Articles by Oliver Ni

ASIA Mental Health Interview

IMSA’s large East and Southeast Asian-American community features a diverse collection of ethnic, economic, and familial backgrounds, but shares some common experiences amongst them. Due to a loosely shared cultural…

Spectrum Mental Health Interview

The LGBTQ+ community has historically faced numerous challenges in regards to safely discussing and expressing their identities. At IMSA, the work of culture groups such as Spectrum as well as…

2021 Letter from the Editors

Dear IMSA, 17 months. 17 months of lockdown. 17 months of a global pandemic. 17 months without IMSA. And yet, we managed to survive the chaos and uncertainty, finally returning…

An Ode to Sodexo

“Study the past if you would define the future.” —Confucius Sodexo was once the main food provider for the tired, the poor, the huddled masses of IMSA students. Tales of…