
How to IMSA: Life in the Halls

The idea of a boarding school may excite or scare students, but keep reading to learn more about how IMSA residential halls look, how to be a good roommate, recommended…

How to IMSA: Extracurriculars

IMSA’s never-ending list of extracurriculars will undoubtedly seem intimidating at first. Rest assured, you will likely discover your passion, meet some of your closest friends, and gain unparalleled leadership skills…

How to IMSA: Mental Health

As a junior, I know how challenging the IMSA curriculum is. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with stress, especially with the return to campus, and your concerns about meeting academic…

An Ode to Sodexo

“Study the past if you would define the future.” —Confucius Sodexo was once the main food provider for the tired, the poor, the huddled masses of IMSA students. Tales of…

Back To School: A Stationery Review

After news came out that we were finally going to school in-person, most of us started thinking about our packing lists. While the majority of the items on that list…

Back to School Outfit of the Day

Personally, one of the main concerns I had about packing for school included clothes: how many should I bring? Is this shirt too dressy? Does this one make me look…