[Seniors Speak] Spreading Too Thin

Written by Jameson O’Reilly  Before you read this, please know that I am not trying to demonize administration or say that they don’t care about us. While they are definitely…

[Senior Speaks] Little Things

Little things turn into big things, if only you let them. Coming to IMSA, I couldn’t find words to describe myself. Like Willy Loman – from Death of a Salesman –…

Senior Wills 2014

With the seniors counting down their final days at IMSA, they’ve written traditional “Senior Wills” to document three years of unforgettable memories, bucket lists for the future, and last testaments…

[Seniors Speak] A Return on Investment

Written by: Dallas Eckman From being hit on multiple extremities by a representative’s umbrella to attempting to console a senator after some not-so-subtle hints towards her current family issues, working…

[Seniors Speak] A Blank Page

Written by Karen Olowu It’s 6:45. I’m climbing down the stairs of my apartment building grinning like a fool because, for once, I’m not racing to catch the train. The…