2024 Senior Wills Pt. 1

Senior Wills! | Source: The Acronym

Welcome to The Acronym’s Senior Wills of 2024! After much hard work this year, our senior class has (finally) decided to relax and write some heartfelt messages to their underclassmen. That said, we hope you appreciate these messages left behind by the Class of 2024 as they journey on into college. All of the wills from Aashima Sisodia to Iris Amit are in this page, and all of the wills from Ishan Buyyanapragada to Zuyu Liu can be found here.

Aashima Singh Sisodia
Abigail Botello
Aditya Prashanth
Aishat Balogun
AJ Morales
Albert Han
Aldo Magaña
Alexian Heynez
Alyssa Abendroth
Andre Mendez
Anisha Kolambe
Annabelle Zhang
Arjun Cherukuri
Aru Ulanbek
Ashley Hernandez
Ashwin Nair
Ava Gonzalez
Avi Duggirala
Ben Starkey
Blaise Jones
Charles Conner
Chiamaka Okoli
Clarissa Gonzalez
Danica Sun
Daniel Shafiabady
Dara Ajayi
Dashiell Leigh
David Dickson
Deondre’ O’Bannon
Diya Kamath
Donovan Morrow
Ebba Kaulas
Einsey Socrates
Ellen Guan
Emerald Lendi
Evelyn Cunneen
Faizaan Shaikh
Garrett Snedden
George Lu
Giada Avina
Iain Gore
Iris Amit


Aashima Singh Sisodia

To Anna Yang, I will you my Stevenson to IMSA legacy. Genuinely, you are one of the sweetest and wholesome underclassmen, and, while you may not acknowledge it, you are super smart and talented. Your drive to persevere (and ability to treat me with really nice conversations) inspires me, and I want you to know that you’re doing great. Please remember to take a break, and I hope you still have crazy tea about the guys you rizz next year for me LOL.

To Advayth (Adi) Pashupati, I will you IMSAlympians and more shoujo anime discussions with any swag underclassmen that share the peak taste you have in anime. Like, I’m pretty sure we watch the exact same animes and enjoy the same things in romance because none of your recommendations have ever failed me. You’ll never beat the fujoshi allegations, but I hope you and some other senior in 03 continue the anime nights George and I had. Your takes regarding men are kind of insane (Gojo >), but I hope you continue the 03 culture as it has been for the past two years. When the grind gets too much, I’ll be there for you—just reach out! I expect you not to ghost me when JJK S3 comes out so we can freak out over animated Higuruma together :)

To all 03 underclassmen, I will you a Clash W. 03 hall culture has always been great, and I hope that talent show’s streak continues. Continue to procrastinate on homework by spending time in the hall commons until 1am talking about random things (and getting laps from Sam for saying out of pocket things).

To everyone I haven’t willed, I’ll definitely be reaching out to you. I’m writing this eight minutes away from the deadline, so please wait for me and know that I love you and appreciate you :D

Abigail Botello

To the Future Alma Board, I will you the most productive yet fun meetings and lots of good food and snacks for events. You all are going to make the best board and will have the coolest (and most educational) events.

To Tristen Castillo, I will you the best deals on some more fire fits and a chill but fun senior year. Hopefully you can go on another theater-themed intercession. I’ll miss the random “Michael Jordan”s!

To Jaxon Womack, I will you more weekend sleep-ins, delivery food, and a faster Stranger Things season 5 release date. Thanks for putting up with me this year, have the most fun (but not too fun) senior year.

To Michael Thiery, I will you all the Lego sets you can dream of, especially the car ones (and the real-life version). This year has been full of lots of movie nights (and nights where we try to study but end up watching a movie). Hopefully you can be the most productive next year, but don’t forget to have a little fun. You’ll have the best senior year.

Aditya Prashanth

To Vincent You, I will YOU a robotics journey to worlds. Vincent, over the past two years, you have changed so much for the better. I’ve seen you grow not only in terms of knowledge, but also as a person. You are easily one of the most hardworking, dedicated, and talented people I have seen across my decade of robotics, and are one of the people I admire the most. Your commitment still astonishes me, and I hope that quality always shines around you. Though we might not have gotten to worlds this year, I know that you can carry the team to a W next year. On another note, I have loved spending time with you in B-Wing after 10-check and hearing you rant while sitting on top of Sahil (that day was scarring). Anyway, I will truly miss you next year, so make sure you stay in touch! Whether or not you get that robotics position you desire, know that one role won’t define who you are, and there is still a whole lot more greatness ahead of you!

To Riya Gumidyala, I will you one last ICHSA. The past two years have been awesome with you through choir, Mod21, and ISA (call me the Karnataka rep). I honestly don’t know how time has traveled so fast from when I first met you at your acapella audition lol. You’re genuinely incredibly easy to get along with and talk to, and an awesome Organic Chemistry tutor. Seriously though, I am really fortunate to have spent my years in Mod21 with you, from the walks back to our halls after practice and rants on the bus to our comps, and thank you so very much for joining the club (please stay for next year, I beg). Though my time at IMSA comes to an end, I will definitely miss the conversations we’ve had, but I know that you have so much ahead of you at IMSA and beyond. Feel free to reach out if you need anything over the years and stay in touch! ISA Pres Gumi on top.

To Haoran Shi, I will you a two-block. Honestly, that cut would suit you so well. Jokes aside, Haoran, you are one of my favorite juniors on campus. I have absolutely loved getting to know you through Orgo labs and random conversations we’ve had over the past two years. You are such an amazing person and so incredibly easy to get along with, and I really will miss you next year. Make sure to keep in touch!

To Manhitha Mamillapalli, I will you infinite Chobani Flip Almond Coco Loco Low Fat Greek Yogurt. Thank You for introducing me to it – it’s so good! Really though, the past semesters of getting to know you through card games in the IRC and that one coincidental Target trip have been awesome. It’s inspiring to see you push through junior year even though Organic Chem and Physics E&M are incredibly difficult, but you’re almost done. Still, take some time away from the grind because time flies fast – trust me. Good luck with everything that’s ahead of you – I know you’ll clutch up!

To Asad and Saad Sheikh, I will you both a date to break your fast next Ramadan. I have been so lucky to have spent the past two years with you guys in 1505 C-Wing – it has been so much fun spending time with y’all after 10-check. I remember when I met you guys at the start of the 2022-23 school year, and you both were incredibly shy and reserved (especially you Saad lol). But it’s amazing to see how much you have changed and grown, not just personality-wise, but also in terms of looks – those fades have been hella-clean recently. While your seniors will be leaving, I know you can keep the reputation of our wing up and make it the home that it has been for us for the past two years. I’m gonna miss y’all, but I know that you will both go places. Have fun these last few weeks of school (have no regrets )!

To Shrishant Hattarki, I will you some fluency in Kannada, my Kannadiga brother. In all seriousness, you have been such an awesome little sib for me the past two years – I am lucky to have been living with you in the same wing since the start of your IMSA journey. You are incredibly talented, smart, and always on the grind, and I know you’re gonna cook next year. Good luck with everything, and as always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions whatsoever!

To Brent Rodrigo, Charlotte Paquette, and Nidhi Sagaram, I will you all Musescore 5.0. For real though, I am so happy and appreciative of your interest in taking up Mod21 for your last couple of years at IMSA, and I am so confident in placing the steering wheel in your hands. Thank you for your incredible and undeniable dedication to the club, and for doing more than was required whether it came to collectively guiding the group or applying for the 2024-25 board positions. You have each grown so much in the past year in leading the group and learning to arrange for future performances, but as always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me for anything over the next few years – I am always here to help. I know for a fact that the three of you will carry the group to success at the 2025 ICHSA quarterfinals, something that Mod21 is still yet to experience. Once again, thank you so so much for taking the club into your own hands and for helping make acapella at IMSA an amazing experience for both the singers and the listeners, and I look forward to hearing how far you all go next year!

To Jaxon Womack and Michael Thiery, I will you an amazing robotics season. Though we might not have succeeded at our competitions this year, I am so grateful to have spent so much time with both of y’all. Though Womack looks like Ferb and Thiery’s altogether wasting his football potential, I’ve had an awesome time joking around with both of you during and outside of FRC (and Deutsch). I will always remember that trip to Sahil’s hometown guitar center, as well as the phrases muttered into the microphone. But anyways, I’m really going to miss being with y’all over the past two years of FRC, but I know you guys will clutch up next year. Good luck, and have fun!!

To Drew Wang, I will you a new ISMAcut. Honestly, I can’t believe how many coincidences had to fall in place for me to have met you at ISAS to then live with you in the same wing. You are so incredibly down-to-earth and chill, and I know how passionate and driven you are from the several conversations we have had since May 2023. Anyway, have an amazing two more years at IMSA, and make sure to leave some time to just have fun, because let me tell you, the time flies. Maybe in a year, I’ll see you again at IJAS :)?

To Sumaer Gupta, I will you a keyboard. It’s been really awesome getting to know you over the past year, from your HOCO date adventures to the tennis grind you’ve been on. For real tho, it’s actually impressive how musically inclined you are without as much prior experience – that’s the kind of passion that will take you far. I’m genuinely gonna miss those random jokes you bring to me once I go to college. Keep that humorous and cheerful personality up and have fun during your time at IMSA!

To Georgi Panchev and Indy Xu, I will you success. You have both been amazing heads and leaders on the 2024 board, and I truly thank you for that. Thank you for guiding the team through the best season we have had so far and for putting in hours and hours of work towards robotics. The team honestly could not have done it without either of you. I can’t wait to see Titan Robotics become one of the best FRC teams to ever exist, and know that the seniors are incredibly proud of you. Good luck, and have an amazing last season!

To Michael Gochee and Max Chen, I will you a new Deutch III table. I had so much fun with you guys during this year’s first semester in German, and I’ve honestly been missing it so much this semester. I am so grateful to have met both of you, playing those funny games with Arjun as well. Since you guys are already in German 3, I hope y’all have fun next year in your independent study, and have a great summer!

To Fedora, Sarah, Nelly, Damaris, and Naomi, I will you all 1st place in the 2025 ICHSA quarterfinals. Thank you so much to you guys for joining Mod21 one or two years ago – the group would only exist because of each and every one of you. Thank you for making my high school experience in acapella amazing, and for dealing with me throughout the past year or two. I hope you all had an amazing time in the group with us seniors, and I hope you all pleaseee stay in the club even after your seniors graduate. Y’all will do amazing next year at ICHSA and the countless other venues you perform at! Don’t forget to keep me updated!

To Michael Anderson, Kyler Ponx, Ria Bakshi, Neel Poluri, Keegan Balow, Locklin Bell, Ethan Charoenpitaks, I will you an invitation to the 2025 FIRST World Championship. Thank you for making my last year of high school robotics amazing, and I know you will each help carry the team next year. Good luck with everything, and I can’t wait to see where the team goes!

To Nathan Handjojo, I will you an amazing junior year. You have always been so kind and approachable every time I have talked to you. I hope you have an amazing time next year, and as always, feel free to reach out with any questions!

To Saroj Chilakuri, I will you a new backpack. What’s up Saroj? Even though I only talked to you like once, I will always remember that time you left your backpack in my room with Vikram and Arjun (who you call Divya). Have a great time at IMSA – don’t let Arjun stop you !


Aishat Balogun

To Angel Shepard, I will you so much peace! I feel like every time I talk to you, you are always stressed out! I hope you have so much fun during senior year! Life is not always stressful, and I hope you can learn that <3.

To Chiara Njoya, I will you an amazing year as BSU’s Vice President. Though you may get stressed at times, I know you will do an amazing job! You have so much charisma and confidence and you are such a great dancer which brings me to my next point. I will you Asante Modern Choreographer with Sarah Kumar (if y’all choose to accept and if next year’s directors agree haha). Have an amazing senior year!

To Djamila Njikam, I will you sleep! You are always talking about how tired you are whenever I see you. You are going to be an amazing MSA president and I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors!

To Reagan, Tyler, Immaculate, and Fedora, I will you an amazing high school experience. You guys have been such great underclassmen, and I am confident in your skills and abilities to lead you to success.

To Kaylee, Josie, and Anna I will you guys more fun trips! I am going to miss you guys so much! Meeting y’all during the Italy intersession was such a highlight! To Kaylee, I will you a bracelet that does not break and more ENHYPEN concerts! To Josie, I will you more laughter and fun experiences! To Anna, I will you success in all future chemistry courses! You all will truly be a part of IMSA that I miss, and I am so proud of every one of you! My line is always open if you guys need advice or want to take another Italy trip! <3

To Abo, I will you an amazing year as BSU President. You are such a smart and kind person, and under your quiet personality is someone so charismatic. You are going to do such great things, I know it!

To Bih-Sana, I will you the role of African choreographer for Asante next year (if both the Asante directors and you agree haha). You are such a funny and hardworking person! Do not let anyone take away from your humor or personality! Have a great senior year.

To C-wing underclassmen, I will you guys a clean wing! I feel like the wing is always getting closed down, and I hope this does not happen again to any of you next year! Additionally, I will you guys an amazing school year next year! I know all of you guys will do great!

To Carrington, I will you so much happiness and fun! I hope you break out of your shell next year and create more fun experiences before you graduate! You are going to do such great things!

To Haley, Alea, Claire, and Nithya I will you all an amazing year for Exodus Tutoring. I know the club will do great things and you all will do a great job leading it!

To Elaine, Pranavi, Carissa, Lucy, Mahima, Shrestha, and Shruthi I will you guys an amazing year for Club Terra. You all are doing amazing things already, and I know the club will flourish with you guys leading it! I will you all so many more successful Tree-Plenish events and Sustainability Weeks!

To Clay Dean, I will you more pizza nights! Thanks for buying the Papa Saverio’s Pizza trip, I appreciate it! I hope you stay out of trouble and have a great senior year! I know you’ll do great things!

AJ Morales
To Gaby, I will you the ability to get your work done before 1:00am/starting it before 10pm. I really don’t understand how you have managed living at IMSA with such little sleep and motivation. You have made the past two years very entertaining and meaningful. I know for a fact that you will be one of the best seniors. I will miss you so much, please don’t forget about me and keep improving. You are so smart, funny, charismatic, and an amazing person to watch tv and movies with. I love having you in my life and I will be bothering you every chance I get once I leave IMSA. You should also find a way to give me $20.

To Semi, I will you the chance to share what you love with the world. As much as you already talk about everything you love and care about, I hope that you keep that with you past IMSA and into whatever career you go into. You have been the best little sib and I really hope that I have been at least a decent big sib. Having you in my wing last year and getting to know you, Gaby, Ella, and Amaya was the highlight of my Junior year. Y’all made everything a little less stressful and I really hope that you and the others succeed in everything you do. You are an amazing person and wonderful to be around, Just like Gaby I will be bothering you any chance I get and keep you updated and with things going on once I graduate. My big sib willed me an amazing little sib, and I am glad to say that her will came true.

To Megan, I will you an amazing IMSA career. You are such a hard worker but you also put a lot of expectations on yourself. If I was able to take some stress off of you I would, you are such a bright person both in intelligence as well as personality. I know that you will thrive at IMSA and go on to do amazing things in the future. I am so glad to have met you before I left IMSA. If there is anything you ever need, never feel guilty for reaching out, I will try to respond as quickly as I can.

To Jasper, I will you a calm IMSA experience. This year has been very hectic and while I know we don’t talk as much, your presence in the quad made it feel less stale. I thank you for feeling comfortable talking to me when you needed to. You are a strong person surrounded by people who love and care about you. Never forget that. Reach out whenever you need something, you are never a bother. I am glad to have met you.

To the underclassmen I met this year, I will you a fun time! IMSA doesn’t last forever, even though it feels like it. Make the most of it, academics are important but not more important than taking care of yourself. Most of y’all have my socials but if not, make sure to get it! I’ll miss you guys, you made this year very entertaining and I have overheard a lot of interesting conversations from y’all. I will miss you all! Be safe and be smart!

Albert Han
To Hunter, I will you less brainrot. Jokes aside, you’ve been a great friend. Working with you on decs, the robot arm and just classes has always been fun. I think you’re the only person that is able to consistently chicken butt me, but I’ll get you back eventually. The few times I went to the gym with you were super fun. Besides all the video games, you always amazed me at how cracked you were even though you goofed off so much. I know you’ll do great. I’ll miss playing Terraria and Minecraft with you, but maybe we can run it back this summer.

To Jayram, I will you a number one victory royal. Working with you was always really fun, whether it was compusci, number theory, or theory(the other one). You’re jokes made doing everything so much more enjoyable. I wish you the best of luck next year (get more sleep and hop off a bit), but I know you’ll do great. I’m betting for you and shrikar APS talks next year. Maybe someday I’ll join your quad and we can get that number one victory royal.

To Shrikar, I will you also a number one victory royal. I don’t think we ever had classes together (besides diffeq which isn’t real), but working with you on scioly last year was fun. You’re really good at what you do and I know you’ll do great. I hope you get APS talk next year, you got this. Maybe I’ll hop on for the victory royal.

To Will, I will you IMO gold. Doing math team with you was always fun, you always seemed so calm about everything and that always made me feel a bit better when I did bad. Besides just math team, you were always calm about everything which was really cool. I wish I could be more like that. I wish you the best of luck next year on math team. You’re really hard working. Every time I went into your quad you’re working on comp math, so I know you’ll do amazing.

To Josh Mu, I will you icho gold. Working with you on, well basically everything has been super fun. Everything from long runs over the summer, grinding chem and builds for scioly, to playing nomifactory, it’s all been a blast. This is probably stupid, but I’ve always looked up to you, even back in middle school. Thanks for helping me get through all the “it’s losts” this year, especially college, and being there for the “it’s wons”. I wish you the best of luck to getting back into running and chem, I know you’ll do great.

To Vincent, I will you your own plate of fries. No matter how many times you took my fries, I still think you were a great friend. You were always a hard worker and cracked at everything you did, whether it was cs or qb. Doing quiz bowl with you was super fun, but I’ll never forgive you for beating me on that muon tossup. I know you’ll do great next year.

To Josefh, I will you a better SIR. Running with you was always super fun, whether it was telling stories or playing contact. Racing with you was also great, especially those first few races junior year where we were all together. You really helped me get better and push myself harder, whether it was telling me to get off the ground after a race or pacing me for a time trial. I’ll look forward to the 4×8 this year with you, we’ll do great no matter what happens and I’ll miss running with you next year.

To Bryan, I will you a sub 5 mile. Running with you was also really enjoyable. I always admired your dedication, since you always came to practice, even most of the winter ones. Running with you was also fun, especially playing contact since you always had the hardest words. I wish you the best of luck next year during cross and track and I know you’ll do great.

To Dylan, I will you the chance to finally chicken butt me. Working with you on scioly and quiz bowl was super fun. You’re super cracked at chem and I wish you the best of luck next year on everything you do, I know you’ll do great.

To Kennet, I will you a 4:30, actually, 4 flat mile. Running with you this year so far has been really fun. I haven’t had anyone that I could race with for a while, and racing with you is definitely helping me get better. As a senior that hasn’t improved in a while, seeing your determination to improve has brought back some of my motivation. You’re definitely a better runner than I could probably ever be, you have a lot of talent and determination and I know you’ll do great throughout your next couple years at IMSA.

To Karthik, I will you all the math and physics textbooks. Working with you on math team and independent study was really fun this year. Doing manifolds and qft was really fun and it was nice to have someone else to work with. I still find it crazy how much higher level math you know as a sophomore. I know you’ll do great next year. I wish you the best of luck on whatever math or physics you decide to learn in the future, you’ll do great.

To Tony, I will you a better sense of humor. At first I thought that you couldn’t take anything seriously without making a Tony joke, but I thought you did a great job organizing and leading IMSAnity. I haven’t written as many tossups for it as I’d like, but working on it was still really fun. I wish you the best of luck next year, you’ll do great as long as you stop making so many tony jokes. Maybe someday I’ll get to meet the other Albert Han.

To everyone I wrote a will to and everyone I didn’t have time to write a will for, sorry for not writing super good wills, I played too much minecraft and roblox this weekend.

Aldo Magaña
To Max, I will you someone new to sleep on your floor every week with those blankets you never use, someone to have late-night tea time with, and many more trips around the world. I feel really grateful that I had the good luck that Ms. Ryan put our rooms next to each other, and that as a result we got really close this year. I have loved spending hours and hours on the floor sipping on tea, listening to music (mostly Mahler), and opening up about anything and everything. I hope that all of your many dreams that we’ve talked about come true. Good luck next year, and please, don’t let us lose touch.

To Tommy, I will you many more (volley)balls to keep in the corner of your room. Like I said with Max, I’m really glad that you got shafted from C-wing and our rooms got put together. Your presence has genuinely always been such a bright part of my day, and I can’t thank you enough for that positive energy. I have loved staying up with you and Max and talking about everything from your football boy era to how we plan to defend ourselves against ****** ****— even if you’re not as much of a tea enthusiast as Max and I are. I will you good luck next year, and some time in your BUSY schedule to slow down and fill up that journal I gave you for secret santa.

To Jongwoo, I will you a new late-night chemistry study partner. Your high energy has always been amazing to be around, but being in orgo together this semester has really brought us together. I’m really grateful that we’ve gotten closer in a meaningful way. If you still have an SIR in Chicago next year, hit me up and I’ll take you out to lunch.

To Kaella, I will you to forever have a group of people to listen to Taylor Swift with. You’re genuinely one of the kindest people I know, which I promise is not just empty words. I’m always just that much more excited to hang out in the hall commons or RC office when you’re there, and you always just bring a smile to everyone’s face. Don’t ever let that energy slip away.

To Dani, I will you ever more chickens to live with, and someone new for you to clown when he tries to dance cumbia. Your energy makes it so fun to hang out with you in the hall commons and the RC office after check, and even more so when you make churros or horchata (your food is always so good). Y no se te olvide practicar tu español!!! muah <3

To Molly, I will you even more chaotic energy. I don’t know what it is but whenever I walk away from an interaction with you I always have to resist the urge to just break down laughing. You’re genuinely so cracked and I hope that you have a great junior year.

