Platypuses: the Freaks of Biology
Platypuses (platypi? platypodes?): furry, semi-aquatic egg-laying mammals endemic to eastern Australia. Most will never encounter a platypus in the wild (unless, of course, you live in eastern Australia), and most…
Platypuses (platypi? platypodes?): furry, semi-aquatic egg-laying mammals endemic to eastern Australia. Most will never encounter a platypus in the wild (unless, of course, you live in eastern Australia), and most…
The Super Bowl. The World Cup. The Stanley Cup. The World Series. When you think of sports, you typically think of the final series or game of the season, because…
Especially during the pandemic, mental health for students has become a matter of increasing concern. To better understand and provide helpful strategies to deal with mental health issues among the…
This past election week has been enthralling. Joe Biden, who was heavily favored to become president-elect entering the race, has won by more than 60 electoral college votes, according to…
Each year on the eleventh day in October, National Coming Out Day (NCOD) is celebrated by thousands of people of different sexual orientations/gender identities and allies. On this day, workshops,…
Wilt Chamberlain. Wilt the Stilt. Goliath. The Big Dipper. Call him what you want, but the one common quality between all names is the meaning behind them. Chamberlain is arguably…