Hey, IMSA,
Student Council is proud to present our fourth installment of project updates. The following sections shed light on what work Student Council is currently doing, and hopefully, you can find a project that you believe will improve an aspect of your life at IMSA. Each section has a project name, project members, purpose, progress, and future plans. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any Student Council member.
Gloria Huang
Election Results
Elections occurred on Tuesday, April 24. Rising juniors and seniors gathered in the auditorium and elected the 2018-2019 executive cabinet:
StudCo President Elect: Srivinay Tummarakota
StudCo Vice President Elect: Surya Cannon
StudCo CAB Director Elect: Kanika Leang
StudCo Treasurer Elect: Kaushal Gumpula
StudCo Senior-at-Large Elect: Gloria Huang
StudCo Junior-at-Large Elect: Ray Shang
Project Name: TitaNotes
Project Leader & Members: Sophie Pribus and Surya Cannon
Purpose: To help student-athletes missing classes through the creation of a notes website that would allow them to more easily catch up on missed class time and make class notes more available.
Progress: The project is undergoing final faculty approval. Notes will continue to be collected for BC1, BC2, and Advanced Chemistry.
Future Plans: A trial run will be conducted after the project has received faculty approval. Once the trial run is completed, the team will consider the success of the project; possible revisions that may need to be made before the project is completed.
Project Name: Sophomore Navigation Module Revision
Project Leader & Members: Gloria Huang
Purpose: To analyze Sophomore Navigation modules, and possibly revise modules to focus on academic support and resources on campus.
Progress: The Academic Support module was revised from being a tour showing IMSA resources (writing center, ITMC, etc.) to being a simulation where sophomores would go through the process of asking for help from the resources at IMSA. The module was completed, and is now undergoing revisions for next year. The project leader has already met with the counselors and is now looking at the Navigation curriculum in its entirety.
Future Plans: The project leader will meet with the counselors again to implement formal navigation changes.
Project Name: RC 1 on 1 Reform
Project Leader & Members: Vinay Tummarakota
Purpose: To help nurture strong relationships, better establish a strong sense of community, and further build trust among students and their RC’s through expanding the RC 1 on 1 program.
Progress: The project team presented their finished project proposal to the RCs at the RC meeting on May 1st.
Future Plans: The team will use the collected feedback to make revisions to the project proposal and/or start the official implementation of this program next year.
Project Name: IMSA Bike Project
Project Leader & Members: Kaushal Gumpula and Ray Shang
Purpose: To get free bikes that students can use on the IMSA campus.
Progress: The bikes have been repaired, and the team is waiting for administrative and RC approval for both the permission form and the procedure to sign out the bikes. Students must wear helmets to ride these bikes.
Future Plans: The team first needs to purchase bike locks and will consider how to modify the program after feedback presented at the RC Meeting.
Project Name: Parent Volunteer System
Project Leader & Members: Kaushal Gumpula and Ray Shang
Purpose: To have a support system ready for students who get sick on campus so that they can live with a parent nearby.
Progress: The team has created a project proposal, which was presented to the Parents Association Council by an administrator.
Future Plans: The team will meet to review the feedback they have received and make appropriate revisions to their proposal.
Project Name: Big Sibling Program
Project Leader & Members: Srivinay Tummarakota, Ray Shang, and Kanika Leang
Purpose: Increasing cross-class interaction through matching upperclassmen and underclassmen.
Progress: The team has created an agenda of the following year’s Big Sibling programs! Applications for Big Siblings have been released and were due on Monday, April 30. Additionally, the team sent the surveys for the younger siblings to the new sophomore class.
Future Plans: To create a timeline for the Big Sibling Program and choose the Big Siblings and the Summer Sibling Committee, along with beginning the matching process.
Project Name: Town Hall with Dr. Torres
Project Leader & Members: Srivinay Tummarakota
Purpose: To give students an opportunity to ask Dr. Torres questions about Senate Bill 2939 and the changes it proposes to make to IMSA.
Progress: The Town Hall was held on Monday, April 30th. The Town Hall was recorded by ISP for students unable to attend the event. Additionally, Student Council is working with Acronym to release an article summarizing the Town Hall.
Future Plans: StudCo plans on collecting more feedback from students about their thoughts on the bill to determine what the main concerns are.
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