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Monthly Archives: November 2024

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How AI can Impact the Future of Elections

Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries worldwide, and political polling is no exception. As traditional polling methods encounter challenges such as low response rates and potential inaccuracies, AI offers a new frontier by synthesizing public opinion from various data sources and creating nuanced models.

Fighting Quantum Hackers

Written by: Arun Muthukkumar Quantum computing has revolutionized the field of computer science, offering groundbreaking advancements in problem-solving and computational power. However, its potential depends on the intent of those who wield it. Once quantum computers reach maturity, their ability to break current encryption models

The Elephant’s Foot of Chernobyl

Written by: Maneth Perera   The Chernobyl Disaster is one of the worst nuclear disasters in human history. Around 160,000 km2 around the nuclear plant were affected, and large portions of Russia and Ukraine were rendered inhabitable for life. We see effects trickling down to

Fractals: What are They?

Imagine a shape so intricate that it reveals infinite complexity as you zoom in on a structure where patterns repeat endlessly at every scale. These mesmerizing forms, known as fractals, defy traditional geometric conventions and open a gateway to understanding natural patterns. From the jagged

A Tutorial on the Brain and Dopamine

Written by: Sahasra Janagama What is Dopamine? Is it just a “feel-good” hormone, or is there more than what meets the eye? Dopamine is usually associated with a surge of energy, but it plays various roles involving movement, memory, mood, and motivation. It’s a neurotransmitter