On December 6th, a GoFundMe began to send Rosemary Forni to Florida after an article featuring her life story was published in the Humans of IMSA column of The Acronym. In less than a day, the goal of $3,000 was met…and exceeded. Today, over $5,500 has been put into the GoFundMe. On December 18th, there was a presentation of a check to Rosemary, along with multiple offers to help her plan her trip to Florida. Timothy Meyer presented the check and commented, “The only thing warmer than Rosemary’s heart is the shores of Florida.” Multiple alumni and previous staff made up a majority of the donations. Chris Hage, creator of the GoFundMe and IMSA alumnus, explains:
“The success of the [GoFundMe] effort is all due to the warm feelings everyone who attended IMSA has for Rosemary.
She was genuinely nice to everyone who came through the door. She remembered names and she beamed kindness. Perhaps that consistency and sincerity was particularly welcome to tired and moody teenagers separated from their families.

Alumni come to present the check to Rosemary Forni. Source: Aurora Harkleroad
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