we’ve formed a nice community. All the best as you go on to the next chapter of your lives.

To all the seniors, thank you for being the role models that we looked up to for the last two school years. You’ve shaped IMSA life for the Class of 2024 and Class of 2025 greatly, and it’s bittersweet as you all graduate. Take care, do great things, and go live it up in college and beyond!

William Guo

To Daniel Park, I will you a great lawyer to keep up appearances. I hope to carry on your great sense of humor and wish you good luck in your future endeavors becoming the best spreader of diversity!

To Rohan Jain, I will you food. Get your weight up, and be sure not to miss any meals like Daniel Ma. I enjoyed looking into your soulless eyes, and I know it was a pleasure for you as well to see my beautiful face.

To Daniel Ma, I will you some unfolding face cream. The true potential of your face is yet to be discovered, so I hope you find that. Your music taste is also decent, though I recommend to put down the Death Grips and Kendrick to listen to some Tom MacDonald.

To Dhruv Patel, I will you a good toothbrush. I envy your great teeth, and you’re such a great leader and EIC. Please don’t fire me!

William Mason Hellrung

To Matthew Svatora, and Simon Hoffman, I will you incredible gains. Seeing you in the gym second semester with senior downquad would make Mitya proud. Thanks for bearing with D wing even though we were more than two-thirds sophomores and thanks for actually interacting with us.

To Mridhul Sreejan, I will you an infinite supply of cologne. You smell fantastic, end of story. It’s probably funnier if I add nothing else.

To Adapo Adeyemi, I will you a fresh new cut. Although I was nothing but awkward with you because you were usually with your friends when we talked, we had a little something. Stay balling, and for Christ’s sake stay up to date on your homework.

To Christian Delgado, I will you a cup of water and a Civil War cannon, and David Simmons’ incredible abs. It’s all Puffs Stuff. Do some drama at college, or something.


To Himani, I wish you less exhaustion and more energy (especially chaotic energies). You seem too tired nowadays to actually be unhinged, and I’m sad that you’re actually becoming sane. Thank you for being the best IMSAlympian Bio facilitator ever, I can confirm that we actually did stuff this year xD (I researched your own underclassman will last year lmao). Thanks also for that Access Road walk months ago, it helped with things I didn’t even know I needed help with lol. And in general, sorry for yknow what, but take it as a very strange form of a compliment on being an awesome person. I hope you have a great time at MIT :).

To Ramzi, I will you better spikeball skills. Thanks for being a chill dude and helping me with wack things every once in a while, and helping me find my place at IMSA a bit xD. Also, can’t believe you lost to Reyna at spikeball so badly. Reyna plays soccer and your arms are like, 6ft, so big L (jkjk lmao). Redemption arc incoming I’m calling it.

To Aidan & Zander I will you two less height (BWAHAHAHAHA) no jk I will you two more epic soccer games. Loved watching you two play soccer + stop looking so fine lol. Also, just for funnies, #AidanxZander > #AidanxEinsey. Happy Aiden? You always complain about getting shipped with Einsey xD.

Yicole Ng

To Patrick Tenedor, I will you choreo that won’t be as hard as the Casa de La Luna show (but it was cool). Thank you for being one of the best seniors out there, and for making my IMSA experience so much better. Even though I only met you officially through Casa de La Luna, you never fail to make me feel included and never fail to make my day brighter. No matter what you do in college and beyond, I know you will get through it. You’re a special person, and I am sure that other people never fail to recognize how kind, passionate, and hilarious you are. Also, don’t forget to show them your super cool dancing skills. Mooshi will forever be impacted by your actions. Anyways, I will miss you so much!

To Nat Gao, I will you Fifth Harmony tickets. I personally think NYU should have accepted you into music business, but I know that you will be one of the best CS kids to ever grace the Earth. You inspired me to be more open about myself and my identity, and I am forever grateful for that! You always make my day and I hope you never lose yourself <3.

To the lovely 06 D-wing seniors (Saamiyah Khan, Sajal Shukla, Caroline Kowal, Lily Powell, Rashmi Alwani, Rebecca Liu), I will you all hot girl college eras. All of you are so cool and inspiring in your own ways, and don’t let college take that away! 06 D-wing wouldn’t be the same without you all!

