The critically acclaimed Cartoon Network show Adventure Time has entertained adults and children alike for almost 8 years. Its magical Land of Ooo has many surprising similarities with IMSA, specifically its lovable, hate-able, and pretty relatable characters. Who do you identify with? (And is that really a good thing?)
Loves an adventure whether it’s exploring a dungeon or copping an entire problem set the day before its due
Heroic and selfless character that protects his friends from evil beasts or from their own procrastination on assignments
Although simple-minded at times, he can be the life of any slabs or Old Cafe party
Always carrying a backpack filled with items that can solve most problems
He may portray himself as this tough person, but has a tender side as well
Could be classified as a “player” with princesses
Likes to say “Mathematical” and “WHOA Algebraic,” but can’t do it
In a committed relationship, practically married
Has weird powers like deriving an A on a test they didn’t study for or giving sagely advice, may be considered a “GOD”
Procrastinates playing video games and sleeps in class
Likes to cook, specifically enjoys making bacon pancakes
Laid back and genuinely not stressed about anything, pretty chill
Has a dark side that comes out through memes or just periodically
Believes in mystical stuff like the Cosmic Owl, probably plays with gems and crystals
Dedicated life to advancing the human condition
Has research with the main goal of being published
Has a posse that treats them like a queen and obeys her orders
Loving, but can be manipulative and controllive
Highly intelligent and has rational approach to things
Doesn’t know how to deal with relationships, so distract/immerses themselves in work
Pulls all-nighters regularly because your basically immortal
Edgy, lots of teenage angst harboring deep inside
Has daddy issues since he is really a demon
May listen to heavy metal, shouting “Feelings! Feelings!”
Likes to do pranks, but they can become too dangerous
Has distinct goth style that reflects her extreme vampirism
Has beautiful singing voice and is quite emotional at times
Super happy-go-lucky
Gets some attention, but mostly unimportant
Hard to understand at times, pretty fobby
Known for the people they hangout with and not for who they are
Has a group “kids” they watch over and try to nurture
Likes to roast people in their foreign language
Has a colorful wardrobe and multiple animal costumes
BMO=Being more
Does weird stuff when no one is around
Likes to play games
Has an alter-ego that he talks to on occasion
Resolves the beef between friends
Has only a few buttons to push before they pop off
The childish one of the group, saying “your mom” jokes and asking to play jenga
“Valley girl” accent, loves spa baths and Starbucks
Says “What the lump,” flip, fluff, etc.
Gossip pro, knows all the juicy details from college enrollment to relationship drama
Very self absorbed, floats instead of walks
Comes from a good neighborhood, tries to abandon their roots to fit in
Fake friend, could be a snake in the grass (so cut the grass low)
Acts out to get attention
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