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Category Archives: Physics

The Permanence of Duality

Written by: Atharv Kanchi The concept of duality can be defined in two different ways. Formally, duality is defined as relating mathematical concepts in a one-to-one relationship through something called involution: if A is B, then B is A. In standard terms, duality is when

Hidden Voids: The Timescape Model of Our Universe

Written by: Maneth Perera   Everyday, new evidence regarding the structure of our universe is uncovered, leading to researchers revising mathematical models over decades to perfectly describe their observations. The widely accepted foundational model of our universe is called the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (CDM)

The Quest for Unification: Searching for a Theory of Everything

Written by: Jonathan Handjojo Imagine a single framework that would be capable of explaining everything in the universe, a theory that ties together everything from the smallest quarks to the vast galaxies, bridging the laws of physics. This idea, often referred to as the “Theory

Fighting Quantum Hackers

Written by: Arun Muthukkumar Quantum computing has revolutionized the field of computer science, offering groundbreaking advancements in problem-solving and computational power. However, its potential depends on the intent of those who wield it. Once quantum computers reach maturity, their ability to break current encryption models

The Elephant’s Foot of Chernobyl

Written by: Maneth Perera   The Chernobyl Disaster is one of the worst nuclear disasters in human history. Around 160,000 km2 around the nuclear plant were affected, and large portions of Russia and Ukraine were rendered inhabitable for life. We see effects trickling down to

The Big Bang of Primes

Written by: Arun Muthukkumar Just a few days ago, we found the new largest known prime number: 2^136279841 – 1. The search for large prime numbers has fascinated mathematicians for centuries due to their importance in number theory, cryptography, and computer science. Prime numbers, defined

Illustris: Unlocking Universal Secrets through Universe Simulation

Written by Maneth Perera   Our universe is a vast void filled with countless planets, stars, galaxies, and other objects. Now, through modern advances in technology, researchers are learning how to unlock the secrets of the formation of the universe. To do this, they developed

How Viable is Reusable Rocket Technology?

A reusable launch vehicle is defined by a ScienceDirect paper as a rocket that can be recovered and launched multiple times (Kasselouri, Patroklos, & Tsikopoulos, 2023). Smaller parts like engines and boosters can also be reused, reducing launch costs significantly. In recent years, companies like

Hidden Matter: The Lambda CDM Model of Our Universe

Written by: Maneth Perera The vast amounts of empty space between stars may not be so empty after all. Dark matter is a theorized invisible substance that fills in these gaps, and it’s discussed extensively in the Lambda Cold Dark Matter Model (ΛCDM for short)