To Sydney & Shanya, I will you great success with CCE next year. Maitreyi and I were never perfect co-liaisons, and you two will not be either. But Maitreyi and I chose you because we truly believe that you will continue to improve CCE to be more impactful, bringing more change that will make IMSA more equitable for everyone here. And so far, we’ve been relieved that that belief has been justified. If you ever need advice or just another set of ears for CCE or other DEI work, I’m always in your pocket. And please, never stop being such hilarious people, both of you.

To José, I will you someone new to blackmail you like I did all year with [REDACTED]. You are truly such a hard worker, with everything from creating Pride Rock to all the work you do for CCE, Alma, and Spectrum. You really deserve a break, even when you or others seem to feel like you don’t—and I hope you can find some time to relax next year (even if it’s only for the second half of it!). I’m grateful that, since I met you as a itty-bitty incoming sophomore during EXCEL, I’ve had the privilege to stay connected with you and see you become an important leader in the IMSA community. Keep up your work, but like I said, PLEASE find some time to take a break.

To Dael, I will you someone new to ignore you in the hallways (it’s because I’m listening to music, I swear). Ever since we were chasing each other around with water guns during EXCEL, I’ve always loved spending time and joking around with you. I’m sad to see you go from CCE, because you were a really important part of the organization this year and I see the passion that you have for advancing equity. But I know that with FOCUS and all the other ways you’ll work on DEI, you’re going to make a really big difference at IMSA and afterwards. Let me know if you ever need anything.

To Noel, I will you an IMSA Class of 2027 that doesn’t call you Aldo. Tutoring for SEAMS was a struggle, but going through the highs and lows of managing like sixty freshmen for 16 hours a day together with you made it just a little bit easier. I’m glad that experience brought us closer, and I love the goofy energy you bring all the time. También te deseo que mejores aún más tu español.

To Evan, I will you someone new to edit all of your writing assignments. I may never go to my writing center shifts at this point, but you know you can always count on me to help you out. Thank you, too, for all the help you’ve given me on CompuSci. My grade (and my sanity) appreciate it greatly. I’ll be gone next year, but if you ever need help writing college essays or anything else, I’m only a message away.

To Aarna, I will you never to have to go up for a large-group workshop again. Thank you for making creative writing just a little bit more tolerable on the days where the SSS gets to me especially badly.

To the underclassman on CCE board this year, Sydney, Shanya, Andrew, Alvena, José, Dael, Evette, Lucy, Sammie, Harper, and Marina, I will you all a wonderful new year of clowning Rodrigo. It has genuinely been such a privilege this year not only to work with all of you on things that have important impacts for real people, but also to learn from each other every single time we met. We have had a successful year of advocating for equity at IMSA, and next year will be even moreso. DEI work is hard, and it’s impossible to do perfectly. But it’s important, so remember why you’re doing it and never lose your passion for DEI work. Also, please never gang up on my computer and its poor battery life ever again.

To my orgo juniors, Manu, Elaine, Riya, Emerson, and Jongwoo again, I will you all to never again in your lives have a science class at 8 AM. Thank you all so much for carrying my grade by reminding me when things are due, because trust me, I would be failing if not for your reminders. I have really loved all the study sessions we’ve had together where we review labs and try to remember all the reactions we forgot from the previous unit, especially that one on the SSA floor.

And to everyone I wrote a will to above, and to all the other underclassmen I know and love, I will you nothing but good health, love, and peace in the coming years. Know that me writing a senior will for the Acronym cannot possibly encapsulate all of the love I have for each of you. My fellow seniors may have been with me from day one, but the time I had at IMSA would not have been complete without seeing you all each and every day, sharing with me your energy, wisdom, and friendship. Thank you all for each being a part of who I am today. I hope that just as you’ve left parts of yourselves with me, I’ve left a part of myself with each of you as well. Good luck. I have nothing but goodwill for all of you.

Alexian Heynez
To Valentina and Angel, I will you Culinary Club (if it gets chartered cuz atp). I had a bigger vision for the club this year but here we are with no money and only collab events lmao. I will you the club in hopes that you guys will do more with the club than we did. Make fun events and get people interested in the art of cooking, show people how fun it is because god knows me and Andre didn’t.

To Dael, Antonio, Anthony, and Noel, I will you Down Quad. You will never have as cool of room arrangements as us but it’s ok. If you guys need help figuring out what to do just let me know because I carried the arranging. Hopefully, you guys all have fun together in the big room and make as meaningful memories with your roommates as I did.

To Axel, I will you emotional intelligence. We’re both from East where we know people don’t think before doing anything so please don’t be like the people from East. Make friends with people who will call you out, please don’t fall into the trap of being friends with the most annoying people on campus because you think they’re cool. When it comes to women please listen to Neil cuz you are lost, my friend. But fr, be mature, don’t be scared to apologize to people, don’t be a bad person, escapa de las garras de East Aurora culture.

To Neil and Dominic, I will you the rest of B-wing sophs. You two are fs some of my favorite sophs with the most potential. I see you both alr setting yourselves up for a happy IMSA career. You’re not stupid which means it’s your job to manage your friends and make sure they’re not being stupid especially in B-wing. Please for the love of god keep an eye on Aqeel.

Alyssa Abendroth
To Alyssa Hernandez, I will you a senior year full of people who love and appreciate you. You will always be my favorite square root (alyssa^2 goes crazy) & are such a vibrant soul to be around. I am so glad that I had you this year. Just remember to always appreciate the little gifts of life & never let the small things get to you. Congrats on UIC summer program, have so much fun!! Write me some letters while I’m gone <3

To Emerson Blair, I will you a relaxing good night’s rest. I am so proud of all that you have done, and all of your efforts. You’re such a studious queen. Just remember to take the breaks & give yourself grace. You deserve it! Thank you for always being my ear to rant to & giving such good advice. You’re going to go so far in this life & I am so grateful to have been a part of just a sliver of it. All the love to you!

To Rhea Shah, I will you the Rhea Shah Love Club. You should be your #1 fan if I guess that it cannot be me. I’ll forever hold the other club though (sorry not sorry -#1 hater). You’re such a baller, keep it going senior year. You’re literally the Caitlin Clark of Titan basketball. I am so proud of you & I hope that you can have a peaceful & balanced senior year. Tell ur dad I said hello. Love you so much pookie!

To Clay Dean Jr., I will you smart decisions! Be smart next year, keep your head on straight. Stay safe! Thanks for being the fick to my hick!

To Angel Shepard, I will you better attendance. Not that you’ll get it from me, but I hope you find some! Don’t stress Staci out too much next year. You never fail to put a smile on my face, and I will never forget “500 (redacted) cows?!” I hope you get many more advent calendars! Go to school Angel Baby!

To Stella Ristic, I will you a clean wing. You are literally an angel from heaven and have been a gift to this wing. I admire your patience & willingness to go out of your way for others. Don’t lose that, but also don’t forget to never let people walk over you. You’re such a sweet soul & I am so grateful to have met you!

To C-Wing, I will you the ability to clean and speak with an inside voice.

To my basketball underclassmen, I will you a better record. Thank you for all the fun times and laughs. My time with you guys has been one of my favorite parts of my IMSA experience. Remember to always keep it fun & JFS.


Andre Mendez
To Ari, I will you some utensils and food that you won’t have to steal. To the day that this was submitted, I still do not have food or utensils from you. Stop eating my food. Besides that, you have been a funny man ngl. After all those times we would lowkey jump you, you made the wing more enjoyable. I hope that the next two years are good for you and that you are successful with whatever you do. Good luck little boy.

To Axel, I will you some real facial hair. You have been one of the few Hispanic dudes who were actually chill this year and this school needs that. With whatever you want to go into I know you will succeed in it. Keep yourself close with friends and remember to participate in all the future Alma events. Go apply some minoxidil.

To Evan, I will you an unlimited supply of ramen and Korean skin care. Thank you for always letting me into your room and hanging out with you. You have been one of the more chill dudes in our wing and honestly that is a necessity. I hope that you can become President of ASIA one day and have a great IMSA career. Keep pushing and following your dreams little bro.

To Tristennnnnnn, I will you some luscious curly hair. You are one of the funniest dudes I have met starting from day one. I love your energy and you always get me hype whenever I see you. Keep getting bigger in the gym, you are a beast. Besides that, dude you have always kept it real whenever I needed to talk on a real note. You are a great person who can listen to someone and give advice. Never stop being you bro.

To Jose and Bobby, I will you acceptance to WIU. That summer was one of the best for me. I had a lot of fun with you two on campus and will always remember the urinal incident. That video does not need to be seen, please delete it. Anyways I hope you guys have a good senior year and always continue to lock in.

To Jeffery, I will you a senior year without an incident like what happened in CompuSci. You are a cool dude to be around even though you kept touching me in class but that is whatever. I hope next year is a good one and that everything you want works out. I appreciate you a lot.

To Aqeel, I will you my T50 eyes. I never thought I would talk to you bro but you are honestly very funny. I enjoy when you come into 05 D wing and hang out with us. You are a little goofy sometimes but I like your energy. Good luck in the future bud.


Anisha Kolambe
To the Cross Country Team, I will you the ideal weather in every meet! Thank you for continually pushing me both physically and mentally in achieving my best self regardless of the challenges. I hope to see where your feet take you on your journey!

To IMSA’s FRC Team #2022, I will you overwhelming team spirit and a bid to the FIRST World Championship. Even though we’re not perfect, we’ve genuinely improved so much with time especially considering our loss of support and experience during/after COVID. I urge you to think of what characteristics you want to embody as a team community and utilize the FIRST core values in your daily work. I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with all of you and serve as your Operations captain.

To Fiyin Akinyemi, I will you words that can move mountains. You’ve been such an inspiration since the first time we met in Robotics. I’ll be on the lookout for your future Hadron articles!

To Alvena Bhutiani, I will you the comfiest pillow in the universe. I hope you can get the best rest of your life ;) I will miss bonding with you in OOP, MVC, and beyond!

To Shatakshi Chatterjee, I will you a blank cheque for whatever amount your heart desires. I am so proud of all the tireless work and dedication you’ve invested as Finance Head to expand our sponsor list and help out Operations! I will forever fondly remember our escapades and experiences in robotics together!

To Rachel Countinho, I will you the same strength and support like that of Protect-shin. I’m constantly amazed by your work ethic and professional demeanor that you confidently don in your pitch competitions. Thank you for assisting Operations during intersession! Don’t forget me when you’re rich and famous ;)

To Aahana and Aarushi Das, I will you the most vibrant paints to color the canvas of your lives. I’ve had so much fun with both of you in dance, Science Olympiad, and in our spontaneous wholesome interactions. Keep me updated about your future pursuits!

To Shrikar Dulam, I will you a volleyball powerup with the ability to jump inconceivably high to get a bird’s eye view of your playing field. Expand your horizons and don’t be afraid to explore; your potential is truly limitless even if you get blown up by a relativistic train. But watch your back (I’m only lending Ellen to you :)

To Cameron Eddington, I will you tickets to see Shen Yun. Your adoration of gibbons, sense of style, and artwork has been one of the highlights of my time here at IMSA. Keep being your awesome self!

To Katherine Ge, I will you the winged sandals (or should I say sneakers?) of Hermes. I admire the positive attitude and infectious energy that you embody regardless of the difficulty of our workout! I am incredibly grateful that I was able to run with you in Cross Country and witness how you fly across the track.

To Nathan Handjojo, I will you duct tape (obviously the perfect solution to every problem!) But honestly, thank you for helping with Robot Tour despite all of its jankness. Good luck with all of your future engineering endeavors (including Robotics and SciOly builds!) I can’t wait to see you when you finally become 6 ft tall :D

To Ellen Hsuan, I will you limitless pages in your art notebook. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you within our wing and am grateful for all of the laughs we’ve shared! I can’t wait to see where you’ll go!

To Katherine Jiang, I will you your own free personal catering service so that you can/will enjoy every meal you consume! I will treasure our chaotic time and memories in SciOly together, and hope to inherit even a quarter of your ability to decode Patristocats. Thank you for making me part of your convoluted family tree; I’ll miss hearing you call my name on campus T-T

To Josie Kim, I will you an iPad with everlasting charge. I am always shocked by how neat and aesthetic your notes and general work are. They are genuinely beautiful, just like you ♥️ Thank you for being such a positive force at IMSA, the ultimate SIR bus partner, and a supportive study buddy. I’ll greatly miss seeing you!

To Eric Lee, I will you the ultimate cryptography machine to ensure that all hidden knowledge is revealed to your eye. I had tons of fun solving ciphers with you in Science Olympiad. Know that your personality and smile are truly uplifting; I hope to cross paths with you in the future!

To Charlotte Paquette, I will you a constantly flowering desk plant. Your charisma is incredible (and I can attest to that from Cross Country ;) Good luck with MOD21 and Cross Country next year–I already know that you are set to accomplish great things!

To Chaeun Park, I will you a never ending cup of boba tea. I’ve loved attending the events you’ve planned with Anime Club, doing homework together in the sun, and listening to your oboe solos at concert. Please get more rest your senior year (and beyond!) We should stay in touch so you can teach me Korean ;)

To Nelly Pinon, I will you a shining field of sunflowers. There are few people who are as bright, cheerful, and bubbly like you–I hope that you will forever retain your smile! Your running, singing, and dancing make it evident that you are so talented; you will succeed regardless of where you go!

To Caden Tam, I will you enchanting and melodic flute solos that enrapture your audience. I could not imagine leaving the flute section in better hands, and I’ve had so many memorable experiences with you across both band and robotics. I’ll consider your blog request and hope to stay in touch nevertheless :)

To Indy, I will you a collection of fountain pens so you will never be short of the ink to make your voice recognized. I’ve watched your evolution as a leader within Robotics and am excited to see what changes you’ll bring to the team next year. Please feel free to always reach out; I’ll miss our Operations shenanigans together!

To Carolyn Zhang, I will you fairy lights that will light up your view during the darkest tribulations. I’ll miss running alongside you in cross country and interacting with you whenever possible. Thank you for sacrificing your batteries to us for Scioly. I’m excited to see where your feet take you in your future endeavors!


Annabelle Zhang
To Science Olympiad, I will you a bus—a big, air-conditioned, charter bus with plush upholstery—and a full set of hotel rooms. Thank you for all these years of fun and friendship and joy. I will you my pride for you all—so much more than words can say—and all my hope for your future. Dylan and Aahana, I am completely and immensely confident in your leadership and wish you the very best of luck.

To Science Bowl, I will you victory over my home school—and, again, a bus. I am so proud of how far you all have come this year and am sure that you will continue to rise to greater and greater heights.

To Quiz Bowl, I will you a sea of sharks and a new coach almost as great as our wonderful Dr. Kopff. Thank you for all the memories, chaos, and fun of this school’s second-best bowl.

To IYNA, I will you an endless supply of “legally acquired” brains and another successful year as IMSA’s greatest club. EmmaLi, Ayesha, Yoona, Blake, and Manu, thank you for being the most amazing board this year, as I am sure you will continue to be the next.

To Aahana Das, I will you a bag of oranges in return for all the vitamin C I have stolen from you over the past two years.

To Aarushi Das, I will you a guinster (although I still recommend that you try for a chinea pig instead).

To Abhinav Anne, I will you rest and a new cohort of biology (200% the best subject) Science Bowlers!

To Cameron Eddington, I will you a monkey puzzle tree full of monkeys.

To Chad Park, I will you an eastern redbud. One day you will learn a second tree!

To Dylan Xianto, I will you a tub of piranha solution. Please dissolve a chicken in it—I will be sure to come back to observe the results.

To Ian Chung, I will you a tarantula to live in your bathroom and crawl out while you are sleeping. Sweet dreams!

To Jade Go, I will you a pure Earth and Space packet, age, and your requested Penguin Classics Russian literature collection. Keep proving to Sam that you’re the better sibling in the better Bowl.

To Jasper Hlavac, I will you a piece of jasper. You rock. I’ll miss you and Pascal.

To Jean Yu, I will you a BLÅHAJ to cuddle with, but keep it safe from Katherine.

To Karthik Prasad, I will you a wider vocabulary.

To Katherine Jiang, I will you holy water, the one thing you should spill on yourself.

To Nathan Handjojo, I will you a properly coded build. Sorry for all the height jokes; you still have a chance for a growth spurt!

To Roy Wang, I will you an innocent young sophomore to dump your boring logistics work onto. Enjoy your transition from the oppressed to the oppressor!

To Shrikar Dulam, I will you my wife. Take good care of her and watch your back in the night if you don’t.

To Soap Pehlke, I will you a stand partner who practices for 40 hours a day and a conductor who owns a metronome. The big violas will be forever strong.

To Vedanti Joshi, I will you infinite Wednesdays free from Symphony practice and full of sleep.”


Arjun Cherukuri
To Max Chen and Michael Meng, I will you the future of JHMC. I know at times the process of problem writing, sponsorships, website/online comp stuff (good luck Michael), and everything else can be daunting but know that me and Vidyoot picked you both because you deserve it for your hard work, dedication, and most of all your willingness to always help. While JHMC has been resurging to pre-covid numbers, I still implore you to think about what has and hasn’t worked and instead look towards innovation with your new team. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have decades of past JHMC chairs to lean on for help, including me. So hey, if you ever need anything at all – I’ll always be a call away or at Patel Brother’s ;) if you need.

To Haoran Shi, I will you my Dhinka Chika. Haoran, you’re one of the most talented and hardworking people I know with everything going on from research to academics to everything else going on with ISP and ASIA. I’m so happy I got to get closer with you this year from meeting you in the library or just catching up around campus. You’re genuinely one of the funniest people I’ve ever met and I hope your natural ability to click with people never goes away. I’m going to miss you Mr. Shi, keep in touch and keep my Dhinka Chika alive.

To Arnav Patel, I will you many more Snapchat Shenanigans. It’s crazy to think we have only gotten close like 3-4 months ago. From grinding the gym out (even though you need to get on the cut), to buying emeralds, to hopping on the medicine grind, I know you have put in a lot of hard work and are going to accomplish great things. And while you` are grinding HOSA, leading TedX or college apps, don’t forget to have fun, take a break, maybe even slide me a Fair slide. Anyways, stay in touch big man, and if you ever need anything I’m always willing to talk or hangout (the hangout out of IMSA will happen one day hopefully).

To Aarna Patel, I will you HOSA & TedX. As I will both HOSA and TedX onto you, I know without a doubt it’s going to the right hands. Your work ethic, cheerful personality, and ability to connect with others are the exact qualities that are meant to lead HOSA and TedX. I want you to not only learn from my mistakes but also explore innovation-try new things and best of all have fun! Please also get some dummies to practice CPR on rather than me.

To C-Wing Junior Quad (Arjun B, Shrishant, Asad/Saad Sheikh), I will you C-Wing senior status. The past two years, I’ve seen you all grow up from the sophomores that first walked into the halls of IMSA. From Saad finally shaving, Arjun Brahmanadam turning into Bramadan (so fine), Asad finally getting drip, and Shrishant uhhh being Shrishant. Even though the changes have been massive, you guys have always been welcoming to everyone and I want you to continue making C-wing not just another wing but a home for future sophomores and everyone else to come! P.S. you guys owe me for that C-Wing banner idea.

To Riya Gumidyala, I will you the IMSA TAGC representative. It’s honestly a crazy coincidence that we both are TAGC goers. I’m sorry that I might have seemed a little intimidating but I’m glad we got to become better friends. I hope the grind with ISA, Mod 21, SIR and everything else goes amazing and don’t forget to keep that amazing work ethic up. Keep in touch and let me know if you need anything.

To Jake Belonio, Jongwoo Kim, Tommy Blough, Serge Tyan & Ibrahim Bah, I will you the Boys Varsity Volleyball Team. My senior season was super fun because of all of you and I’m glad I got to call all of you teammates. Too more Titan Ws next year!

To Will Yu, I Will Yu 315 on bench. Man–to this day, I still get shocked seeing you pull up to the gym and absolutely go crazy on any lift. Outside of that, I know you and the rest of Junior Board are going to make MAO greater than ever, so good luck at Nat’s and with everything else going on. We going to lift together again one day trust.

To Michael Gochee, I will you freedom from Duetsch. You are done with Deutsch (or at least will be very soon)! Whether it’s the rizz stares, or yelling Max when Herr Stark was teaching, you have always been such a loveable dude. Your constant energy and cheerfulness in Deutsch is the only reason I stay awake I’m not gonna lie and don’t worry we will wrestle one day (I’m going to win though). So here’s to more adventures in Deutsch even if you are going to be done a year early. All the best, big Mike. Auf wiedersehen!

To Nikhil Kodali, I will you Varsity Middle. I don’t know how I haven’t talked to you before volleyball but you are such a chill dude. Thanks for keeping up with my shenanigans, but just know I’ll always be able to one up you.

To Drew Wang, I will you Lions. Man-oh-Man was lions practices something else. I can’t believe that we got closer because we were both stuck under that sweaty and smelly costume, but hey maybe next year if you hop on the bulk you can do the throwing instead. Other than that, I’m excited to see where the future of MAO ends up under the next generation of MAOers and always let me know if you ever need anything.

To Lucas Zhang and Noah Kim, I will you guys the IMSA gym. Holy, the amount of dedication you have to both the gym and the grind is ridiculous. Seeing you guys come into IMSA and then absolutely get jacked and insanely strong is honestly motivation. I can’t wait to see you guys at the end of your senior year, you boys will be ridiculous.

To Laksh Patel, I will you some gum. Even though, I didn’t spend too much time with you, you always have been such a nice guy. Enjoy the rest of your time at IMSA and take it chill.

