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Arts & Entertainment

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Where Did November Go?

December means a lot of things–final exams, the holiday season, and the glory of finishing a semester. But for NaNoWriMo participants, December means the end to thirty days and nights…

Series Reboots and their Success

After about a century of enjoying visual media such as film, more and more advancements and changes have come to cinematography, camera skills, and special effects. For the past decade,…

Faces of IMSA

As you pass by through the IRC every day, you’ve probably noticed the gallery of portraits on the wall and wondered about them. Catching glimpses of intense photographs of classmates,…

Media Roundup: Quarter 1

By: Shreya Shanker, Eveline Liu, Vandana Karan, Ashley Kim, Kaitlyn Schmeider Presenting the Acronym’s first Media Roundup: an article that sums-up the three best movies, albums, TV shows, and books of the quarter….