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Category Archives: Physics

The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill of 2010: How it Happened

Written by: Maneth Perera April 10, 2010 at approx. 7 pm, on the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana… A board of BP (British Petroleum) executives sat in a room on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig situated in the Macondo reservoir in the

Quantum Dots: a Nanoparticle that can Shape Our Future

In the field of nanotechnology, quantum dots, also called “semiconductor nanocrystals”,  are semiconductor particles a few nanometres in size with optical and electronic properties that differ from those of larger particles via quantum mechanical effects. Quantum dots (QDs) are renowned for their ability to exhibit

Breaking the Speed Limit: Is Faster-Than-Light Travel Possible?

Traveling faster than light – or as scientists call it, FTL – has long been a staple of science fiction; but according to Einstein’s theory of relativity, it’s an impossible task. However, new research proposes several methods through which FTL travel might be possible .

The Colors are a Lie: The Doppler Effect and Redshift

Written by: Maneth Perera   At night, walk outside, take a breath of fresh air, and look up at the sky. The hundreds of tiny pinpricks of light and the many large flashes of white you see are all stars millions of miles away emitting

Harnessing Magnetic Fields for Precise Ferrofluid Droplet Motion

Written by: Chad Park Ferrofluids, composed of magnetic nanoparticles suspended in a carrier liquid, offer unique fluidic properties and can be manipulated by external magnetic fields. By employing varying magnetic fields on ferrofluids, controlling and manipulating them to explore their potential for innovative navigation systems

Repetition Tempo for Muscular Hypertrophy

Written by: Andrew D. Katson Introduction  Hypertrophy-focused resistance training, whether it be with body weight, bands, or barbells, is an effective way to improve bone health, mobility, and muscular strength and size. This form of exercise has both aesthetic and practical uses in day-to-day life.

The Future of Quantum Computing

Written by: Chad Park Quantum computing stands at the forefront of a revolution that will reshape the limits of computation. The era of classical computing—defined by a series of 0s and 1s—is slowly giving way to the powerful realm of quantum computing with its more

A Brief History of Modern Physics

Written by: Karthik Prasad     The 19th and 20th centuries gave physicists a glimpse into the true underpinnings of the universe itself: modern physics. Three major theories emerged in this time period–special relativity, quantum mechanics, and general relativity. This article aims to overview the

Example of Meissner Effect with Superconductivity

Remember that Room Temperature Superconductor?

Do you remember that crazy news back in late July about a room temperature superconductor? You might remember that some researchers in Korea found a material that was able to show signs of superconductivity at just room temperature levels instead of extremely cold conditions. This

Any Bright Ideas About Sonoluminesence?

Written by: Gautham Anne The mantis shrimp is a crustacean that is well known for its unique hunting ability. They snap their claws 50 mph, with roughly the same acceleration of a 22-caliber bullet, causing water to travel at such high speeds that it “cavitates”.