To Aryan Mansingh and Sreehass Chinala, I will you a razor to shave. Please, for my sake.

To Shomak Tan, I will you a well-deserved hangout. It will happen, trust big dawg.

To Saroj Chilakuri, I will you another backpack! But in all serious, it’s been really chill meeting you.

To Maneth Perera, I will you a Fresca. Thanks for all the Frescas and say hi to Romeo for me. ”

Aru Ulanbek
To Elaine Rao, I will you a Minecraft grind so hard that you won’t know what to do with all your mending netherite hoes. When I first met you, I thought you were very timid, so I wasn’t sure if I would get to know you. I’m glad I did. Our common love of cats and balls drew me in, and your chill and silly attitude made me want to keep talking to you. It was dope choreoing with you! I had a lot of fun learning Psycho. Also, thank you for that one time you learned a 4.5 minute dance in 1 week (and for that time you saved my entire family from a falling building and that one time you…) Stay on the dance grind, overcome your fear of the Nether, and get 348998 more cats because 1 is just not enough.

To Sarah Kumar, I will you tickets to Enhypen concerts FOREVER. When I first met you, I was super excited there might be a K-pop enjoyer who wasn’t cringe. I was wrong. You’re very cringe. However, it’s okay because you own it like the alpha that you are. Maybe you’re too alpha sometimes because I get scared when you give me the FATTEST and STINKIEST side eye known to man. You’re as funny as your posture is bad and I’m going to miss seeing your hunch whenever I walk down the halls. Please come to whichever school I end up in or I will hunt you.

To Anjali Samal, I will you hamster food. When I first met you I thought you were very dedicated because you kept on practicing a dance that I thought you already nailed. I think my perception of you hasn’t changed much, because you are still that same dedicated person. Like a hamster running on a wheel, you never stop trekking forward <3 I think your energy is a refreshing presence that cuts through the dullness of this school.

To Jake Belonio, I will you a year where people don’t take weird pictures of you in your room When I first met you I thought you were very short. This is because in unofficial Lunar modern you were standing next to people whose heights averaged to about 5’ 9”. Now, you are the average height of modern members and I’m the one who sticks out like a tree amongst blades of grass. It’s so bad. Karma is a . But nothing will be as bad as your entire business being aired out onto the Almost Fridays every week. I almost feel sorry!

To Tommy Blough, I will you the ability to not freak me out with your flexibility. When I first met you I thought ”who is this sophomore and why is he following upperclassmen around?” Then I thought, “get this kid exorcized.” No one should be capable of what you can do, it’s just not fair for the rest of us. I hope you continue to be flexible… but just away from where I can see.

To Chiara Njoya, I will you someone else to bark at. When I first met you, I thought you were a monster. I thought you tortured people by drop-kicking them in the butt. I thought you were a bully who name-called others for giggles. I was right, of course, but you have very soft cheeks so I forgive you for all the pain and emotional damage you’ve caused, Njoyaballs.

To Kathryn Schart, I will you a sane senior year. When I first met you, I thought you made funny expressions when you were telling a story which made me really want to pay attention to what you were saying. I hope you senior year is as tame as possible to make up for everything else.

To Hailey Messina, I will you a relaxed senior year where everything comes easy to you. When I first met you I thought you were someone who genuinely cared about others. I was proven right over and over again. I’m still sad you weren’t able to participate in the most goated clash drill ever, but I’m sure it’ll be great next year too. Thank you for your service to 06 for real

To Jordan Henry, I will you a baddie. When I first met you, you just seemed quiet. You seemed innocent, pulling up to check in a different pair of granny pajamas every night. Now, I know your true nature: the most pathological liar in the world. Your jokes mostly comprise of saying anything but the truth with the straightest face possible and honestly, I would believe you if you didn’t laugh at your own jokes. I hope the future baddie that I’ve willed you can tolerate it when you come out as blonde or any other one of the thousands of lies you spin every day. The baddie needs to be ready to run. You’re mostly cool, though.

To Liz Thompson, I will you more fire clothes so that you can be even more dripped out than you already are. When I first met you, I thought you were an anomaly of a human being. You just always had strange and unusual stories to tell. I hope you continue drawing and carry 06 to victory in mural next year. Continue being odd and fashionable for real.

To Valentina Duque, I will you full custody of that one raccoon child of yours. When I first met you 2 years ago, I was relieved because I knew those 10 days of SEAMS wouldn’t be so bad. I’m glad you made it here and I hope you enjoy the rest of your 2 year sentence. Hopefully, you will get your child full time next year.

To Aaliah Vazquez, I will you ligma. When I first met you, you didn’t know what that word meant. Now with the knowledge of the word, I hope you put it to good use. Don’t let power consume you.

To Tiangqing Lei, I will you every dance in the world. When I first met you I was in awe of how much style and general swag you can add to one move. I’m still in awe because actually how do you add pizzazz to the Junko poses that you hit all the time. Don’t stop dancing and don’t stop being cringe.

To Amada Garcia, I will you underclassmen as annoying and goated as you were to me. When I first met you I saw that you liked Garfield and prayed you would be cool. Those prayers didn’t work. My brain may be fully rotted from all the skibidi tiktok rizz conversations we’ve had. I can’t be entirely ungrateful for being robbed of brain cells, though. The most enjoyable nights I’ve had on campus were ones where we stayed up into morning hours learning choreographies from our favorite dancers, playing Roblox, and grinding out homework. I think everyone should have someone like this so next year when the new sophs roll in, maybe one of them could be the strangely social, brain rotted, passionate and goated person you were to me.

To 06 drill, I will y’all a win.

Ashley Hernandez
To Nelly Pinon, I will you another smart and cool cousin. Since we were younger, you’ve continued to show me how amazing you are and I can’t wait to see what else you will accomplish. I know this year has been tough, but aside from everything, you’ve preserved and I’m so proud of you. You deserve so much and I know all your dreams will come true. Keep being sweet to everyone you encounter and continue to show them that you’re just as capable. I hope your senior year is filled with happiness and good energy but if it feels overwhelming, don’t forget I’m only a call away. I will miss you so much but I know you’ll continue to make everyone around you proud of you. I’m so happy to call you my cousin ilysm <3333

To Maya Jimenez, I will you love. I’m so sad we got closer this semester because you’re such a sweet and genuine person. I’ll miss you so much but never forget to stand on business!! You deserve everything good in this world and I know you’ll get that very soon. Never stop with your cute fits and being real with everyone. Everyone needs your honesty lol okay anyways byeee ily

To Amada Garcia and Tianqing Lei, I will you guys I will you guys a good wing. My favorite roommate pair, I’m so thankful I’ve had the opportunity to get close to both of you. You’re both extremely ambitious and I know you’ll accomplish so much. Two more years and you guys are finally done! While Junior year is known to be the worst, I know you guys can make it fly by. Amada, I specifically will you another cotillion partner and someone who feeds your ramen cravings. Spending time with you recently has been so fun and seeing you mimic people’s dances is the funniest thing ever. And Tianqing, I will you an unlimited supply of sweets. I swear I always see you with some sort of dessert at ten check and you make me crave it so bad. I’ll miss gossiping with you guys and telling each other our life stories after check, but I pray you guys get placed in a wing as good as D-wing (even if its dirty half the time). My baby sophs always try your hardest and don’t forget to #yolo

To Sarah Kumar, I will you another profile picture. Kumar my bae, D-Wing last year with you was amazing and I’m so thankful we continued to talk this year. You deserve every ounce of happiness and good luck to head your way. Aside all your mean jokes and your foul comebacks, you’re the sweetest and funniest person I’ve met by far. I’ll miss you coming back to D wing to gossip with us :( Thank you for making my junior year fun, I’ll miss you pooks. Anyways back to my will, this is a reveal that Chiamaka and I were the ones who changed it. To be fair, your account was logged in on the IRC Computers. Don’t worry there was no ill intent but it was funny seeing you scream when we showed you.

To Djamila and Fope, I will you guys peace and love. You guys are always stressing and I hope you see this as a reminder that it’s never that deep fr. One of my fav A-wing duo you guys deserve to just rest without feeling like there are 100 other assignments left. I hope you guys make the most of your senior year and stop screaming at people through your window.

To Angel Shepard, I will you kindness. I know that behind those snarky mean comments, there’s a sweet girl who never fails to make you smile. Thank you for letting me take refuge in your room when my roommate was gone and for feeding me when I ran out of food. I will miss you so much Angel, and I am so sad we never got to link before I left Western. I hope you continue your grind even if you feel like quitting because, in the end, it’ll feel so rewarding. Keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll be set for life. I can’t wait to see you at Lolla this summer and when you visit me in California.

To Care, I will you a squishmallow. I’ll let you pick one out before I leave imsa because your bed is so comfortable but it’s missing color (your sheets, pillowcases, and blanket are WHITE). Thank you for letting me take naps on your bed with you. I hope to see you in Cali as well and if you ever ever need anything don’t forget to text me. I will miss you so much! Also, if I haven’t given you back your vacuum by the time this releases please remind me.

To Anjali Ali, I will you a stress-free first semester with lots of love. You’ve worked so hard these past two years and I’m so happy for every accomplishment you’ve had. I miss you so much and I wish we talked more this year but it’s okay because I still treasure the moments we had together. I hope you and Sarah remain the dynamic duo you are and never hesitate to contact me if you need anything. Bye my pooks <33

To my PRISMS friends (EmmaLi Isham, Jaden Blankenship, Jongwoo Kim, Josh Mu, David Weng, and Aadi Shah), I will you guys an amazing senior year and getting better at gossiping. In the 2-3 hours we were in the room you guys couldn’t tell a single interesting story. PRISMS with you guys was so memorable and I’m so thankful to have gotten to know you all more. While we may not talk as much after the trip, I appreciate the small hi’s and smiles exchanged in the hallways. You all are extremely smart and I know you’ll all end up where you deserve to be. Your senior year will be filled with stress and fun but please get to know your class more so next time we can gossip properly. Again, thank you for making my winter break special and if any of you need anything ever, don’t hesitate to reach out!!!!!!

To Carolyn Zhang, I will you another SIR stop partner. It has been so fun getting to know you and I don’t know why we didn’t talk last year! You’re genuinely the sweetest person on this campus and I hope you get the whole world. Keep doing amazing and you’ll accomplish so much :)


Ashwin Nair
To Josefh Hernandez, I will you a mystery item. Message me when you see this. I don’t care what anyone says: CLASH was peak this year. From starting 3 weeks late on practically every event to almost dropping Drill, we pushed 05 to its limit together (no wonder we won). You weren’t just a great CLASH co-head, but a great RSL too; 1505 started as a silent hall, no doubt. We made this hall go from a snoozefest to a place of constant action, and I know that you’ve seen and done enough to become a great HCL next year. Make sure you rein in Deen, I know how much of a hassle he’s gonna be. Run a hall potluck every month! I might swing by and bring some biryani. Josefh, seriously, from bullying you for your PDA (if you ever need a reminder about the guidelines, check page 49 of the student handbook) to playing smash and talking about anime, you were seriously a big puzzle piece in the puzzle of finding happiness at IMSA. I remember when you came by to go over your Senior-at-Large speech — don’t mind btw StudCo is useless — and you were so confident and ready for your speech. As we were going through it, I was reminded about you from the beginning of this year, and I was proud at how far you’ve come. Josefh, I want you to know that leading CLASH is going to be hard; you’re gonna pull your hair out at how lazy people are, “CAB” is probably gonna make some dumb decisions, and people aren’t going to like you when you make events mandatory. Know that you are much, much, MUCH more disciplined than I will ever be. Learn to harness your voice and speak out against things that don’t go your way. The best advice that I can give you is that life is very simple if you want it to be, and it’s ok if things are difficult; things will work out. You are seriously so hardworking and kind to everyone around you, I know that college applications will go well and that you’ll enjoy senior year much more than I did. Reach out whenever you need, I won’t be far. Make this old man senior proud.

To Shashi Salavath, I will you an indomitable spirit as you go into college apps season next year. Shashi, I know this year has been rough. You always knew how to bounce back through any situation, though — it’s an admirable trait. Our conversations about junior drama have always been so funny (uh maybe not for you) and hearing about the saga that is junior crunch through the perspective of an underclassman has always been really entertaining. More importantly, I think you already have all the tools you need to succeed next year. I know you don’t need it, but good luck. Keep your friends close.

To Vincent You, I will you an underclassman for you to copy Number Theory homework from. Vincent… I don’t even know where to begin. I think that one discussion we had sums up everything I’d say to you here. Remember to keep your values close, and keep your friends closer. You have a healthy, wholesome side to you that is dying to be nurtured, so let your walls down and let it take over next year. Honestly, I’d will you a canon event to begin the emotional growth (if willing someone a canon event didn’t sound so morbid.) Vincent, there is nothing stopping you from accomplishing anything, so don’t stop running. Remember that life is hard on the ones who made it too easy.

To Will Guo, I will you the best qualitative year for The Acronym and a megaphone. Will, I first truly met you in Sound and Light — I will always remember that ONE time you made that ONE joke. I remember thinking you were just some timid kid (and all things considered I was kinda right) and then learning that you were… unhinged. Will, you are incredibly hard-working, and I really hope that leading The Acronym next year will give you the confidence you need to show your voice to the world. You are incredibly competent, you just have to get good at showing it. I know you’re not staying in 05, so I’ll wish you all the best in 04 and hope that your senior year doesn’t go too off the rails.

To Asad Sheikh, I will you a mystery item. Message me when you see this. Asad, you were, without a doubt, 1505’s saving grace during CLASH this year. You persevered even when all of the Drill choreos were convinced that it was lost, and even after we came back to our senses, you didn’t lose faith. That kind of dedication and determination is respectable, and I can’t believe that you were willing to put so much effort into CLASH while handling Lunar and being in your busiest semester; I know that you probably wanted to tear your hair out, maybe even punch me a couple times — just know that the same thing will probably happen next year. Even after CLASH, you continued to be a great friend and you were committed to the IMSA grind — you’re an RSL now! Please do real work because I KNOW Shri won’t. Anyways, as you head into your last year, I hope you understand the role you have to fill. Your dedication to your faith, dancing, and your studies show me that you don’t need good luck next year. Gap all the seniors. My only regret was not seeing you visit New York . Seriously, you are THE goat. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

To Ibrahim Bah, I will you a speaker so you don’t have to take ISP’s again. Ibrahim, you have always been… fun to be around. Jokes aside, even when you forgot to bring the speaker, you were always an icon while doing so. You always have fun ideas and you bring good energy to the people around you. While the jokes are always a treat, remember to lock in next year. Help Josefh rein in the other RSLs, he’ll need it. There’s a time to work and a time to play — make sure you know the difference: the feeling of going 120% in everything you do is a feeling that you shouldn’t miss out on. Also, keep playing volleyball with Tommy and Jake, y’all have potential.

To Jose Floranzano and Bobby Mandell, I will you underclassmen that are as annoying after 10 check as you two were to Dhruv and Vikram. I remember seeing you guys the first time last year and thinking that you guys were the embodiment of toddlers, always annoying Luis’ quad and making a ruckus upstairs. Then, when this year came, I noticed how far you guys have actually come since those days. IMSA really has taken it’s toll on you two, so remember to keep having fun like you did sophomore year. Bobby, talking to you during Outdoor Indoor has always been fun, even with your advances. Jose, our conversations after 10 check were too infrequent — they were always so fun to be a part of. I think you two have so much potential to do amazing things, but remember to keep having fun and being the loveable toddlers that I saw sprinting around Luis’ room that day.

To Jacob Nendza and Xander Albertson, I will you a committed gym grind so you can be more buff than you already are. Jacob, you are always a treat to talk to, no matter if it was last year, just chilling in the wing, or during classes this year. You always make me laugh even when I’m listening to Fogel’s lectures. The U.S military won’t know what hit them when you come charging through next year. I’m glad you removed all that extra baggage Xander, I don’t talk to you often, but I always see you being a bright light for your friends and having fun. That kind of positivity is admirable. You two came to 1505 B-wing last year as inexperienced chicks. Now, at the tail end of junior year, I can see that you two have that look in your eyes: the look of IMSAnity. Don’t lose what makes you two so great. And don’t lose your gains during your first semester next year, it’s inspiring fr.

To Aditya Tiwari and Sumaer Gupta, I will you a legacy that’s better than what your brothers left behind (hopefully that isn’t hard). Sumaer, I see a fire in your eyes every single time I see you. Don’t let that indomitable spirit go for any reason. Even when you think things are hopeless, know that you have the determination to keep pushing. I know you didn’t get an RSL position, but you’re still a leader. Don’t let anything or anyone take that away from you. Keep writing for The Acronym and, maybe one day, you’ll be as good of a writer as me. I hope you continue to face everything head on, and make sure you continue to support those around you. You’re a great friend and a vessel ready to be crafted. Adi, we really need to talk more. Your energy is always so formidable and I can tell you’re pretty mature. As you keep climbing the IMSA mountain, don’t let your skills get to your head and remember to keep your chin up when you fail (I’m sorry man, failing is inevitable here.) It takes a strong man to succeed, but it takes a stronger man to fail and succeed later. You two have unimaginable potential and I’m sure you guys know it. Sumaer, you have the drive to do anything but lack experience, and Adi, you have the skills to succeed but lack awareness. You guys are already honed swords, but after your junior grind, I know you guys will be scary weapons going into your senior year. You guys have the roadmap, support, and strength to succeed — so know that it’s ok to still mess up as long as you learn from it. I sense big things from you two — don’t disappoint.

To Aaditya Shah, I will you a chill pill. Aadi, talking to you has always prickled the back of my mind because you remind me of a machine — you have infinite drive and are constantly trying to do more. But remember that IMSA is, at its core, a high school. Learn to have fun, go out and party, and loosen up before your last year. Once you’re locked in to the grind, it’s a long while until you’ll have fun again — learn to destress now before you crash. I’m telling you, I can feel stress radiating off of you sometimes. That can’t be healthy, and no one can run forever. It’s ok to take a break. Keep your friends close, especially Shashi. You two are gonna make us seniors proud, no doubt about it. So sit back and smell the roses every now and then.

To Max Chen, I will you a beautifully crafted notebook with a detailed planner so you can manage all the things you do. You’re going to be very, very, VERY busy next year (I hope you know this already). I want you to know that you were a guaranteed EIC pick in my heart from the very start because you were able to manage so many things and work like there was no tomorrow, which has always been inspiring to me. Even as I finish my senior year, I can tell that you’ve grown more than a lot of the seniors here, and I hope you continue to thrive as you finish your IMSA experience. Make sure The Acronym remains a priority, obviously — but also… y’know, leave time to breathe, eat, and sleep. I’m sure you and Will will give Ms. Townsend wonderful company as you join her in discussing the IMSA tea. Of course, message me if you need anything. Prove to the world that you can do everything — you’re a well-oiled machine, Max.

To Nikhil Kodali, Dylan Xianto, and Sophia Attasanov, I will you a remaining IMSA story that Dr. Nauert (I knew her as Ms. Nauert dang) would be proud of. Going from the magnet program to IMSA, I hope you all realize how similar things are — the stuck-up students, the interesting teachers, and the crumbling buildings. The one thing that makes your story great is the people in it. Nikhil and Dylan, I remember seeing how timid you were in fourth grade. Now that you’re here, you’re harnessing IMSA’s opportunities way better than I ever did. Nikhil, I’m glad you became such an icon in 03, I hope you continue to make friends and support people. Dylan, I know that your knowledge in science is unparalleled, make Albert, Stephen, and Kohl proud when we leave. Sophia, I didn’t really talk to you much, but I see you all the time with your friends, and it makes me happy to know you’re not making the same mistake as me (camping in your room during sophomore year.) As the three of you move on to the next chapter of going IMSAne (sorry) I hope you keep prospering and writing your story. The biggest piece of advice that Ms. Nauert gave me was that grades are just a letter — at the end of the day, have fun and play hard. Dylan, that last bit is especially meant for you.

To Matthew Nowak, I will you a stable relationship and a fun time choreoing CLASH drill next year (no matter what hall you end up at.) I hope you understand that next year, no matter if it’s 1505 or what have you, you will fill the role that Asad had this year. That’s a tall order, punk. You’re strong on the outside. Now it’s time to prove you’re strong on the inside. In all seriousness, you were a great person to talk to, and I can tell that you’re really smart. Don’t let that potential go to waste; make sure you take hard classes to improve yourself. Taking the easy way out creates a weak mindset.

To Joshua Mu and Hunter Ma, I will you a minecraft server that is filled with all of your friends. You two were always a joy in Pchem and Outdoor Indoor. You guys have savant-level intelligence, seriously. Continue being goats. I know you don’t need my advice or luck. I know you will destroy college applications.

To David Weng, I will you a table full of juniors for you to work on homework with during your math classes. I am apologizing on behalf of the entire table for the clutches you had to pull so we could pass MVC. You’re the goat. Seriously.

To next year’s 1505 RSL Team, I will you a year of events. Remember what I told you guys during our meeting on May 1st: you will get engagement in events when they are interesting enough to be engaging. Please seriously commit to being an RSL, we hold the power to change a student’s IMSA story.

To Anjali Samal, I will you the best SSS. Thank you so so much for your work on The Acronym’s editions and graphics. You made these editions possible. I hope I can continue to count on you for the senior edition. Keep dancing.

To Aydin Syed, Aadi Mehta, Raj Patel, Nathan Handjojo, Laksh Patel, Ethan Charoenpitaks, I will you guys a beautiful IMSA story no matter what wing you choose to live in next year. I hope the first third of the IMSA hurdle was fun in B wing.

To Haoran Shi, I will you an unbreakable drone. Haoron, we made our best memories in that quad last year. Whether it was annoying the seniors or flying the drone together, I seriously can not thank you enough for making my junior year amazing. I can only apologize for not being the senior that you could latch onto during your junior year. I hope you continue being an amazing person and a great friend to the people around you.

