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Category Archives: Biology

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How Regenerative Medicine is Leading to Discoveries

Written By Osayenmwen Omozusi         Regenerative medicine is a promising field working to restore the structure and function of damaged tissues and organs. Additionally, regenerative medicine is working on finding solutions for permanently damaged tissues. Researchers are now discovering that cartilage in human joints could

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DARPA Funded Gene Modulation, the New Genetic Medicine?

Written by: Ashley Koca The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA, is an organization out of the United States Department of Defense whose primary purpose is to progress the development of military technologies, first inspired and motivated by the Soviet threat “Sputnik.” Within this agency

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Artificial Intelligence in Radiology

Written by Zoe Berthold Artificial intelligence (AI) is the manipulation of data to get information, particularly from large data sets. At the moment, AI is used for ‘narrow’ tasks; while it can perform with greater efficiency, an AI cannot mimic the complex processes by which

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Stem Cells and Cancer Treatment

Written by Hiteshi Patel Throughout the last few years, stem cells have been identified as being a potential cure to many types of cancers and diseases. However, it has now come to light that they may promote liver cancer instead of fighting it. During the

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Modeling Cellular Evolution Through Engineered Endosymbiosis

Written by Phyllis Shen Scientists at the Scripps Research Institute genetically modified and examined two different microorganisms. Scientists have theorized that before DNA, RNA was used as the primary genetic information and that RNA could catalyze biochemical reactions due to its less stable nature compared

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Discovering the Evolution of the Bicoid Gene

In Drosophila melanogaster, the bicoid, or Bcd, gene triggers the construction of the anterior portion of the organism during development. Cyclorrhapha, a taxa of organisms containing D. melanogaster, is individual in their possession of the gene. The lack of bicoid causes the posterior portion of

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The Grecian Goddess and a Gene: Klotho

Written by Ashley Koca Akin to the gene’s namesake greek goddess, Clotho, the Klotho (KL) gene is one which controls the process of senescence. The KL gene codes for longevity and based upon genotype, can increase cellular aging and the effects of neurodegenerative disorders. PTSD