NHS’ Kiva Fundraiser

By: Ryan Chiu, World News Section Editor

On February 4th, a major NHS fundraising event will commence, through a partnership with Kiva, a non-profit organization. Kiva is a website that allows young people around the world to help those enduring unfortunate circumstances make a living for themselves through donations and funding. Many of the beneficiaries of Kiva are impoverished individuals in third-world nations who are striving to start up new businesses that will create jobs for the unemployed. The creation of jobs will contribute to the alleviation of poverty on a global scale, starting with the good-willed donations from ordinary citizens here in the United States.

The fundraising event, started by IMSA’s chapter of the National Honors Society, will feature a competition between wings to contribute the most money to Kiva’s humanitarian cause. All that is needed from each student is at least ONE DOLLAR, either through cash, check, or credit card, in order to help make a difference in impoverished communities around the world. The competition will last for several months, until a clear winner of the fundraiser is declared.

The winners of the Kiva Drive will receive a multitude of rewards which may include: school-wide recognition, or material rewards such as a pizza party or free Kiva t-shirts for all wing members.

On behalf of NHS, we encourage you to stay tuned for more details regarding this exciting upcoming event!

Any questions regarding the events may be directed to any member of the NHS Websites Committee: Ryan Chiu, Kevin Emancipator, Lynette To, Mimi Dong, Navika Shukla, or Brennan Wakey.

About the Author

Ryan Chiu
Originally from Gurnee, Ryan is currently a junior living in 1505B downquad, along with Assistant Editor-in-Chief Anthony Marquez. Ryan is committed not only to writing articles here on the Acronym, but also to his participation and leadership in other clubs, such as JSA, Chess Team, and ACA. He strongly believes in breaking the "IMSA Bubble" by keeping others informed about events happening around the word, and how these events affect students' everyday lives. Overall, Ryan is a selfless individual who enjoys helping others to the best of his ability, so don't be afraid to contact him by email (rchiu@imsa.edu), by phone (847-445-7886), or on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/DaChiuster).

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