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Ghost of the North: The Spirit Bear

Written By: Aleksandar Simeunovic   Deep in the forests of Canada, along the rainy coasts of British Columbia, two bear cubs play in the shallow waters of a river. One is as white as a snowy morning, the other as black as a midnight sky.

Changing Society: How Robots Can Encourage Inclusivity

Written By: Anisha Kolambe As the world continues to advance itself, technology becomes even more ingrained into the lifestyles of everyday people. Robots are no exception, especially considering their vast influence in working environments within a short time frame. Usually when robots are thought about

The Future Of Space Tourism

Written by: Edgar Carlos Space tourism has greatly changed over the last two decades, from companies offering utterly unaffordable space rides to now offering a somewhat fair price to experience an exhilarating experience. However, while companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin, and Virgin Galactic were very

The New Uber?

Written by: Avyay Duggirala Uber and other rideshare companies have become immensely popular in the last couple of years. But, regardless of whether you are getting in an Uber or even driving yourself, one problem still exists – traffic. However with the new technology created

Not just Bitcoin: Blockchain for Communication

Written by: Gloria Wang   With the boom of cryptocurrency in the last couple years, decentralization⁠— distributing control away from a single source— has become an increasingly popular methodology. Blockchain, a technology widely known for its applications in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, is the core

A Robot That Thinks Out Loud

Written by: Lily Song Artificial intelligence, also known as AI, is a process that aims to replicate the human thought process in machine application. This is achieved through numerous algorithms built into the computer. Artificial intelligence has quickly become an invaluable part of society, and

A Robot That Thinks Out Loud

A Robot That Thinks Out Loud Written by: Lily Song      Artificial intelligence, also known as AI, is a process that aims to replicate the human thought process in machine application. This is achieved through numerous algorithms built into the computer. Artificial intelligence has

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The Effects of Noise Pollution on Human Health

Written by Margaret Wei Noise pollution, which is measured in decibels, is defined as any unwanted or disturbing sound that affects the health and well-being of humans and other organisms. Sounds that surpass 85 decibels are considered harmful, as they can damage ears. Noises that