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Category Archives: Biology

A noninvasive method of detecting low-glucose events via ECG with AI

Written by JuWon Park Hypoglycemia, a condition caused by low blood glucose levels, is usually an indicator of other health problems. The most common cause of this condition is as a side effect of diabetes treatment (“Hypoglycemia,” n.d.). Blood sugar levels can be tested with

Post-Mortem Neurological Activity: A Year Later

Written By: Ashley Koca It’s been nearly a year since news outlets were flooded with stories about “partly-alive,” or even “zombie,” pig brains revived post-mortem. April 17, 2019, Yale scientists shook the world with their “Restoration of brain circulation and cellular functions hours post-mortem,” revealing

Mom, Mom, and Dad? The Development of the Three Parent Baby

Written By: Ashley Koca For women ailed with mtDNA disease, motherhood may seem out of the question. Though, as of 2017, no longer are energy deficiencies issues as Dr. Valery Zukin of the Nadiya Clinic in Ukraine, along with John Zhang of the New Hope

A Cell Without a Cell?

Written By Ashley Koca The biological sciences are advancing beyond what has been defined by nature: from cellular functions now reproduced outside the cell to the use of “BioBricks” to construct DIY lifeforms, synthetic biology is the future of the life sciences.  Synthetic biology is

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Magnetic Soft Microbots in Biomedicine

Written by Gloria Wang Robots are often depicted as futuristic, rigid machines made out of steel or other rigid materials. However, recent technology has introduced a new type of robots that can more safely interact with humans: soft microbots. Soft microbots are small, micrometer-scale robots

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DARPA Funded Gene Modulation, the New Genetic Medicine?

WRITTEN BY: ASHLEY KOCA The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA, is an organization out of the United States Department of Defense whose primary purpose is to progress the development of military technologies, first inspired and motivated by the Soviet threat “Sputnik.” Within this agency

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The New and Improved CRISPR-Cas9?

Written by: Ashley Koca Genetic engineering’s tool of the century may have been one-upped by UC-San Diego scientists’ newly engineered allelic drive. This new technique utilizes a second guide RNA (gRNA) to preferentially slice an unwanted allele as well as the usual insertion of the

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AI in Healthcare: ethics, challenges, and implications

WRITTEN BY: JUWON PARK From the Terminator to Iron Man’s JARVIS, the media has shaped our perception of artificial intelligence. The advent of artificial intelligence is felt through the daily use of virtual assistants like Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa. In addition, there has been