To Kavin Venkat, I will you a buddy to dominate in wii sports. We should’ve talked more, you were always so fun to talk to and seeing you eat in the wing always helped me calm down (oddly enough). I hope you keep pushing through your most stressful semester while finding time to eat in the wing.

To Diego Nava, I will you a calm senior year. Working with you on riddle was a blast, and our short encounters in the wing are always nice. I hope you get a relaxed wing next year so you can work stress-free (rooming across from Andrew and below my quad must’ve been painful.)

To Andrew Wong, I will you a room that isn’t above a poor underclassman’s. Jump to your heart’s content in 04. Seriously, I know how much this school and your future mean to you, so continue to bend life to your will. Even if I don’t respect your methods, I still wish you all the best next year with college apps and classes. Make sure your SSS isn’t as unhinged as Anirudh’s.


Ava Gonzalez
To Indy, I will you all of your dreams and aspirations. You are such an amazing person and I am so proud of you for how far you have come! You made BC2 so much better and I am going to miss living a short walk away from you :(( I am especially going to miss our late night delusional walks together! Anyway, I hope you have the greatest time for your last year at IMSA and please never hesitate to reach out!! Don’t fly birds while I’m gone <3

To Rishima Mukherjee, I will you Key Club. I am so proud of you for being elected LTG, and I can’t wait to see what you do for our District. Let me know if you have any questions throughout your time on board, and don’t forget to have fun :))

To the girls basketball juniors and sophomores, I will you guys an amazing 2024-2025 season! Keep up the amazing work, I hope I can catch a game or two when I’m back in town <333

To Kaylee, Kaella, Teah, Skylar, Kavya and all of the other future golf girls out there, I will an amazing future golf season! You all improved so much throughout the season and I will miss you all immensely. Please keep my in the loop about how the season goes, you will do great!

To Ellen, I will you success in MVC, LinAlg, and any other math class you take before you get out of here. I have loved spending time with you, Laasya, and Mr. Brummet in the math office early in the morning! I hope you have a great senior year and never be afraid to reach out. <333

To Aashi, I will you an amazing year! You have been working so hard throughout sophomore and junior year and I have enjoyed living with you. Keep A wing cool next year, they need a super cool senior to look up to like you <33

To Nolan, Tristen, Jose, and Kyra, I will you an awesome new adventure for your next intersession! It was so great getting to know you all in London, and I hope you all had a great time. Stay cool and into theater things <333


Avi Duggirala
To Haoran Shi, I will you an unlimited supply of Baja Blast. Having known you in Plum Grove and Fremd, I have truly seen you grow into the upstanding young fella you are today. But jokes aside, you are genuinely one of my best friends at IMSA, and I wouldn’t have anyone else bust into our room past 10 check. You’re an incredibly hard worker and insanely smart (and pretty darn good with a micropipette) and I know you’re gonna have a blast senior year. I’d wish you the best of luck, but you don’t need it, you’re just the JOAT.

To Nikhil Kodali, I will you an iphone so you can throw away the motorola in the stupid blackhawks case. You are by far the humblest smart person I know, and I truly admire you for that. Not only are you a math genius, you’re also (somehow?) really good at debate, and you do all of it while complaining the entire time. Additionally, you’re addicted to Fortnite, so I have no idea how that combination works. Either way, I’ve had so much fun messing with you and getting to know you, remember me whenever you oil up!

To Josh Mu, I will you a decent conductor and a studio Ghibli concert. You are literally him in chemistry dude, and I don’t know a single person nearly as good as you in chemistry. You’re also quite literally the best violinist in IMSA, and you do it all with a frame built out of twigs. But fr, you have literally carried me through math the past two years, and I am forever grateful. I know you’re gonna go do great things, I will see you again sometime Ju.

To Chad Park, I will you the best possible SSS because you absolutely need it. Messing around with you this year has truly been so much fun, and you absolutely came in clutch for spanish and MVC. You work so hard (I would know based on how many tutoring sessions I’ve walked in on). I will forever remember you as the hi-chew plug and the best oboe player to ever grace IMSA.

To Carissa Chen, I will you the understanding of Foreign Affairs (esp the middle east). Getting to know you through debate the past two years has really been a blast. You’re incredibly intelligent, and stunningly goofy, and I know you’ll do an amazing job leading the debate team next year. You’ve improved so much, and seeing you become a confident and outspoken debater has made me truly realize how great of a captain you are going to be!

To Sreehas, I will you an action packed football season. Having you come to our room and watch every night game during the football season made them infinitely more interesting. I pray you catch every game next season and enjoy them as much as you did this year!

To Luke Yin, I will you all your plastic forks back. I never thought I’d spend my senior year somehow in a quad with sophs, but it happened. But I was definitely lucky it was you, the tennis tryhard who happens to be cracked at debate. It was definitely fun messing around with you Luke, but it’s always cool to see you act so kindhearted, and I know you’re gonna have a great time at IMSA.

To Taanvi Bouduppali , I will you 1 million tiktok followers, your shenanigans never get old and your energy is unmatched. Watching you improve tenfold in debate has been so much fun, and I know you’re gonna be an absolute powerhouse next year. But more than that ik you’re gonna the heart of the debate team. No pressure!

To the Sophs in Debate (Abhilash Polu, Abhinav Anne, Aryan Mansingh, Atmaj Shelar, Damaris Benzar, Eric Lee, Hailey Reuter, Hamsika Thumu, Harish Chandar, Muskaan Kapur, Riyan Jain, Shreshta Ghanta, Skyelar Reuter, Sohum Mehta, Sonya Patel, Sumaer Gupta, Vishnu Vijay) I will you all the best possible season next year! I’ve done congressional debate for all 4 years of high school, and I’ve never seen so much talent on a single team before. Each of you is an amazing debater, you are all incredibly smart, and easily amongst the best in the circuit. You truly provide IMSA debate with the brightest possible future, and I know you’ll bring home a sweeps trophy next year. You’ve all made my senior year season an incredible amount of fun, and I’m grateful to all of you, thanks, representatives.


Ben Starkey
To Techies, I will you easy tech weeks and great snacks. It’s been my absolute pleasure to work with you all these last couple of years and you deserve the world. My IMSA experience wouldn’t be half of what it was without y’all. Take care of Humbaba and have fun.

To Catherine, I will you free lessons on google sheets/excel and a great senior year. It was great working with you this year and last year and I hope you have a great senior year. If you ever need anything just let me know.

To Kyra, I will you control over the Techie Playlist and an unfinished DnD campaign. Thanks for letting me harass you in the booth do sounds that one day… even if I messed everything up and played the Shrek version of bows. ( that was unintentional I promise). I don’t think we’ll ever finish that DnD campaign but that’s probably a good thing considering the circumstances it was made under.

To Megan, I will you endless reminders to drink water and go to sleep. I know we all joke about how no one here has a sleep schedule or good eating habits but seriously… drink some water. For real though you’re genuinely one of the best people I’ve met this year even if it kind of terrifies me that we met at orientation. You’ve brought more humor and fun into my senior year than I could have ever hoped for so Thank you. One of my Seniors willed me great sophomores to become protective over and I’m so glad that you’re one of them and I will you some great sophs as well. Enjoy your time at IMSA remember despite what everyone might be saying nothing is ever that serious so take care of yourself, meet new people, live for the little things and drink some fricking water.

To Jasper, I will you a break. I know you’ve had a rough go of it these last few months and generally, but just know that everything gets better eventually. Which is stupid and clique and overall generally cheesy but also true. It took me a long time to realize that things get better. When the world feels like it’s about to collapse 24/7 it’s really hard to stop and look around. But it’s okay to breathe. It’s okay to not know what’s happening or how you’re going to fix it. You don’t need to fix the world. But the world keeps spinning. The Earth will still orbit the sun every 365.25 days. You’ll still wake up in the morning. So maybe today wasn’t your best day and it feels like it’s the end of the world but there is still tomorrow. There is always tomorrow. Someday you look around and realize that you are thinking about life in your 40’s and 50’s. The world doesn’t end when you’re 16. The world keeps going and so do you. One day you’ll look around and realize that that family you were searching for your entire life was right in front of you. In a kid who is wonderful and complex and could go on and on about animals and Godzilla and whatever tv show they’re watching. A kid who even if they don’t realize it means a heck of a lot to a lot of people. I see so much of myself in you Jazz-pants. So in a way this is advice to younger me. Take a break. The world won’t end because of a math worksheet. You are more important than any hypothetical standard. You’re a person and that’s more important than anything else. You’re a person with thoughts and feelings and opinions and likes and dislikes and hopes and dreams and never let anyone boil you down to numbers and statistics. You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be alive, that’s enough. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that it’s not. The steps you take don’t have to be big. They just have to take you in the right direction.

Blaise Jones
To Megan, I will you the ability to drink more water. IMSA is tough so don’t forget to put yourself first. You are one of the most dedicated individuals I know. You are going to do amazing things one day and I can’t wait to see that. But please in the meantime take care of yourself. Drink water! Sleep! You got this! I am going to miss the laughs we shared in wing commons when you would destroy us in Wii table tennis. Or dancing your heart out to whatever music was playing. I treasure each one of these moments so don’t forget to relax and have some fun. Maybe even watch a movie!

Charles Conner
To Haoran Shi, I will you Sheldon. Jack, you are one of the goofiest people I know. From watching Superbad and The Other Guys, drinking dew, the cranberry sprite incident, locking in and tweaking in our room, to trolling in debate and MVC (or not waking up), this year has been incredible. Next year, you’ll prove to everyone that you’re the JOAT.

To Nikhil Kodali, I will you to hop on Fortnite. Don’t even read the rest of this will, go hop on right now. Okay, now that you died to a kid on a school Chromebook you can read the will. First, you might be the best debater of all time if you actually prepped and asked questions, but we all know that won’t happen. Genuinely, you’re incredibly smart and talented, and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish (as long as you stop watching Facebook reels). But most importantly, I’m just glad I won’t have to deal with you calling me Ninja anymore.

To Brian Leong, I will you to kill two tiers with one year. I am so glad that we met in Mandarin and that we have gotten to know each other. I beg you to not have a repeat of the last two years next year. To be real, you are extremely talented (especially with ChatGPT’s help) and you’re actually the best story teller I know. “You know how I hate [redacted] right?” was one of the best lines of all time. Next year I want to hear about all of the shenanigans I know you’ll get up to.

To Chad Park, I will you a GPT-4 subscription. Thanks for giving me an absurd amount of food in exchange for absolutely nothing. You desperately need to SSS hard after this year, and I hope your entire senior year goes well. You’re genuinely such a nice and funny person and I’m always happy to see you. Just remember it’s not Joever and you can do anything.

To Aditya Kumar, I will you to please stop playing League of Legends. You keep saying you don’t play that much but every single time I come into your room you’re playing the worst game ever created. To be honest though, if you actually get some sleep and stop trolling, your senior year is going to be amazing.

To Joshua Mu, I will you to stop being so greedy. I’m really glad that we’ve been able to be friends these last two years. You’re probably the smartest person I know and you’re amazing at literally everything you do. Juice, I hope your senior year is full of success and lots of chicanery.

To Riyan Jain, I will you my I heart India shirt. When I first met you, I thought you were some nerdy annoying soph, and it turns out I was right. But I could have never predicted how much we have done together. From ICDA 1 to Diwali (I was shook when you were there) to State research for debate to OOP and everything in between, I couldn’t be more happy to have met you. I know you’ll do big things in the future and I wish you the best of luck in your next two years at IMSA.

To Luke Yin, I will you quiet room neighbors. As soon as I moved in this year and you were in our quad room, I thought I was going to hate you, but you turned out to be one of the most chill and funniest people I’ve ever met. You’re cracked at debate and tennis and I hope that you can have a great rest of your time at IMSA.

To Atharva Kapale, I will you infinite roti. You’re a B wing GOAT and such a chill person as well. You were one of mine and Pedro’s favorite sophs/juniors to bully and hang out with in general. Even though we were definitely bad influences on you, I hope Pedro’s and my spirit can live on at IMSA through you. The only thing to remember is to not knock on someone’s door during midday if they’re getting up to chicanery.


Chiamaka Okoli
To My dearest monk Chiara, I will you the strength to finish your last year at IMSA strong and continue to be the vibrant person that you are. I don’t think I’ve ever told you this, but the first time I heard about you was from one of the Excel mentors. On a random day in July, I received a text from Amaya that one of my clones had arrived to IMSA. When I heard that, I was immediately excited to meet you (but lemme not gas you up too much). Last school year was so bad it was a blur (hope you recover from junior year) but for the short amount of time that I was on the volleyball team your sophomore year, it was fun (I have no memory of volleyball last year). But this school year’s season was honestly really fun with you (for the short amount of time that I was on it, again). I’m happy that we started to talk more this year and I will definitely miss your presence because there’s truly no better clone than you. You never fail to make my day by doing something incredibly WEIRD and also DELETE THOSE IMAGES OF ME RN. Why is there an obsession with those hideous pictures? I’ve always been proud of how far you’ve come as a person both academically and personally. I will gladly edit your applications any time and I’m honored to have secured you that position . I love our big back moments (the Popeyes begging was actually so big like why did we run to the office to beg) and there’s no one else I’d rather be big around. However… if I want to eat Chipotle and have a Korean corn dog let me BE . You are one of the most passionate people that I know to pursue a career in medicine and I appreciate how often you’d show up to the Med4Minorities events and the programs you do outside of school like working in the nursing home. Me personally I will never wipe an old person’s… yeah but you most definitely got it. You are beyond capable of becoming the person that you envision yourself to be and I am more than confident in your abilities that you will become an amazing BSU vice president. Stop doubting yourself because that will restrict you from becoming the person you were meant to be. When I say you are so capable I mean it, and our friendship will not end once I graduate so cobwebs better not start growing on iMessage.

To Sarah and Anjali, I will you two bums a BREAK because you guys can literally never catch a break. Someone is always trying you two. Unfortunately I was stuck in D-wing for this school year and we were forcibly divorced but I’m glad that never stopped us from talking. How we met last year is actually so weird to think about sometimes. I remember after I moved into my room on junior move-in day, Giada introduced me to you guys. Sarah and Manu were setting up their room while sitting on the carpet and Anjali was also in the room. Giada was like “Hi this is Chiamaka” and I was like hi and then you guys said hi back but it was actually so awkward but it’s so funny to think about that we’ve ever had an awkward encounter. Though you gave me the dirtiest look ever, I knew my people needed me and in your heads you were like “Omg she’s so cool I want to be her friend” so I just had to come and save you guys. No but genuinely I’m so glad that I met you guys last school year. You’re both so driven and have fun personalities and you will flourish in whatever you want to pursue. Anjali, since you’ve left this wing, Rebecca stopped getting into arguments and the wing has been very quiet. Also, your old room smells MUCH better… I hope you’re free from the musty shackles. Sarah, put me on to some K-Pop artists so we can go to a concert together. I won’t admit that I like K-Pop so keep this on the low. If you ever meet Hyunjin send a video for me please and thanks. Also I have no idea how I created your nickname that all the seniors call you but you’re welcome for naming you Kumar. Ngl I sometimes forget your first name is actually Sarah because of how often I call you Kumar. I’m sad that our friendship went dormant at the beginning of this school year but lemme just say senior year is very busy but y’all got this!! Don’t stress and make sure to be as organized as you guys can. You guys have gone through a lot together so continue to be the realest people to each other because there is no better duo like you guys and it is always nice to have that one person that you can always rely on. My favorite memories of us are always when we’re randomly in each other’s room giving some extravagant storytime or debrief of the century. We’re always on the same wavelength in any given situation and it’s so relieving to know that whatever is said the other one will agree. Speaking of which, Kumar I will you a new profile pic, the people who changed your profile pic were Ashley and Andre LOLLL. Ok but don’t be afraid to contact me I’ll be there for y’all forever unlike your opps!!

To Carrington and Angel, I will y’all both a very nice, stress-reducing, spa day. With maximum efficiency. I don’t even know where to start. GRAMAMA, you’re always beefing with some teacher and I’m sorry they’re always trying you. You’ve probably said you were gonna transfer out of IMSA more times than me and you surprise me each time that you come back. But one more year and you’re out!! It goes by so fast. I’d say enjoy it but I don’t want you to press me. But make sure you talk to more people in ya grade and be more positive. Anytime I see you you never fail to make me smile somehow. Whether you’re arguing with me, Deondre, some teacher, or really just anybody. You just always be arguing. Never stop. Let them know to not play with you. Thank you for all the meals that you’ve made me. You should really get Cookedbyangel up and running and I’d be the first in line to get food each and every time (hope there’s a discount bc you know my card be declining). Angel I will definitely miss you and you checking everyone but I really can’t remember a time you’ve been wrong when you put someone in their place. EXCEPT for when you always talk down about your capabilities because you are so so so smart. Stop comparing yourself to others because that will hinder your own progress. Senior year is very interesting but make sure to ENJOY your last year. Don’t waste it on things that won’t help you. Care anytime I go into y’all room you are always sleeping. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is, you’re always sleeping. But you’re also slept on (). Get yourself out there more and stop bein’ emo! Care you always send me the weirdest TikToks I might block you why is your fyp so weird. Can’t wait for the moves this summer and just know me bothering y’all won’t end here.

To Reagan, I will you a wig that doesn’t fit your head (so you can donate it to me). The way I heard about you was actually so funny lol… Jesrein told me about you when you were in Excel… do you remember that one time we were walking into 1503 and Jesrein said some information then you were like “Oh shoot” and we awkwardly laughed for like 2 mins that will always be a top 10 moment from first semester of this year I miss the random first semester chronicles it feels like a fever dream. You’ve always been a sweet person since I’ve met you and it’s never bad vibes from you and we’re always on the same wavelength about like everything. The way you would’ve pulled Farzy’s friend will forever be shocking to me like you are just that girl (also does he not have a girl????). Anyways if you need any wig installs I gotchu and I’ll do it for free. You’re finally gonna be free from the prison shackles and back to Bolingbrook and I hope you have fun and have a beautiful regular high school experience. You’re one of my favorite sophomores and you should’ve been here last year man. Just be born sooner or sum idk. But if I’m ever in the Brook lmk and we need to go to a function together.

To Dael and Jose, I will you two infinite mental health days. I loved working with you both on FOCUS this year and you guys have contributed more than you know! You guys have blossomed into amazing leaders and I am positive that you guys will do a great job next year, whether it be through FOCUS, Alma Latina, or whatever leadership position you hold. I know you will both take advantage of your roles and contribute immensely to the culture change at this school and will continue to make this school and world a better place as a whole. Besides that, you guys are genuinely such fun and funny people to be around and I’m happy to see you both each time any chance that I get because it’s always a good memory. Whether we’re ranting about something random or just talking about anything, I really enjoy talking to you guys. ALSO Dael continue to eat everyone up with your outfits. You never flop.

To Stella, I don’t even know what to will you I WAS GONNA WRITE A WHOLE LOT MORE BUT Lowkey its 11:57pm so I’ll handwrite the rest of this LOL dw I gotchu gangy

To Med4Minorities Board, I will y’all GOOD ATTENDANCE. Even though y’all made me grow wrinkles, I will y’all the motivation to continue this club strong. This was definitely an interesting mix of people but it was really fun this year. You guys are all so determined to succeed in medicine and your efforts are truly admirable. It was my honor to lead y’all this school year. I am extremely happy that we were able to make a name for ourselves this year and have back-to back banger events. I am confident that you guys will continue to lead this club with dignity and that M4M will be in good hands. To the juniors, Fope, Ketzaly, and Jaden, you all have grown a lot as people since sophomore year. Fope with your amazing work ethic in In2 always grinding, Ketzaly always running around being involved in something, and Jaden is always winning some type of science fair award. College applications are really cut-throat but make sure to never underestimate yourselves as people because I see every ounce of effort you display in you. Never lose your motivation to succeed and ensure to never compare your progress to someone else’s. You guys are always stressed out about something but make sure to make time for yourselves and just learn to chill. Akshat and Reagan, goodluck with junior year. Y’all are both academically gifted so it should be slight easy for y’all, y’all go this fr!! I still remember both of your stories that you shared with me and Kosi during interviews and it’s stuck with me. Never forget your reason for starting your journey and you guys will succeed just trust the process fr.

To Omar, Micheal, Shawn, Beni, Freddie, I will y’all charisma. Now that your leader is gone, what happens? Jk, but glad I forced y’all to join Asante because y’all gained a lot of fans from that surprisingly. I hope y’all continue to join clubs and participate in stuff and stop bein’ bums! I hope y’all continue to have eachothers backs with whatever y’all do daily. Y’all are fun to be around in as much as annoying as y’all are. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE JOLLOF FROM ME!

To anyone else, I will you the will to forgive me if I forgot you! <3

Clarissa Gonzalez
To Tommy Blough, I will you a better sleep schedule and better health. Dude I swear there’s always something going on with you. Plz continue to eat well and stay healthy. Anyway thanks for making senior year fun!

To Max Schwartz, I will you a better Minecraft buddy. Thanks for letting me play on your computer and saving me every 2 minutes from skeletons Also for all those clif bars and the long talks were really fun, I’ll def keep in contact!

To Jongwoo Kim, I will you better time management skills and more gaming buddies. Thanks for being my biochem buddy and you playing Fortnite a lot at night is kinda funny. You’re an amazing and funny dude and don’t let anyone tell ya otherwise!

To Ellen Hsuan, I will you a great math office gang. I remember the first time we met in the math office and we just vibed lol. You def had a lot of moments that just confused me but we’re gonna move past that You’re a funny fellow

Danica Sun
To Julia Sun, bye. I’m off to Cali and you’re stuck in windy cold rainy Chicago walking Benji all alone. But even if I’ll be on the other side of the country don’t forget you can always reach out about anything! Although, you better start answering my calls and maybe I’ll stop leaving you on delivered. Most things don’t matter as much as you think, prioritize what/who your time and energy goes to, don’t stress too much, and enjoy your time at IMSA!

