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$500 Scholarships Opportunity

The Lindenhurst-Lake Villa Chamber of Commerce through its Paul Yurs Memorial Scholarship Committee awards TWO $500 SCHOLARSHIPS to seniors residing in Lake Villa Township. The scholarships are awarded not only on the basis…

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IMSA Welcomes New Teachers

By: Haneesha Paruchuri, Jo-Jo Feng, David Lisk, Rebecca Geiger, Heidi Dong For this academic year, IMSA replaced a significant number of faculty members. And over the remainder of this semester,…

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Preview Day – An Eye-Opening Look at IMSA

On Saturday, November 9, 2013, over a thousand people surged through IMSA’s front doors for the spectacle of Preview Day. The crowd contained prospective students and their families, guided throughout…

IN FOCUS: Diwali and Swim Take IMSA by Storm

Diwali, A Show to “Light Up” Your Night For the past month, IMSA’s Indian Students’ Association (ISA) has been preparing for their annual and highly-anticipated event of the year, Diwali….