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Beyond the Nubbiness: 2016 Sophomore Profiling

Around the beginning of the year, the IMSA campus is brimming with life and excitement. The hustle and bustle of Move-In, rowdy mixers, new and old friends, Convocation, first classes……

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The New and the Gone

With the passing of the last school year and the departure of the class of 2013, IMSA also saw the departure of many faculty members. For most, we were given…

Common IMSA Slang Terms

When 600+ high school students are thrown into the same environment and expected to interact with each other, it’s inevitable that unique slang words and phrases will develop. For your…

Locking the Doors

Republish of an article by Kevin Chen ’10 in light of the graduation of IMSA’s 25th class today. Drawn from the Acronym archives of 2011-2012.   To all those on…