LEAD SocEnt Mid-Year: An Event for Student Growth

On Wednesday, November 3rd from 4-6 p.m., LEAD had their 2nd annual mid-year event for students in the social entrepreneurship elective (SocEnt).  At this event, twenty-seven groups of sophomores presented their…

A Closer Look at EleMENT

At EleMENT’s Kanban Challenge last Wednesday, November 2nd, 15 teams of students speed-walked through the old cafe, rap-battled, and interpretive danced in an intense race to complete a list of…

Diwali: A Celebration of Culture

Students from IMSA’s 2015 Diwali production pose onstage. October is underway, the first quarter has ended, and the pressure is on until the end of the semester. For sophomores who…

The Unofficial Opening of IN2

A huge thank-you to Britta McKenna, Carl Heine, Kathryn Downey, Neil Patel, and Claudia Zhu for their time and insight. I’ve learned that no matter what you’re into, there’s sure to…