A Cornfield, one of the many exciting travel opportunities Illinois offers

Travel Opportunities in Illinois

Illinois may seem like a lackluster state with nothing to offer but cornfields, suburbia, and corruption, but once you look past the drudgery of daily life in the land of…

IMSA’s Clubs Transition to

Extracurricular activities are an essential aspect of the IMSA experience. There are a number ways for students to pursue their interests outside of the classroom with like-minded individuals. In recent…

On Campus Valentine’s Day Gifts

With Valentine’s day right around the corner, you might be thinking it’s time to pick out a gift for your special someone, best friend, or even yourself. But alas! All…

IMSA’s Chess Renaissance

On January 28, 2023, the IMSA Chess Team won the IHSA Sectional Tournament, finishing ahead of many strong teams that have had good records for years on end. Even before…