Articles by Parth Dhyani

What Do Teachers Think About Clash?

A special thank you to Chandana Tetali, Sra. Barcelona, Dr. Dong, and Dr. Kotlarczyk! As fourth quarter finally dawns, many IMSA students find themselves trying to bring up their grades…

The Dog Meat Hypocrisy

Bacon. How many of us say that we can’t live without it? Its scent wakes people in the morning and draws them to the kitchen. Bacon has become a staple…

The Intricacies of STEM: Is Science Respected?

We hear the acronym everywhere: science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM). These are the keys to success and the future of America. Headlines read “American Students Falling Behind” as the government…

Clash of the Halls—Day 2

Day two of Clash was filled with unexpected surprises. Clash has hit full swing now, and the excitement is only escalating. A week claimed to be one of the best…

Alma Latina

Tacos. Piñatas. Fútbol. These are all words that come to mind when one thinks of Latino culture. But Latino culture is more than that, and that is why Alma Latina,…