To Carissa Chen, I will new girlconners for you to twin GirlCon tshirts with, happy Club Terra guffawing, the best strike chants (and a loud megaphone), ISMA thrifting, ISMA fashion, gridabbies, Daniel Horton, endless safari instagram reels, a fun prom guest, knees (which knee?), locker room tiktok buddy, good luck being vegetarian at Lexington, the world’s best farter (mb, I meant father, as in Min!! Chen!!), fun times at KWK/summer, a lifetime supply of feces fridays, the wisdom to always know who the imposter is in handball sus, and #1 at state because you are a baddie-minton. Honestly don’t remember how we first met but you’ve been such a fun underclassman to get to know, and I’m always a text away!

To Riya Gumidyala, I will a downquad underclassman who will pull all nighters with you and debrief every night the way you do with 06B upquad! I will a happy hoco and fun prom table next year. You’re going to kill it as ISA prez, have fun and don’t worry so much! You’re going to have a great senior year.

To Manu Mamillapalli, I will a Paris buddy to try random vegan restaurants and wear bhaklava? balaclavas? with. And a new indestructible revlon (just got a new one myself). Have a fun time in 02, it’s been an honor being a B wing baddie with u .

To Haley, Aarna, Gabi, and Riya I will a happy time quading next year & the best downquad? upquad? to your downquad/upquad. Love seeing you guys dance in culture shows, thank you for the pani puri that one time, and I’ll miss seeing you guys around. Continue the B wing best wing legacy!

To Elaine, Shruthi, and Carissa + future senior rep, I will you a tree-tastic senior year! Club Terra is in good hands, I have faith you’ll continue our legacy as the punniest club in the history of imsa . Even though I’m graduating I’ll always be a terra turtle at heart. I’ll come back and visit just to see polly the whale (in the flesh!!).

To Sohum, Neev, Shridhar, Haley, Himani, I will you a fun and successful year with TALENT and merch that arrives earlier than a month before you graduate!

To Mahima, Shreshta, Lucy, and Abhinav, I will you incoming sophs who are as motivated as you all are who you can pass down initiatives and clubs to! I will you (and Carissa) the best sustainability committee in the history of sustainability committees, no more sassy Dr. Glazer, and fun on class club (Lucy) & badminton (Shreshta).

To Vivi, Nidhi, and Claire, I will happy quading and good luck living with Julia. Have fun! Don’t stress too much, enjoy your time together, and steal Julia’s food.

To Anna Yang, I will you the best little sibs and a fun, stress-free senior year!

To Eric Lee, Noah Kim, and Evan Lee, the orientation group day ones, we didn’t talk much but I will you all fun little sibs and incoming sophs.

To all the underclassmen I missed, this is already a week late and I apologize . To all the underclassmen I’ve ever interacted with, thank you for adding to my IMSA experience. Enjoy and make the most out of your time at IMSA. Feel free to reach out about anything and stay in touch!

Daniel Shafiabady
To Carter Poskozim, I will you all of my earthly possessions. I will always miss our late night talks, hearing your amazing saga, and the other wild things we used to talk about last year. Thank you for being a great friend through it all.

To Tommy Blough, I will you the prosperity of 1503. I know that you’re going to make an amazing leader next year, and it’s amazing to see how far you have come from your sophomore year.

To Jongwoo Kim, I will you the well-being of C-wing. You have been the absolute best wing guide partner this year. Please keep up the great work and continue the legacy of C-wing. I look forward to seeing next year’s wing photo hanging on the wall.

To Adi Pashupati, I will you unlimited happiness. Thank you for all of your help in BC2 this year, it is because of you that I did not need to lose sleep over calculus. I know that you will always be an amazing tutor and wing mate for your future peers.

To Max Schwartz, I will you F(x). Please continue spreading confusion amongst your peers in calculus and beyond when I will not be there to do it.

To Kyra Rinkel, I will you the future of Tech and also the lost jigsaw. As long as you prove that you can beat me in the election. I have a pretty good feeling that the others want to get rid of me anyways, so best of luck to you.

To Arya Biss, I will you the booth. I hope that you do great things next year for Drama Club with Kyra kicked out in her big new position.

To Damaris Benzar and Catherine Fields-Halva, I will you my tiny tape measure. Keep being the devoted crafters that you are backstage, and please don’t be too hard on Kyra. I hope that you find that tape measure wherever it may have disappeared to backstage.

To Megan Onorato and Lex Fogg, I will you the Drama Club makeup department. Keep making those actors beautiful (and sometimes covered in fake blood).

To Nandini Budithi, I will you the future of drama board. I don’t know if I have that power, but nonetheless you proved that you can carry an entire board on your shoulders over intersession so I wish you good luck with whatever happens to drama in the future.

To Kaylee Hwang, I will you the entirety of physics. You will always be the #1 phys whiz, so please continue being a great help to all those struggling phys whiz wanna-bes like me.

To Tristan Castillo, I will you a big hello. Thank you for being a smiling face in the hallways who never fails to make me smile as well with your over-the-top greetings.

To Nolan Hansen, I will you my memories of London. I miss London. I will miss you infinitely more.

Dara Ajayi
To the 03 Underclassmen that usually hang out in the RC Office, I will you all a complete reset on laps (except you, Dani. You reset to 1.). Your unhinged and unfiltered natures lowkey/highkey kept me alive and sane. You’ve made my late nights fun and worth staying up for. The vibes are always immaculate with you guys, and it’s one of my favorite things about 03. I love the jam sessions, the meme reviews, and nights that we get so loud that Sam threatens to send us all back to our rooms. The Tommy, Dani, and Kaella trio is a divine combo that can make me die of laughter at any moment. Make sure next year that you keep the culture alive because it’ll definitely help incels like me get out of my room more often.

To Mod21 Underclassmen, I will you all first place at the ICHSA Quarterfinals. Over the past 3 years, I’ve had so much fun singing in Mod21. Making music with other students is one of my favorite activities, and singing with you all has been the absolute coolest. It’s great to see you all shine and break out of your comfort zone to make something beautiful. Next year, when half of the group is gone, I hope you fill in the gap with many more talented students with a passion for vocal storytelling. Make Mod21 Come Alive next year. Make sure to build a community that others can be Jealous of. Perform at gigs from the east to West Coast. Mod21 has been a huge part of my IMSA experience, so please don’t let it die. And to Brent, Nidhi, and Charlotte, have fun managing Mod21! Please keep the vibes high and make sure everyone has fun! Please, when ICHSA time comes, ABSOLUTELY NO 12 HOUR PRACTICES.

To Drama Underclassmen, I will you a functioning prop gun. If, for whatever reason, you guys need a firearm prop, I wanna make sure it actually works. With the very, very short time we’ve spent together, it’s been fun hanging out with you all during rehearsals, tech week, and show nights. I’m so glad Byrd coerced me into joining last semester because it was such a great addition to my senior experience. It was cool seeing backstage and the behind the scenes of the set setup, makeup, and actors locking in at the last minute. I’m honored to debut my acting career as Bobby-Bobby and wrap it up as Agatha Christie’s left hand. Even though I reject the label of “theater kid,” it was fun seeing those who embrace it thrive in their natural environment.

To Carter Poskozim, I will you a presidential pardon that will absolve you of your many, many crimes. You are quite the… uncommon human being. You say and do a lot of questionable things that make me question why I even talk to you. But I will say, when a joke you make lands, it lands. You are genuinely a funny guy, if not a bit too much at times, but I’ll excuse it for the chance to see you grow up. You have a lot of based takes, and our “Celebration of Black History Month” gave me the chance to see a side of you that seemed really cool. Additionally, I feel like I owe you a huge one for getting rid of our LG problem. You took a lot of risks with that, and I’m eternally grateful for your bravery. Now, as your senior year approaches, I beg you: please, for your and everyone else’s sakes, make good decisions and keep out of trouble.

To Ellen Hsuan, I will you a firmer deck of cards. Yours has been beaten and battered down by the numerous games of Slapjack/Egyptian Rat Screw/Slovakian Monkey Chair/American Horse Radish, and it’s kinda hard to riffle shuffle, and bridge with them. It’s been a blessing being friends with you this year, and I’ll cherish the memories we’ve made together. I remember our intense card games, post-Winter Concert walk, DiffEq/BC3 classes, and incessant LinAlg references. You are one of the best underclassmen I’ve met, and I wish you the best for your senior year. May your college application journey be less stressful than most, and may the SSS not hit you like a semi-truck. I hope you have a blast in Linear Algebra and MVC and all of the millions of other math classes that I expect you to take. By then you’ll understand all the references that I keep making, and we’ll discuss them AT LENGTH when that time comes. And next time you get to play Slapjack against Mr. Brummet, make sure you WIN. We’re all counting on you. Take care, Ellen.

Dashiell Leigh
To 01 B Wing, I will you all a community that continues to be welcoming, fun, and a source of growth. Y’all are out of pocket sometimes, but you have fun and are genuinely respectful people. Make sure to pay it forward to your future underclassmen. I also will (some of you) the ability to clean up after yourselves.

To Spectrum’s future leadership (José, Shanya, Hamsika), I will you the drive to continue improving Spectrum and better supporting the LGBTQIA+ community at IMSA in all its forms. We have been so lucky to have such passionate and competent board members this year. Spectrum has come a long way since my sophomore year, but it still has a ways to go. I have complete confidence that you three will leave the club better than you found it, because you already have. I also will you the tradition of spelling out Spectrum at board meetings (don’t let me down).

To the SocEnt juniors (Luci, Manu, Carissa, Netra, Rhea, Aarna), I will you BOATSSS. Some of my most fun and rewarding experiences this year have been with the SocEnt team. I will never understand how we got so many amazing underclassmen. The energy you bring to every board meeting, class, and event blows me away. The next round of SocEnt facilitators has a lot to look forward to.

To Arya Biss, I will you the motivation to take over the world. If anyone can do it, it would be you. My conversations with you are illuminating and fun, and I maintain that you are one of the smartest people I have ever met. I truly wish you the best of luck on all your endeavors, and I look forward to seeing you on the news one day. By the way, the country I forgot was Sierra Leone (at least).

To Noel Skariah, I will you an underclassman who is always willing to talk. I can’t believe how well I have gotten to know you in just one year of living in the same hall. You brighten up the 01 community immeasurably, and I am glad the incoming sophomores will have someone like you to look up to. You are pretty cool for a Shmen.

To Mila Wolkowitz, I will you eternal happiness. You are easily the coolest person I have ever met, and I have enjoyed every conversation about random stuff we have ever had. I hope we can jam sesh again soon sometime.

To Ketzaly Nuñez Luna, I will you the ability to lock in without getting distracted by one of the 3 million people you seem to be friends with. Your life story is crazy, and you are so fun to talk to. Maybe sometimes we could have been working instead of staying in hall commons past midnight yapping, but at least we had a good time. Also, I will never understand how you get your hair so look so amazing every single day. I’m incredibly jealous.

To Kate Honchar, I will you someone to look up to, because to be honest, you tower over everyone. I love the energy you bring to 01, and I hope that wherever you go in life you bring your positive vibes with you. Thank you again for being the reason I tried octopus for the first time.

To Alvena Bhutiani, I will you a co-facilitator that is (almost) as good as me next year. Our LEAD class was fire, enough said. I have always thought you seemed so cool with your yellow shoes; I’m so glad the fates (Jaz and Tatyana) put us together as co-s, because you are one of my favorite people at IMSA and I always enjoy our conversations. Please get some sleep, and never change the color of your kicks.

To Kathak (Nitya Dixit, Aparna Sadhanagiri, Rishima Mukherjee), I will you years of dancing ahead of you. Group was one of the highlights of my senior year, and in the middle of college apps season no less! You three are some of the sweetest people I have ever met, and I had so much fun messing around choreo-ing our own dances backstage and knocking the audience’s socks off to “”Shape of You.”” Please continue to get involved in culture shows! The world needs to see your talent.

David Dickson
To Anjali Ali, I will you an amazing senior year. You are such a bundle of light and joy! I have not known you for that long but you have such a kind and infectious energy. You always bring positivity to every room that you are in and are one of the most genuine people on this campus. Even when I left my phone at SIR, you were so positive and helped me look for it. Although we incurred the wrath of the other people on the SIR bus, it is a memory I will never forget.

To Ibrahim Bah, I will you first in state for Impromptu. Ibrahim, you are truly inspirational. You have an amazing work ethic and the passion you hold for your interests truly shines through. Watching you grow in speech has been one of the best parts of being a Speech Captain. Continue speaking about your love for Jujutsu Kaisen and Attack on Titan! I know next year you are going to dominate speech tournaments!

To Jaden Blakenship, I will you an underclassman who will do your housekeeping. In all seriousness, you are one of the most dedicated and hardworking people at this school. You always rise to the occasion and go above and beyond; whether it be for Med4Minorities, killing it at science fairs, or taking on Cancer Bio as a junior, I am always amazed by your hard work and dedication. Feel free to reach out whenever and keep doing you!

To Max Chen and Will Guo, I will you complete access to The Acronym account and successful editions. You guys have been in The Acronym since the very beginning of your IMSA careers. I am so proud of how far you both have come in your writing abilities and the leadership you’ve taken on in The Acronym. Things get very busy Senior Year and it will be very easy to put some of your clubs on the passenger seat, but I trust that you will lead The Acronym to new heights.

To Carissa Chen and Manu Mamillapalli, I will you more Hello Kitty stickers and all the extra credit you could ask for in E&M. You two are a power duo and are so fun to talk to. I am glad we have more classes together. Keep on telling stories about someone blowing out your candles and keep on pushing hard! Senior year is tough but I know you guys got it!!!

To Mod21 Underclassmen, I will you a school year without 12-hour practices. Mod21 has been one of my favorite experiences at IMSA. Even with all of the practices and the times we were at each other’s vocal cords, it was a lot of fun and I hope it was the same for you. Keep on singing (even if they tell you not to). I can’t wait to see your setlist for next year.

To Sarah Kumar, I will you a body-rolling partner in Mod21. You are the funniest junior at this school. I first met you through Mod21 and you had such an amazing energy and we would always make each other laugh (much to Adi’s annoyance). Getting to know you more this year through Mod21 and hanging out in the library has been really fun. Even when I would not look up on “Coast” and would get lowkey shaded by everyone at Mod21 the 12-hour practice and trip to the 9-bar was so fun. Have a great senior year and reach out!!!

To Josie Kim, I wish you an amazing senior year! I remember when we first met when you got me out in 03 Key Game and I was trying my best to argue my way out of it. Since then, our friendship has blossomed into something amazing in classes like BC and Cancer Bio. You work so hard and just know that everything works out! Thank you for being a great friend!

To Claire Wen, You are the funniest and brightest sophomore at this school. You have an unmatched energy. I remember seeing you dance to Umbrella during class wars and thinking, “Wow this girl has spunk.” You put 100% in what you believe in and stand for what is right. You will go far with that mentality and you should never change. Let us also not forget your awesome dance moves! Formation in Majorette was so good and you consistently kill all the dances you are apart of. Junior year can be rough but just remember that you belong and are an amazing force.

To Jongoo Kim, I will you the best SIR project known to IMSA history. Jongwoo you are genuinely one of the best people I have ever met. In all honesty, I am not the best at forming relationships with underclassmen (I generally prefer talking to upperclassmen) but getting to know you and learn about your interests has made me reconsider that. You are always so positive, encouraging, and humble. There needs to be more people at IMSA like you! From cheering me up at SIR to sharing notes for Orgo to watching movies in my quad. Although it may not seem like it all the time, I really appreciate you and the energy you have brought into my life. Hopefully, we see each other over the summer, and reach out whenever you can!

To Anya Yang, I will you a stress-free senior year! I have only had three lengthy interactions with you, but I can tell you are a very hardworking person. Your indomitable work ethic and care for the things you are passionate about are truly admirable and I can tell you are going to do great things! Senior year is not easy and the first semester will be one of your most stressful semesters at IMSA but I know you can push through it! I am always open to talk if you have any questions :)

To the 03 Flop Commons, I will you RCs that will allow you to stay in the hall commons past noon. There will be some changes next year, but I know you all will still have each other’s back and stay strong. You all are truly a strong and wonderful community

To the speech underclassmen, It has been a pleasure to serve as one of your speech captains this year. I remember joining the speech team in my Sophomore year and lacking confidence in the value of my words. Just like how my speech captain taught me that my voice matters, I hope to have done the same. I know you guys are going to kill it next year.

To Sumaer Gupta, I will you a very stress-free junior year. Sumaer I can tell already you are going to do great things during your time at IMSA. You have a drive and passion that I do not see often. Make sure to stay true to yourself and trust in yourself as well! Junior year will be rough, but you got this!

To Eric Lee, I will you many sophomore extempers and someone to wave to in the hallways. Eric, you are so amazing!!! You have such an amazing energy and personality. Getting to know you through Speech and watching you develop has been one of my favorite things of Senior Year. You always say hi to me in the hallways and I appreciate it. You are going to go on to do great things and will dominate the ICHSA extemp. Junior year is rough but I know you can handle it!

To Emmali Isham, I will you a Student Council cabinet as dedicated as you are. The dedication you have for your clubs is truly insane. I have not seen someone put more effort into their projects and it clearly shows. You are quite literally a boss! Senior year is going to be rough, but I know you can handle it. Reach out if you have any questions!

To Yicole Ng, I will you more milo. You are one of the sweetest human beings to exist. You make people feel better about themselves and are constantly uplifting them. I know you are going to kill senior year.

To Brooke, Molly, and Raegen, I will you an amazing group of 03 underclassmen. I remember meeting you all in the 03 RC office for the first time as you were ripping apart some person and thinking that you all are so funny! IMSA needs more funny, real people who are unapologetic about who they are. Seeing the strength of your friendship is really a powerful thing and I know you will have each other’s back wherever you go. Molly, you are one of the best speechers at this school yet you are still so humble. Be confident because you are truly amazing. You are going to kill it on CAB!

To Damaris Benzar, I will you happy and an upperclassman to listen to the fun adventures in your life! Damaris, you are so funny! I generally have trouble connecting with underclassmen because I get really formal, but you are so easy to approach and talk to. Never change! From hearing stories about your love life to incidents involving traversing the main building to find a bathroom to suffering in Mod21 together as Adi calls us out for messing up choreo. I want you to know that it does get better. Sometimes it is hard to get out of your head and smell the Lexington food, but it is worth it!

Deondre’ O’Bannon
To my sons (Carter, Ikaika, Xander, Neil, Jaiden, Sean, and Victor), I will you the strength to finish out IMSA strongly. All of you have made this year extremely interesting. My senior year wouldn’t have been the same without you guys and I thank you for that. I see a lot of myself in all of you guys, but be better than me. Every one of you has the potential to do great things, don’t waste this opportunity. Make every single moment count, it goes by fast.

To the basketball team, I will y’all the mental capacity to deal with Snead. I don’t know how you’re going to do it but I have full faith that you will. Don’t let the team be trash, put in the work this summer and I swear you’ll see results. I don’t want to come watch you lose in the Christmas tournament.

To the entirety of C-wing, I will you the ability to continue the great community that we have built. It may not seem like that big of a deal but many don’t have a close bond with their wing. Whether you stay in C-wing or even stay in 04, make sure you create a healthy and inviting environment.

To Angel Jeanette Shepard, I will you the ability to use your passion for good. There’s a fire in you that I have seen way too many times. Take that anger that you use on me and use it to get your work done. But on a real note, you’re one of the funniest and realest people that I know. You’re cooking is straight gas and from what I’ve heard you do nails pretty well. You’re gonna go far dude. Whatever you end up doing in life, do it to the best of your ability. Also, don’t be afraid to make some more food for me before the year is over

To my nephews (Oumar, Michael, Benny, Freddy, and Mofe), I will you the ability to stand on business. I swear y’all are the absolute worst at doing it. Also, lock in on your school work, the fact that all of you (except Mofe I think) are struggling in the same class is honestly insane. Be better than your father. Go outside and get involved. There’s more to IMSA than your room and basketball. You just have to put in the effort to look.

To the yearbook team, I will you the ability to get the yearbook done on time again. You guys worked hard and played a huge part in getting it out on time and I truly appreciate every single one of you.

To Ethan, I will you the ability to sit down dude. You have wayyy too much energy. Take that energy and use it to grind. Soon that energy is gonna go, so take advantage of it while you have it. I promise you, the moment you figure out how to harness that energy and turn it into productive energy, you’re gonna take your skills to the next level.

Finally, to my mini-me, Neil, I will you the confidence to believe in yourself and be great. Dude words can’t express how much I have enjoyed knowing you. You legit are a spitting image of me, which is a good and bad thing lol. Don’t make irrational decisions. When you get worked up and start freaking out be willing to talk it out first. I know firsthand what can happen if you don’t. When it comes to basketball, bring back the dude I knew that first week of open gym. The person who wasn’t scared of anyone and would just shoot lights out. You have the skills already to be great, it’s your team next year whether you like it or not. You have the leadership qualities, you have the skill set, all you need to do now is find the drive to put it to use. And pls pls get in the gym. If you want to take your game to the next level get stronger physically and mentally. You have my number, don’t be afraid to hit me up. If I don’t answer it’s probably for a good reason and I’ll do my best to reach back out in some way, shape, or form.


Diya Kamath
To Lily Zhang, I will you the best in achieving all your dreams at IMSA and beyond! The first sophomore I met in my junior year. I remember walking to convocation while you talked about all your goals for IMSA and I have watched you achieve so many of them! I wish I was a better upperclassman to you this year!

To Carolyn Zhang, I will you to grow up slowly! I am so glad we got to know each other more this year. You are so young, and that is to say I love how youthful your spirit is and how you’re so willing to challenge yourself. You’re going to go to so many places!

