
ISIS’s Leader is Dead: What’s Next?

On October 26th, ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detonated a suicide vest he was wearing, killing himself and two children in order to escape capture by the US during a…

A Recap of the Fourth Democratic Debate

From the 21 that started on June 26, the Democratic Presidential Candidate pool has narrowed down to a group of 12, who once again debated at Otterbein University on October…

First Quarter Updates

Co-authored by Heewon Kim  To commemorate the ending of first quarter, The Acronym interviewed a member of each class about their feelings on the school year so far and their…

New Policy on Assignments During Extendeds

At the start of the 2019-20 school year, IMSA implemented a policy stating that teachers cannot assign homework to be due either during extended breaks and cannot require major assessments…