To the Wind Ensemble flute section seniors (Aditi Kumar, Ella Barnett, and Jazmyne Germo), I will you high Cs that blow well every time you play them. My first year in Wind Ensemble has been great, and that is all thanks to the flute section! Thank you for always being super supportive and kind <3. Regardless if you continue music, I hope you all know that despite not talking a lot, I think you guys are super cool in your own ways and I wish you all the best!

To my senior LEAD facilitators (Franklin Rangel, Nandana Varma, and Maya Holland), I will you all of the best! I have had so much fun in all of you classes, and you guys are the reason LEAD was fun! You all made my IMSA experience bearable and I hope you all have a great time in college and beyond :).

To Yina Wang, I will you time to take a break. I know we haven’t talked much, but I honestly think you are super cool and I hope you have a great time in college! Thank you for being patient with me as I applied for Student Council (and for being really speedy with responses, that was impressive), and for bearing with me as I adjust to Student Council! Make sure to take a long and relaxing break, you deserve it!

To Irene Park, I will you more time to do what you’re passionate about! I am so proud of you; we haven’t known each other for a long time, but it has been an honor working with you on SEI! Not to get sappy, but I honestly look up to you a lot. You started a project based on your passions, and it has been really successful, got through the SIR situation, and managed to secure a spot in Yale! I hope we keep in touch, and I wish you all of the best :). Relax and take a break!

To Ella Lind, I will you time to watch How to Train Your Dragon in college! I don’t talk to you a lot, but I wanted to let you know that you are amazing at what you do, and Wind Ensemble wouldn’t be how it is without you! It was an honor playing the How to Train Your Dragon arrangement under your conducting, and I know you will do awesome things. Also, your drum playing skills are awesome.

Zhuoer Cai

To Nachiket Rajinikanth, I will you some juice boxes and a happy time at Georgia. I think you are a very goofy HCC (in a good way).

To Christian Cantu, I will you more gains. You were a very fun RSL and teammate on track.

To Freddie Rodriguez, I will you a social life. We are all disappointed at your lack of upperclassmen wills.

To Julius Wardlow, I will you a great future. I liked your sprints and tank tops at 10 check.

Zuyu Liu

To Dhruv Patel, I will you Harvard rizz. MAN THIS IS UNREAL. You’re telling me that you’re leaving, Mr. Harvard, Mr. LD, Mr. ISP. Honestly, it’s been such a pleasure just looking up to you, physically and metaphorically, and seeing you succeed really helps me accept myself for who I am – a talented little goofball. Hope you have W rizz in Harvard, become more competent, and hop into my house over the summer. I will you all the best in college!

To Kennedy and Amogh, I will you an amazing college experience. Why did u pick me at the end of sophomore year to be on Med Society? I don’t know ANYTHING about medicine, and y’all picked me. But, I’ll try my best to not make your choice a mistake and lead Med Society to greatness. I will y’all an amazing future, and some amazing med kids to hang out with!

To Jackie Zhang, I will you less annoying people like me. I sincerely apologize for being the worst underclassman ever. Well, I’m sorry but not sorry. It’s so much fun being in Spec Fic and Amnesty with you, and you’re always the reassuring presence that I aspire to be. Thanks for being here for me, and I’ll carry on your legacy of Amnesty International. I will you unlimited kpop dances, some better fits, and an amazing college experience.

To Vikram Karra, I will you greatness. DONT LEAVE VIKKY! You’re literally the GOAT of IMSA, so committed and dedicated at everything you do yet still so approachable and friendly to everyone. Honestly, it’s fair to say that you’re everything I’ve ever aspired to be. Your jawline is just as clean and awesome as your personality, and it’s been amazing getting to know you and learn from the best of the best. I hope you get a date (maybe your best friend that you showed me), and I hope you enjoy ur time at WashU. Come back often!

To Irene Liu, I will you food. I’ll miss you! I guess that now you’re leaving, I’ll finally be known as the “only” Liu. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your smile, and you’re always so easy to talk to, and honestly, I appreciate everything that you’ve done for Lexington! I will you a growth spurt, great food, and a lot of CS fun!

