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The Chemistry of Life

A new teacher at IMSA this year, Dr. Angela Ahrendt grew up in Olney, IL. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry from the University of Urbana-Champaign and then worked…

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Good Eats: Mary Webber

This article was written to voice one of the staff members in IMSA who remains unrecognized. She deserves to share her story and notion about her workplace. Working hard, day after day,…

AASA and Culture Beyond

IMSA is a leading academic institution, extolled for its cultural and racial non-discrimination by its students. Though it began as an academy focused on math and the sciences, it now…

A Diwali Story

The advent of November means a number of things for the IMSA Community: the commencement of the basketball season, the vision of the Extended Thanksgiving break, the renowned Veterans Day…