Dorm Magic, Crafting the Perfect Room at IMSA!

For students of all experiences at IMSA, one of the most important factors in harmonizing daily routines and shaping unforgettable memories on campus is having an enjoyable roommate experience. For…

How IMSA Students Spent Their Summer

Welcome back, IMSA Titans! As the sun sets on the relaxing days of summer, we begin a new academic year full of exciting possibilities. But, before we dive into the…

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Hall Access Restrictions

As we welcome in the new school year, it’s also important to welcome the new changes that await us. Among the many updates implemented this school year, one standout change…

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IMSA’s New Classes

With a slew of changes coming this academic year, one that has confused many students are the courses that will be offered. The Acronym is here to provide a tentative…

Homecoming Week Day 4: The Volleyball Game

On Day Four of Homecoming Week, due to the unfortunate news of German instructor Ms. Agnieszka Michalak’s sudden passing, the scheduled daily events were canceled. However, we still did see…