please don’t take this seriously

How to Use Your Senior Privileges

Senior privileges, the holy grail of all IMSA privileges, came out in recent weeks for the Class of 2020. Since these privs are new, many IMSA seniors aren’t sure what…

The Inevitable Riot of Add/Drop

On Thursday of the first week of school, a riot broke out in front of the College and Academic Counselors’ (CAC) office. No one was physically injured, but thirty injuries…


10:13am Tuesday, January 29, 2019 -8 F IMSA students are still shuffling to class on a bitterly cold Tuesday when they receive news from their reigning overlord, Dr. Bob Hernandez….

The Teacher Conspiracy

AURORA, IL – A new, undercover study has revealed that IMSA’s teachers are plotting against their students. Recently, our reporters contacted the Acronym’s unassociated adult liaison, Mr. Spy, in order…