Blocking Online Distractions
Cold Turkey increases productivity by temporarily blocking apps on your phone or computer. You can schedule a period of time to blocking sites or block until reach a certain word count for a writing assignment. Unlike other apps with similar function, you can not circumvent the timer by uninstalling the program while it’s running, shutting it off through the taskbar, or changing the time on your device. For Android.
An iPhone equivalent for Cold Turkey is Blacklist, which blocks websites. Though it is not as effective as preventing you from overriding the program as Cold Turkey, it will add an extra layer of inconvenience if you find yourself compulsively visiting websites during study sessions. For iOS.
For those unprepared to go hard on internet deprivation, another option is to design a more moderate schedule based on your current habits. RescueTime offers detailed reports of your internet activity on your computer and whether or not you achieved your daily goals.
myHomework Student Planner operates as a homework organizer and digital calendar. Its simple interface allows the user to easily navigate through a wide variety of useful features. The app can sync across multiple platforms, send homework reminders, and schedule classes based on time, block, and period. For iOS and Android.
Study Help
Type, talk, or take a picture of any confusing language and send it to Google Translate for a nearly perfect translation. Although this app is not recommended for writing essays, it certainly helps with comprehending the complicated Chinese character or the menu at the local Mexican restaurant. For iOS and Android.
Quizlet features a variety of study modes to help you ace your next multiple choice exam. Unlike StudyBlue, it allows you to edit flashcards, but it does not allow you to take notes and turn them into flashcards like its rival app. For iOS and Android.
Voice Recording
Have a teacher that seems to talk at the speed of light? QuickVoice Recorder is a popular app for recording and storing lectures. You can send recordings through email or text-messaging, receive reminders, adjust recording qualities, and even create custom ringtones. For iOS.
Smart Voice Recorder is a high-quality recording app that auto-skips periods of silence when your teacher pauses during a lecture. Like Quickvoice, it also has the ability to set recordings as ringtones, and it can store up to 75 hours of audio. For Android
Many students’ crammed schedules leave minimal room for heading to the fitness center, but can you spare 7 minutes in your day? 7-minute workout app is based on the concept of high-intensity interval training, where rest periods are interspersed between short, intense exercises. Though it takes less time than a traditional workout, studies have shown it helps combat weight gain. For iOS and Android.
WebMD has a Symptom Checker where you can help you determine potential conditions and issues of a concerning ache or a migraine. While it is not recommended as a substitute for medical attention, you can narrow down ways to approach a certain problem. It also features a First Aid Essentials guide in case a medical emergency occurs and you do not have access to the internet. For iOS and Android.
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