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Stable Matching and its Discrepancies

Stable Matching and its Discrepancies Written by: Aryan Mansingh There are many topics in game theory, but one of the most basic yet fundamental is the idea of a stable matching. This can be used in a variety of fields from economics to 5G networks,

Measure Theory and the Lebesgue Integral

Written by: Karthik Prasad   Calculus is one of the greatest inventions in Mathematics. Its two primary tools—the derivative and integral—allow us to calculate the rates of change and work done respectively,and are used throughout the world. However, it doesn’t always do things the way

Climate Change’s Silent Siege on Global Public Health

Written by: Abhinav Anne This article was written in association with Climate Cardinals, the world’s largest youth-led climate advocacy organization dedicated to translating and disseminating climate information. Climate change poses an existential threat to human health, amplifying existing health risks and giving rise to new

Quantum Dots: a Nanoparticle that can Shape Our Future

In the field of nanotechnology, quantum dots, also called “semiconductor nanocrystals”,  are semiconductor particles a few nanometres in size with optical and electronic properties that differ from those of larger particles via quantum mechanical effects. Quantum dots (QDs) are renowned for their ability to exhibit

NAD+ Deficiency Linked to Birth Defects and Miscarriages

Written By: Kavya Reddy   Of the 4-8 million babies born globally each year, around 3-5 percent are born with severe birth defects (Victor Chang, 2024). Furthermore, 10-20 percent of all pregnancies are at risk of ending in a miscarriage (Victor Chang, 2024). There are