
I Need Help… but Amanda Took it All

By Diana Chen, Opinions Section Staff Writer Amanda Todd… Remember her? The extraordinarily ordinary girl faced with an extraordinarily terrible life? In October, the world turned its sights on her…

Why Did YOU Come to IMSA?

By Diana Chen, Opinions Staff Writer [Note from the Editors: This article does not reflect administration’s viewpoints. Rather, it is an expression of student speculation, which may not be substantiated.] A lot of…

What’s the Point?

By Danny Atten, Opinions Staff Writer As the New Year begins, and we are exhausted by the holiday cheer and the shopping frenzy, we realize that once again we were…

Blind Grading

In an attempt to make grading more fair, some of IMSA’s humanities teachers opt to grade essays submitted by their students blindly. In other words, the writers’ names are concealed…

The Freaky Frenzy Before Finals

Once, I wondered why finals cause so much stress.  I thought and contemplated; I wished and wanted; I examined and imagined life without them, and then I realized. Life without…