To Carissa Chen, I will you to do great things. I know we haven’t talked much this year, but you have grown so much since sophomore year.

To Ellen Husan, I will you my legacy of giving Mr. Brummet a hard time while he’s teaching. Ellen, you are so funny and smart. From being in diff eq with you to walking out of French together every day, I have had so much fun! You have so much potential. If you ever need any help please reach out but you will be just fine!

To Claire Wen, I will you to grow to be who you want to be and achieve the things you hope to. Claire….. What can I say other than keep sliding into my DM’s girli. You are so bright, energetic, and have brought so much joy to so many people around you, including me! I hope that you never lose the spirit that you have.Between me and you, you’re my favorite.

To Riya Gumidyala, I will you to have a good senior year at IMSA. I know we didn’t talk much this year, and I wish I was a better big sib to you but I am so glad to have gotten to know you and have had you as my lil sib. You have grown so much.

To Julia Sun, I will you to keep making the most aesthetic insta posts so I can keep watching you grow!:) Julia you are such a bright person and it has been so much fun to see you in the halls, chamber, strolling strings, and just having a good time! I am so glad I was able to get to know you this year and you are going to do so many great things.

To Eric Lee, I will you to keep being the great person you are. Eric, you were the first sophomore to ever be bold enough to come up, say your name, and give a handshake. The most formal introduction ever, but one I will never forget. Comin’ here all the way from Wyoming you have grown SO SO much. I’m glad you moved here from Wyoming.

To Claudia Kowl, I will you to succeed in all your goals at IMSA and beyond. Claudia, thank you for being there for me through the untellable tales of what happens in Orchestra. Couldn’t have gotten through SSS + McCarthy without you. I am so glad we have gotten to know each other. I will be sending my prayers for you next year, you will do all right in class and strolling strings next year, trust.

To Aahana Das, I will you to continue enjoying life the way you do.Aahana you are such a girly pop. I have loved watching you grow through these last two years, and running into you in the hallway is my favorite time of day. I hope I run into you again someday.

To Aarushi Das, I will you to never lose your bubbly personality. You have such a bubbly personality that has always brightened my day these last two years. Senior year is going to be hard but never lose that! Your style has also been slaying lately LOL. I am so proud of you and all you’ve done and I can’t wait to stalk you on Facebook and see what you’ll do next!

To Shatakshi Chatterjee, I will you to get to eventually SSS and rest after the constant grind. You are SO funny, and OMG your style. I have loved seeing you in the early morning grind and running into you in the wing every day. Our little conversations bring me so much joy every day, and if you ever need anything, please message me and I will be there for you.

To Ria Cherukuri, I will you to continue to reach all your goals! I am so glad we got to know each other more this year!

To Katherin Jiang, I will you to continue to be a scioly/badminton rat. You are one of the funniest sophs I have met. I am so glad you joined Science Olympiad. You’re going to do great things.

To Ria Bakshi, I will you continue to grow stronger in your years here! Ria you are such a cool sophomore, and strong too. No one could drag me like you did during the game show. That is to say you are so strong in so many ways, academically, socially, physically!

To Kaella Moraga, I will you a bright spirit. Meeting you and bonding over having the same husband (jk ofc) was one of the best connections I have ever made. I have enjoyed getting to know you and ily, the joy you have brought me.

To Kaylee Hwang, I will you to continue doing amazing things senior year! Ellie told me before you arrived that you were amazing and after meeting you, you still are. I am so proud of how far you have come!

Donovan Morrow
To Ketzaly, Noel, Zed, Kendall, Emma, and Alexa, I will you more A-wing movie nights and the best experiences in 1501!! From our late-night study sessions to our A-wing cooking sessions, this year in 1501 has been so fun with you guys. Stick together throughout the rest of your time here no matter what!! Friendships like these are the most important. I loved getting to know you all and I’m so glad to have met you all this year. Once again, thank you for an amazing year! One of you will become a supreme chef and I’ll be waiting on that 5 star mac-n-cheese & pizza.
(P.S. Ketzaly, we will always be the most iconic dress to impress duo <3)
– Love, Donovan <3

To Sarah Kumar and Chiara Njoya, I will you both Asante Modern!! I just know that you two are going to carry this school when we seniors are gone. You’ve got the humor, the leadership, the smarts, & the looks ofc pur. Dancing with you both and just hanging out with you has been amazing and so fun!! It’s like I met my tether triplets or sumn with the way yall understand every single one of my jokes and references like yessss were just too niche fr. But jokes aside, you both have made my senior year so fun and full of amazing energy. Hoping to see you both at prom!! I loved meeting you. May we continue to quote random TikToks, be the best dance trio, & laugh together in the future.
– Love, Donovan<3

To MODERNNNNN (Anjali, Tianqing, Mahima, Sarah, Chiara, Elaine, Jake, Tristen, Laksh, & Tommy), I will you the best modern experiences and fun for the rest of your time here! I’m truly grateful to have been a choreographer for you all. Watching you all grow significantly as dancers was truly such an amazing experience. Even through our 2+ hour practices and many bumps in the road, you all stuck to having a great performance and experience, and I’m proud of all of you for that!! So sad to be leaving the donodovoan club but hopefully you will keep that alive as I move on.
– Here’s to more free boba and amazing performances, Donovan <3

To Mod21 underclassmen (Sarah Kumar, Brent, Damaris, Riya, Naomi, Charlotte, Nelly, Nidhi, & Fedora), I will you an ICHSA first place win!! Joining Mod21 this past year has been an amazing experience, and you all made it so much better. Through all of our 5+ hour practices, surprise birthday cakes, spoonful’s of honey, and 9bar singing extravaganzas, this has been a truly great experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything. You all are so talented and amazing!! I just know that Mod21’s time is coming soon!! I hope you all continue to shine with your amazing vocal and dance skills. Waiting to see who the next amazing choreographer will be too (Sarah Kumar). Good luck next year!
– Love, Donovan <3

Ebba Kaulas
To Megan Onorato, I will you a new (very functional) spine. Additionally, I will you the ability to not dislike tomatoes and draw as many clocks on your face as you would like.

To Neev Patel, Michael Meng and Ankit Walishetti, I will you a permanent setup for a robotics field (or at least progress in establishing one), good sleep schedules, and a clean lab.

To Neev Patel, specifically, I will you an excellent listening experience with all future Billie Eilish albums, and a dap up from Jayant Kumar.

To Noel Skariah, I will your iPad invincibility from boiling water and a black iPhone 11 case (if you’re still looking for one).

To Stella Ristic, I will you immunity to our planetary table’s senioritis, along with an unlimited amount of iPad storage for your beautiful notes.

To all the 01 C wing underclassmen, I will you a lovely time in your wings next year with decorations (and skeletons) that live up to our current ones.

To the next 01 Clash head, I will you an overall placement in the top 3.

To Shridhar Mehendale, I will you rizz, a full ride to Hustler’s University and a guaranteed #1 spot in that stocks game you like to play.

Einsey Socrates
To Riya, I will you so much love and a happy senior year. I remember when I first met you in the wing and we just talked and got to know each other. We just talked and talked and ever since then, I was able to tell you anything. You are always so smiley and make me laugh. Good luck in senior year without up-quad goof, luv u :)

To Manu, I will you a new Revlon. You are such a sweet and silly and kind girl. I am so happy we went to Paris together (museum date was my fav hehe). Keep smiling and working hard manu :)

To Carissa, I will you to have an unlimited gridabby sesh with me and Dani. I am so happy that I got close to you this year and during badminton (Carissa carries me in doubles). You are a smart, kind person, and will do great in the future. Have fun next year and keep being a goof :)

To B-wing down quad (Haley, Riya, Aarna, Gabbi), I will you the down-quad again next year. You guys are such a hardworking group of people and I wish you all nothing but the best for the future. Haley, thank you for spending nights with me in the study room and helping me with math. Aarna, you are such a chill person to talk to and thank your parents for the halloween party hehe. Gabbi, you are such a sweet person and w sangeet partner. Love you guys you will do great <3

To Muskaan, I will you another person to wave at in the hallways. You are such a sweetie girl and I am so happy we met during tennis season. Keep smiling and keep making more memories your last two years of IMSA <3

To Anya Parikh, I will you a doubles partner that is deserving to have you. You are such a sweet girl and on top of that a great tennis player. Thank you for being my doubles partners this year and helping me get to state my senior year. Keep smiling and working hard for the next two years :)

To Julia Sun, I will you an unlimited amount of cheese crackers. Have fun your next two years of highschool and keep smiling. You will do great in the future :)

To Stella, I will you the ability to not fall asleep in planetary. You are such a hard worker and am so glad I am able to crack jokes with you. Thank you for always carrying me in planetary and I am wishing nothing but the best for you in the future cause you deserve it :)

To Ankit and Jaxon, I will you the ability to do math without me yapping. Thanks for letting me yap to you guys literally whatever comes to mind. Also for the unlimited jokes cracked in class (that i cannot say.)
You guys will do great in the future and keep the grind going!!

To Vijnna, I will you a money necklace. YO YO YO!!!! You are such a goofy person and always have a smile on your face. I wish you all the best for the future :)

To Laksh Mehta, I will you an ice cream proof car. You are always saying and doing the goofiest stuff. Party hard in the future (not too hard)!!

To Laksh Patel, I will you the ability to win in the key game next year (even though you’re not going to).

Ellen Guan

To Nathan Handjojo, I will you nothing, to represent the amount of brain capacity you have. Like, please stop attacking me (respect your elders smh), please get an actual fashion sense and not be cold 24/7 or look like a Boy Scout camper, and please keep your hands safe, buddy (even though I wouldn’t be surprised if I see you in 20 years and you wave to me with your bionic arm because you accidentally cut it off with a chainsaw). Jokes aside, I will you more than a hundred years of your life well lived. You are one of the most hardworking, passionate, and talented people I have met (no joke), and I admire your very practical view of the world and how you are somehow able to do every single STEM club in existence at IMSA. Please, for the sake of your nonexistent sanity, get better hobbies, you engineer (although we should definitely race against each other in 3×3, 2×2, and 4×4 one day frfr). Either way, though, you’ve helped make my last year at IMSA so memorable. From cutting up a dodgeball during Spirited Away straight to spending last minute (second) edits to the jank pieces of wood that we call builds, to whatever Fermi questions is supposed to be, to totally writing all of your Hadron articles on physics (stop using ChatGPT thx), your chaotic nature never fails to make me laugh. Jo nat hand hand jo jo, you’re my favorite grandson and I WILL be visiting you. whether you like it or not <333


To Brian Leong, I will you any Hatsune Miku merch you want and not to get disowned by your parents <333 So please, don’t give up on pursuing the arts (of which, by the way, you should definitely get back into traditional art!!) no matter what anyone says. And I say this because you’re such an amazing person of whom I know you will have a great future in front of you. You’re so bluntly hilarious, chill to be around, and a crazy good writer (ik ur sister is so grateful for your edits hehehehe), and by the way, Hadron board might be needing you next year LMAOOO. Speaking of Hadron, please continue bullying writers to edit their articles in time (with love, ofc). I also just admire your leadership, your ideas, and your proactivity, so I know that you’ll be able to grab Hadron out of the mud and make it more well-known next year (better than Acronym frfr). You’ve also just been there for me—thank you for listening to me while I yap and giving me the advice I needed to hear. Lastly, I admire how you value your sleep (Mr. 9 pm bedtime). Please don’t lose that while you battle for your life in the trenches that is senior year (and maybe improve your spice tolerance while you’re at it?). Sending much love, and keep in touch next year! I’ll be here if you need any help with STEM classes :D


To the IMSA Badminton Team, I will you an IMSA sweep every single game and tournament y’all play next year. Ria, Maya, Vibhasri, Trina, Gyuri, and Sarah—you guys are the best unofficial JV members I’ve ever met (thank you Sarah for splitting my lip open with your racquet). Y’all are a bunch of goofballs and I adore you all so much. Bhagya (Fhagya???)—thank you for being our lovely, lovely manager and team mascot (hehehe). Shreshta—thank you for giving me so much helpful advice and encouragement every match, Carissa—thank you for being an amazing role model, Sai—thank you for being so kind and patient with me before my first varsity match (when I had no idea what I was doing LOL). And to the rest of the badminton team (Aashini, Rhea, Brahmani, Dhivija, Katherine, Shruthi, Rishima), thank you guys so, so, so much for being so supportive of me during this first year I’ve ever played badminton competitively. You all are incredibly goofy but talented, and I know that y’all will improve so much in these next few years. I love you all <333


To the Science Olympiad team, I will you Nats next year. The last two years with you guys have been some of my favorite memories I’ve made at IMSA, and I can’t help but call this team my home. From scrambling to build builds the night before, to hastily fixing them at the competition, to getting our RCs mad from the amount of wikispam we print, to sacrificing our hands from the amount of cuts we get from sawing through a pipe with an x-acto knife (I’m looking at you Nathan), I wouldn’t want to lose my sanity and 99% of my ten to the -20934824 brain cells with any other group of people. (Side note: Given the amount of brain cells I have, how many copies of me would it take to create a black hole? Fermi question, round to the nearest power of ten.) Rishima—Thank you for carrying Scrambler (fr). You’re actually an angel and light up the room wherever you go (especially with your baby voice hehe). Eric—I love your laugh and your smile; you spread so much positivity to everyone. And you should definitely try out for Codebusters again (including honorary Science Olympiad member Cadeen LMAOO) >:))) Dylan—I couldn’t ask for a better Flight partner. I know you’re in Science Bowl half of the time, but you’re so kind, patient, and you’ve given me so much insight into crafting one of the best airplane designs, so I thank you so much. Ian—you’re one of the unironically funniest people I’ve ever met. Please keep doing what you do. Aahana and Aarushi—you guys are some of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. It’s always lovely talking to you both, and you make this team (and 02!!!) an amazing place. Carolyn—my favorite exped member >:))) You’re one of the smartest people I’ve ever met, and I admire your passion and maturity. And to everyone else (Cameron, Nathan, Jasper, Jean, Katherine, Vedanti, Chad, Shrikar), it’s been so fun competing with you guys. You all are some of the most hardworking people I’ve ever met, and I have no doubt y’all will carry on us seniors’ legacies next year. I’ll be watching when y’all get to Nats for the first time since the 90s frfr. I love you all so so so much <3


To Katherine Jiang, I will you all the most delicious food in the world and carrying Codebusters next year with the amount of Xenocrypts you’ll solve (obviously since you were part of the absolute GOATed codebusters team during our first comp ehehehe). I love your laugh and chaotically unhinged behavior, yet you’ve also given me some really helpful advice. I couldn’t be happier to share the same mbti with anyone else, my lovely lovely child <333 and never forget your astro dreams!!


To Aashini Sanapala, I will you better IMSA CS classes. You don’t understand how grateful I am to call you my doubles partner (for most of the games that is LMAO). Even in the past few days, you’ve helped me improve so much in my technique (I swear I know how to flick trusttttt), and especially that one day when we were grinding smashes and receives for like thirty minutes straight. You’ve single handedly made me start to like doubles better. (I still won’t ever forgive you for thinking that I was a sophomore this whole time cryyyy T_T) I wish you the best of luck with your future, and I hope you’ll be able to land that backhand dropshot one day :D 


To Anya Parikh, I will you table tennis presidency during your senior year >:D Please make table tennis the best IMSA club frfr (and never forget your aspiration to take over). You’re one of the most committed people I’ve met, and I look forward to seeing what you accomplish in the next two years :DDD 


To Chad Park, I will you acceptances to every college you apply to. You may not think of it yourself, but you’re actually so talented and well-rounded. I admire your amiability, your ability to befriend anyone, as well as your carefree spirit, and I hope you never give up oboe. Thank you, so, so much for always being there for me and helping me with builds. It’s always entertaining hanging out with you, and I can’t wait to see what kinds of things you’ll accomplish next year. Believe in yourself :DDD 


To Ellen Hsuan, I will you more time to create God-tier art pieces. I admire your driven, hardworking, and self-reflective personality. You’re such a joy to have in 1502a wing (the best wing ofc ofc), and I can’t be happier to share basically the same backstory with anyone else (I see you 16p lurker… hehehe)! <3 


To Arjun Brahmandan, I will you an amazing table tennis presidency next year. I admire your passion for this sport, I enjoy every time we play in the crusty room that is stunion, and I have no doubt you will be a strong leader. Please carry on us seniors’ legacy and win in ITTI next year >:D


To Aarna Patel, I will you amazing essays every single time you write >:)


To Max Chen, I will you an A in Compusci. Thank you for putting up with Shrikar and my antics during MVC, the late night help whilst Dong loves to torture us, and for telling me to drop out of Compusci the very first day of class. Your comment has really helped me improve to become the programmer and person I am today. JK LOL, you’re actually so talented and it’s such a pleasure sharing so many classes together. 


To Karthik Prasad, I will you a string from string theory. You’re actually so cracked frfr and will be an incredible co-Junior Head editor. When I visit IMSA next year, I hope to see you cooking some cloud chambers at Physics Club frfr. You’re also so entertaining to talk to and I wish you the best for your bright future <3 


To Andrew Katson, I will you grass. You’re going to be an amazing Hadron head editor in chief (aka president), and so I leave it in your hands to make sure Hadron expands its horizons. I believe that you will do well. :D


To Cameron Eddington, I will you a gibbon. You’ve been an awesome Optics partner and event leader (Harlem stole that medal away from us frfr), and I hope you continue researching with some crazy PDFs next year too :DDD


To Josie Kim, I will you all the tickets to IU, Enhyphen, and every other Kpop group you love in the world. I love how you’re always smiling (through your pain), as we suffer through MVC together (crying rn), and I admire your passion for anything you do. Thank you for being an amazing friend and I wish you the best of luck during your senior year!!!!!! (please don’t wreck your sleep schedule even more) <3 


To Shrikar Dulam, I will you a huge chunk of pure chocolate so that when you chomp on it your teeth rot and break, a month trip to Japan when you’re 25 (all due to The Plan ofc) so that you’ll fall in love with the food and the cherry blossoms and the haikyuu merch and then I can laugh at you for all the time you’ve laughed at me for being a weeb (like have u even looked in the mirror), and lastly, tickets to an Ado concert (because I have to be nice sometimes.) By the way, I have a dream that, one day, you’ll be able to watch a volleyball sail through the air and land perfectly in your outstretched hands, and you’ll watch your pass go up to the front, where the setter is waiting—but oh wait. That’s just a dream, not reality. Anyway, my last gift to you is a black hole, so you can suck up every piece of information about this universe, and you’ll know it all. And I know you’ll be able to handle it, and you’ll become the enlightened one. You’ll become the best (the happy ending of your CWW story). And, funny story? I don’t have to actually gift you a black hole to do that. Everything you’ll try to do in the future—quantum computing, finding the (totally real) doubly charged Higgs boson, passing (and hitting slides) in court—I know you’ll be able to do it all one day. And I’ll be watching, sitting in the bleachers, in the audience (next Nobel Prize who????), or right beside you, to laugh in your face and say “I told you so.” So get out there and reach for the stars.

Evelyn Cunneen
To Navya Dixit, I will you the future of TAS. Your passion and love for all things space continues to amaze me, and I just knew you were supposed to be president. You have such an energetic spirit that makes you so much fun to be around, and I’ve loved all our conversations this year (especially when our 30 minute 1-1 become 90. Oops.) and I see a lot of myself in you. Good luck next year, but I know you won’t need it :) You’re going to do such a great job with TAS, and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish!

To Netra Rameshbabu, I will you a restful SSS, you deserve it. You’ve worked so hard this year, and it shows in all that you’ve accomplished. You have had such amazing ideas this year, and you’re always looking to push the club forward, even when you’re busy doing the million different things you do. I know you’re going to make a wonderful Vice-President, and remember that you can always reach out to me if you need absolutely anything.

To Anjali Samal, I will you no more sketchy web-based software knockoffs. Seriously. Just learn Adobe, it’ll be so much easier. Jokes aside, I’ve loved getting to know you more this year (even if it meant giving you access to my card information for your little free-trial so we could actually finish propics smh). However, If I see you grinding in the wing commons until god-knows-when one more time, I’ll make you sleep myself. Please sleep more. You need it. You’re an incredibly hard worker, and I know that means you’re going to end up exactly where you’re supposed to be. I can’t wait to see what you do next year, and remember that I’m always here if you need me.

To my TAS sophomores (Dhivija, Mahima, and Vivienne), I will you a plethora of fun events over the next two years. Seeing you all grow into your positions as soph reps has been so rewarding, and I know you’re going to continue to do great things in the future.

To Hamsika Thumu, I will you the position of 06 movie head. Getting to know you during Clash was one of the highlights of my year, and your talent for production is unmatched. I couldn’t have asked for a better person to create 06’s movie with. Remember to keep creating cool things, and follow your passions, I can’t wait to see what you do.

To Kaella Moraga, I will you a senior year that’s just as sweet as you are. I had so much fun in F-Trad with you, and you did such an amazing job with it. You have one of those energies that can light up a room, and I wish I had spent more time getting to know you.

To Hailey Messina, I will you the 06 stunt team. I’m still upset that you couldn’t perform with us during pep rally, especially after we all worked so hard to make sure every stunt could go up. I always loved your energy during practices, and I can’t wait to see what you all do next year.

To all future 06 B-Wingers, I will you a strong community. Living in B-Wing for all three years has been an absolute privilege, and I’ve loved serving as your Wing Liaison this year. (Keep the snack basket going for me :D) Some of my favorite moments at IMSA have been spent talking in the wing commons during late nights, and I hope you all continue making memories with all the new people you meet.

