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Category Archives: Biology

Linking Brains and Machines: Neuralink’s Bold Vision

Written by: Sahasra Janagama Neuralink was a company founded by Elon Musk and made its debut in 2016 as a device that will revolutionize the treatment of neurological disorders. The Tesla CEO wanted to create a brain-machine interface (BMI) that aids people with damage in

Using Quantum Computing Algorithms to Analyze Gene Networks

SYNGAP-1 related disorders (SRD) is a rare genetic disorder caused by a variant on the SYNGAP-1 gene. SRD typically expresses itself in early childhood in the form of epilepsy, global development delay, severe behavioral problems, and a multitude of other complications. Understanding the mechanisms of

Food for Thought: How Diet Impacts Epilepsy

Written by: Sahasra Janagama Epilepsy is a common disease that impacts around 2.9 million Americans of various ages, genders, and races. How did different aspects result in a more positive outcome? Is there a way to prevent having surgery? Let’s discuss the different types of

A Tutorial on the Brain and Dopamine

Written by: Sahasra Janagama What is Dopamine? Is it just a “feel-good” hormone, or is there more than what meets the eye? Dopamine is usually associated with a surge of energy, but it plays various roles involving movement, memory, mood, and motivation. It’s a neurotransmitter

Neuro Cloud

Written by: Sahasra Janagama Neuromuscular diseases involve the loss of connection between the nervous system and the muscles and there are various types of neuromuscular diseases. Among them, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the rarest, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy is one of the most common.

Different Ways to Prevent Arthritis in the Beginning Phases 

Written by: Sahasra Janagama Rheumatoid Arthritis, or RA is the most common type of arthritis, although it’s usually given the title of “wear and tear” or “old age disease”, the breakdown of the joints is caused by pain, swelling, and soreness of bone which increases

The Discovery of Tiktaalik and its Impact on Evolutionary Biology

Written by: Claudia Kowal For years, scientists have attempted to find a transitional species between aquatic and land vertebrates. Without this species, there seemed to be a gap in the evolutionary tree: the first organisms on Earth lived in water, but many evolved to live

Climate Change’s Silent Siege on Global Public Health

Written by: Abhinav Anne This article was written in association with Climate Cardinals, the world’s largest youth-led climate advocacy organization dedicated to translating and disseminating climate information. Climate change poses an existential threat to human health, amplifying existing health risks and giving rise to new

NAD+ Deficiency Linked to Birth Defects and Miscarriages

Written By: Kavya Reddy   Of the 4-8 million babies born globally each year, around 3-5 percent are born with severe birth defects (Victor Chang, 2024). Furthermore, 10-20 percent of all pregnancies are at risk of ending in a miscarriage (Victor Chang, 2024). There are