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All posts by ganne

Any Bright Ideas About Sonoluminesence?

Written by: Gautham Anne The mantis shrimp is a crustacean that is well known for its unique hunting ability. They snap their claws 50 mph, with roughly the same acceleration of a 22-caliber bullet, causing water to travel at such high speeds that it “cavitates”.

When Our Brains Change

Written by: Shiqi Cheng How do our brains develop? When do we begin to have thoughts? Is there a beginning to the notion and consciousness, and if so, when does it start? Recent research has shown that about four or five months after conception, a

Swarm Robotics: A New Frontier

Written by: Gautham Anne Interacting with, understanding, and responding to both each other and the environment are some of the most important features of the human race. The social culture that we possess allows us to help us “advance the human condition.” Interestingly, humans are

Debunking Flatland: Space Filling Curves

Written by: Gautham Anne   In 1877, George Cantor discovered that the number of points in a 2-dimensional plane is the same as the number of points in a 1-dimensional line. This is tremendously counterintuitive since a plane can have an infinite number of lines

The Physics of Water Wakes

Written by: Gautham Anne While watching boats travel by or a duck on a pond, one might wonder how the astonishing wake patterns emerge, such as the ones depicted in figure 1. One might also note that the wake patterns, regardless of whether it is