
Homecoming Week at IMSA

Homecoming week at IMSA consists of a three day competition between the sophomore, junior, and senior classes. Each day, there is a dress-up theme, midday event, and night event. Although participation was…

The Power of the Right People

by Nick Rodriguez The IMSA student population is a startup company’s dream.  Filled with an abundance of diverse and high quality talent, IMSA is the right place for a start up…

Where We Belong

To those who timidly step forward into the last vestige of a fleeting adolescence, to those who are saddled with the woes of a broken psyche, and to those who…

Convocation and Carnival

The 2014-2015 academic year started with the two anticipated events that begin each year – Convocation and Carnival. A time for the enjoyment and socializing before classes start, the rain and…