To Kenith Taukolo, I will you…ugh. It’s Kenny T., what do I write for you? Honestly yeah, let mejust cut this short because um, well, your influence on me just can’t, and I will say it again, can’t be written in this short lil section of an underclassman will. When I first met you, I thought you werethat one wacko who sucked at debate and always pretended that he was good, and now, both of these are no longer true Mr. Semifinalist! And you know what, youare right. I’m a bad debate team member. Next year I’ll show up to more practices and help lead this team toward victory. I don’t have anything to write about how Congress was with you, because all I can think about is how I won’t feel the same debating without you. It’s the little things you do, like singing even though you’re tone deaf, hosting cozy parties, and staying up to do our research that really brought the whole team together. You showed me how to be a leader, and I promise I won’t let you down. I had to wash my face a few times writing this to wipe away the tears in my eyes. Kenith, I will you unlimited parties in Harvard, show those guys your body rolls, make sure they know you are the ultimate party-er!

To Jesse Park, I will you unlimited rizz, which you already have, and a state-of-the-arts trumpet section. Ngl, you were carrying a little too much these past years. I will you more calisthenics workouts and some smoooooth body rolls.

To Dapo Adeyemi, I will you orgo labs. U da best bro. Best player on our team, best upperclassman on the team, best lab partner (even though u tried to kill me at least 4 times). It’s just been so much fun hanging with you, and I will you the best in college! May you never take orgo again!

To Elaina Xiao, I will you a sold-out performance at Carnegie Hall. Yourvoice is just perfect. Speaking of which, a lotta things about you are perfect: your skin, your style, your partying skills, music taste, and your stats skills. I hope you enjoy driving 3 hrs to UIUC, and I will u unlimited hot guys, like hot hot guys, cuz u deserve them.

To my StudCo Seniors (Yina, Bhavyaa, Vidhi, Pietro, Rohan, Avery), I will y’all more student government stuff! Thanks for showing me how to take initiative at IMSA and turn a passion into realities. StudCo with y’all was so much fun, and we will carry on your torch, your legacy, for the next years to come. Here, a special thanks to Yina. I remember you being one of the first faces I saw when I walked into my first ever StudCo meeting sophomore year, working with you on the Big Sib initiative. Easy to say that I wouldn’t have gotten here without your guidance, and that StudCo wouldn’t be as successful as we are without the help of all of y’all seniors. I will y’all the best in ur colleges, and endless fights with administration!

To Eddie Ning, I will you kpop dances. Edward Ning, 宁浩宇, the dance king, the co-lord of ASIA, the drippiest dumbo at IMSA. I was so scared when I first came into ASIA , and I still kinda am right now (Raph and Jerrick are scary). But you weren’t. You’re the sweetest, nicest person to exist. I remember just watching you do your lil dances at our first Stunion Hangouts (fun experiences!) and wondering, what is he doing? And then I realized, you know every single kpop song ever to exist, and you know them like a pro. And you self-taught yourself. If I could become a dancer like someone, I wanna become a dancer like you. You’re the best Eddie, and I will you an absolute blast in college. More kpop, more boba, more “OH MY OH MY GOD I WAS REALLY HOPING HE WILL COME THROUGH” in your dorms, and trust. ASIA is in good hands. Come back and visit!

To Lily Song, I will you more boba. The co-lord of ASIA, I will you a wonderful experience at Harvard, and take care of Kenith pls. You’re so approachable and kind to everyone that you meet, and you were the reason I did well in my ASIA interview – lil soph me was so comforted because you were supportive of me during the interview, and I still remember you laughing at a joke I pulled from Siri. Working with you on ASIA has been great; dancing with you in drill has been amazing; and thx so much for helping me put together the basketball game too! I will you the perfect Harvard experience, come back and watch us dance in Lunar!

To Jack Morby, I will you music. Mr. Morbius, the white John Coltrane, the cutest saxophonist alive. A big thank you for running Jazz Ensemble. I’m really sorry that I couldn’t make it to all the practices, but I had so much fun in the ones I went to. Band was amazing with you, and so was Lin Alg! Honestly, I just hope you continue playing music cause JAZZ >>>>. Never let those fingers stop movin’, cuz they make beautiful sounds (iykyk). I will you more music, more band, and more sax in college!

