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Category Archives: COVID-19

Geographical Model Pinpoints COVID-19 Outbreak Epicenter

Written by: Kohl Vonder Haar The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be one of the direst health crises of the twenty-first century, killing upwards of 6.5 million people and infecting more than 633 million globally within the span of three years. COVID-19 is caused by

COVID-19 Vaccine Image

A Guide to Making A Vaccine

By Rishitha Boddu   Ever since last year, the coronavirus has threatened the wellbeing of all of our lives, but despite the seemingly hopeless situation, medical experts and scientists fought back. Just recently, several COVID-19 vaccines have been approved for general public use, and many

Clofazimine as an at Home COVID-19 Treatment

Written By: Kaylee Zhou Scientists from Sanford University and the University of Hong Kong recently published a study indicating that the drug clofazimine successfully defends and prevents severe inflammatory responses against SARS-CoV-2. These researchers emphasized that this is a step in the right direction towards

Nanomaterial-Based Biosensor for COVID-19 Antibodies

Written By: Kaylee Zhou Carnegie Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh’s investigators have recently partnered together to create a nanomaterial-based biosensor platform. Their creation can detect the presence of COVID-19 antibodies in mere seconds. The platform can not only quickly identify if a patient has

Covid-Proof Immune Systems

Written by: Lily Song As the growing number of people who have fought off Covid-19 climbs higher, a critical question begins to rise: How long will their immunity to the virus last? While much has been done to understand the virus, there is still a

Allergic Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccine

Written By: Kaylee Zhou The pharmaceutical companies, Pfizer and BioNTech, have partnered together and are officially starting to roll out their FDA-approved COVID vaccine. Pfizer launched the start of their Phase III clinical trial in July 2020, which had around 37,000 participating members. On November

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Long Lingering COVID-19 Symptoms

Written by: Kaylee Zhou Once diagnosed with COVID-19, a majority of patients recover within two weeks; however, some continue to suffer from symptoms even after negative test results. As we all know, COVID-19 symptoms include coughing, fever, difficulty breathing, fatigue, among others, but some common

A Statistical Comparison

By: Eunice Kim The pandemic putting the entire global population into quarantine started only a last year. But with over 20 million cases in a matter of 8 months, it quickly became the greatest pandemic the world has ever seen in over a century. In

The Debate Over Immunity in Context of COVID-19

Written By: Rishitha Boddu In recent weeks, several governments have been suggesting that individuals who have been identified to carry antibodies for the SARS-CoV-2 should be able to return to their pre-pandemic lifestyle (“Immunity passports” in the context of COVID-19 2020). This would enable countries