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All posts by Arun Muthukkumar

Fighting Quantum Hackers

Written by: Arun Muthukkumar Quantum computing has revolutionized the field of computer science, offering groundbreaking advancements in problem-solving and computational power. However, its potential depends on the intent of those who wield it. Once quantum computers reach maturity, their ability to break current encryption models

The Big Bang of Primes

Written by: Arun Muthukkumar Just a few days ago, we found the new largest known prime number: 2^136279841 – 1. The search for large prime numbers has fascinated mathematicians for centuries due to their importance in number theory, cryptography, and computer science. Prime numbers, defined

Pick’s Theorem: From Points to Area

Written by: Arun Muthukkumar Pick’s Theorem is a fascinating, elegant formula that relates the area of a simple polygon with lattice points to the number of lattice points on its boundary and in its interior. This simple yet profound result connects geometry and number theory,