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Category Archives: Environment

Implementation of Phytoremediation in Heavy Metal Pollution

Written by: Anisha Kolambe   Since the arrival of the industrial era in the 18th century, pollution and climate have become matters of increasing concern. Although metals are naturally found on earth’s crust, anthropogenic (human-caused) activity has increased the concentrations of various heavy metals exposed

Aquaponics: An Emerging Method for Food Sustainability

Written by: Erin Yoo In the United States alone, seventeen million families cannot afford to put food on the table each day (Pont, 2021). In fact, food security is a global problem that is becoming a bigger threat to human health and sustainable living every

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Floating Robots: How AI Can Clean the Ocean

By Dorrie Peters   It is common knowledge that trash in the ocean is a significant problem, but often the vast complexity of this emergency is overlooked. As many know, there is an ominous “trash island,” often referred to as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch,

Sustainability and the Winter Holidays

Written by: Anisha Kolambe The holidays are always an awaited source of cheer. As students get long-deserved breaks from school, families reunite and cultural traditions are celebrated. However, nothing is wholly smiles and laughter—there are always hidden drawbacks to every scenario. From Thanksgiving to New

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Swimming Near the Edge: The Decline of the Vaquita

Written by: Aleksandar Simeunovic   Deep beneath the waves of the pacific ocean, two tiny porpoises speed past each other, communicating through a series of high-pitched whistles and clicks. They play with each other, spinning and doing tricks as if they are dancing. These adorable

The Overlooked Labor of Tree Planters

Written by: Erin Yoo By now, most people have heard of ambitious goals in reforesting the planet. Perhaps the most famous of these efforts is the Trillion Trees Initiative, which was a global attempt to restore and plant not one million, not one billion, but

Ghost of the North: The Spirit Bear

Written By: Aleksandar Simeunovic   Deep in the forests of Canada, along the rainy coasts of British Columbia, two bear cubs play in the shallow waters of a river. One is as white as a snowy morning, the other as black as a midnight sky.

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The Effects of Noise Pollution on Human Health

Written by Margaret Wei Noise pollution, which is measured in decibels, is defined as any unwanted or disturbing sound that affects the health and well-being of humans and other organisms. Sounds that surpass 85 decibels are considered harmful, as they can damage ears. Noises that