March 2016

Clash of the Halls—Day 2

Day two of Clash was filled with unexpected surprises. Clash has hit full swing now, and the excitement is only escalating. A week claimed to be one of the best…

Clash: Day 1

Months of preparation, hours of practice, and weeks of late nights have led up to this week, and it has finally begun. March 7th marked the beginning of Clash of…

The Rumors of Clash

This Monday marks the start of an amazing week at IMSA’s campus: it’s Clash week! As we know, Clash of the Halls is the all campus competition where the residence…

IMSA’s Annual African American Read-In

“Negro blood is sure powerful? Because just one drop of black blood makes a colored man. One drop? You are a Negro! … Black is powerful.”    — Langston Hughes…

Meditations in an Emergency

“One never need leave the confines of New York to get all the greenery one wishes—I can’t even enjoy a blade of grass unless I know there’s a subway handy,…