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What is entrepreneurship anyway?

Before IMSA, I thought business was suit and tie negotiations, all profit based, and all the stodginess you’d expect from a 9 to 5 job. But business has come to…

Let’s Get Down to Business

IMSA’s mission statement: The mission of IMSA, the world’s leading teaching and learning laboratory for imagination and inquiry, is to ignite and nurture creative, ethical, scientific minds that advance the…

Sochi 2014 Olympics – Top 5 Things to Know

February 7th marked the beginning of the Winter Olympics, which are taking place in Sochi, Russia. The addition of new events, an extravagant opening ceremony and even reports of  dirty…

ASIA Puts On Lunar New Year 2014

Friday, February 7, IMSA’s Asian culture club ASIA put on Lunar New Year show, its biggest spectacle of the year. For senior Kevin Li, one of the ASIA presidents who…

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From Pop to Pot: Justin Bieber’s New Incident

Lately, a certain 19-year-old Canadian pop star has been frequenting the headlines, Justin Bieber’s  most recent allegations as of February 7th. Apart from egging his neighbor’s house, driving while under…