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How Bats Predict the Future

Written By: Osayenmwen Omozusi There are 1100 species of bats worldwide, with 40 species in the United States alone. Though small in physical size, bats have a large footprint, making up one-quarter of the world’s mammals (“Amazing Facts”, 2019). Bats can find their prey in

Allergic Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccine

Written By: Kaylee Zhou The pharmaceutical companies, Pfizer and BioNTech, have partnered together and are officially starting to roll out their FDA-approved COVID vaccine. Pfizer launched the start of their Phase III clinical trial in July 2020, which had around 37,000 participating members. On November

China’s Quest for Quantum Supremacy

Written by Gloria Wang From hundreds of millions of private investment to grand claims about a computing revolution, quantum computing has changed people’s approach to the future of technology, and rightfully so. Just this month, a team of researchers in China have developed and tested

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AlphaFold: Protein-Structure Prediction with AI 

Written By: Braeden Cullen Protein structure prediction is an important aspect of computational biology and is the process by which three-dimensional structures of proteins are predicted based on their amino acid sequence. Accurate protein structure prediction is of unparallel importance due to its wide-ranging implications

India’s Battle with Two Harmful Microbes

Written by: Rishitha Boddu   The past few months, nations worldwide have been occupied with the Covid-19 pandemic. After the United States, India is the second leading country in Covid-19 cases and deaths. Unfortunately, India has recently found themselves with yet another illness to worry

Switching Off Hunger

Written by: Lily Song      Obesity is a disease involving an excessive amount of body fat. It affects both adults and children and is correlated to more than half of the top ten leading causes of death in the US. Worldwide, it has nearly

Using machine learning to detect cheating in MMOGs

Written by Juwon Park I recently picked up a brand new first-person shooter massive multiplayer online game (MMOG). While playing, there would be instances where another team could uncannily predict our team’s strategies. Later, I found out that one of the players was using a

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Reforestation Matters

Written by Erin Yoo Edited by Eunice Kim and Ashley Koca Reforestation is one natural solution for fighting the climate crisis, but what is reforestation really? It is the active restoration of forests that have been cut down or otherwise harmed in some way. This

Cancer Stem Cell (CSC) Identification

Written by: Lily Song Cancer stem cells (CSC) are self-renewing cells identified in liquid and solid cancers. Today, Cancer stem cell (CSC) targeting for cancer therapy is considered an interesting area of current medical research. Understanding characteristics of CSCs and their signals would enable the