Trump and COVID-19 : An Overview

On October 1st, Donald and Melania Trump were diagnosed with COVID-19, just over a month from the most volatile election in recent memory. Following President Trump’s tweet announcing his diagnosis,…

Timeline for the White House Coronavirus Outbreak

Trump, along with at least 34 White House personnel, have tested positive for coronavirus. Here is the timeline covering the most notable events during the White House coronavirus outbreak: On…

The Pandemic and College Applications

College Admissions. They are a pivotal point in most high school students’ lives as they can be both stressful and rewarding. This pandemic has disrupted almost every aspect of daily…

Committing to COVAX: Yes or No?

Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched a new initiative to combat the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic known as COVAX (COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility). In short, COVAX allows countries from…

College Coronavirus Outbreaks

From coast to coast, all 50 states in the US are scrambling to contain coronavirus rates on their college campuses. Many parents, students, and college faculty have previously voiced their…