
Why I Would Vote for Obama

Full disclosure: I cannot vote in this upcoming election. My birth was mistimed by about 7 months and as a result I sit on the sidelines for what is probably…

one of many varieties of the Neuro Drinks

Neuro Drinks: A Review

We IMSA students already resemble college students in a range of ways. We can already relate to most “College Problems,” are intimately familiar with the feelings of sleep deprivation and…

Why I’m Voting for Mitt Romney

I have always classified myself as a Democrat. I, for the most part, have had a more left-wing, liberal stance on social views and mostly been in support of the…

Why NOT Jumpstart the Arts?

By: Diana Chen, Opinions staff writer Walk into the music hallway at any time of the day and you can experience the musical talents of your peers; you can listen…

A snapshot of the stacks in the IRC

Required Reading

The Class of 2015 marks IMSA’s first class to have summer reading for Literary Explorations I. While this was initially met with annoyance from the sophomores and (not so) gentle…