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A Grade By Any Other Letter

A grade by any other letter would be just as sweet…not really because colleges want to see A’s. But that’s how it should be. What is a grade, but the…

IN FOCUS: Diwali and Swim Take IMSA by Storm

Diwali, A Show to “Light Up” Your Night For the past month, IMSA’s Indian Students’ Association (ISA) has been preparing for their annual and highly-anticipated event of the year, Diwali….

Microsoft vs. Apple: The Big Two

Ever since Steve Jobs and Bill Gates went their separate ways to create their respective brainchild companies, fanboys of both companies have been warring with each other. While Apple and…

Faces of IMSA

As you pass by through the IRC every day, you’ve probably noticed the gallery of portraits on the wall and wondered about them. Catching glimpses of intense photographs of classmates,…

How to Celebrate Diwali

A large part of the IMSA community is the appreciation of diversity. One of the biggest celebrations at IMSA is the Diwali Festival. Diwali is considered the festival of lights,…