To Ela Gadi, I will you cute clothes. Only writing you one cause you wrote me one (oop). Being around you was super fun, even though I kinda froze whenever you took my jacket (you know I get cold too?) but that’s besides the point. You always have the prettiest fits, and I hope you have an amazing time at Emory. Find some cute folks! I will you, well, no more McCarthy.

To Shiqi Cheng, I will you success. First of all, you spelled Kaylee’s last name wrong in your senior will. On behalf of my lil sib in law, I object to your ignorance! But seriously, I think you’re amazing as much as you always dismiss it. My first impression of you was you telling me last year, during a StudCo meeting, that break-ups suck (and I think you’re right). Outside of that, you were the viola prodigy, the math MAOgician (ha-ha), the favorite senior I always hear from Josie, Lily, and Kaylee. I will you a better sleep schedule, less rings under ur eyes, and endless fun at MIT! Also, did you know, one of the seniors last year had a big crush on you? Thought it would be fun to tell you now, and yes I’m serious.

To our senior down-quad, Simon, Connor, Matthew, and Jackson, I will y’all an amazing college experience. Thanks y’all for keeping 07 D wing this year so fun and lighthearted. I’ll really miss ur cooking, dancing, and pie-ing (Matthew I’m going toget you back one day, just wait). I wish y’all really the best in college, keep growing Simon, maybe you’ll touch the moon one day.

To Jacob Holloway, I will you strength *flex*. Jacob Bolloway, Bigboi, I will you more leg days in the future. Thanks for being the most chill senior out there. We had so much fun in the wing this year, I’m really gonna miss it next year. It’s fine though, cause I’ll be taking Lucas, so at least he won’t be lonely!

To Saketh, I will you infinitely more pictures taken in college. I hope you feel good abt the future of ISP now that Haoran is on board, he really did gap you with that graphic.

To Shaan Doshi, I will you some more stable and resilient glasses so next time you play field games, they won’t break every day. I still remember the day when I saw you at Northwestern just walking about, in the middle of the summer. That was funny.

To Alex Orantia and Zander Tamez, I will y’all some more dancing. Y’all are really the best dancers in the world, or the world as big as I know. Thanks for putting on show after show in every culture show, and Zander, keep skateboarding, you look great. I will y’all the most fun college experiences, and more dances, hopefully with better lighting and some sold-out crowds!

To Taylor Baugh, I will you College Activities Board. Did you know, when my dad came to IMSA to visit me for the first time this year, he asked if I knew you? I couldn’t remember ,but I think it was because youwere a facilitator for some program, and I thought it was crazy funny. Anyways, it was so fun working with you for HOCO and other StudCo X CAB stuff, and I will you another few years of CAB, just replace the “campus” with “college” to make the College Activities Board.

To all the seniors that I missed, I will y’all the best of the best of the best. You guys are the golden generation of IMSA, and we will not let you down.

And last but not least, to my favorite senior, Michelle Sun, Mishelleeeeee. I will you the perfect college experience. I’ll miss you a lot! Do you know what light is? Well, you were like a light that shone into my life. Everything about you was warm, like light from the morning sunshine. I remember being in Lin Alg just completely lost, but knowing that I can count on you to help me out. I remember playing with Gerrard because welp, I didn’t understand class anyways, might as well not pay attention. Our class together was first semester, and back then, I didn’t really understand how tough junior year–or rather the upcoming life ahead of me–will be. As I felt drowned by stress and pressure, your optimism, work ethic, and kindness were like a light that shone through the clouds and helped me stay afloat. You’re my role model. And you’re the perfect role model. My favorite memory this year was going to Hoco with you; the matrices hoco poster, eating under the dim Circle Drive streetlights, and seeing your smile. You have the most beautiful smile :). I will you all the best, because you truly deserve it. I know this is long, but just remember that you changed someone for the better, and you should be proud :)). Mishelleeeee, 你相信光吗?那你知道光是什么吗?光是看见你,心中就小鹿乱撞;光是想你,就用尽全部力气。在大学里吃好多美食,多听听TFBOYS,祝你一帆风顺,事事如意!

About the Author

David Dickson
I am from a noble village in Illinois. You might not have heard of it, but it is called Chicago. I enjoy writing, listening to different types of music, computer games, and singing. Everywhere.

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