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Untangling Mathematics: A Look Into DeepMind’s New AI

Written by: Gloria Wang As an expanding field with a wide variety of applications, artificial intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic for decades. Machine learning has been applied to board games, language, and healthcare. But for the first time, researchers have applied AI to

Sustainability and the Winter Holidays

Written by: Anisha Kolambe The holidays are always an awaited source of cheer. As students get long-deserved breaks from school, families reunite and cultural traditions are celebrated. However, nothing is wholly smiles and laughter—there are always hidden drawbacks to every scenario. From Thanksgiving to New

The Venusian Sky Cities of Our Future

Written by: Laya Gopalakrishnan Surfacism: an ideology detailing human nature’s affinity towards physically colonizing or marking land to claim and inhabit it. Though “surfacism” is not a legitimate word included in any existing dictionaries, according to Dr. Gabe Perez-Giz, former host of “PBS Space Time,”

Crypto: Functionality and Future

  Written by: Marko Ilic Throughout the 2010s, cryptocurrency has risen from a fad to an increasingly adopted investment field totaling a $2 trillion market capitalization. The most prominent digital currency, otherwise known as coins, includes the pioneer Bitcoin, with others like Ethereum, Cardano, Litecoin,

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Swimming Near the Edge: The Decline of the Vaquita

Written by: Aleksandar Simeunovic   Deep beneath the waves of the pacific ocean, two tiny porpoises speed past each other, communicating through a series of high-pitched whistles and clicks. They play with each other, spinning and doing tricks as if they are dancing. These adorable

Debunking Flatland: Space Filling Curves

Written by: Gautham Anne   In 1877, George Cantor discovered that the number of points in a 2-dimensional plane is the same as the number of points in a 1-dimensional line. This is tremendously counterintuitive since a plane can have an infinite number of lines

A.I. Generated Humor

The use of artificial intelligence (A.I.) is rapidly  increasing in a variety of different industries. A.I. is most commonly associated with jobs such as analyzing algorithms, sorting through big data, or doing a host of other important tasks. In actuality, however, A.I. can be applied

The Chemistry of Carbon Capture

Written by: Dorrie Peters In a world where climate change is one of the most pressing issues, scientists are constantly coming up with fresh solutions on how to save and preserve the planet. Some ideas, such as carbon capture, have been pulled from history. Carbon