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Category Archives: Biology

Climate Change’s Silent Siege on Global Public Health

Written by: Abhinav Anne This article was written in association with Climate Cardinals, the world’s largest youth-led climate advocacy organization dedicated to translating and disseminating climate information. Climate change poses an existential threat to human health, amplifying existing health risks and giving rise to new

NAD+ Deficiency Linked to Birth Defects and Miscarriages

Written By: Kavya Reddy   Of the 4-8 million babies born globally each year, around 3-5 percent are born with severe birth defects (Victor Chang, 2024). Furthermore, 10-20 percent of all pregnancies are at risk of ending in a miscarriage (Victor Chang, 2024). There are

How Whales Helped Us Understand the Evolutionary Purpose of Menopause

Written By: Claudia Kowal Introduction  For most species, the only goal in life is to spread their genes to future generations, reproducing until death. However, females of menopausal species live almost half of their lifetime without the ability to reproduce, taking on a purpose other

The Potential of Xenobots, a Living Machine

Written by: Nathan Handjojo In a new field of cutting-edge biotechnology, a groundbreaking fusion of biology and robotics has emerged, pushing the boundaries of what we conceive as living organisms and machines. Enter the xenobots – a revolutionary class of programmable, living robots created from

The Zebra Finch Weather Forecast: A New Form of Bird Communication

Written by: Claudia Kowal Introduction Similar to people, most bird species use vocalizations to communicate with each other. Typically, birds vocalize through songs and calls, warning others of predators, nearby food sources, or to mate (Thompson, 2014). However, recent research has shown that a particular

5 Simple Steps to Leading a Happier Life

Written by: Abhinav Anne Interviewed: Dr. Laurie Santos – Professor of Psychology at Yale University and Founder of the Happiness Lab “Are we truly wired for happiness?” This question posed by Dr. Laurie Santos, a Professor of Psychology at Yale University and the Founder of

The Science of Awe

Awe, often described as an intense emotional response to experiences that transcend one’s perceived understanding of the world around them has intrigued scholars throughout history. Defined by a deep sense of wonder and amazement, awe has captivated the curiosity of scholars, scientists, and thinkers across

Evolution of the Horse– The Most Complete Fossil Record

Written by: Claudia Kowal Introduction How did the small, dog-like creatures from millions of years ago evolve into the modern horses we know today? This question can be answered through the extensive excavation of horse ancestors’ fossils over the past several decades. While many other