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Chaos in Ukraine

Through thick and thin, Ukraine has been fairly quiet until recently, when its people poured into the streets to riot against newly passed legislation. For many years, Ukraine has been…

Interview with Dr. McGee

By: Summer Wu, Co-Editor-in-Chief In an e-mail sent to the IMSA community on February 27th, President Dr. McGee made an unexpected announcement: “I will be moving on along with our magnificent…


As the years have gone on, various aspects of the IMSA experience have inevitably evolved. However, despite the time difference, there are experiences that are transferable and serve as useful advice. Thus,…

Why I’m Voting for Mitt Romney

I have always classified myself as a Democrat. I, for the most part, have had a more left-wing, liberal stance on social views and mostly been in support of the…

A Quick Summary of the Presidential Debates

By Ryan Chiu, Section Editor – World News In a series of four intense presidential and vice-presidential debates, bothends of the political spectrum showed their rhetorical and political colors. Both…