To Carter and Kelsie, I will you both the future of ISP booth. You both are more than capable, so make sure to keep up the chill booth vibes and try to break the record for how many people we can fit in that little room. Keep growing your team, keep innovating, and I pray you don’t run into too many unexplainable software bugs along the way :)

To the future of ISP board, I will you the opportunity to get some sleep. ISP includes some of the most talented and passionate people I have ever met, and with that comes people who don’t know how to take a break (myself included). Over the past three years I have put my heart and soul into every aspect of this club, and I hope you all continue to enjoy the incredible team you’ve created. Treasure the time you have together, it’ll be over before you know it. Finally, never forget ISP’s motto, and always “Do Cool S***”.

To Alea Ritchie, I will you a very successful (and restful) senior year. We haven’t had as many chances to talk as I wanted to have, but I knew from the second I met you that you were meant to do great things. Keep creating, keep working hard, and I can’t wait to see what you do.

To Ibrahim Bah, I will you a clean and organized ITMC. We all unanimously decided that you would be an iconic Facilities head, and you’re already going above and beyond to prove that we made the right decision. It’s been an absolute pleasure to get to know you this year :) You’re a very fun person to be around, and I’ve always loved our conversations. Make sure to keep everyone else in check, and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish.

To Sarah Almeida, I will you organized spreadsheets and frequently updated google calendar invites. I know you’re going to make such a great secretary. (You already are one, let’s be real.) Keep taking excellent notes, don’t let Sydney talk about the Amazing Race, and I know ISP will be in good hands with you.

To Sydney Hunter, I will you many more seasons of the Amazing Race. I know that I am leaving the future of ISP in good hands with you and your incredibly dedicated self, and I can’t wait to see how you grow into the role as Co-President during your senior year. You’ve already ran into some of the common hiccups and handled them extremely well. Make sure to keep everyone in line, and I trust that you will do amazing things over your next year.

To Thomas Blough, I will you many more access walks. I don’t even really know where to start with this one. You kind of just appeared in my life, and I couldn’t be more grateful. You manage to light up every room you walk into, and not many people have that ability. I think everyone needs a Tommy, and I’ll forever treasure our conversations. I think one of my biggest regrets might just be not talking to you sooner. I’m choosing to leave the future of ISP with you, and I know that there’s no better person for the job. You’re so passionate about everything you do (which is admirable), but with that, comes your reminder to rest. For someone who always gets on other people to take care of themselves, you don’t seem to do an awful lot of it. So next year, sleep. Eat good food. And take care of yourself. You deserve it.

Faizaan Shaikh
To Baby CAB (Alea, Andrew, Luci, Shiloh), I will you all a non-controversial senior game and a solid CAB drill. CAB was truly one of my favorite parts of senior year, and I am so thrilled you four were chosen to be a part of the group. This year has been nothing short of a roller coaster, and while I know I’ve told you all this before, I’m repeating it because it’s true. CAB was substantially less stressful for me this year than it was the previous year, and it’s all because of you four. The trust I could place in all of you to complete the work allowed CAB to function successfully. We’ve all come a long way from Luau of last year, to lackluster attendance during Homecoming, a confusing 12 Days with Color Reveal and CLASH back-to-back. I’ve been incredibly impressed by the growth you’ve all gone through, whether it’s being more engaged during meetings, being more confident while MCing, etc. CAB performs best when all of its members are close-knit, and I am confident that you will continue to build that link and achieve even greater success. CAB allows you to express your creativity while also helping to rebuild the campus culture. While the focus is hosting events for the student body, make sure you all have fun too and limit as much stress as possible. Stay close with one another, be vocal about what you want and everything will turn out fine. Remember that I’m always just a messenger or phone call away, so don’t hesitate to reach out anytime you have a question. I wish you all the best of luck for next year even though you won’t need it.

To CAB Director, I will you one of the best organizations on campus. I’m writing this before the election, so I have no idea who won. Regardless, I know that you will be a great director. This position holds a lot of weight on campus and people will look towards you when things go well and especially when things go bad. So be patient, take risks, and take in the advice of the rest of CAB and your peers. While you are the director, you will find the most success when you allow the entirety of CAB to ideate together. Work to foster an environment that allows everyone to joke around, have fun and relax. But don’t forget to take these into account for yourself as well. Being the Director can be stressful at times, so be sure to have an optimistic attitude and rely on those around you for guidance. Take time for yourself as well and remember that I’ll always be a phone call or message away, so reach out with any questions. Finally, remember the privilege that CAB has been given compared to other organizations, and use that to help the clubs around you. Good luck and have fun!

To TALENT Exec (Haley, Himani, Shridhar), I will you a year of solid attendance. You three were chosen because of your commitment to TALENT and the ability to stamp the club’s presence on campus. Haley, I will you an even better Kanban and a year of great events. Himani, to be honest, I’m not entirely sure how competitions will work next year, but I know you will do what’s best for TALENT. Shridhar, I will you an innovative curriculum for INC/THINK and a trip to 1871 (convince Steve, it would be very beneficial). Best of luck you three, but I know TALENT is in good hands.

To TALENT Co-Prez (Sohum & Neev) ,I will you one of the best organizations on campus and for TALENT merch to be delivered much earlier in the year. You two have been given a great responsibility. TALENT fell off a little bit this year. There’s no doubt about it. But Danica and I chose you two because we know you can bring back the reputation TALENT once had and exceed it. From your sophomore year to this year, you know what TALENT is capable of. Fix what didn’t go well and improve upon what did. TALENT has Co-Presidents for a reason. Work with one another and your executive board to cement TALENT as one of the greatest clubs on campus. Work with Steve and Sue to take risks, be creative, and enhance the entrepreneurial spirit on campus. Our club truly has that potential and you two were the perfect fit to pursue that goal. You guys are brilliant, capable, and very innovative — I am absolutely certain that TALENT will see one of its best years under your eyes. And remember, I am always a messenger or phone call away if you need anything. Good luck and have fun.

To MSA Board (Ayesha, Djamila, Maryam, Mofe, Omar), I will you more consistently attended open conversations and the ability to take attendance on Presence. MSA has been a great time during my senior year and I’m very happy Sufiya and I chose you five to be a part of the group with us. I’ve been very impressed with how you’ve all grown from the beginning of the year. From being more confident, sharing your ideas, and being able to get your work done, you all have shown how much you care for the club. Your Muslim identity is an important part of who you are, therefore use your faith to continue MSA’s success in the following year. Keep showing up to meetings, be creative, take risks, and hold yourselves accountable. And if any of you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out. Good luck.

To MSA Co-Prez (Ayesha & Djamila), I will you a successful Banquet. You two have been given a responsibility that was once deemed insignificant. However, as you saw, Sufiya and I brought the club up to the point where MSA’s presence has been stamped on this campus. It’s now up to you to continue this for next year and I have no doubt that you can make MSA an even greater club than it was this year. Work with one another to keep the rest of the board and yourselves accountable. Muslims are and will always be a minority on this campus, so it is up to you two to foster an environment that allows our small community to come together. Work with Rodrigo and Donelson ahead of time (very far in advance) to organize events and delegate if/when the year gets stressful. You have a very committed board that will work with you as long as you two stay on top of things. Clubs only function when the board is tight with one another so you must also create an atmosphere where everyone is comfortable sharing their opinions. You two have the capabilities to be successful. Make sure MSA is a top priority and the year will go well. Always reach out if you have any questions and I wish you two the best of luck. (Also, be sure to start fundraising for the Banquet early in first semester).

To Table Tennis Team (Roy, Andrew, Arjun), I will you more consistent team practices and trips to the outlet mall. Being a part of the team has been a ton of fun and I’m very happy with how we performed this year. It’s been great to see your progress from the beginning of the year to now. You three can definitely continue this success next year but remember that the point of the game is to have fun. I wish you all the best of luck and I better see you all at the state tournament again next year.

To Table Tennis Board (Anya, Arjun, Louis, Roy) – I will you all the ability to become co-curricular and more on-campus events. This is definitely something we lacked this year, but from reading your applications, I know you all can change that next year. Be creative, take risks, and be consistent. Table tennis has a large general membership so be sure to take student input to host events that will garner their attention. While the table tennis club was a low commitment this year, it must be a priority in order to become a well-known club. Focus on the team, but ensure that the club holds a presence on campus. Reach out if you ever have any questions, but I have no doubt you will be successful.

To 05 RSLs (Xander, Evan, Nathan, Deen, Asad, Shri, Ibrahim, Adi, Maneth, Josefh), I will you more potlucks and a great group of sophomores. You guys have a couple of amazing returning members (Shri, Ibrahim, and Josefh), so for the new RSLs, learn from them to be great liaisons. Be consistent with your events and keep a good relationship with the RCs (Ibrahim). Create an exciting environment for the sophomores and provide a culture that the upperclassmen will remember. However, make sure you all enjoy the events you put on as that’s the only way you’ll be successful. Always reach out if you have any questions and good luck.

To the 05 HCL (Josefh Hernandez), I will you a key game with no issues and solid attendance-taking skills. Being an RSL all three years and noticing the initiative you take when hosting events makes you — by far — the most qualified candidate for HCL. I’ve been extremely impressed with how proactive you are in improving the 1505 culture and how aware you are of your peers’ preferences (05 Ramadan Lock-In…fire idea). Seeing how easily you assimilated into the HCL position when I was unable to put the effort in makes me certain that next year’s 05 RSLs will be one of the greatest groups 05 has ever had. Keep being innovative, take risks, and utilize those around you to establish 05 as the greatest hall. You are also an extremely genuine person. I still remember the post you made on this ismn’t a meme to let people know to stop throwing hate my way after CLASH. That meant a lot and I hope you never lose that side to you. But, remember to take time for yourself too. That’s something I struggled with and the impact was shown from our inactivity during the first semester. Stay on top of everything but enjoy your senior year. Always reach out if you have any questions or just want to talk. Good luck Josefh, although you won’t need it.

To 05C upquad (Arjun, Shri, Asad, Saad), I will you four 05C downquad and an unlimited supply of popcorn (thank you Shri). I’m pretty sure I only hung out with you guys once, but best believe that will change this semester. You four are very hard workers and I know it will pay off. Don’t let the college application process worry you. I know it’s easier said than done. But you’ll end up exactly where you need to be and what’s best for you. You are all very genuine people and it’s great to see how you bond with one another. Never lose that aspect, as, at times, the quad is where you feel the most comfortable and the group of people you turn to. I wish you all the best of luck for next year and always reach out if you need anything.

To 05 C Wing (Maneth, Zach, Sebastian, Sumaer, Paul, Drew, Tony, Michael, River, Asad, Saad, Arjun, Shri), I will you a strong group of sophomores and another Wing Wars victory. I’ve been in C wing all three years and enjoyed each year. I know myself and the rest of the seniors may not have been the greatest role models, but I hope you learned something or at least found something that should change. Encourage underclassmen and serve as positive role models not only for C-wing sophomores but for all 05 sophomores and the entire campus. I also will you all luck that you do not get shafted next year with housing, and that you can establish a strong wing culture (in a positive manner) upon what we did this year.

To Laksh Mehta, I will you Boys Dance. You’re a cracked dancer and I know you can make boys better than it was these past two years. And make sure practices are fun. Boys is only boys when no one knows what they’re doing until the week of the show. I was extremely glad you got added to Asante Modern. Reach out if you ever have any questions about anything and have a great senior year. Stay on top of everything but have fun. Also, I better see you in all the moderns next year.

To Sadkrith Malladi, I will you some better posture and confidence. We’ve been in the same math class three times and each time has been its own unique experience. Whether it’s you singing a song with your extravagant hand gestures, scrolling through Times of India, or complaining about how you did Spanish 4 homework as a Spanish 5 student. You’re a smart dude Sadi and insanely cracked at chess. When you put your mind to something, you get it done. Ignore the distractions and lock in. You’re very capable and I know you can go far. Always reach out if you ever need anything. But as long as you keep listening to the Motherland Melodies, everything will be fine.

To Shashi Salavath, I will you an unlimited UberEats budget. From first messaging you and Jeffrey as my little Sibs through Snap, to meeting you in person, playing soccer together, being on TALENT together, and everything else in between, it’s been great to know you, Shashi. You’re a very nice and comical person to be around. Seeing how hard you work, whether for your startup, compusci, or something else I’ll never understand, has been nothing short of inspiring. You’re incredibly smart and someone I know that will go far. Ignore the outside drama and focus on priorities. I know you’re nervous about college applications, but have faith that everything will turn out fine. You’ll end up exactly where you need to be to continue being successful. I’m very happy that you’re choosing to play soccer again, as that’s something I constantly regret. Have fun as soccer was one of the ways I got away from all the IMSA stress. That’s the main thing for senior year. Work hard, but remember to have fun — whether it’s through soccer or another hobby of yours. Also, remember to keep me in the loop on how things are going, and always feel free to reach out whenever you need. Good luck Shashi, although I know you won’t need it.

To Jeffrey Yao, I will you some self-defense from Anirudh. I apologize for not talking to you as much this year and for not playing soccer. But realistically, how many more games would you have won with me? College apps with soccer will be a lot (one of the reasons why I chose not to play), but I know you’ll be able to handle it. Stay on top of everything and get as much done as you can over the summer. Don’t let the first semester scare you either. You’ll be fine wherever you end up and I have no doubt you’ll be successful. And although soccer might be worse next year, just have fun playing the game. That’s the whole point. You’re a great player (not as good as me though obviously). Keep making DJ Khaled jokes to Joel and make him run with you once, please. I’m always here if you ever need anything or just want to talk. I wish you the best of luck next year and I’m excited to see where senior year takes you. Also, I do say hi to you first. You just choose to ignore it.

To Andrew Wong, I will Maoping some wealth and prosperity. From interviewing you for CAB, working with you, and being in Graphics together, we’ve had some very interesting interactions. You have some unique perspectives – some valid while others are not – but it’s a struggle to get them out of you in public settings. For your senior year, I will you the confidence to start saying what you believe and the confidence to MC properly. Especially in CAB meetings, be more vocal. I see you make a face when you disagree with someone else’s idea but you never say anything. You always try to get “up and out.” If you start voicing your thoughts, CAB will be significantly better. Outside of CAB, however, you’re a pretty chill dude. You mentioned how much you changed since coming to IMSA and honestly, I think it’s for the better. Prioritize what you need to prioritize and don’t get bogged down in unnecessary drama. I’m always just a messenger or phone call away, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything. Good luck and please get better at basketball.

To Manu, Haley, Riya, and Gabi, I will you a relaxing, carefree senior year and a functional quad. Waving/smiling at you four was always a bright spot in my day and I hope you find a junior to do the same for you. First semester will be rough but y’all are hard workers. As long as you stay on top of everything and remember to have fun, everything will turn out fine. Manu, I apologize for not talking with you as much as I should have, but seeing your growth from sophomore year has been incredible. I have no doubt you’ll go far, so continue the legacy of students from Iles → Franklin → SHS → IMSA. Haley, I will you more walks around campus with Gabi and an even hyper girls dance. Riya, I will you a successful year on ISA and a culture show that doesn’t conflict with Homecoming. Gabi, I will you more walks around campus with Haley and an even better table than the one we had for BioChem (although I doubt that will happen). Please, however, learn to ask the teacher to leave class without name-dropping Arjun and me. You four have great work ethics and it’s very apparent. Remember, I’m always here if you need anything, so don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or if you just want to talk. I’m excited to see where senior year takes you, but don’t forget to have fun.

To Mofe Suleiman, I will you a little sib that you can be a better big sib to than me. When I first was told that you were my little sib, I was excited to know a fellow Muslim that was interested in table tennis would be joining the IMSA community. I apologize for not reaching out to you as much as I should have, but from what I’ve seen, you’ve been doing great. You have an amazing work ethic, Mofe. I always see you working on something — whether it be studying with friends, working on math, etc. Have faith that it will pay off in the end. I was very happy to have you on MSA as well and have no doubt that you and the rest of the board will have a successful year. Be vocal about your ideas and stay committed. MSA requires a lot of dedication to stay consistent and I know you can do that. Junior year will also get intense, academically, but as long as you keep working the way you have been, you will be completely fine. Always reach out whenever you need help on anything or just want to talk. Good luck Mofe and let’s finally run up the table tennis match.

To Sumaer Gupta, I will you some better comedy. I was excited when I heard from Shikhar that you would be attending IMSA, and even better, were going to be in the same wing as me. Ever since welcome week, I’ve seen you grow and do some great things as a sophomore. You’re a cracked singer, tennis player, and dancer. I better see you in boys again next year (potentially even as a choreo?). I know – without a doubt – that you will be an even greater junior (and soon, senior as well). While I haven’t talked to you as much as I should have, I hope you’ve learned something from me and been able to forge your path here at IMSA. Keep being outgoing and stay genuine. Junior year will also get intense, academically, but as long as you keep working the way you have been, you will be completely fine. Always remember to keep in touch and reach out to me whenever you need. I want to hear how you’re doing and how successful you’re going to become. Stay positive, do what you enjoy, and you’ll go far. Good luck Sumaer.

Garrett Snedden
To Indy Xu, I will you comfortable silence. Thank you for everything. For walks, for late-night calls, for hanging out in MTC with Nate, for tacos, for stargazing, for Jeff and Gordon, for band and mechanics, for being an incredible person and musician, and most importantly an amazing friend. I’m so incredibly happy to have gotten to know you this year. I hope your senior year is as incredible as mine has been. From, Garrett.

To Nolan Hansen, I will you sardines. So many sardines. Boxes and bags of them, one might even say. I seriously do not have words to describe how happy I am to have gotten to know you and work with you and act with you. It’s truly been an honor. You’re one of the funniest people I know, and you’re seriously just an awesome person to be around. I’ve had so much fun acting with you, playing in band class behind you, listening to you crack jokes, and reminiscing about Noises Off! with you. You’ll always be Garry to me. You’re an incredible actor who just lights up the stage. I hope you find whatever makes you happy, I hope you keep doing drama (you BETTER keep doing drama), and I hope that your senior year is absolutely incredible. And who knows, maybe somewhere down the line we’ll share the stage one more time. I love ya Nolan. Invite me back to see shows next year. Viel Glück im nächsten Jahr! Catch ya later, Garrett.

To Skylar Vickers, I will you sardines, quick-drying glue, and black sheets and things. I’ve had so much fun acting with you these past two years. You’re such a talented actor and your personality lights up the room. You’ve been such a huge part of the drama club, and I’m so glad I got the chance to work with you in so many shows. Keep doing drama, because you’ve got a gift for it. Thanks for being such a kind, enthusiastic person. It’s been an honor to share the stage with you. Keep being awesome. Sincerely, the Gar.

To Sarah Almeida, I will you volume, because you need to put more air through your horn. It’s been awesome getting to know you this year. I’ve come to learn that under your cold, sarcastic exterior is actually a very sweet and kind person. Who would’ve thought! You’re a slay-coded trombonist, and it’s been such a joy being able to play with you and mess around in Al’s sectionals with you. You’ve a huge part of why this year’s band has been such an incredible experience, and I will miss playing with you dearly. Let me know when concerts are next year. Viel Glück im nächsten Jahr! See ya around, Garrett.

To Sam Einhaus, I will you the secret location to the gold hidden in D wing. Come see me, alone, and don’t be wearing a wire because I’ll know and it won’t end well for you. You’re such a seriously funny, joyful person, and it’s been a blast to mess around with you in the wing before check, make stupid jokes, and say “Hi”to you in the hallways because Indy only ever sees you around me. And getting to know you in ISoMP and band has been awesome as well. You’re just an awesome guy to be around and I’m so glad that I got to know you this year. I hope your next two years at IMSA are absolutely incredible. Stay in band, because we need trumpets as good as you! Viel Glück in den nächsten zwei Jahren! See ya later, Garrett.

To Arjun Brahmandam and Rachel Qi, I will you the ISoMP fortune. Keep it secret, keep it hidden, and whatever you do, don’t invest it in crypto. It’s incredible musicians like you who make me want to actually go and practice for once in my life. ISoMP has been such a huge part of my IMSA experience, and you two are a huge part of why. Rachel, you’re seriously one of the best musicians I’ve ever met. It’s been such a joy and a pleasure and an honor to get to know you in ISoMP and play music with you. Your violin playing is absolutely mesmerizing, and your compositions are incredible. More than that, you’re hilarious and friendly and just an awesome person to be around. Arjun you’re seriously one of the kindest, most sincere, genuine people I’ve ever met, not to mention one of the greatest musicians I’ve ever played with. Getting to work with you and play music with you in ISoMP and jazz has been such a joy and a pleasure and an honor. You’re the only thing keeping jazz band together and on tempo 95% of the time and we all know it. You’re such an incredibly kind person, and it’s always great to see you.To both of you, keep being awesome. And let me know when concerts are so I can come watch next year :D Good luck next year! I’ll B# you later, Garrett.

To Carter Pozkozim, I will the ability to stop swearing. You can do it! I believe in you! It’s been awesome getting to know you these past two years, and getting to work with you in drama and ISoMP and Les Phys has been awesome. You’re hilarious and creative and it’s been a blast working with you. Les Phys is gonna be the film of the century. I hope you keep doing drama because you’re a great actor, and it’s been incredible to share the stage with you. Keep being awesome. See you around, Garrett.

To Izen Wong, I will you crime. Here’s to it! You’re such a funny, genuine, kind person, and it’s been such a joy to share the stage with you this year. I hope you keep doing drama, because you’re such a talented actor who just lights up the stage. You clearly have a gift for playing the clown, because you do it so well. Hopefully you get some serious roles mixed in there too! Variety is good. Keep being your amazing self, and I hope the rest of your time at IMSA is awesome. See ya, Garrett.

To Brent Rodrigo, I will you even more iconic roles that you were just made for. You’re an incredible actor who just fills up the stage, and it’s truly been wonderful acting with you, from Puffs to Wedding Intern’s Farce to And Then There Were None. You’re a hilarious, kind, and just an overall incredible person, and it has been amazing getting to know you and getting to share the stage with you. You truly are an alpha male in a god’s body. Keep being awesome. Catch ya later, Garrett.

To Marlowe Glasgow, I will you doors, sardines, and bananas. And sleep, because you haven’t slept in 48 hours! It’s been amazing getting to share the stage with you. From Noises Off! to Steak Night and Les Phys, I’ve had such a blast getting to know you and act with you. You’re such an amazing actor and just an awesome person in general. I hope your senior year is absolutely incredible. Viel Glück im nächsten Jahr! See you around! Garrett.

To Grania Kozlowski, I will you steak. Real tender, mom. You’re awesome, hilarious person, and I’m so glad I got the chance to get to know you in drama the past two years. You’re an incredible actress and working with you has been amazing. I almost forgive you for salting the Steak Night pudding. Good luck next year! Garrett.

To Isla Calderon, I would will you dental floss, except I’m all out! :( Acting in Wedding Intern’s Farce with you was awesome, and I hope you keep doing drama at IMSA. You’re such a kind, hilarious person, and it was a pleasure acting with you and getting to know you. Keep being awesome, and good luck in the next two years! Garrett.

To Najjar Khalil, I will you a next-door neighbor that’s as awesome as you are. You’re a hilarious, kind person, and it’s been an absolute joy getting to know you this year and mess around before check with you. I hope your next two years are absolutely incredible. See you around! Garrett.

To Kathryn Schart, I will you more roles that aren’t 8-year-old boys. It’s been so amazing to get to know you the past couple years, from meeting you as your big sib at the beginning of last year and then acting with you in drama. You’re absolutely hilarious, and I’ve had such a blast working with you. I hope you stay in drama because you clearly have a gift for it, and I hope next year is absolutely incredible for you. Thanks for being awesome! See ya later, Garrett.

To D’Avion Taylor, I will you a trombone section at your home school that’s as awesome as you are. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you this semester. You’re an amazing trombonist and an awesome, kind person. You’ve been such a wonderful addition to our trombone section, and I’m so happy to have been able to play with you. I will miss playing with you, and I wish you all the best at your home school. Keep being awesome! -Garrett.

To Sreehaas Chinnala, Sri Chi, my fellow one-syllable Facebook name user, I will you a break from your terrifying 8-mod, double-Fogel schedule. ‘Tis a shame the Facebook names never caught on, I thought we were starting a trend. Brummet MI4 was such a wild class, and I’m glad to have gotten to know you. You’re such a hilarious, energetic person and it’s always a blast talking to you. I hope your senior year is incredible! Catch ya later, Garrett.

George Lu
To Josie Kim, I will you underclassmen as cool as you. Every time seeing you is a joy and fighting you is always something I look forward to, even if some food may get lost in the process. You have been my favorite underclassmen in my years at IMSA. You should’ve stayed in 03, I’m sure we could’ve found some way to be productive in hall commons. Definitely. Bfriend-Gfriend combined was so much fun, even if we couldn’t stop screaming until the final performance. I hope one day we can see a Miku who has been freed from her LED prison. May you have many more succhi di frutta and 0.5s in your life.

To Nikhil Kodali a.k.a nickel a.k.a Nyquil a.k.a nisqueal a.k.a no feel a.k.a no zeal a.k.a Nagi (from Blue Lock) a.k.a banana peel a.k.a steering wheel a.k.a hips of steel a.k.a congeal a.k.a not real a.k.a automobile a.k.a cornmeal a.k.a Brazil a.k.a surreal a.k.a extraperitoneal a.k.a repeal a.k.a seal a.k.a not a meal a.k.a legs of steel a.k.a bestie for real, I will you 1 Hatsune Miku hidden somewhere in 03 C wing. Working with you on those BC 3 assignments was certainly an interesting way of getting to know you, but I’m glad that I did. Math team was fun even if we kept throwing literally all the time. I wish you much more Blue Lock and Pokemon Go. Hopefully you’ll be able to reach the gym from your dorm room next year.

To the flop commons (Tommy Blough, Kaella Moraga, Dani Pasillas, Jongwoo Kim, Max Schwartz), I will you all more long hours of being way too loud after check and RCs willing to put up with shenanigans. The hall commons in 03 has been one of the best parts of my IMSA experience. Even though I may be chronically sleep deprived now, it has still absolutely been worth it to spend more time with you all. I will never forget the great times we had. Tommy, my scoliosis king, I hope you have many more years of dancing and volleyball ahead of you. I know you’ll do great. Kaella, I know you’ll continue to brighten the days of everyone you meet. I hope you carry on being one of the most wonderful people on campus. Dani, I haven’t known you as long as the others, but you’re too good for this place. You’re the funniest sophomore I’ve ever met. I wish you luck against all the opps. Jongwoo, I have really enjoyed talking to you about JJK and being weebs. I wish you luck with volleyball and all your future pursuits as well. Max, I appreciate how chill you are. Keep chilling. I wish you future saxophone success and great times with Tommy.

To the Italy gang (Josie Kim (again), Kaylee Hwang, and Anna Yang), I will you all plane tickets to anywhere. That was one of the best travel experiences I’ve ever had. Getting to hang out with you all while eating the best pasta I’ve ever had is something I’ll take with me for the rest of my life. I know I’ll be looking back on those photos and remembering everything we did. May you all have many more delicious meals and grand adventures around the world. Just don’t make me hold the coats again.

To Rushina Patel, Joshua Mu, Adi Pashupati, Sarah Kumar, Elaine Rao, Cameron Eddington, Lily Zhang, Carissa Chen, Nandini Budithi, Sydney Hunter, Aitran Le, Molly Federici, Damaris Benzar, and Aaliah Vasquez, I will a great IMSA experience. If I’m going to be real I don’t really know what specifically to say to any of you, but you have all helped contribute to a great IMSA experience for me with your positive energy and good vibes.

To the 03 underclassmen, I will you all another year in the best hall on campus. Being in 03 has been the best part of my IMSA experience, and even if I didn’t name drop you, you all have contributed to this community so much. Our drills and our talent shows were amazing and I’m sure y’all will continue to eat. Whether that be with wing wars, CLASH, or just hanging around, I have nothing but good memories of this hall. Also, I know some of you are way cooler than you’re letting on. Y’all should come out to hall commons more often. It’s fun out here.

To the future Spectrum board (José Lazcano, Shanya Yang, Hamsika Thumu, Claudia Kowal, Evette Hernandez, Leanna Cook, Jasper Hlavac), I will you all the budget to do things. Spectrum does important work on campus, and I know you all will not disappoint. José, Shanya, and Hamsika, it has been great working with you all this year even as lots of things have changed with how Spectrum works. You all have stayed on top of things and done so much for this club. Claudia, Evette, Leanna, and Jasper, from my few interactions with you all, I trust that Spectrum will be in safe hands. As long as a certain member of ODEI doesn’t screw things up.

To the math team, I will you all the will to keep going. We’re good at math, we just gotta stop throwing. You’ll do even better next year. Hopefully.

Giada Avina
To my original d wing gossip queens Sarah Kumar and Anjali Ali, I will you sanity during your first semester of senior year. Jk it’s not that bad. However, I will say that sometimes I wish you guys stayed in d wing so that we were able to gossip. Junior year was definitely horrible so the stress is over.Looking back, I think I could recall every single time I was in Sarah’s room and I can just say it was always something that brought me joy. I’m sorry if you ever felt that I was inattentive to things you were saying though, junior year was rough man. You can say that for yourselves as well. Being a senior is freeing and honestly, truly deserved. I know I always joke about how you guys have a year left here but don’t be too sad. Trust me, my IMSA career went by so very quickly and so very slowly at the same time. What I’m trying to say is that if you ever need to stop and take a breath, make sure to do it. Please take care of yourselves in your final year at this school. Anjali,never change who you are because every time I talk to you it’s a breath of fresh air because you just keep it real. Everybody needs someone like you in their life, genuinely. I love you and I’ll miss you and this isn’t just like an awww thing and I’ll just forget in college. I’m saying this with 100% meaning. I will miss seeing you in the halls and side eyeing you when you don’t wave back. All of our small conversations will truly be cherished in my heart. Bye queen<3. Sarah, you are genuinely such a chaotic person, in a good way (trust). I’m glad you get to see enhypen twice this year. We HAVE to take a picture together please, and get a close-up picture of Jay for me. But anyways you and I have been close for as long as I can remember. I remember moving you in last year and my first thought was wow she’s tall. I still think that. However you are more than my tall queen. You are a great friend and writing this to you is gonna make me tear up. Not being able to dance with you is definitely gonna make me sad so maybe I’ll come back and watch you kill it during g-friend again. Bye queen. You guys are truly a dynamic duo and it always makes me happy seeing you guys happy. I hope you guys have lots of fun in your last year of high school because I definitely did. Don’t involve yourself in drama because that always gets annoying. I hope you both continue to have the friendship you have now because those things are hard to find and keep. Come to my room whenever you want food or just want to talk. My door is always open for you two. Feel free to text me whenever in college, maybe I’ll slide to pick you guys up sometime. Love you both, my fav d wing members.

To my dancing queens, Anjali and Tianqing, I will you two an everlasting dancing career. Being in modern with you guys was definitely a very fun experience. I hope you guys never fall out of love with dancing because you guys are very good. I always love dancing with you guys and the rest of modern. Anjali, you are always a ball of sunshine and always elevate everyone’s mood at practice. During Casa I didn’t talk to you much but we got close during CLASH and during Asante. I’m glad we did because I got to see your SKZ shrine. Invite me to your room more often because you lift my mood when I’m around you. I hope you end junior year on a good note and that senior year will be the least amount of stress you’ve ever felt. You deserve a nice break after stressing academically this year. I promise senior year gets better. Tianqing, my d wing queen, you are always eating up every single dance and every time I see you dance I’m always happy. You might be the only sophomore I’ve seen be in every single modern right off the bat. You deserve every ounce of praise you get. You truly are a great dancer and I hope you never fall out of love with dance because you have a gift. I’ll miss your presence in D wing when I leave and I hope you can say the same. I will miss you both and I hope you continue to dance, and I want to see you guys take back 06 drill and seek revenge because everyone knows we were robbed.

To all my Alma underclassmen (Amada, Bella, Cindy, Nelly, Jose, Dael), I will you all a good 24-25 school year. This year definitely had some ups and downs. Casa de Los Muertos would not have been possible without you all. We have made a lot of amazing memories that I will cherish when I leave this school. What you guys did for us at the end of the show was soooo sweet and I will always thank you all for that. I hope you guys don’t run this club to the ground (jkjk I know you won’t.) I trust you will create the best events on campus and hopefully a lot of good memories at the weekly board meetings. To the sophs: you grew a lot this year and I’m glad I got to see you guys get out of your shells. Every time at our meetings you three were always in the little corner being so happy and goofy and you guys were like our little kids. At Least I thought you were. Amada, make sure to get the junior class engaged at the events (I believe in you). Bella, make sure to make Casa memorable, I have no doubt in my mind that you won’t. If it’s good, then I’ll come watch it. Cindy, be a good leader on this club, so that we can have a female president again( no offense to Angel and Jose, women just do it better yk??). To the juniors: this upcoming school year will be your final year on this board. Cherish it. Make sure you guys stay on task but give yourself a little room for fun, always. Nelly, you were great on this board and I know you will be even better next year. Dael, make sure you are on top of your work next year, I don’t wanna see you stressing over classes when you should be stressing over Casa!!! (jkjk, academics first). Jose, I have no doubt in my mind that you will continue to lead this club with passion because I’ve seen you lead this club since last year. I love you all so much and I hope to see you continue your endeavors here at IMSA with pride in your Latinx heritage.

To my favorite wing members (Angel, Carrington, Djamila, Fope), I will you quiet moments. Everytime I would walk into Angel and Carrington’s room there would always be some sort of argument going on. Sometimes I feel bad for your quadmates, actually no I feel bad for them all the time. Nonetheless, those moments were probably some of my favorite moments in my IMSA career. I want you guys to keep having the dynamic you guys have now and I want you guys to know that all the seniors that came to your room always will have those memories in your room because you guys were always so entertaining. I hope you guys find peace in your senior year cause you guys have been struggling since sophomore year but I PROMISE you guys will find peace in your senior year because this year has been the most FUN i’ve ever had on this campus, minus a few moments. Angel, you are such a funny person, genuinely. Having to leave you will be possibly one of the saddest things I have to do while I leave IMSA. Never lose the love for cooking because you TRULY have a gift. Like everything I’ve had from you has always tasted good. Please make your seniors something before we leave, I’m begging. Carrington, you are so odd sometimes. You have lowkey carried whenever I need something for class. THANK YOU FOR THAT. Your gift is my presence! <3 I hope one day you stop fantasizing over Kehlani and find a woman you can actually attain. It’s kinda sad… However, I will miss your silence and social awkwardness because it’s funny lowkey. Djamila, my queen. You are a ball of sunshine always making someone’s day. Getting closer to you this year has been something that I wish I could’ve done sooner. I would say that you are so REAL. Like when you’re stressed you always make funny comments on why you’re stressed and when you’re happy you make even funnier jokes. You and I are a dynamic duo for step, nobody tops us don’t playyyy. I will miss you but always feel free to reach out to me, please. I’ll always be on my phone for you. Mwah love you. Fope, although we haven’t really spoken much, I still want you to know that I think you are a really cool person. Whenever you are in Angel and Care’s room you always crack jokes that are pretty funny. Although you seem like you live a little hectic life, so remember to take breaks everyone once in a while. I LOVE YOU ALLLLL, AND I’LL MISS YOU.

To my 02 baddie Chiara Njoya, I will you PEACE. I always felt like you were never catching a break during this year, something always came up to ruin your mood. Coming from someone who has been there, just distance yourself from someone you feel is always bringing you down, it’s never worth it. Never stop being yourself, please. Your little names that you have for people and the way that you just make the stupidest comebacks ever is just so funny to me. You truly are THE funniest person I’ve met on this campus. You just always seem to have jokes at your disposal, whether it be mocking me, calling people names, or slapping me. You are a very chaotic person but everyone loves it and if they don’t they’re missing out. I’m sorry that we only got close semi-recently, junior year was rough man… I’m sure you know that by now. However the time we’ve spent together, we have gotten really close and I’m very thankful for that and I hope you continue to cherish the moments we’ve had together. You are like my child. On another note, you need to choreograph a dance please and thank you. You are an amazing dancer and I need everyone to see your capabilities as a choreographer next. I’m actually so glad that you auditioned for Casa modern because nobody would’ve known how good of a dancer you were without that. Stay sexyyyyy <3

To my favorite mexicans on campus Dael and Jose, I will you endless chisme sessions. Although I did abandon you guys once for our chisme sessions, never will that happen again! We should schedule another one soon since the year is almost over. I hope you guys have enjoyed being on Alma as much as I have been sharing a board with you. You two are genuinely some of the realest ppl on this campus and I need you to NEVER stop being that. I know that both of your careers at this school haven’t been the most smooth-sailing but neither was mine and I think I turned out alright. I remember when I first started to get close to you (we all know the reason) and I just felt so relieved and I was so glad that people saw what I was seeing. I really appreciate you guys always being real and honestly being there whenever I needed people to talk with. Dael, In your senior year, I need you to go to class please and thank you. Not 10 min late or whenever you feel like it, no, on time. I cannot have you getting kicked out of this school when you’ve made it this far. SO please plan your time accordingly and make sure you’re getting your work done the day before please. Thank you. Jose, YOU need to learn how to delegate. You’ve learned a little about what that means this year but seriously being the head of two clubs and applying to college is not for the weak. I was struggling and I was just running a show. Learn to relax during your second semester, trust me it’s so much fun. I know both of you are gonna do amazing things when you graduate and I can’t wait to see what happens and where your future takes you (i realize i sound like a tia but yk what i mean). Don’t forget me when you have someone else to gossip with, thanks!

To my favorite bob underclassman, Maya, I will you happiness. This year I’ve seen you grow as a person and I’m so happy that you are who you are yk? At the beginning of this year you and I didn’t talk that much and we both know why, but that’s not the important thing here. I’m glad I was able to find you in my life later on this year because you are such a bundle of joy in class. That bob field trip wouldn’t have been that fun without you. I also just wanted to say that in senior year, protect your peace. Please protect your peace. I’ve seen you sad too many times this year and I need you to be happy for the entirety of senior year. It may seem impossible during the first semester but omg second semester is so much fun. I’m really living life out here. I can’t even lie. Anyways, I hope your final year at this school is nothing but laughter and good memories. I hope I contributed to at least some smiles that you had this year and if you ever need another smile you can text me whenever you want. I’ll come scoop you if you don’t want to be on campus anymore and I’ll take you to a UIC party. I hope you don’t forget me too much and I hope we finish this year off strong in our friendship.

Iain Gore
To Carter Poskozim, I will you a sense of self respect. I know that sounds so mean but really you’re a great person when you’re being yourself. I just think you need to see that and not sell yourself short. You were and are a surprisingly great roommate, and I’ve had a lot of amazing and new experiences I would have never done if I hadn’t met you. I’m going to miss you, and I really hope you have an amazing senior year, and remember that you’re more capable than you give yourself credit for. P.S(I’m sure you’ll get into all your fancy movie schools, you just have to believe in yourself.)

To Max Schwartz I will you some peace. Throughout this year you’ve had some really big highs and lows, but next year is going to be your year. I want you to know that even when everything feels down, there are so many people who are here to support you. You are one of the best and most genuine people I have ever met, and I have never once doubted you for a second. I’m so lucky to have met you and I can definitely say that it made my life better (and a lot more interesting). Make sure to keep on dancing on that court even when you’re down a couple of points.

To Dani Pasillas I will you more amazing unhinged nights in the RC office and our IMSA pom-poms. I’m sure as long as you’re there the vibes will be immaculate. I can’t wait to hear about how great of an upperclassman you become, and you better keep those Pom-poms to cheer Max and the rest of our team on next year. I also hope you never get another Kernel of corn in your chipotle bowls.

To Ellen Hsuan I will you many more slapjack games with Mr. Brummet. You are going to have to find more people to play with and you better get some practice in cause me and Dara won’t be there to beat him for you. If you do ever beat him though you need to tell me so I can celebrate his downfall.

To Sonya Patel and Ria Bakshi, I will you victory in mock trial next year. Seeing you guys at our one competition was amazing. You guys killed it and I know you’re definitely going to get a win next year, and no one would dare object for speculation.

To José Lazaro, I will you a less stressful but just as successful year. You have put so much work and passion into all your projects and you did not stop until you made them a reality. I admire you and your work ethic so much. I’m going to miss our tea walks so much, but I’ll take solace in the knowledge that you’re going to go on and do amazing things.

Iris Amit
To Claudia Kowal and Neev Patel, I will you two Strolling Strings. The past year has been incredible running Strolling Strings together, and I have loved getting to know the two of you. Neev, it has been great being your stand partner and having our little conversations before class, and our side eyes during it. Claudia, I am jealous of how you always roll with everything, on top of all the notifications in group chats. I know that the two of you will be able to handle whatever is coming next year.

To Strolling Strings, I will you desserts after every performance. May your strings never break and your tone always be warm. It has been amazing getting to know everyone on the bus rides and playing together. You all are such a thoughtful group of people and I wish you all the best.

To Rachel Qi and Katherine Ge, I will you two sleep, chaos, and skibidi toilet or whatever your latest strange love is. I have loved being y’all’s unofficial quadmate this past year. There have been so many times where I have been comforted by the sound of your laugh through the door. You’re both so passionate and unashamed of what you love, and that comes through in so much of what you do, which is something this world needs more of. I know that each of you are going to do wonderful things wherever your life takes you.

To 02 B-Wing, I will you as much milk and ice cream as you all could ever need. Being a part of this cult this past year is not what I was expecting, but it was what I needed. Everyone here is so friendly and sweet, I know that you will all be amazing juniors and seniors and welcome in the next group of IMSA students.

To 02, I will you time to relax, because I have never seen such an overcommitted group. But somehow even when some of you have back to back meetings you still make time to check up on each other, and it has made my past 2 years in this hall wonderful. So continue working hard, but make sure to play and relax just as hard so that you still have the energy to be your fantastic selves.

To Ellen Hsuan, I will you a creepily human snowman. I love hanging out in the RC office with you and our hours long conversations about anything and everything. Hanging out, trying on clothes, and all of our strolling strings practices have given me the chance to get to know the incredible person that you are.

To Megan Onorato, I will that you discover what water and a sleep schedule are. As I have discovered that you seem to not know what either is, and I think they might be a tad bit useful, or at least that’s what all the doctors say. These past couple months of being rolling backpack besties have been a lot of fun and our conversations between classes are always a welcome break of the IMSA grind.

To Aarushi Das and Mia Park, I will you two success in your future math courses and some confidence. Being tablemates for both BC2 and BC3 was a stroke of luck because both of you have made this year so much fun, which is hard to do while learning Taylor series. Both of you are so smart and are always so patient when explaining things. I wish you could just see how much everyone around you admires you both as friends and as people.

To Carolyn Zhang, I will you everything your heart may desire. I am honored to call you my friend, and you truly deserve the world for how sweet and accepting you are. From being your tablemate in BC1 and PChem, I have gotten to see you grow and become more confident, and I wish I could still be at IMSA to see you continue to grow into yourself and flourish.

To everyone I inevitably forgot (I promise I don’t hate you I just procrastinated and am now blanking on everyone I know), I will you happiness, friendship, and those moments of peace that keep you going. The friends you make and your time with them is the true reason that all of you have stayed at IMSA, because it’s definitely not Lexington or your love for tests. I wish you all the best.

To check out part 2 of the Class of ’24’s senior wills, click here.

About the Author

Ashwin Nair
I'm Ashwin Nair, a current senior at IMSA from Carol Stream, IL. I'm the Acronym's Managing Editor, and if you want to catch me in 05B wing with my friends doing whatever.

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